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death ray

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  1. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Chewett in Accusation Of Being Master Hitoshi :excl:   
    [2010-08-01 21:24:09 - Stage 10]
    To avoid confusion, unwanted penalties and such, avoid giving wp to work colegues, people playing md from same computer or network, brothers, sisters, etc. If my alt checker sais you are alts, you are alts. period. I don't care if you are not but you look like you are. If the alt checker sais you are it means you can abuse same things alts can. So that you know, i can determine with a shocking precision if you are just using the same computer or if you are indeed two different people using same computer. There is however, like in everything, a chance it is wrong. .. to be clear .. that chance does not count in your favor. Avoid geting penalised and you will be fine. If you get in jail for something you didnt do but you cant prove you didnt, its your bad luck.

    I assume this can be closed now?
  2. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Seigheart in Recruitment Flier   
    Name: Death Ray.

    Mind Power: MP5.

    Age: 330.

    Main principle: Wiccan beleifs.

    Reason for apllying: I'm interested in joining.

    who said I wasnt trying to sart a new role. I thought that if i was allowed in i could start over with a new role. but what can i say i tryed and failed...
  3. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Chewett in Golemus Training Grounds   
    So, GGG was banned from having alts, wheras a king is making something so similar... With even more alts... Nice equality
  4. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Mcvitie in Who Is Mcvitie?   
    [center][u][b]Who is Mcvitie?[/b][/u]

    [b]Why does Mcvitie act the way she does?[/b]

    [b]Who IS Mcvitie?[/b]

    This is your quest.

    You must write who Mcvitie is, what she is and why and how she acts the way she does.
    The best writings will recieve a prize.
    The VERY best writing shall gain a wishpoint from myself.

    Explain in detail how her mind works.

    Goodluck ![/center]
  5. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Head Contest Wnners   
  6. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Chewett in Head Contest Wnners   
  7. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Sir_Kamil in Custom Avatar Shop   
    This is more than bad to me to announce i have been BANED from "Upload Avatar" page. I was Banned because Mur Himself does not belive i can learn how to draw in 4 days, i am scanning high res oryginals myself now... To mail him and Proove god of MD wrong!
    It is the law that says : Innocent until proven guilty. I got no msg no mail no nothing that someone wanted my high res scans (just avii, but i kinda doubt he counts) and im banned, thanks Mur for beliving in what you had created, thanks ALOT! Hope you like my scans!

    here are they, high res pencil scans.

    May noone else say i STEAL art Thats not just lame, but againts the Law, if you have proof stand forward, if not, just go and F(ind) yourself, thank you. *censorded words under the adress of those ppl*
    I can draw, i will draw, and i will learn how to do it better. and there is nothing that will stop me. No matter how you discourage me. My avys will flow in MD lots of them, most of them will be mine.

    and before someone says. It hass been done in the past, let me just say:

    You know what i can say? Some one robbed me once, in the Past. you dig where im getting? Its sick that new players have to suffer for some bad guys deeds. WE DONT CARE ABOUT THEM, and we are innocent untill proven guilty. That is just depsotism.
  8. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Watcher in Head Contest Wnners   
  9. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Grido in Head Contest Wnners   
    [quote] i know for a fact the other winners can take heads[/quote]
    you do? because no previous winners should be able to
  10. Downvote
    death ray reacted to King Bull in Head Contest Wnners   
    I have always heard the HC is unfair, well it is.It is so unfair that winners cannot take heads any longer, or only my self and Caru cannot take heads but it seems to me that everyone one else that has won can. what the hell is fair about that? I understand and it is ok that winners cannot win again but can't they still play? i know for a fact the other winners can take heads why can't i? when others can takes heads from me.and I can not take heads. not only is this unfair its a joke on me. i have the log to prove this. is there anyone else that also this problem? Or is this the joke on me?
  11. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Sir_Kamil in Custom Avatar Shop   
    Hope your happy. i had some fun whith this

    hope you will to, and find another place to be than here.


    Just for you D

    *explosion of emotions from Kamil*
  12. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Sir_Kamil in Custom Avatar Shop   
    bleh, DISCUSTING! Both of you say discusting things, bleh.... if my GF agrees to participate in this circus you will have you photos in about 24/h (she has to upload them/via email to me at home) i dont care about that past. Somoeone stole artwork? FINE, first prove i stole it !this is getting pesky.... i draw and thats it. You dont like it? then good bye.
  13. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Jubaris in Savelite Shop [Closed, New Topic Will Be Opened Soon]   
    [size="5"][b][font="Times New Roman"][center]Savelite shop has been created [/center][/font][/b][/size]
    Here, Savelites will offer their services to the realm, in exchange for payments.Main post will be updated whith status of each artist and will be uptaded by avatars that are for sale.
    Artists working fot The Savelite Shop[/b]:

    Artworks from [b]Blackthorn[/b]
    Artworks from [b]Sir Kamil[/b]
    Artworks from [b]Marvolo[/b]
    Graphical Editing skills (example: photoshop) from [b]Blackwood Forest[/b]

    [b][center]Customer is abliged to pay in advance 2 silver coins. Those coins are to be kept by the artist in case that the Customer changes his mind on the avatar.[/center][/b]

    [b][i]artworks of course contain:[/i][/b]
    Custom avatars, Item pictures, artworks for your papers, basically drawings for any opportunity that you need.

