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Posts posted by Kafuuka

  1. Some clarifications:
    There are currently no people with negative (below zero) karma points.
    There is no need to interact with Arky or anyone else. I can't be bothered to be online 24/7. However I think it is a nice opportunity since Arky isn't out of Necrovion much, thanks to the bungee effect.
    If you encounter large lists of seemingly arbitrary numbers, that's good. If you encounter blank pages, something must have gone wrong. PM me asap (forum or in game). Fixed 1 error earlier today, hoping there won't be more.

  2. [center]Kafuuka Milling Inc presents:

    [size="5"]A Question Of Time[/size]


    [size="5"]I Ark Mattarox[/size]

    1. No cheating. If caught you'll be banned from all Kafuuka Milling Inc quest until you redeem yourself, without any comments on how such is even possible.
    2. Doing silly or thoughtless things will cost you karma points. eg. using the wrong label when pm'ing.
    3. People with negative karma points are ineligible for prices.
    4. No spoilers. (See rule 1)

    Rewards - IRS - Incremental Reward System:
    There will be WPs, however, the number of WPs will depend on the number of people making a decent effort and capped to what I have available (5). More in detail, I require 5 people to 'loose' per 'winner'.
    The winners are not necessarily the first ones to complete the quest.
    In case of ties, the winners will be the ones with the most karma points.

    Find I Ark Mattarox, use the clickies from left to right. Sometimes pwd's will be between brackets [].

    First new quest in a long time, now using clickies.
    Be prepared to face numbers (and maths muhahaha).
    Remember that it is a Question of Time.
    If possible, I'd like people to remove their silly comments from Arky... (eg. "Empty Aramor 75"... not quite...) (note: not adressed at Junior who made an entry after talking to Arky)
    There is no need to sign up or anything, just follow the instructions and your (lack of) progress will be monitored.
    Karma points: you had about two years to get some... below is a list of people who did:
    Intrigue, Emerald Arcanix, Zleiphneir, Gargant, Czez, Alwin, Kriskah Arcanu, brys, phantasm, dst, ribidian, Eman Emaul, Rendril Revant, ShadowSeeker, Grido, Indyra Sirenias, Nimrodel, Frederick Georges, Castin, Chanda, Totenkopf, nadrolski, SilentShade1, Raygon Vandark, Pazur, Darkest Mage, samon, Lord Beta Wolfeyes

  3. Ubuntu 10.04, amd 64bit, gnu icecat 3.6.4, flash plugin 10.0 r45 (manually "installed" from: libflashplayer-
    The new combat system works as good as the old one. The only problem I noticed is that if you don't wait for all the images to load before you start dragging, there can be a difference between the cursor position and the position of what you're dragging.

    I only have the 64b version of the flash plugin, and I don't know if it'll be easy to find the 32b version if you'd need that one. Which revision did you use before 10.1?

  4. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' date='05 July 2010 - 08:18 PM' timestamp='1278353886' post='63457']
    I have replied to both your comments and then said we should stay on the topic(Items)for I did not have anything else to say to your comments. I do not bare grudges and I do not carry things on.[/quote]
    When did you comment on these objections then?
    [i]How do you plan on watching people whether they are farming creature age for themselves or for quest purposes?
    What do you have to say against a previous rebuttal: creating a good quest with nice rewards will bring fame and thus benefit towards your main.

    And you explained yourself why creature transfer and coins, which are by definition items, is the same: one can be traded for the other. Thus it was not off topic. Telling me to stay on topic for whatever reason besides me being off topic, is rude and generally a poor tactic.

    As for the personal conversation, it was one. I did not post it on the forums and I did not name anyone. I am not the only person that was against item trading considered as "Alt abuse". I had seen it in chat from someone also, THAT was the reason I made this topic, so that I could see if others were against the idea. Please try and get you facts straight.
    Oh it was a conversation between two people, fine. If that makes it personal, then next time someone posts evidence of private chats about trades when someone is accused of theft, let's all say 'oh no, those conversations are personal,' and discard them as evidence. Would it have been different if Chewett had only said 'This topic came about after me telling her its alt abuse'? I don't think so.
    And I do make a considerable effort to get my facts straight. I've read your old posts each time before answering a newer one, to check if something was brought up before. What I notice is that you are sad and disappointed in Chewett, but do not hold grudges against him. You also find it necessary to say you don't hold grudges against me... why? It does not relate to your goal of seeing who considers it alt abuse.

