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Posts posted by Kafuuka

  1. [quote name='Chewett' date='10 August 2010 - 12:00 AM' timestamp='1281391230' post='65492']
    I Had written it. All of it was done, chat talking was nearly perfect if a little temperamental sometimes (nearly fixed it all up), movement completley done, as was battle log reading. It was going well until the latest announcement that i assume you havent read?
    I read the announcement, that's why I said 'remedy'. It still is tricky to know what can be done without knowing what you already did. The most obvious would be to use a captcha forcer - the new login doesn't look terribly complex compared to some i've seen on other sites - or to NEVER log out. Logging in 'manually' and then letting the bot take over should be possible.
    I assume you're not eager to share your code, but if it's in a language I can read, I might be able to help. (ie the more it looks like c++ the easier for me)

  2. Depending on your means it might be simple to remedy. With enough servers/proxies, you could let them be online 24/7 and say the right stuff only at the right moment?

    It's a bit tricky to say much since i haven't actually tried to make a bot for MD yet, so I don't know all the troubles of keeping them alive and what they can and cannot do. I imagine talking in chat is easy, but moving around seems less straightforward to implement?

  3. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='09 August 2010 - 08:48 PM' timestamp='1281379693' post='65478']
    -It is rude when I say its a bit pointless to ask a new player about possible changes around him?[/quote]
    Tone and choice of words is everything. "Well what did you expect when asking [b]them[/b] anything?" Such a sentence can and will be understood as 'noobs are ignorant', which is indeed rude.

    [quote]furthemore I hardly believe I was the reason of someone leaving the game, you are targeting the wrong old player category.[/quote]
    He never said 'you', he said 'if many people talk the way you do'. The issue of "old" players being rude towards new players has been raised countless times before.

    [quote]-since you are a fan of word games, I didnt say I feel that I am the one who should do it, just that changes are needed (wanted, whatever, dont take some words from me literally), sadly I dont see anyone trying to do anything fresh to make things entertaining for the new ones and enlarge our community.[/quote]
    Continuing on the 'word games', you say you don't know best, but you do know that things need to change AND that nobody tries to do anything (fresh). That's not a paradox, that's being inconsistent. Furthermore I think you ought to look harder. eg. If you look at the WP logs, you'd notice several people have bought grade 4 clickies and some 'newer' players are making good innovative quests. That's not related to battles, but such is not my expertise. However I doubt nobody is trying anything at all there.

    As for what the SG do: they seem to do what they were intended too. A self regulating semi safe place to train. It also makes it easier to find targets and people to talk to, since the realm can be quite empty if you stray far from the gazebo of equilibrium.

  4. [quote name='Totenkopf' date='05 August 2010 - 03:32 PM' timestamp='1281015152' post='65143']
    lol in Romania we call Coelho "literatura de aprozar", which would translate to "greengrocer's literature", but lose some of the humour in translation - the idea being that they should sell Coelho at greengrocers, since only housewives read his books :ph34r:
    I guess that is the equivalent of the dutch term 'stationsroman' or 'railway station novel'?
    - A light novel without literary ambition, strictly for entertainment, usually romantic and/or adventurous, often chosen as a pass-time by travelers.

    I'll admit you can read Coelho's 'The Alchemist' strictly for entertainment; it reads very quickly and is very cheerful. The message might be a simple one, it is nonetheless a valid one. Certainly in this day and age.

  5. [quote name='Totenkopf' date='03 August 2010 - 11:33 AM' timestamp='1280828025' post='65003']
    is there anyone that thinks the light would _not_ reflect directly back towards the center (besides there being no interference whatsoever due to having a _single_ _coherent_ light source)?
    Yes. I addressed this in my answer. Photons follow the laws of conservation of energy, momentum and angular momentum. Theoretically a three body interaction consisting of two photons and the mirror, can account for photons deviating from a pure reflection, without violating the conservation of energy and momentum. For angular momentum it might be necessary to take into account four photons, but such does not matter.
    The deviations should occur with a non-zero probability, which is probably monotonously decreasing in function of the absolute deviation. However I doubt it could be experimentally verified since the whole setup requires several physically impossibilities.