    Master Trader of the Church - [b]Sir Kamil[/b]
    post your desires here on topic, and he will contact you to make an agreement, he is dealing with all the barters and collecting payments. He sends you the Finished product. (unless its a creature. that you receve from the owner)

    [b][center]Creatures For Sale:[/center][/b]

    1- [b]Pimped Grassan[/b]. No age or tokens.
    2- 3 [b]Aramors[/b]. 300+ age
    3- 3 [b]Elementals[/b]. 300+age
    4- 5 [b]Chaos Archers[/b]. 300+ age

    For obtaining creatures, contact [b]Sir Kamil[/b].

    FOR SALE:[/size]
  14. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Muratus del Mur in A Show Of Force 1 - Part 2   
    What I am about to say, is worth reading, even if it will be long, it clears a mystery at the very base of MagicDuel, a mystery guarded for years.

    The answer to the question "Who killed Marind?", is something almost none of you knew. Some very smart figured it out but kept the secret and i thank them for that. When I had this story done for MD, by Adi, the one writing it, not even he knew who killed Marind. When initial project was done, you can't stop a writer with such a rich imagination such as his to continue writing and made up stories. This resulted in a wave of rumors and myths, all very damaging to how MD is built. Its not his fault at all, its the fault of those of you that could not let the questions STAY, for those that can handle them, and felt they should start ranting and bitching about how totally messed is MD and about how acient lore is broken and missing. Of course people ask, that was the point. You (and you know who you are) failed in understanding MD. First part of understanding MD is to respect its secrets and not share your stupidity and ignorance to others, amplifying their superficial belief that things are somehow wrong around here.
    A new player, or even an old one, that did not bothered to much about the story, finds it easy to believe when he hears all your ranting and complaining and thinks its the way it is. That prevent some of the most beautiful minds around here to even atempt to understand MD, since they believe its nothing to understand after all.
    Thank you for ruining the mechanism i tried to build..because in a way some questions without answer were part of that mechanism. MD worked fine untill you people shared your frustrations and incapacity to understand MD with the rest. Thank you for nothing.

    - . - .--
    What is the cube?
    You all start in this fantasy world, MD, locked in a room with a spooky girls and some candles burning. Slowly you figure out the room is fully closed and that the girl is not a normal person. Eventually you exit that room, Marind takes you out of there and you enter MD world. You will notice Marind is now a ghost, and becomes more unreal as you move on in the story. Marind was very tangible in the room, in fact, in some story branches she can kill you too.
    You find out if you know how to look, that you came out of a cube, and if you digg deeper into MD ,you find out everyone came from its own cube. Now i ask you, what is the cube?

    The cube is the created bx around your soul and mind. It is not a natural construction, or it would have been a sphere. The cube is a symbol for borders, artificial borders. We all have our own cube we live in, be it the room we are in, the town , the closed group of friends, but most of all the borders of our own mind and understanding.
    If that is our own cube, then who is marind? no one else could be in your own cube, except yourself! Marind is just a part of your self. In dream psichology for example, the little girl represents you the dreamer (I found that out later, its true). When you exit your cube, you have to kill some things in you, or they wont go well with the world outside. Childhood dies when you go out in the world, some misteries remain and other peoples worlds interfere.

    You killed Marind. Each one of you. She doesnt even exist beyound your own cube borders. You seek to find her but slowly you loose her. The story never ends, it was never supposed to end. It has chapter 3, and a planed chapter 4, but it was never supposed to END. Marind dies and how can a ghost die other by forgetting her memory, getting her lost in the rants and the activity that follows after you exit your own cube...

    The Carnival? you enter a world where others enter the same way, use your brain...

    As you enter MD world, everything in MD becomes a mirror of yourself. Your fantasy world merges with the one of other people. You are not looking at an outside world but to a world within you. These symbols are not random thoughts that just sound nice. They are a clockwork of extreme perfection. The candles, the land weapons, the land balance, even the individual locations, they all make sense seen from this perspective.