  5. [quote name='Totenkopf' date='05 July 2010 - 07:51 PM' timestamp='1278352298' post='63451']
    & Lemmings xmass, oh no more lemmings, lemmings tribes, lemmings chronicles (which only runs on a x486 with pci graphics, not on a pentium with agp/pciE nor on a x386) and lemmings 3d (lemmings paintball doesn't count and revolution was rushed too much)

    Civilization & Colonization
    Master of Magic (elemental: war of magic is supposed to be the unofficial, 20y late sequel, i hope it'll be good)
    Ragnarok (Valhalla)

    Commander Keen series

    Lode Runner (or something sounding similar)

    Total Annihilation (imo the best RTS of that time)
    Theme hospital
    Dungeon keeper

    I also remember we had a lot of platformers by the same company, I think one of the titles was Crystal Caverns
    Some of these games also still work in DosBox woooo!

  6. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' date='05 July 2010 - 02:11 PM' timestamp='1278331885' post='63425']
    I don't see why you have to bring up personal conversations. Is it helping you prove your point?
    I started this topic to see how many other people think that it should( or shouldn't be) called alt abuse.
    Im sad that you had to resort to bringing in a personal coversation as this has lowered my opinion of you now... though you probably won't care. :))
    Oh come on... you stated at first that others have already said that it is alt abuse in your first post. That 'personal conversation' is hardly personal and it's not like you've been less of an ignorant person in this thread than in that conversation. I stated two objections which you haven't even tried to refute; I refuted your premises and in return I'm told I should stay on topic? Worse you even explained why I actually was on topic.. and now you're trying to play the victim?

    At this point I am very inclined to believe Chewett when he says this thread is not about asking a question to the community and being open to debate. Instead you're aiming for confusion, enough so that you can, against all odds, say you didn't know what you did was wrong.

  7. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' date='02 July 2010 - 08:29 PM' timestamp='1278095394' post='63198']
    The items are still yours, even if given to you by luck. The puzzle is very hard to solve but yes once someone has solved it once they can most likely solve it again, though alot of people solve it through luck. Either way the wishpoint is still yours because you earnt it.
    Then theirs the active days...so what if you only have to log in? You are gaining a reward because you are an active vet. I am sure there will be some sort of reward system in place, like with the vet medals.
    So if i log in, and "work" to recruit a dozen elementals, then wait for five months and then transfer them to another account, that should be legal. Of course getting elementals requires only patience and dedicated logging in every so often to 'check' upon them. But that's okay, you recruited them with the VP and VE that was yours.

    I seem to recall accounts with names ala storageA through Z being created the day CTC was implemented. And banned three months later for obvious reasons.

  8. It's a grey zone. If you allow some forms of exchange between alts, people will always use the vagueness to justify other sorts of exchange which were not intended.
    Plus your premises are wrong: [i]Items are created due to either your role or because you use the raw items, that YOU bought with YOUR coins or creatures, and used q wishpoint that YOU earnt to create the item.[/i]
    That is not complete. I know there were at least two occasions on which large amounts of items were distributed randomly among players who were online or idle. There's no buying or earning there, just pure luck. Furthermore if you know how to solve the broken pattern puzzle once, you know how to solve it again; that's one free WP per alt. There's also the WP for days thing that might be implemented one day, that'd mean another WP per alt that can be acquired by logging in only.

    How do you plan on watching people whether they are farming creature age for themselves or for quest purposes?

    What do you have to say against a previous rebuttal: creating a good quest with nice rewards will bring fame and thus benefit towards your main.

    I know that it is taxing on quest creators to have to gather enough WP to get the features, then learn to use them, then gather WP codes or creatures or funds etc... but I also know human nature implies several people will try to push things into the grey zone if you declare quest purposes to be white.

