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Posts posted by Kafuuka

  1. Debates have always been a part of MD and I thought it was once again time to talk about argumentation.
    Suppose you have two people (or groups of people) A and B who are each supporting one thesis. In the following examples, who do you think is 'winning', if any?

    1. A gives 1 argument and B does nothing.
    2. A gives 2 arguments and B gives 1.
    3. A gives 2 arguments and B refutes one.
    4. A gives 2 arguments and B refutes both.
    5. A gives 2 arguments and B refutes both and gives 1 argument of his own.

    Feel free to ponder why exactly I'm asking this.

  2. [quote name='cutler121' date='28 February 2010 - 12:27 PM' timestamp='1267356469' post='55468']The information was there for him to use and the userid is at the top of every in game PM you receive so it is hardly a spoiler. [/quote]
    But they used the forum, not pm's, and hiding things in plain sight is often a good method.

    [quote]SO I take it from your negative comments Kafuuka that you agree that I was treated fairly? [/quote]
    I never said that. I just like to argue and saw some statements that you reused, which I consider flawed. Both arguments I commented on have little to do with your case, since they question something which has been answered already: "Was Granos' deed acceptable?" Apparently not.
    I think argument 3 is valid and should be enough to make a case. [s]There's two options, either it was misstated and giving out partial ctc's is criminal or[/s] it was assumed that you gave the whole ctc. An assumption easily made, just like you assumed that Jacoand knew what a uid is and how to convert it into a name. (@Jacoand: don't screw this up and say you did knew it [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img] )

    [quote]The point is I feel that I was treated unjustly (again) and getting punished for helping people (in my opinion) is not what MD should be about. Unfortunately, it does seem that MD is becoming more and more about punishing people (just for the sake of it). I would love to be proven wrong.[/quote]
    Whatever you are referring to with the '(again)' has nothing logical to do with this case. Emotionally it does, but leading away from your main argument into gray territory is not something I would advise.

    *edit: damn... I type slower than a tomato it seems...*
    @Mur: If you look at his reaction towards my earlier post, I don't think you should take it personally. There's an entire topic about lawyers and this topic kinda illustrates why it's a good idea to consult someone before posting things.

  3. [quote name='cutler121' date='28 February 2010 - 03:40 AM' timestamp='1267324813' post='55444']
    1) Even though Granos used my creature partial CTC to sucker Jacoand into thinking Granos had a drachorn, when Jacoand checked the info in the CTC checker it clearly shows right at the top the userid of the actual owner. Clearly Jacoand didn't actually bother to check the info provided by the CTC checker script and if he had he never would have fallen for such an obvious and blatant scam. [/quote]
    If it gives the userId in number form and not a name, it is not as explicit information as you might think it is. Afaik uid and name are not linked through the forum either, so it is plausible Jacoand didn't have the necessary pieces. (No it isn't hard to get them, although it used to be easier than it is now and thus I suspect it's supposed to be a spoiler.)

    [quote]4) I do not know Jacoand and I have never interracted with him, but having been forced to look at what actually transpired with Granos, it is clear that Jacoand was either being very greedy and didn't bother to check the info at his disposal, or Jacoand is not very intelligent and shouldn't be trying to get something (dracorn) for nothing (pass papers). Either way this situation should be a good lesson for others to not be greedy and if you aren't that intelligent have someone who is help you. [/quote]
    The pass papers are not nothing. Sure he got them for free, but you actually get everything for free in the game except WP and credits (although you can vote for them). eg. For someone who has 30 creature slots but only uses 25 to train creatures, the extra 5 are free to age free creatures until worth something.
    And if things are stolen with the victim's greed as a motive, there should be no profit for the 'punisher'. I can't say what would have happened if Granos had given away the papers to someone for free (and not to a friend's alt), but I think the RP and greed arguments would have been far more acceptable; everybody likes Robin Hood.

  4. I think the biggest and easiest reduction to make is to search for duplicates. Of course people use different words for the same idea, but some sort of similarity function based on a dictionary might actually lead to a simple and quite efficient algorithm.

    You might also get better results if people had access to the AL while the question is asked. I really did feel like I could do with refreshing my memory first.

  5. I think the greatest improvement would be if bids that did not win, remain remain visible for other possible vendors to act upon. This would save time both for buyers and sellers. Of course it should be with a checkbox so that those who don't want this feature don't need to use it. It would also be best if bids expired after a set time, eg. a week. That would prevent clutter to some degree.

  6. I hope you are aware of the irony in that post Burns.

    There's two questions asked in this topic:
    Was what happened an offense against the GGG rules? Yes.
    Can/will anything be done to track the perpetrator? Apparently not.