    This supports the black body concept, since photons that deviate will never pass the center point again. Unless they experience a second deviating reflection, opposite to the first one. Until such happens these photons are lost to the cavity, or the cavity works as a black body.

  6. Because Sahsa forgot to quote the part that mattered, I will:
    [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='01 August 2010 - 06:52 PM' timestamp='1280681574' post='64913']At this point there should not be possible to get coins for free, please correct me if i am wrong![/quote]
    Correct me if I'm wrong but solving the Broken pattern puzzle a 43rd time is free, as well as getting coins with free credits.

  7. [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='31 July 2010 - 01:40 PM' timestamp='1280576441' post='64831']
    On a more personal note though, I almost find it amusing someone accusing Z. Anyone that knows him and the sheer amount of time he's been in MD would most likely agree at how absurd it sounds.
    The sheer absurdity might be amusing, but this is exactly why many would think that the glass is half empty. Nobody likes being accused, whether this is an attempt at character assassination through new and easily manipulated players or it is a misunderstanding. I hope wolfs cannot name anybody who did give him the idea, but how will we ever know whether he can't or he doesn't want to?

  8. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='30 July 2010 - 02:33 AM' timestamp='1280450003' post='64774']
    Fyrd Argentus has brought to my attention the difficulties he has faced in getting Wishpoints to reward for his quests. While he has been able to get them from three of the kings, which he is grateful for, it has been a struggle to do so.
    @Firsanthalas, the above quote doesn't say you did not give Fyrd WP codes. Possibly it was left vague so as not to target the one king that didn't give codes... for all we know that person might even been unable to establish contact with.

    All of those roles are of benefit to the whole community, not just the MDA. However, with the current system for rewarding codes, it seems we are being discriminated against.
    However, the kind of people who I recruit are also the sort of people who are interested in making interesting, and challenging quests for the benefit of the realm. For example, Fyrd's Road Rallies, which work hard to eliminate discrimination of internet speed and award large volumes of prizes; and the Large Scale quest I have been working on for the past year which deals heavily with social interaction.
    You and everybody in the tribunal and everybody who wants to remain independent. I could try to argue that the latter is a group of people who have strong principles and therefore more thrust worthy and good quest creators. I think that makes as much sense as a poet being good at creating quests...

    Fyrd's road rallies don't merit WPs imo, although I have seen far worse quests been rewarded with a WP. Nonetheless they are an interesting example: the rallies have people who donate creatures to them and thus they have rewards, looking at the rally thread it even did have WPs... Similarly people sponsored the paper shaper contests, for which neither me nor any others of the original team seem to have time for anymore, with coins and creatures. And people do play quests even if there is no reward, as long as the quest itself seems fun.

    Furtermore, I'd like any people who actually joined a (different) land specifically for WP codes to stand up and speak. Mur might expect this to motivate people, I think it's weird that loyalty can be bought with WP codes. Of course you could betray your country after getting what you want, but has any of that happened?

  9. [quote name='Laphers' date='28 July 2010 - 09:14 AM' timestamp='1280301251' post='64700']
    But the way you have described it as using mdscript seems like it wouldn't be terribly useful for people's roles as they would need to go to a scripted location to "see" their items and others wouldn't be able to see them so I don't think it would add to their role.[/quote]
    Agreed. The item-keys would be as virtual as a description of your possessions in your papers. Perhaps even more so. Items are valuable since they are official and relatively rare. Item-keys as described would have neither of those properties; anybody with script access could create infinite (max int) amounts of them.

    From a technical point of view, I don't think there is a method to scan for existing keys, except doing it key by key. ie there is no function which returns an array of keys held by the player, which we can access directly, through reg exp or partial matches. Such a function would be a severe threat to the security of most clicky based quests.
    You can store arrays in a storage, but unless I'm mistaken, storages are not shared across scripters, which would imply a single person has to maintain the entire inventory project. I don't think it is impossible to create it by one person, but my belief in the project would be low if the project could fall apart simply by one player leaving the game.