  9. [quote name='Aysun' date='01 July 2010 - 07:21 AM' timestamp='1277961692' post='63078']
    And who said anything about killing for good?
    Three people have alluded to it in this thread already. I personally don't think resurrection should be easy; look at how hard people worked to cure a wounded Tree yesterday. I've always considered MD a 'low magic' setting: magic exists but it doesn't grow on trees, readily available for everybody. You need to work hard to get a WP and get a spell which is very limited in duration and/or power. (magic in the sense of doing awesome supernatural feats, preferably while holding a staff or a wand and having lightning gathering around it)

    The way I understood it was that Darigan pissed somebody off (this someone being Pample), and a plan was formed to get back at him by killing Mya. That's not meta gaming, that's just premeditated murder and strategy. Meta gaming would be asking permission of the victim to kill them outside of MD, as 'metagaming' is defined as, "a broad term usually used to define any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself. In simple terms, using out-of-game information, or resources, to affect one's in-game decisions." Nothing in this murder plot was external- it was all planned within MD, using MD items in the prescribed manner. Therefore, it cannot be considered metagaming, but all the suggestions made here in protest of, for example, temporarily killing someone in game *would* be considered metagaming. Therefore, it was all completely within game boundaries to do what was done.
    I was the one who chose Mya as the victim and I was the one who chose not to ask for her permission. She was the most interesting person to have killed; she is not boring and flat, she is well loved, a prominent member of Loreroot and grown up and strong enough to deal with something of this nature. I never assumed she would be ok with it, it just happened to work out that she was gracious enough to play along, and for that I do thank her.

    I chose the moment on purpose, first because it was the wedding night and second, because it was close to the torch competition beginning. I knew she would be revived on the 8th, regardless of what happened. So, her death was never permanent and I told her what she had to do to come alive again.
    The way I read that is deciding the victim first and coming up with a 'casus cruori' afterwards. Since it is for a quest, I do not have a problem with this method per se. However, if you claim it is good roleplay because it uses game mechanics, I will deny that. Good roleplay by definition requires sticking to your character concept. If being annoyed by a character was the motive, i think multiple murders should have occured; 't would've been more consistent that way.

    With regards to using peoples' character pages as a reference, since Ancient Lore is so frowned upon, I really don't understand how some people get away with creating fantastical histories for themselves as some sort of background of their time before MD. This is just my personal opinion, but to me life in MD seems to be this: oblivion, and then you enter MD. How you can be a goddess/fire demon dragon water half vampire sprite imp/thing before you come into being in MD is really beyond me since it just seems like another way of creating 'ancient lore' that isn't really there or relevant. So, as far as character background goes, I think considering their existence -solely- in MD is what should be taken into consideration and not any fairytale someone might attach to themselves.
    I don't think restricting people to what races exist in MD would change much. It wouldn't restrict people to playing humans and someone playing a drachorn should then win every fight with a human character; at least that's what I think most people would bet on when pitting human vs drachorn. A character is also so much more than a race and a list of powers.
    Afaik most characters are adults. Whether they grew up in MD, which is five years old, or in another realm, or just sprung to life as an adult (from a very tall cabbage, mayhaps a tomato plant?), you'll have to come up with some fiction. How does your adult cabbage know language? What did the wilderwind character do in it's childhood? Did it get kicked out of the nest so it could learn to fly? As for that matter, I never understood how people could be half demon, half dragon and half human... that's three halves! And it sounds biologically implausible and a painful pregnancy.

  10. [quote name='Aysun' date='30 June 2010 - 02:26 PM' timestamp='1277900763' post='63023']
    Magic Duel is not an exceptionally dark place. Although Mur claims that one of the keys to MD is balance, I would beg to argue that light certainly trumps dark here. Part of the reason for this, I think, is the great amount of people who feel able to step outside of the game world and shout unfair when something happens that they don't like. There are more daisies and sunshine and so a majority don't seem to like rolling with the occasional punch when it comes. That these punches [i]are[/i] occasional no doubt means that they will be more headline news here compared to other games where killing and revival are quite common.[/quote]
    Most people play a neutral or a good aligned character, hence there is an imbalance towards light. It is tricky to play an evil character for several reasons. Everybody can be an annoying person, but a likable evil person? Furthermore even this time the killed character got revived. Doing evil deeds isn't that simple if your victims are certain to find out and come back to haunt you.

