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Poppi Chullo

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Everything posted by Poppi Chullo

  1. Leave the credits sit doing nothing isn't silly, taking or using other people credits without permission is. Artisans guild no longer exist, but some of the former member still here, they're speak here without using their old Artisans attribute, not for the credits or any benefit, but for respecting they who already spent their money. If you not agree to give it back to the donators or to leave it alone, then just let Mur make it dissapear with all the artisans treasury name and access also. *I'm very grateful to be me, which not measure something by its price. And Fenrir why dont you say something? So you just opened this and ran away?
  2. Solving what? there's no any problem to solve for. It's more to a suggestions i think, there is some option above and the most fit so far (as Amoran said) is give 'em back to the donators or let the artisans keep 'em as their treasury.
  3. That Jason avy is mine. Not in use but still in my [b]v[/b]ault. *LOL..thanx..chew,i.supposed.you.have.to.edit.this.one.too?
  4. [b]feeding all my cows and chickens..[/b]
  5. I like Tipu's idea about no access to MD Shop For MP3 And yes February must advance, to MP4 minimum.. Unless he no longer have the ability to attack MP3 players then alright if he stay.
  6. That's a neat work Apo, if i may give some input.. You don't have to draw it as a conventional shovel, make it more smaller, easy to handle, a "killer" shape for the digging end, try to add a little bit "dangerous" appeareance, ..well..if i'm wrong and missed Phan's orientation, then forgive me... Check this modern type one, you may improve and give some modification so getting closer to MD type, it looks scary already : http://tf2wiki.net/w/images/1/1b/Shovel_IMG.png
  7. [quote name='Yoshi' date='23 July 2010 - 08:12 PM' timestamp='1279915949' post='64451'] yeah, unless your forced to use only newly aquired crits T.T [/quote] [b]Capped..?[/b]
  8. - When ur girlfriend,family, and all ur friends know who's Mur and Bob.. - When they help to remind u on 27 to prepare for the Head contest.. - When u meet ur friend and said : "Hey,u better pimped ur dog, so he'll be more pinky and powerfull!" and ur friend just: "huh?" - When u only can think about ur MD account name for all new account for every site u'll make.. All the "You" i mentioned above... Was me
  9. [b]Congratulations to all winner..[/b]
  10. [center][size="7"][color="#ff8c00"][b] HAPPY BIRTHDAY..!! [/b] [/color][/size][/center] [center][b][size="4"]Here's a little dance for youuu....[/size][/b] [/center] [center][img]http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn29/stiffkittens7/funny_animated_pictures_30.gif[/img] [/center]
  11. [quote name='phantasm' date='30 June 2010 - 02:32 AM' timestamp='1277865167' post='63011'] this is by far one of the best and funniest forum posts in a quite some time. Two thumbs up. [/quote] Indeed Phan.. I'll put another 2 thumbs up! Ps: Mur already have the ring, 2 rings excactly..Thats for Grido-dst wedding gift, he said that on the latest gathering at the temple, so..I'll collect the gold from now..
  12. OMG..bun bun, thats a Spoiler! X'D

  13. MagicDuel Forum! Coooooll... ^^

  14. Big? What? Where is the big part? damn...i think i was late also Beside that, welcome to the land of magic..
  15. Hmm..1st Comment post? You better doing something for get more, i can teach you how to do that...In a Fastlane!

    Beside that.. Welcome to the land of Magic.. :)