    For those who think the answer to the first is 'no' or 'yes, but not in this case because ...' You are questioning the GGG policy and issues about mp3s and alts. Which is reasonable, but you have to separate those from the question that was asked and refrain from comments ala 'You deserved what happened'. I'm going to quote Tolkien here: 'Many that live deserve to die and many that died deserve to live.'You are never going to get rid of all the 'bad' mp3s and save the real mp3s from harm at this rate. Arbitrarily picking off one 'bad' mp3 and then cheering doesn't sound productive to me and I doubt I am the only one who thinks that is what is encouraged now.

    Personally I doubt GGG was meant to exist at any mp, so saying that it should not exist at mp3 but is ok at mp4 is a difficult position to defend.

  7. [quote name='Prince Marvolo' date='21 February 2010 - 12:32 PM' timestamp='1266751971' post='54883']
    What if an infinite number of persons arrive? XD
    You move all the current guests to a new room with number equal to twice their old room number. Then an infinite amount of new arrivals can be put into odd numbered rooms.

    Usually it is stated as a hotel with infinite number of rooms where an infinite coach arrives, bringing infinite guests. The fun is when infinite many infinite coaches arrive at once and you still get to squeeze them into the same fully booked hotel.

  8. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='20 February 2010 - 04:04 PM' timestamp='1266678242' post='54829']
    Then what is N in that case? Curious, since common maths won't give a solution to that.
    It is unknown. Finitism is a bit controversial after all. Probably there are estimates involving the age of the universe, light speed, Avogadro constant
    and the Planck length.

    There are practical applications, most known use a modulo mathematic: a + N = a. If I remember it right, if N is a prime number, you can create a consistent geometry with it (with n² points, each point being part of the same amount p lines and each line containing the same amount r points (p,r are functions of n)).

  9. I am aware of the properties of infinity. They are as relevant as infinity itself is relevant... on which I have commented twice before.

    Let F be finitism and ~F be belief in infinity of any kind (countable, uncountable).
    I have shown that
    1. F => Pi is determined
    2. ~F => Pi is determined

    Since F U ~F must be true, Pi is determined. You can say as much as you like about F or about ~F, it will not change this.

    You have earlier tried to refute 2, saying that it is impossible to know the "last digit" of an irrational number. Yet 1/11 = 0.0909.. has that same property and is a rational number. The cardinality of it's decimal places is the same as for Pi, nl Aleph null.

  10. The hotel uses the regular infinity Chewett. It's a well known 'problem'.

    As for finite finitism, I haven't encountered that one yet. The first five full length articles or video's google showed, all had either server problems or were inaccessible from Belgium? :P
    In finitism it is quite the opposite too: you have a finite number N with the property N+1 = N. Sometimes N + 1 = - N or some combination of both can be used too.

  11. [quote name='Mad Hatter' date='19 February 2010 - 09:51 PM' timestamp='1266612661' post='54790']
    Pi is not determined! when does it end, can you give me the last number in Pi? Cause if you can then you are greater then God ((if you believe in that stuff- i just used it as a ref.)), but you cannot! Pi is a transcendental number, which implies, among other things, that no finite sequence of algebraic operations on integers (powers, roots, sums, etc.) can be equal to its value.Because π is an irrational number, as well,its decimal representation does not repeat, and therefore does not terminate.[/quote]
    And I repeat myself: 'The fact that there are infinitely many digits not equal to zero is not important.' There are two kinds of mathematics: those that deal with infinity and the finite mathematics. In the latter pi must be determined because it has only a finite number of digits and the former doesn't care about formulas having an infinite number of terms, because it can effectively use infinity as long as the series converges. We all know that Pi is not infinity, thus we know that eg. a Taylor expansion to calculate Pi is a converging sum. And there are many known series to calculate Pi.

    Can you give me the last digit in the repeating sequence 0.123123123.. ? Yet that is a rational number, if you believe wikipedia: [i]"It can be proved that irrational numbers are precisely those real numbers that cannot be represented as terminating or repeating decimals, although mathematicians do not take that to be the definition."[/i] Actually there isn't even such a thing as a 'last digit' unless you believe in finitism.

    Pi is a great many things: real, irrational, transcendental, having digits that are uniformly distributed (last i heard this was still assumed to be true)... it can most likely be mapped unto a chaotic function. But it is a constant. Determined and very simple, although time consuming, to calculate the n-th digit for any n.