  10. Why exactly? The only way that looks useful to me is to see how bad people got lost when going from one clicky to the other, but a number of things could interfere with it: regeneration timer, free credits...
    I hope you're not considering to impose a check to see if people have exactly 5 ap, to allow them to continue?

  11. I remember there was a dog character that could only bark (and probably bite too)... until she magically changed into a woman.

    I hope you'll stay in character, I'm certain it must be tough being unable to communicate leisurely with people, but it can certainly lead to funny and entertaining stories too.

  12. [quote name='Rendril' date='21 July 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1279734127' post='64309']
    Is this the only code that gives/reads the keys?
    I don't see any logic error in the code, are you sure that you are not reusing @vz elsewhere and thereby overriding your key prefix or that some other clickable doesn't accidentally give the wrong key?
    There are two other scripts that give/read keys, but they are hidden behind long passwords AND they all check if the previous key is held. Furthermore all code segments that give a key also change things to the storage, so they should either result in errors or leave traces in the storage, which remains empty for those affected. The basic structure of the other scripts is:
    if(mds_has_rpcq_keys(@vz . "TBOT_1")){
    @temp = @storage[@vs];
    @temp[uv('id')][x] = y;
    @storage[@vs] = @temp;
    mds_give_rpcq_keys(@vz . "TBOT_2");
    mds_take_rpcq_keys(@vz . "TBOT_1");

    echo @content[1];
    So a player would need the right words, the right key, and then first the storage would be updated, second the new key would be given and only afterwards the old key deleted. They would also see the next riddle. Instead they tell me they never see the actual quest, only the sign up button and blank pages or a list of scores.

    In all scripts @vz is exclusively used for the prefix, and even if it weren't, I don't see how it could lead to people getting a wrong second part of the key.

  13. No comma's, but it does have an underscore _. It's also quite long, but it does work for most people. And for the ones who get the bug they don't reproduce it after I take away the troublesome key, so length can't be the issue either.

  14. Since I started my first clicky based quest, two people have encountered a weird bug. Instead of getting the key which the script gives them at the start, they immediately get the last key, which allows them to see the list of people who started/finished the quest, but not actually do the quest. They're also not listed in said list, because the list is based on a stored variable, not on keys. I managed to write a small script that takes away the troublesome key from affected people, after which they try to start the quest again, with the standard quest procedure and then they do seem to get the right key and get added to the list.

    Which makes this bug non reproducible, and a pain to figure out what went wrong. Furthermore the quest will be running for another month so I can't just post all the code here, but have to give a censored version...
    @vz = "prefix"; //yes i changed this, no i'm not telling what it looks like
    @vs = mds_storage("TBOT","aoau"); //get the id of the storage
    if(@storage[@vs] == null)@storage[@vs] = array(); //initialize storage array

    if(mds_has_rpcq_keys(@vz . "TBOT")){ //check whether users finished the quest -> scores
    foreach(@storage[@vs] as @temp)
    echo @temp['name'] . ' finished on ' . @temp['end'] . '<br />';

    else if (mds_has_rpcq_keys(@vz . "TBOT_2")) { //check whether users is at stage 2 -> print 'error'
    echo @content[2];

    else if (mds_has_rpcq_keys(@vz . "TBOT_1")) { //check whether users is at stage 1 -> execute
    censored... (1);

    else if (isset(@input['turn'])) { //check for new users -> execute & initialize
    @temp = array( 'name' => uv('name'), censored...);
    @storage[@vs][uv('id')] = @temp;
    mds_give_rpcq_keys(@vz . "TBOT_1");

    censored... (copy of (1));

    else //else print sign up button
    echo @content[1];

    Content (first parts)
    [code]<!-- content separator -->
    Time. <br />
    Censored<br />
    <form method="post" action=""><br />
    <input type="submit" name="turn" value="Turn the page"/>
    <!-- content separator -->
    This page is <b>currently</b> blank.
    <!-- content separator -->[/code]

    What should happen and does in 99% of the cases: people start without keys and end up in the 'else' part. They push the button 'turn', then the clicky refreshes and they get in the 3rd option, upon which they receive key TBOT_1 (+prefix), and get added to the list of questers.
    What happens 1% of the time: people do not get added to the list of questers and sometimes get key TBOT (+prefix).