    [quote]Since someone brought up also that there should've been more role play to it[/quote]
    If you read the reasons why Mya was chosen to be killed... they first decided who to murder and then sought for a reason why the culprit would want to do it. That is meta gaming. Granted, a little meta gaming might be necessary to prevent stagnation, yet the main question of this thread is what is acceptable and what kind of precedent do we want to set? Should even a saint be allowed to murder just because it makes things interesting?

    [quote]how much more RP can you get than using an actual, tangible game item? Also, unless you use the blue text to *ties up <person> and gags them so that they cannot move* you'll be spending all day with your foe going *attempts to tie up <person>* and you responding with *struggles free* back and forth and back and forth because without some amount of 'unfairness' brought on by absolute moves, someone will always manage to use a deus ex machina to escape in some fashion, thus getting no one anywhere and that is not productive to the story or to RP.[/quote]
    If you're going to rely on mechanics, you can't do much. The creature battles only allow you to KO somebody, you cannot loot their corpse. People only stay dead for a few weeks tops...
    If you're relying on sparkly blue text, you'll have to obey self imposed restrictions. If you read someone's papers you can guess how much restrictions they placed upon their character. If there are none, you have the choice between ignoring that (awful) character, or to stay on their good side because they're too strong. Or you could go for the rule of coolness or even toss a coin to decide whether a grappling attempt on your character worked. Certainly if the other person is assuming using a two headed coin and you are not, you're bound to loose a toss eventually, but this is like all game theory problems: if both sides stay stubborn, everybody - including you - loses.

  11. [quote name='Shadow(mcvities)' date='27 June 2010 - 07:18 PM' timestamp='1277659082' post='62765']
    Oh well :)
    I added that if they wished to be added then they can post here or pm me ^_^

    And no cutler, I just added people that I could think of from the top of my head. :)
    If it's a quest that you made, then go ahead and ask for your name to be added ^^
    Which is a good way to bias your poll towards the people who were included at the beginning. Forum polls already are a statistical nightmare, but it's good to see people still find innovative ways to make it worse.

  12. The only thing that'd convince me to bother getting enough xp to move to mp5 would be a shot at getting past mp5, which is advertised as 'the ultimate fighting level'. Limiting creature usage is a good way to dumb down and hence limit preparation during pre mp5 of new people; it won't bother me but I don't see how it will do any good to the new people. Limiting spells which can be used for fighting but are not limited to it, hardly makes sense: it is the ultimate fighting level, not the ultimate spell casting or general coolness level.

    Frankly, why should people even be pushed to become mp5? I am not a threat to balance on mp4, nor is mp5 the sudden balance maker. There's three dozen threads on how mp5 is unfair towards noobs to prove me mp5 is not balanced. You either like fighting and progress naturally to mp5 or you have nothing to offer to mp5. Furthermore, the people who are into bullying and powergaming, are going to be annoying on any level; either they succeed or they complain.

  13. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' date='19 June 2010 - 01:16 PM' timestamp='1276946215' post='62240']
    Some people don't like discussion and debate because they don't like conflict. I am sitting here, attempting, to help you avoid future conflicts of a certain kind. A substantial number of people have been offended by the lack of consideration given via the process of killing via an item that is currently mechanically possible - that much should now be obvious. The response, on the whole from the other side has been "I don't care, it's possible, it's allowed, so I'll do it."
    I love debating, but what are we to add to this?
    Certainly everybody knows that "not caring" isn't a viable answer. MD has this premise called 'actions have consequences'. Granted, it often takes two years to notice them, but Mur circumvents this by not believing time is linear. One day there'll be other items with other powerful effects or maybe there'll be a trial or maybe people will just stop liking, trading, talking and sparring with you because nobody likes someone who doesn't behave responsible while having great power (except narcissists).

