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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. Hooray, hooray!!!
  2. Oh my gosh! Audio tape of a Marind Bell diva practicing a song about an ancient LR character just leaked to the net! :o (the lyrics have been altered in a few lines in this known song, listen carefully :P) It's called "Personal Savelfuser"! https://soundcloud.com/princ_reggy_md_character/personalsavelfuser
  3. Aaaaaah, wow, sorry, I thought you were refering to my question on the forum, rather than team's question, when you responded. Hah, how silly :D Anyhows, seems very fun, looking forward to participate!
  4. Still I feel unanswered. What I want to know is if a question of team A gets pulled out and asked on the trivia, can team A answer it (being the only one that answers it, thus ensuring the scenario that you named as the best for getting points), or does that mean team A is to abstain answering it, and the goal would be that only one of the other teams would answer it (because you get less points if more of them answer it)? If the latter, what encourages anybody to answer at all if they know they are helping team A to get points (the problem is just to motivate yourself to answer the first). I assume they also get points in the round 2 for answering it (so we get two types of getting points there)? It can encourage abuse, with teams cooperating and forwarding answers so the team A gets little points (if team A is leading so it's common interest to slow it down, etc.). It can also encourage team A to forward the answer to one other team, so they get max points, if nobody else knows the answer... Although this abuse paragraph can be ignored, everything can be cheated on and we're being nice here.
  5. So basically, the point is to create a question that only your team will know (to answer when you post it) and get max, otherwise you get less points? Asking because you didn't explicitly state that you will be eligible to respond to the question you made yourself.
  6. "Heritic Archer card" common item. Should be "Heretic Archer Card". The description of the item is fine though. Sorry for not providing pictures, this was a quickie.
  7. The schedule says I have a test on 15th of April from 18 to 21h server time, so there's a solid chance I will be late by about 30 min till I get home. Will it be a problem for my participance?
  8. Well, you never know who can register to our site :P I think such chat-preventing spells were made to moderate such cases, when you have a new player (or an alt) talking obscenities, or abusing the chat in general. To be able to respond immediately on the spot, considering you assume the LHOs are ever-present. Older players know better, but they can be moderated like that (but with higher caution and readiness to fire than with newbies). I think it has perfect sense and it extends LHO helping hand role a bit more. Buddies and early-childhood moms :D
  9. Uniqueness, amount of effort, competition (how many other players were beaten), achievement, those are the traits on which to calculate winner's reward, to name some, no? If the competition was lacking, but the work was good in other traits anyway, reward it highly either way. If you add up the willingness of the author whether or not he considers his specific quest should have high rewards, or something reasonably solid, or just something symbolic for the fun, you would be able to make a decision after the event what reward to give (in communication with the author). Things to consider about the author are his activity days, credibility, experience with such matters, etc. Following those principles you can state the rewards afterwards. (and making authors state on "TBC" descriptions an addon saying they hope for high/medium/symbolic rewards, ro something like that) This is a tricky ground though and can leave space for abuse accussations, deciding people must be proven trustworthy.
  10. The quest was changed in few steps since its publishing, the quest indeed got automated but not on the expense of creature rewards, it was on the expense of interaction with me. That part was changed again, where interaction was added some time ago (half a year or less?), albeit in lesser extent than originally. The quest will be temporary put down in a week or so because I will need some clickies for a new (md birthday) quest. Giving a heads up if someone is on the process of finishing it to let me know, so we can find a solution. Problems that 'helped' this decision are: 1) amount of new players is low in it (or in general MD) in the past few years, although periodical new participants have made me smile and kept this alive so far 2) md will get a new tutorial start instead of the story mode, and i'm unsure how will all fit in, it will probably require me to synchronize in order to optimize the quest And they basically make me question how much point there is to maintain it. The mentioned problems mean the temporary state might last a while.
  11. Deadline for requests is 9th of April, but there is almost a week left after 9th April until the birthday. Does the deadline cover asking for official quest sponsorship too? If so, it makes pressure on the existing ideas to be wrapped up fast and eliminates a solid important period for brainstorming of new ideas.
  12. Oh, I am not suggesting anything, I'm trying to define LHOs as they were or still are. Got stucked on your quote because you are the only one that ventured into encapsulating lho essence in a sentence, other people at the moment share their thoughts about how should a lho behave, which I am not considering yet because i don't 'know' what lhos are yet, what is their purpose. What I posted in my first post was not a view of how I think they should be ideally, I was just trying to define their purpose so far. Buddy system, I guess you could call it like that, yeah. If LHOs aren't a buddy system, could you point out when in MD history their acts contradicted that? When you said LHOs should be an authority on game rules and functions, what does that actually mean? I interpret it that their perception of events is law (unless it isn't in which case they get fired :P), so basically they have the space to say "this is abuse" on an event which should cause an immediate reaction in either the accussed being punished, either lho getting fired/punished/rehab because they are wrong in their statement, either nothing happens and somebody is letting the accusser go unpunished up the top. In reality, I think LHOs were just a reference, and a proactive reference for younger players for that matter. If you or anybody disagrees, I would be very happy to hear some thought on the matter, I'm trying to make some conclusions about lhos rather than persuade people into something, which could be interpreted like that I guess that's why this disclaimer-paragraph.