    Possible reasons:
    1. they had the endkey before accessing the script... unless Mur used that combination of prefix and key for something else and since i know what prefix i used, that it is extremely unlikely.
    2. A lot of things in MD expire when the hour changes, perhaps this interferes with MD script? It seems unlikely for it to cut off exactly '_1' from the string, and also doesn't explain why the player wasn't added to the quester list.
    3. The problem lies in a further part of the quest. That's nigh impossible, the people experiencing the problem mentioned they got stuck at the very beginning; all further scripts require other words to be activated, they never remove someone from the quester list and they all check if the previous key is on the user. Furthermore I explicitly put the remove key statements after the give key statements to be certain that nobody would get stuck if a scripts is aborted halfway...

    Note that I tested the quest with several alts to see if I was able to go to the next phase and never encountered problems. Furthermore one person, [b]who shall remain anonymous for obvious reasons[/b], already managed to solve it.

    Final note: the problem certainly can be circumvented, but if it is not my fault, then it implies that a lot more 'rogue keys' are in existence. Maybe any partial string is sometimes given as key instead of the full string but this is the first case in which a sub-string is actually a 'used' key.

  15. That's probably the easiest way to prevent abuse, yet what about items created to be a reward for winning a quest? So far I've spent two WPs, one to get a Q doc, one to get clicky grade 4. If I'd want to make an item for a reward and put a script on it myself, i'd have to spend two more (and some to get to the 8 spent points requirement.) I think it's hard enough on people who want to make difficult yet doable and interesting quests and get a nice reward from them. (Being hard doesn't stop me from doing it, it's just that I'd rather not get more obstacles just because it could be abused... there will always be loopholes and imo there already are questionable quests and other troubles out there.)

  16. [quote name='Watcher' date='19 July 2010 - 05:46 PM' timestamp='1279554406' post='64170']
    [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='07 June 2010 - 11:30 AM']
    Images FROM MD, can be used for quest purposes, mixed together, altered, etc, as long as they are not creating confusion. No image should be used that could be considered a spoiler, like premium creatures, remote locations, achievements colored art, etc.
    How do you conclude that what you are proposing is allowed? This is not a quest, for a quest, or is in any way quest related. Because Muratus del Mur has said one thing--that images from MagicDuel may be used and altered, with stated limitations--you come to believe that his statement applies to something else entirely? Your use of "logic" is astounding.
    How do you conclude that it is for quest purposes only? I'm not an expert on English grammar, but a comma can be used to list multiple possibilities which need not be inclusive as well. "can be used for quest purposes or mixed together or altered etc." versus "can be used for quest purposes, eg by being mixed together or being altered etc". In a further quote, Mur states personal use as another acceptable use, does he have to list all things allowed one by one?

    It's funny how you go after single words, yet fail to provide quotes which are interpretable in only a single way.

  17. Technically I think you would want a heterogeneous group, tailored to fit all the opinions on RP. With a homogeneous group you would keep the subjectivity.

    There's also two aspects, good character creation and good role play.

    As for what I consider good role play, stay in character and no 'bunnying'. It's tempting to attack the evil overlord who's pretending to be your character's best friend, except that your character doesn't realize it, even though you do as a player. Besides, your character doesn't have to 'win' for the player to have fun. Would [i]The Green Mile[/i] have been a better movie if [spoiler]the innocent guy who cured the warden's wife of her terminal illness, didn't get the electric chair[/spoiler]? It actually is possible to just count the number of times people make mistakes, provided they all participate evenly and they all have decent papers.

    And then there's decent papers and character creation... which would get me horribly off topic.

  18. [quote name='Kafuuka' date='09 July 2010 - 08:38 PM' timestamp='1278700735' post='63716']
    Find I Ark Mattarox, use the clickies from left to right. Sometimes pwd's will be between brackets [].
    Getting started was supposed to be the easy part; maybe my perception is a bit off.