    "It's allowed so I'll do it" Usually we tend to split people into RP and fighters, yet this statement doesn't allow that. The item was used for role play if I understood it right. We have some people who believe in game mechanics and we have some who don't; I think I've argued against mechanics as absolute on various occasions and I'll do so again. Game mechanics dictates you CAN do some things, by now way does this imply you SHOULD do them. There's even contradictory rules 'if you think something is an exploit or a bug you should report it' and 'people creating items which are inappropriate will have their ability removed'. They don't explicitly address the using of powerful items, yet it does show we're supposed to behave responsible. If you don't believe me, then look at the first paragraph again...
    And then there's the whole roleplay thing: role play implies placing restrictions upon yourself. If you play an evil character, you're not supposed to do nice things; if you play a nice and/or sane/thinking character, you shan't kill someone just because you CAN. The only reason I can imagine Kafuuka killing someone is if they'd eaten all his cookies, set fire to all the granaries and sowed salt into the farms.. and frankly, they'd deserve worse than death for that.
    I hardly doubt half of the role players have a proper excuse to kill someone's character, and I doubt even more they'd be able to foresee the consequences if the other party goes along with their role play, regardless of motive.

  14. [quote name='Grido' date='12 June 2010 - 03:01 PM' timestamp='1276347708' post='61737']
    VE can get reduced, Win count can't....
    Easy to fix: subtract the number of losses. Afaik those are counted per profile and not per creature, but would it be a problem to look at the player wins-losses instead of the creatures?

  15. I haven't tried it, but "A Traveler's soul" has my vote. It actually occurs within the game instead of on the forum. It doesn't require a camera either. Not that I mind the 'take a picture of ...' type, but without a scanner or a digital camera those quests are impossible and hence get a low score from me.

    The only problem with the traveler quest is that by the time I read about it, a dozen of people had solved it. This is a problem for almost any objective quest actually; the only ones who don't have it are the ones that take weeks before even a single person manages to solve it.

  16. Separating: apart from being more work, there will always be some way to justify a certain function on both an item and on a clickable.
    I refute the idea that items would lose value this way. The way I see it, scripts on clickies are primarily for quests and thus available to every player, regardless of who wrote it. Once an item is scripted and given to someone, only that person has access to it. Value is determined by supply and demand. Since supply is ridiculously larger for clickables than for items, there's no need to impose differences in demand (determined by what it can do) in order to make items more valuable than clickies.
    Items also have limits imposed by common sense: if you had to assign attack and defense stats to a sword and a shield, usually you would give the sword more attack and the shield more defense. Of course you could bash with a shield and parry with a sword, everything is justifiable, but a sword would be more efficient for attacking nonetheless. Clickies have similar limits: if your quest is about darkness, giving people extra syntropy principle points as a reward is not the obvious choice. Once again I see no need to impose code restrictions to enforce a difference, when the common interpretation of how something should be used will do the job.

    Abuse: there is a limit to how often one player can give a WP to another player. Similarly there can be made restrictions to how often one script can give a permanent stat boost to a certain player. It could be limited in frequency, in quantity, in distribution (quantity towards player X versus total quantity given), by type... The only problem is if it is per script instead of per editor. Duplicating scripts can't be that hard, and some people might be restricted if it is by editor. eg. Cutler's puzzle arcade has been online at the same time his astral plane was, if he wanted both to be rewarded with, say +10 luck, and a newbie would finish both quests at roughly the same time, they could be flagged as 'too frequently receiving boons from Cutler'.

  17. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='04 June 2010 - 02:27 AM' timestamp='1275611263' post='60927']
    By "to late" I don't mean it is impossible. Look at the other things I said.

    What I mean was that the damage had already been done in terms of grinding (its been around for what, a year and a half now?), and far to many people know how to do it for it to be possible to prevent them from useing this form of training in small groups (say, two people) without Mur himself intervening.

    Sure, it is possible to prevent the GGG from existing. But any method you could use WILL only harm the WHOLE of MD.
    The only viable solution is to make it un-worthwhile to the majority of people who use it: Grinders.
    There are lots of ways of going about that, however so far in this topic I have not seen any other suggestions. It's all very well to point out a problem, but if you can't suggest a solution that isn't worse, what good do you do?
    If the damage has already been done we need to allow it be repeated, augmented? Too many people know how to set up a new GGG? There's announcements on the mood panels that not enough people are at the GGG for it to work as good as some of its users would like. Splitting into smaller groups will decrease the appeal to such people. Some will then leave, making the groups even smaller etc.