    Now you see why having any made-up ancient lore stories about who Marind was, is so fundamentally WRONG and damaging.Any bit of additional information on the past will ruin the clue that this world is not a fantasy world planed to be a fantasy world , but one that emerged from your fantasy and does not have and "Ancient Lore". Give it an ancient lore or made up stories about its past and you will alter its present meaning and unbalance all its symbols and its entire mechanism. Respect the question and the answer will respect you. Hurry with an answer and you will get just that, a fancy answer.

    By what i said explaining this i killed a part of myself and a part of MD together with it. I dont expect those of you that made me do this to understand, but i expect the others to respect MD secrets more.

    If you think i spoiled you the entire thing MD is about, you can't be more wrong. MD is more deeper than you can imagine, then the people working on it can suspect. If you care and know where to look, everything in MD is a intricate puzzle of logic and feeling. Even within this text i let you see more than one path towards other things to discover. MD is a private challange for each of one of you, but some of you just failed it.

    This was the "show of force" in my own way.
  15. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Sparrhawk in Guardians Recruitment   
    i would like to sign up fot the GOTR the only friends i have (just about) are all from there

    Death Ray
  16. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in A Show Of Force 1 - Part 1   
    While I am extremely intrigued by who did kill her, I do not want to know. Not this way. Not because you have something to prove to a bunch of ignorant losers.

    Reconsider what you are about to do, and shove that in their face. They will get the satisfaction of seeing you blow a fuse and reveal a major secret. They will try to do it again, and again, and again. Because they see you are capable of doing such a thing.

    So, please. Do NOT do it. :'(
  17. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from cutler121 in Recruitment Flier   
    Name: Death Ray.

    Mind Power: MP5.

    Age: 330.

    Main principle: Wiccan beleifs.

    Reason for apllying: I'm interested in joining.

    who said I wasnt trying to sart a new role. I thought that if i was allowed in i could start over with a new role. but what can i say i tryed and failed...
  18. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Utob Outcome   
    Very cool! I enjoyed it immensely.
  19. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Grido in Ban - Fiju   
    Yeah I still make these sometimes

    Fiju (over 600 days) has been banned today for;
    Spamming chat on various occaisions,
    Swearing multiple times, being warned right after multiple times, and continueing to swear in disregard of anything said to him to deter it.

    This might seem a harsh punishment for lighter actions, but he has done it many times.
    Nobody can get away with disregarding the game rules, no matter their age. More leniency, yes, total safety, no.

    For your amusement, the spell i cast;
    [b]: [/b][color="#ff9900"][b][Spell][/b] [i]Your Active Days Mean Nothing To Me, Happy Festival Of Pain - Fiju, persistantly and purposely disregards the game rules[/i][/color]

    He has a chance at parole if i note that his attitude has changed, and he asks to be released.
  20. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Ledah in Recruitment Flier   
    Name: Death Ray.

    Mind Power: MP5.

    Age: 330.

    Main principle: Wiccan beleifs.

    Reason for apllying: I'm interested in joining.

    who said I wasnt trying to sart a new role. I thought that if i was allowed in i could start over with a new role. but what can i say i tryed and failed...
  21. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from awiiya in Recruitment Flier   
    Name: Death Ray.

    Mind Power: MP5.

    Age: 330.

    Main principle: Wiccan beleifs.

    Reason for apllying: I'm interested in joining.

    who said I wasnt trying to sart a new role. I thought that if i was allowed in i could start over with a new role. but what can i say i tryed and failed...
  22. Downvote
    death ray reacted to phantasm in Recruitment Flier   
    Death Ray you are automatically rejected. Sorry and good luck with looking for alliances in the future.
  23. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from phantasm in Recruitment Flier   
    Name: Death Ray.

    Mind Power: MP5.

    Age: 330.

    Main principle: Wiccan beleifs.

    Reason for apllying: I'm interested in joining.

    who said I wasnt trying to sart a new role. I thought that if i was allowed in i could start over with a new role. but what can i say i tryed and failed...
  24. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Pipstickz in Recruitment Flier   
    Name: Death Ray.

    Mind Power: MP5.

    Age: 330.

    Main principle: Wiccan beleifs.

    Reason for apllying: I'm interested in joining.

    who said I wasnt trying to sart a new role. I thought that if i was allowed in i could start over with a new role. but what can i say i tryed and failed...
  25. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Junior in Recruitment Flier   
    Name: Death Ray.

    Mind Power: MP5.

    Age: 330.

    Main principle: Wiccan beleifs.

    Reason for apllying: I'm interested in joining.

    who said I wasnt trying to sart a new role. I thought that if i was allowed in i could start over with a new role. but what can i say i tryed and failed...
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