  13. I am intrigued how you find it odd, when it is obvious. :P Your sentence could even describe Mur and Chewett, it's very open. I like what Eagle Eye said as well, but it is still in very general spirit, in the same way as your judge-ish sentence is. I will highlight Eagle Eye's two parts: - LHO is a symbol of MD, - Loyal to serve and help MD grow True, but this is still not a true definition that explains just exactly what are they doing.
  14. People have mostly discussed what qualities should a LHO possess, I would like to get to the bottom of "what is a LHO" part first. Z said: Sounds more like a judge than a supporting unit? If I try to look at it practically, LHOs are only supposed to help fresh players not to get too lost in them trying to get on the steady track of evolving and understanding the world, also to react where players get stuck due ignorance (for example in labyrinth and such) while because of their youth they don't have the access to mood panel, or know that many players that could help them... A welcoming kind face to magicduelists in creation. I didn't hear of cases where older players approach LHOs, older people ask on forums, or ask Chewie, etc. So the focus is entirely on fresh/young players, do people agree on this?
  15. Actually, I'll make that topic as soon as this one gets a conclusion: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16427-lho-improvements-what-is-a-lho-and-what-qualities-should-they-have Because I'll be using it as a starting point from which I will draw my conclusions and references from.
  16. Okay, as soon as I grab some consecutive free time, making that topic. I think the topics you started are useful both in general, both for the no-leader thought I have, however the way they are presented implies to me that Grido should stay, developping methods for Grido not have to do biggest chunks of work, rather than assuming we have operating people on their functions and finding the best division of work for the LHOs to succeed. I will present it in a nice way in that mentioned to-be-made topic soon :)
  17. In the LHO recruitment agent topic you specifically ask for a person to help Grido to recruit, unless you meant a generic LHO leader concept when mentioning Grido, thus implying he will stick in charge. I do think so indeed, if he isn't doing his job, and you yourself say he isn't fit, remove him, that's the smartest thing to do and that's the way MD deals with such situations if I have been paying attention. This confirmation makes it the third time I am making a post about that thought btw, what would you like me exactly to do? There is no public data on LHO current activities - this is a major discouragement for people to analyse the situation, because of the closed system it is expected of LHO themselves to heal their own wounds. There were no posts of active LHOs speaking in support of Grido and in support of how the current system works. At this point, it isn't the specifics that is troubling the LHOs that will be fixed with a few conservative chatter topics, the whole system is rotten and it needs to be re-initiated from the start. I think we should make that one single topic and re-develop the status of a LHO, the topics you started can only slightly improve the current catastrophic situation, where you try to optimize the system by staying in the same spirit which it has now, rather than embrace different perspectives if there are better ones and I think there should be several much better ones than what it is now.
  18. (this is basically a response to all topics and recent Chewie's posts in them) I'm not sure do I follow. Grido's leadership was questioned, the response is that you Chewie post these inquiries about LHOs instead of Grido and expect of people to provide contribution and energy to do Grido's work, while Grido would stay as the one responsible for everything. If you say he is untouchable, okay, he is untouchable, it's easier to work with knowing there's an axiom, but if he is not, it seems most clear to me that the most efficient way would be Grido stepping down, athough I can understand old friend & old vet tendentions to give him several more chances. The suggested systems in the various topics you've made are supposed to work without Grido, but with that fact they make him redundant there. LHOs are an official game project which helps new players by using the activity and advice of older players willing to volunteer. So why does it have to be a closed system, under Grido's autocratic rule (or anyone else for that matter)? The question brings weight when unefficiency is considered. Make the LHO organization public, prone to discussions, community effort, the public can vote whether someone will be a part of the LHO group. The LHOs themselves would vote among themselves as per some concepts that we can treat as constitution. Everything would be public, there wouldn't be a hidden forum, why the need for one?
  19. If something doesn't get in my schedule-way, I'm in! Great idea! :)
  20. Wait, this topic was made for Sasha for previous year on 25th of May?? :blink: In case it's the right date, happy birthday and all the bes!
  21. By the way, wish shop jokers, will you allow them? Technically, they are recruitable by everyone in the wish point shop and they aren't deep there, with wish shop for days you can get them by the time you get to mp5. Premium creatures are also uncommon in the same way. I assume you want strictly only those recruitable in public locations? Yeah I know it's a stupid question, you already stated something like that in the rules, but please double confirm it :D Also, unholy priests and tormented souls? By my assumption - they aren't allowed, but it's kinda weird to see them banned.
  22. I sign up :) Princ Rhaegar
  23. Happy birthday Assira! :)
  24. What's crazy is that you keep volunteering for new stuff, you even managed to become a king in the meanwhile. Why do you enslave all those things (and yourself) with your inactivity? If you at least focused on one, maybe it would have a point. My issues with how you work aside, maintaining an inactive public service role (be it LHO manager or something else) is not helping MD, nor yourself. You can always return when you find a new initiative in yourself for such matters, but if you're doing it, as Dst said, do your job "Thoroughly and impartially. And most of all TRANSPARENTLY" (note that public service stuff self-encourages you to be transparent for it to be optimal, even when you consider the autocratic spirit of MD) You are an ancient character and you have your history, it's not that you feel obliged to leave a mark, it's just the way of things and call it an end of an era. It would be ideal if you would start doing your job, but I don't find that realistic. I don't think you should worry about the replacement, it will find itself in time, and I think it's better to be headless than have a dead head.
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