    Seems like in the past twelve hours people addressed the alternatives question already, less work for me.

  18. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='04 June 2010 - 12:40 AM' timestamp='1275604842' post='60917']
    Because it has been around for so long, it is already too late to remove it.
    The dojo was around for months at least and it died to. I'm not an expert on the dojo subject, but what it looked like to me is that several people were doing a lot of work for the dojo and eventually this became a burden carried by too few people. The success of the GGG mainly depends on how many people are enforcing the GGG rules and to what lengths they will go. I don't think there's that many of them and I doubt they'll be convinced through a forum topic. If anything these recurring threads rally support to the GGG and issue caution to it's captains... but to say that it is impossible to remove it, that almost sounds like a challenge.

  19. [quote name='Udgard' date='31 May 2010 - 06:10 AM' timestamp='1275279037' post='60662']
    [i][center]Everything that has a beginning, has an end.[/center][/i]
    If the cube was made, than at one time is shall be unmade.
    Counterexample: N, the natural numbers have a beginning but no end.
    The cubes were made and will probably be 'unmade' but if such an event happens after your characters' death, then to your character that cube will have always been there.

  20. The laws of nature are quite different from what you list! The first one is 'every object in motion tends to stay in motion.' :D

    Seriously though, the laws you listed are anything but inherited by anyone. At the very base people are selfish, the existence of altruism is only justified, in evolution, in that helping people who will in turn help you when needed proved superior to living solitary. Obviously this isn't really altruistic since you aren't helping people for free, but for the promise of future aid. However the price isn't well specified and the balance, at the end of ones lifetime, may be a lot different from zero. Somehow from our genetic predisposition towards reciprocal altruism, cultural extensions evolved and some people give a lot more than they receive. Still, if we were to cooperate more irl, then we would be able to produce more efficient and all benefit from this. The best example for this is war: being united against one enemy, countries will suddenly increase in productivity.

    If you want to study these kinds of laws of nature, you should look into game theory, Darwinism and philosophy.

    On to MD, I think anyone playing a knight-like character, should have/simulate similar morals. Your putting to vote isn't the 'right' thing per se, but is the right thing by your own standards, as such it should please you. Unless I'm completely wrong about humanity, many people on many occasions will have asked Mur for favors, even if they (should) know that begging and whining will only result in Mur giving less things to everybody and them in particular. As for reciprocal altruism, GGG, worshipping, the dojo, 'giving away bursts' all are good examples. A while ago there was also a gift giving thread where anybody who gave a gift also got one back. On the other hand I did give away pass papers without a reward (except for being able to boast about it and having a good laugh seeing people confused when they get something for free and wonder what will balance this sudden karma influx).

    D&D alignments are tricky. For instance I have certain values I'd like to uphold, among which freedom for everybody. That would make me lawful good. However I have a distaste for orthodox methods. That would make me chaotic good. Is consistently never using orthodox methods even chaotic? Let's say I want to be chaotic in my chaotic behavior, then half of the time i should behave lawful, but I should also only adhere to this thought half of the time etc etc.

  21. [quote name='dst' date='27 May 2010 - 05:14 PM' timestamp='1274973290' post='60453']
    What if my own thing is to mess with your RP? Isn't that considered RP also? After all...you are the one saying we should have no boundaries :D
    There are different ways to mess with someone's roleplay. If you're using whatever bug of loophole you can find to annoy the other party or if you resort to bunnying or godmodding then that is not roleplay. However if your character is the personification of annoying and you can play such a character well, then it is obviously roleplaying. I doubt many people are able to pull it off though. Most will dislike their character being unpopular and as the embodiment of annoyance it will by definition be disliked by all characters (except the mentally challenged). You might not like it, but you and your character are/were nice to others on multiple occasions.

    [quote name='Burns' date='27 May 2010 - 11:43 PM' timestamp='1274996612' post='60484']
    There are also very few people who have the time, and brain capacity, to play two different accounts well. Those are the only alts worth being supported.

    The others... waste serverspace. And annoy me, personally, to no end.

