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death ray

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Everything posted by death ray

  1. depends on what time that is from here in the states, i'll be at work, but for sure will play after work
  2. Results?😁
  3. Can't get a teaser of the score... shame shame shame
  4. I don't know if post bumping is a thing here, but, bump bump! Come on guys! join the fun!
  5. And we just need to find and use just the one location?
  6. how will we know if we have clicked the correct clicky?
  7. Back up and at this again!

    1. Ungod
    2. death ray

      death ray

      started back in 2008 i believe, and its now 2021!

  8. I just want to say... I haven't committed an offence. And as much as I have been in and out off jail as fits my character roll, I should just be given a set of keys or some sort of cool down period before I'm allowed to escape. Maybe put a send to jail button on my name so if some one pleases they could send me off to jail for an X amount of time. I could be that escaped convict that could even reward a player AP, HP or heat, like a portion of mine, for instance for my recapture. Seems more punishing than pleasurable to try and play just to be send to prison just to wait and escape over the smallest of whims. May as well make it interesting. So my reason for rerelease is to give this said idea to Mur. Be creative! lets make it interesting and have a little fun with this ordeal.
  9. Updated.
  10. I have some aged crits that i am offering to sell if any are looking for spacific or just plain old crit ids... seven grassen,765k 765k 765k 731k 731k 731k three elementals,728k728k 730k seven jokers,695k 610k 605k 605k 605k 258k 519k three birds,635k 635k 635k three imps,659k 581k 518k one rusty,742k one nutcracker,605k
  11. Ok. Done like Grido said and there back. Its been about a year now since ive used this laptop. I guess I should have know to update it, My apologies.
  12. right above that device, Where heat is stored. I had five of them and now they are missing. Sorry if its off topic but in my mind it some how fit.
  13. These heat containers are not shared. there what we get at high mp levels and can by more from the shop. and mine are now gone.
  14. I had five heat containers, and I recently notice that they are missing!
  15. Name:Deth Ray Age:638 Sex:Male Association:Lore Root Affiliation:None Greatest Strength:Insanity Greatest Weakness:Order
  16. Some days... Some days I hate life, Makes me want to take my life, Where the hell is a knife? One more date with Death, To her I owe my last breath. Some days I give up all strength, A debt to her be my good health. Drained of disire, a lack of hope. Its her whisper I do follow. Her heart, black and hollow. Will consume your soul. Lost yet to another black hole, Pain and sorrow, your heart and soul. Left alone in a world where its just You and your mind. Heaven or Hell, its your choice...
  17. In the land of the homeless.

  18. You know you've play to much when...You remain in-character outside of the game. I catch myself acting like my character all the time >.> Oh to my poor community...
  19. Don't forget my name to the list plz.
  20. As I said think about it. But here is one idea, Make use of land loyalty and honor, works well for the MD shop. So much loyalty or honor equals so much you can harvest so often. Maybe even have items such as back packs, that way you have to have one to hold X amount of harvested goods?
  21. Sounds like "we" need to be more organized with the distributing of certain tools. Maybe even put a tax of sorts on them for the use of them. It's not the herbs we should focus on, Nor the person. It's the tool. Think about it.
  22. When I use my summon army spell on myself and attack others An ajax error comes up? EDIT~ It keeps popping every few seconds, It will stop if I refresh but once I attack again it does it all over again.
  23. Death Ray wants to be a slave. I want to be abused. And punished for no reason. And be work to the extreme, with little to no food or water. For an indefinite length of time.
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