  19. [quote name='MRHoly One' date='17 July 2010 - 11:46 PM' timestamp='1279403164' post='64087']
    Since i do not have the bestiary feature, i am not familiar with it other than what i read in the announcements. BUT, i believe the benefits from it far out weighs the 3 items that MRAlyon gained for his WP's. Which is ONLY a few imaginary items that he would most likely NEVER trade since they are MR items.

    OK with that said, i am not taking sides in this whats so ever. As a matter of fact, i think that it was a waste of 3 WP's that are such precious commodities (to me at least). When he could have used them for spells to gain an edge in the realm. Thats just what i would have done.

    So in my eyes he lost out, didnt gain anything.
    Vagueness.. you realize that there is no definite cut off point? If you accept three items, certainly you will accept four items? n => n + 1; complete induction => we should accept people to farm infinite alts for infinite items. (Or max int, i'm certain there's some limit to the uid variable.)

    Also the point is that it was BPG, Those 3 WPs on alts are not a rare and precious commodity. Even with the random starting tile, there's only 36 variations to the puzzle, each one solved by the exact same method/algorithm, which can be made into a short script that prints out the combinations in a second.

    The only counter to this is that Mur, [b]probably[/b], does not consider a total of 3 items a threat to balance and has some (imo) arbitrary cut off point which has yet to be reached. Of course the best way to reach that point is to accept BPG farming as fair behavior, set a precedent and all get us a dozen of bestiaries like dst suggested.

  20. [quote name='No one' date='16 July 2010 - 04:59 PM' timestamp='1279292386' post='64012']
    What would you do if doom day comes, [b]you survive[/b] and there will be no electricity available (at least not cheap) ?
    Sounds a bit unlikely. I live in a 60 km radius of a nuclear power plant, so it's a bit tricky to imagine a world without electricity wherein I'm still alive and not glowing in the dark. If electricity prices were to steadily increase, accompanied by an imminent collapse of society, I'd spent my remaining money on printing/buying the anarchists' cookbook and a gun. Any knowledge and possession of explosives will be handy for what comes after that. I harbor no illusions about the intent of other men. Without electricity, people will get bored and have time to think about what'll come next. They'll realize food will become scarce (no refrigeration, lack of transportation, manual harvesting instead of machinery and most of all a chaos spiral) and without a way out (Belgium doesn't have large unurbanized areas)...
    Good thing some of my friends practice at a shooting range and I know basic chemistry. We'll have a blast raiding liquor stores and making Molotov cocktails, then raiding more stores and burning what can be used against us.

  21. [topic='6179']There's a thread on embedding music.[/topic]

    There's a lot of things to consider though: depending on the server you upload your music and flashy things to, it might load slowly, which is further impoverished by some flash templates that explicitly add delays or intros. Some of these applets have no volume control and are annoyingly loud (yes i can turn my speakers but I'll sooner have clicked x). And if you put music on autoplay in all of your papers, it'll be horrible when using the public profile page to read stuff (which is handy if you want to use the chat at the same time).

  22. 1. The not contacting ShadowSeeker issue: well it wasn't nice. It wasn't particularly wise either, seeing how much controversy it rose, but hindsight is always easier. imo you've paid enough for that already.

    2. The purpose. I'm a bit confused too. Do you want to change things now, or did you want to open discussion and change things afterwards? Do you want a zero maintenance thing? People seem to think SG worked for that. Do you want high maintenance? afaik the dojo worked well while it had enough staff, which is obviously it's weakness. Something inbetween? I think that'd be tricky. Perhaps keeping the SG as is but organizing Grasan Free Fridays would work.

    [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='07 July 2010 - 01:02 AM' timestamp='1278457328' post='63549']
    My goal is to develop this as much as possible, and ultimately, we will be able to present the players possible paths in this realm (is it stat grinding, is it role playing, showing them who's where and where to go to start your self-made tasks), but that's it showing them possibilities and helping them understand the basis of this realm, imperative is for us not to force ANY opinion about possible paths nor influence them in any way.

    I don't know what you all think of this and how much of you are willing to take part?
    Role Play? I think that's a bit too much hay for your pitchfork. And technically, any interaction is a form of influencing. Showing people they have a choice they might not be aware of is influencing them. :))

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