  12. [quote name='Granos' date='18 February 2010 - 11:03 PM' timestamp='1266530594' post='54704']
    P.S. - You all suck :D
    The kind of comment you just made, and I do get that it is supposed to be humor, is also a huge negative factor. You say we [b]all[/b] should be doing more things to better MD, but that is not true. On average I seem to be making a new quest every three months and the upcoming one has met some unfortunate delays. Worse even, the current discussion makes me want to postpone it even more because I seriously loathe the idea of my new quest to be considered an attempt at reviving MD inspired upon all these rants. I am also conscious of my own psyche, so we'll see which urge wins.

    One related problem is that RPCs before promotion often did good things just because they wanted to do them, but afterward were obliged to keep producing. A simple writers block or disease or maybe a new potential spouse is all you need to be unable to deliver (to MD) and 'upset' the community. I make quests because I want to create something. Of course I like being rewarded and praised, but that is not and should never be the main reason.

    PS this is not directed specifically at Granos, but his words did illustrate the problem best.

  13. [quote name='Mad Hatter' date='19 February 2010 - 02:46 AM' timestamp='1266544012' post='54721']
    Pi is a chaotic number in the sense that it is undeterminable. For this reason, the circle is a good example of how chaos and order work together in perfect harmony.
    Waring: semantics!

    Pi is a chaotic number because it is at the same time [b][u]determined[/u] and non-repeating[/b]. There probably are various mathematical way of expressing chaos, but this seems easiest to explain with. Pi is determined because for any finite number of digits, there exists a function with which you can calculate pi up until that digit, in a finite time. In the same manner the digits of 1/3 can be calculated, albeit more trivially. The fact that there are infinitely many digits not equal to zero is not important. Another example of a perfectly defined number is 0.123123123.. determined and repeating. If you know the digits n through n+p-1, you can calculate the m-th digit, for any m, by using m modulo p (the period). This is not the case for Pi (can't remember if that has been proven though).

    A number that is indeterminable, is a random number.

    One of the links between chaos and randomness is that often you do not know at which part of the sequence you are. If I ask you to calculate the n+1 digit of Pi, that is possible. Yet if I give you only the n-th digit of Pi, but do not tell you it is the n-th, and ask you to calculate the next digit, you cannot compute it. If I give you a series of digits, but do not tell you which sequence they are from, you cannot tell me the next digit. eg 3.141, what is the next digit? Most people will assume I meant the sequence of Pi and think that the next digit is five, but 3.141 is also an existing, yet less meaningful number, so the next digit could also be zero or one or ... any random digit.


    Also, why is it called principle of libido? I can see that the unexpected is the only moment which actually requires creativity. This is also linked to evolution which requires both an increase in variety of the gene pool so that new species can be 'created' and a catastrophe so that the old, suddenly unfit, species extinct. From evolution towards sexual selection and then libido is a route to take, but also a bridge too far imo. The emphasis should be on large scale catastrophes, not on individual urges.

  14. [quote name='Assira the Black' date='17 February 2010 - 12:09 AM' timestamp='1266361743' post='54612']
    I am currently working on a quest that I will hope catch the interest of some people and it will take time for me to get it running. I also have a few other things that I am working on to try and help get people interested.
    You're hitting some important marks there. Making quests can take a lot of time and there is absolutely no guarantee that people will play them.
    In all quests and contests I made, there is only one that has more than twenty participants and that's mainly because it has been running for nine months. (also, Shadowseeker certainly didn't win in terms of speed for starting the quest :D) No it isn't constantly kept in the quest list, but it seems to me that is rather pointless since in the weeks it was there, there was no notable increase in players.

    All things considered, making quests is stil quite fun. And while people leave, they don't necessarily stay away forever. eg. Yesterday I found out one of the torture contest winners returned and finally claimed his prize creature. After pm'ing a little about the reward, I got this quote (which I assume he doesn't mind me putting here) 'illl never sell him hes my little treasure :)' It's little things like that that make it worthwile to make quests.

  15. updates:
    all torture rewards have been distributed to the rightful people. I was very pleased to see the last winner rejoin MD today!
    I gave away my pass papers to the second GG person I found online. I hope she's happy with all the spam she'll receive from now on.

    Now to balance my karma I'll be gloating a bit to all people tempting me to sell what isn't mine :(

    (topic can be closed as far as i'm concerned)

  16. [quote name='Czez' date='16 February 2010 - 02:32 AM' timestamp='1266283951' post='54572']
    I would like to hear what the people who are whinging the most in this thread need in order to get their list of rp items crafted, and what efforts they've made so far to get this done.[/quote]
    I had my item created almost at the beginning of items. I paid one coin, one item (traded nails for a raw gemstone), a WP and some time doing the mark quest and some time searching. If you treat all items as the same value, the net profit was - 1 WP - 1 silver, which is borderline ridiculous. Since then prices have risen so much that I don't even bother to try and get new items.