    You also have to be careful with your opinions, MD is an RPG.
    We are NOT ourselves when we log in, we play a character. Some very smart people are capable of creating more than 1 character for the same game. A lot more tried and failed, but the potential failure shouldn't ban them from the try imo. They give up some time anyways^^
    I agree, time and skill aren't widely available. Too many people still think that their character is them and any insult addressed at their character, will be taken personally. Any information they get on the forum, but their character couldn't possibly know, will be used by their character. Even the most basic things like a new characters' name is automatically known to the player by looking at the chat, yet irl people don't walk around with name tags on them do they? Imagine your character has an evil alignment, does something 'wrong' to another character and suddenly a dozen other characters who were in separate corners of MD are awake and running towards you to rectify your 'evil deeds'. Everybody understands power by numbers and if I learn that someone has created a fresh new alt and announces it as such, my first thought will be 'I hope they aren't going to be telepathically linked through meta gaming'. This is also why I would urge people to keep their alts from meeting each other or having them be at odds if they meet frequently.

    As you can imagine, family is the worst possible relationship between alts. For family it is natural that they share many secrets, yet keep some of their own too. I wouldn't even think of trying to remember which alt knows what without using a notebook.
    As for babies... if you like logging in and typing 'whaaah whaaah *soils diaper*' every ten minutes... just don't expect my character to stay at that scene.

  22. Approval: when there's only two options there's no problem. If you're suggesting people should only list two possible choices, I doubt many will listen.

    Cumulative: suppose several choices are close to eachother, more like nuances than actual differences, and one choice is an extreme which has nothing in common with the other choices. The ones voting for the extreme will put all points on it, while the ones voting moderately will spread points because they don't want to put all eggs in one basket. Note that if everyone who reads this argument decides to never spread their points, the system is defeated as well.

    Ranking: the same as cumulative but forcing people to stick to one type of spread. An obvious problem is if there's no second choice you consider worthy.

    There's one method you haven't mentioned: elimination. People list all choices in order of preference. First you count all the choices which are ranked 1. If there's no majority, you look for the choice which has the least votes and then remove it from everybody's list. You shift all votes ranked below that choice to the left and recount the votes which are now ranked n°1. This quickly gets rid of extreme opinions. To illustrate it with your example ballots:
    [quote name='awiiya' date='26 May 2010 - 07:38 PM' timestamp='1274895506' post='60413']
    Let's give a hypothetical system. Say we have a common system of voting, were majority rules, and each person gets one vote towards a choice. We have four choices: A, B, C, D. We have three 8 people: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Here are the preferences for the choices, if each person ranked the choices:

    1 - A, C, D, B
    2 - D, C, B, A
    3 - B, C, A, D
    4 - A, C, D, B
    5 - D, C, A, B
    6 - D, C, A, B
    7 - C, B, A, D
    8 - C, A, B, D
    Step 1. The first choices are a d b a d d c c => no majority, b is least popular => remove b, shift left
    New ballots:
    1 a, c, d
    2 d, c, a
    3 c, a, d
    4 a, c, d
    5 d, c, a
    6 d, c, a
    7 c, a, d
    8 c, a, d

    Step 2. New first choices are a d c a d d c c => no majority, a is least popular => remove a, shift left
    1 c, d
    2 d, c
    3 c, d
    4 c, d
    5 d, c
    6 d, c
    7 c, d
    8 c, d

    Step 3. 5 c vs 3 d => c wins

    Alternatively you could look at the last rank and remove what is most voted for in that rank. In this case the result would be the same, which is good. It would also not kick out the choice that is everybody's number 2 but nobody's number 1 (ie the best compromise). Although you'd assume with large numbers that wouldn't occur. Or you could do both, and check for agreement, but then the process is semi-automated; if there's no agreement you'll need to decide manually (and be biased of course).

  23. [quote name='Totenkopf' date='25 May 2010 - 12:49 PM' timestamp='1274784575' post='60357']
    wow that's fast..then we definitely had no chance, on may 11th i think we were still stuck at page 6 ^_^
    anyway, congratz again guys, and many thanks to yoshi and nico for providing this very fun and addictive quest :P
    Indeed, we finished 15th or 16th of May and thought we were doing well...

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