  16. Endless.. Even it getting more wider to not related topic (from my view and opinion of course)... I think I'm finished now, U all may carry on..
  17. Hmmm.. Stupid stories, let see what should i put here.. ..Mmmm, probably i will..naah, err ..how about the..tsk tsk tsk i dont think so, well i think i have some stories about..hmm, not that.. Aaaahh! i know! I must put the...Aaaraaagh! this is tricky.. I give up! I cant put anything here.. I'm not stupid enough...
  18. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='14 June 2010 - 01:32 AM' timestamp='1276479137' post='61851'] Yes, because the last two sentences of a paragraph define the whole thing. As for Poppi's suggestion: Giving EXP for non damage fights is a ridiculous idea. It may limit the amount of GGG training you can do, but so would closing the GGG, just with different effects. It'd make EXP much too easy to get, and just gives people more reward for no risk. [/quote] ridiculous idea? u are the joke! Now i really dont understand about u guys want, i thought u want close the GGG (that in fact u can close the place but can't close it essence ..forever) I just give an alternative which is not directly "close" it (And i'm just on now and open alot lot message that bashing me badly), and if u said easy exp without any risk, i 'm sure u already forgot how as the MP3 and MP4 they DONT want an easy exp. Thats the problem for all of u, u guys just see the topic from the MP5 eyes without try to remember how the lower level struggling for survive...
  19. Aah..I see, thank you very much.. (and the topic may be closed now..)
  20. [quote name='apophys' date='14 June 2010 - 01:04 AM' timestamp='1276477473' post='61847'] Let me give an example of what I meant: [spoiler]An attack rit could consist of 5 remains @ martir dying and a heretic archer @ damage random. The defense rit is a single non-damage creature at/near 100% slider. You can replace the remains by anything else targeting multiple or dying. Xp gain would be negligible.[/spoiler] [/quote] I surely understand what u mean Apo, but i think thats how they should train, i did that when i was MP3, walk around find a possible target to get a minimum exp for train my damager, and i mean training not grinding, as MP3 u dont have many options and exp to build a super main rit, so u have to choose wisely all creats for the future main rit, calculating the exp cost and start train the stats after done with the main creatures,and i think there wil be not much left after working the main rit, so theres no chance to become overpowered at that Lvl., Strong yes but not overpowered. And for MP4 which has more cap limit, its the stage to preparing ur self to MP5 (which is like hell), so there's nothing wrong with a little bit stats training,and of course added more new creats with more high requirements that will be need more high exp and win count, and special for MP4 that "border" also give new issue, the fight balance, ...if u try to worked out with ur style above, then theres a chance for u to get a Victorious win,get count on the fight balance, get trouble with ur honor...So almost have a same problem as MP3 i think but with higher exp cap limit. I just try to give a little input that both "side" can accept in the good way,and of course..in peace
  21. [quote name='apophys' date='14 June 2010 - 12:26 AM' timestamp='1276475162' post='61843'] That's an interesting idea, Poppi, but it would be easily worked around. People would add a damager to their rituals for around 15 xp per attack instead of several thousand. [/quote] Yes Apo, theres always a chance to easily worked out for something, but for that case..even u win a fight with just deal 1 damage, as mp3/mp4..u still will be capped someday...And what are u going to train with 1-15 damage btw? is it worthy enough? Well.. Atleast with that "obstacle" u cant train ur trees,stealers and angiens .. which are the most valuable creatures to grind extremely ..
  22. I'm sorry if this Topic already posted because i'm kinda lazy for searching.. I just want to know about the Forum's Picture Gallery feature, what is/are the requirements that a member need so will be able to create an album or submit a picture? Because i already create my own album and uploading some image in there, but now almost a week already and i (also the others) still cant access the album through the Picture gallery link in the Forum Home page. Thanx for the attention..
  23. Welcome to the land of magic..
  24. I dont understand why this thread still keep rolling and rolling with just some more" words game", but i noticed this is supposed to be happen anyway.. These some Point that probably representing the protestant (forgive me if i'm wrong): [color="#000000"][b]They want the GGG closed, the cause and effects are:[/b][/color] Stats grinding for no excact purpose (seeing that long of stats digit on ur profile doesnt help u much either in the real battle), Wasted time to "play" the game in many more develop way (Exploring,experimenting,..Involve much deeper), Unbalance Power (especially for lower lvl,MP3 and 4), alt abusing (For HC in example and trust me,noob never abusing with alt), Lack of social interaction for more RP and knowledge share between player (Building a character and get alot of other new "thing" from other/Vets, especially fresh MP Lvl), Losing the fact that this is a full combat PvP game (Yes, this is Magic duel not Magic Training) Well i dont want to add more topic on it and no more playing with words, i'll try to put a/some suggestion/s: [b][size="3"][color="#ff0000"]Fight Experience Bonus [/color][/size][/b][size="2"][color="#000000"]All Player [/color][/size][size="3"][color="#ff0000"][size="2"][color="#000000"]that doing a fight/battle as the Attacker side will get an experience bonus point if they win the fight with neutral or balance/[color="#ff0000"][b]no damage[/b][/color] result. And for a fair reason these some more suggestion: 1K exp bonus to all creats in the rit for no damage fight result in MP3 3K Exp bonus [/color][/size][/color][/size][size="3"][color="#ff0000"][size="2"][color="#000000"]to all creats in the rit [/color][/size][/color][/size][size="3"][color="#ff0000"][size="2"][color="#000000"]for no damage fight result in MP4 6K Exp bonus [/color][/size][/color][/size][size="3"][color="#ff0000"][size="2"][color="#000000"]to all creats in the rit [/color][/size][/color][/size][size="3"][color="#ff0000"][size="2"][color="#000000"]for no damage fight result in MP5 (With the reducing exp ability its not truly fair enough i think^^) Well, the goal is how to make the lower lvl (MP3/MP4) player get their maximum effort in training and will precisely know what they should do/train. I hope with that Bonus (u may also call it as a Handicap), will create a fight for clear purpose atmosfer. And i think not too hard to realize it because it more [/color][/size][/color][/size]technical and systemic, [size="3"][color="#ff0000"][size="2"][color="#000000"]in compare with all the theory and solution that based on forcing and personal willing for deciding to follow the rules or not. (sorry for my english if there are some stupid mistake,but i'm sure u all know what i mean.. LOL). [size="1"][i] PS: For all GGG Pro, i know u all now dissapointed with my post here,but trust me i'm doing it all just for our good purpose. And for all player..enough with the cold war, i hate war..![/i][/size] [/color][/size][/color][/size][b][size="3"][color="#ff0000"] [/color][/size][/b]
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