    As for items created and given by Mur... you seem to forget that is to a large extent arbitrary. It is impossible to be everywhere at once and keep track of all roleplay (well, theoretically he has access to all logs but he's definitely got something better to do than reading those). There's no universal standard for qualifying RP, not all good RP involves new items or the same amount. If I remember correct, Zleiphneir received a watering can and a bag of fertilizer, while handy pockets received 3 different seeds. Are we going to say that Handy pockets is 50% more roleplayer than Zleiphneir? I don't think you can compare them.
    And if that isn't good enough an example, try to explain how I got pass papers, which were to be distributed to people affiliated with a land/alliance (I have stated my opinion/plan on this in a different topic).

  17. [quote name='Chewett' date='15 February 2010 - 09:39 AM' timestamp='1266223152' post='54514']
    But the truth is you wont be able to find out who did it, Nor will you be able to remove that exp unless you can get a wp. So just forget it and move on.
    He's got ages to try and solve the Broken Pattern Puzzle if he hasn't already.

    I don't care much about GGG but I loathe the idea of 'two wrongs make a right'. Unless GGG wants to restrict its services to mp4+, this case deserves the same treatment for prosecution and punishment as all other offenses against GGG receive. Which is probably limited to asking other mp3s that were there at the time if they know who did it, but it never hurts trying. Do mp3s read the forum often nowadays? In theory it isn't a bad place to start your inquiry.

  18. If it takes you more than an hour to 'do something good' and return the items, I don't think that fits the idea of testing.
    Marvolo proved that you can test an item in 10 minutes. If you are trying to get the maximum benefit from your trial run, which I doubt to be large, or are trying to do perfect roleplay with them, then I can see it requiring more time. Yet in both cases I think your goals are wrong; the items are there for display, so that people can get an idea of what is possible and how much silver they'd estimate their worth.

    And for running out of heath, is it not possible to give the item to someone else who is better at cubal warming once you are in the cold?

  19. [quote name='gremlin' date='10 February 2010 - 06:39 AM' timestamp='1265780379' post='54205']
    Shadow the creature prices are AVERAGED prices of creatures of the course of some months so that way they are not just some random prices that come to mind and everyone can ckeck to make sure the creature prices are averaged out.
    Where did you get that information? Last time I checked (which is months ago and i'm too lazy to check again today) the majority of people conducted their trades in secret, without listing the final prices. I recall a debate on gathering trade data and some objected that their privacy should not be intruded upon.
    If your data is accurate, it is awesome that you are willing to publish it.

  20. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='09 February 2010 - 11:09 PM' timestamp='1265753353' post='54188']
    What a surprise, dst has abused her powers(once again I might add) to edit out my Whats going on Thing on the front page so that STD would not appear.

    And then? She ups my warning level for "insulting a mod" lmfao. Pathetic.
    Must be that dst has the powers of prophecy, because within moments of her vision you actually did try to insult a mod. Whatever persuasive power your post could have had, it is definitely gone by your poor choice of words.

    Time and time again, I ask myself "why can people not understand to cut their losses?" When you loose a battle, the sane thing to do is withdraw, analyze what went wrong, learn from your mistakes and avoid repeating them. Are there any people who honestly believe this kind of posts work? There are way too many of them and all have failed to do anything but make the instigator unpopular.

  21. Removing the owner list is one step in the right direction. It won't solve monopoly problems, yet solving the monopoly problem but keeping the list would also be insuficient.

    [quote name='Aeoshattr' date='07 February 2010 - 06:11 PM' timestamp='1265562700' post='53991']
    well so far that's the only 'item browsing' service. so if you'll remove it, trading will pretty much die as you won't have any means to view all (well at least lots) of items in one place. i personally don't want to run around all over the place to see what items people have.
    The majority of people currently in the list are not willing to trade (for prices people consider fair). Removing the list will make it more difficult to find the person who owns what you want but at the same time more likely that person will trade with you.

    If you want to browse items in order to decide which you want, you are doing it wrong. There is a way to earn a custom made item which suits your character, so if your character really needs a certain item that's a very good way to get it. If you are checking item by item whether you want it, you're bound to desire dozens of items and are going to be very disappoined. The ratio of items versus active players is probably less than two...

    @Darkpriestess: the list isn't complete, It is possible to know with certainty that an item exists if you have seen it, but if you have not seen it, you cannot say it doesn't exist.

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