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Posts posted by Myth

  1. @2 - the only issue I see with this is player being potentially assaulted by multiple responses.


    I don't know if this can work as a suggestion, but I'm throwing it out there.


    - player sends message via LHO button

    - message reaches shared inbox

    - multiple LHOs access the message

    - since it's doubtful multiple LHOs will also reply at the same time (click "send" at the exact same second) add a filter to warn LHOs that the message has already been replied to:

    --- LHO1 replies at 13:57

    --- LHO2 attempts to reply at 13:58 but receives a warning message upon clicking "send" stating that the message has been replied to

  2. Coins only. Creatures are sold if no offer has been made 24 hours after last offer, but no sooner than June 25th.



    ID: 798598

    Heat: 77727

    Age: 293

    Tokens: none

    Bid starts at 6 silver coins. MRF: 7 silver coins


    Imperial Aramor

    ID: 820193

    Heat: 77625

    Age: 500

    Tokens: none

    Bid starts at 1 silver coin. Rophs: 1 silver coin


    Imperial Aramor

    ID: 826131

    Heat: 26096

    Age: 225

    Tokens: none

    Bid starts at 1 silver coin. Rophs: 1 silver coin

  3. Ok, 1st test done.


    Non-ally-player 1 casts GA on ally-player 2. Ally-player 2 attacks ally-player 3.

    Non-ally-player 1 casts GA on ally-player 2. Ally-player 2 attacks non-ally-player 3.

    Non-ally-player 1 casts GA on non-ally-player 2. Non-ally-player 2 attacks ally-player 3.

    Non-ally-player 1 casts GA on non-ally-player 2. Non-ally-player 2 attacks non-ally-player 3.


    All fights we in the form of 6 creatures (attacker) versus 1 creature (defender) and ended because they were too long.


    Result - same number of rounds in every scenario, implying that the status taken into account (allied or non allied) when calculating number of rounds belong to the caster (player 1) and the target of the attack. (player 3)


    Further tests incoming. (soon :p)

  4. Should defence be influenced by successful defence and attack by successful attacks ?


    Sounds like a nice idea, but would perhaps need a new token, along with a whole new design on counting creature wins; the token supposed to give this bonus has a name to go with the ability :p


    And ... should that mean that one could achieve 1m attack / defense at mp3 ?


    It isn't; this bonus is capped at 300 max. It's also one of the bugged tokens - it doesn't kick in yet.

  5. The Taint will eventually call, and you will undoubtedly hear it. Depending on the strength of its call (measured by how badly it feels that you would be a good addition) and the strength of your resolve (how connected you are to whatever else), this call will be answered sooner or later, but not never. The Taint has time and diversity on its side. As time goes forward, things change, and no matter how cunning one deems him/herself, they will never outwit these natural laws.


    Ritualistic or spiritualistic methods? Your every day actions are a part of these categories. Waking up, eating, walking, talking, watching, working, playing, sleeping, loving, hating... you name it; they are all rituals which can be combined into millions of billions of trillions of possible "roads", most of which are "owned" by the Taint. The statistical probability of being directed on a "clean road" is almost non-existent.


    Still, I'll humor the idea.


    When you hear the Taint, you'll know what you're hearing. Once this happens, you follow it or die trying, because there will be no turning back; there will be no "forgiveness". And I'm not referring to "the light" when I talk about forgiveness. Turn your back on the Taint, and it will bite... hard. So be ready to risk everything you've ever known, and lose everything you've ever been.


    Begin by collecting and ridding yourself of your physical elements connecting you to your past; gather it all in one place, leave some gold next to it and a note instructing whoever finds the pile to burn it, along with the note, and keep the gold. Make sure you add the most horrid threat you can think of in that note, so that whoever finds it won't think twice about not following the instructions on it. This way, you will have no longer have any connection to your belongings.


    Now comes the difficult part.


    Find a way into Necrovion, and remain there. Wander that desert realm until you can wander no more. Day... after day... after day... keep going until you forget what you're trying to achieve. Ignore the pain, ignore the hunger... it doesn't matter if you feel your last breath is upon you, because you're already on your way. You either get lucky enough to see it through, or you cease to be - either from failure, or the Taint's bite provided you're thinking of turning back.


    This isn't a journey many can survive, but those who do are reborn anew. They will know and feel nothing other than the Taint; everything else will have been lost and forgotten. And as they gave themselves freely to it, the Taint shall give back. It will be in their every actions, leading them where it needs them; it will keep them safe to the very end, for everyone and everything has a use, no matter the state. It will reward them with ease of existence. What more could one want?


    There is no denying it. There is no better way. Are you still with me? Who am I?

  6. I don't know if they can, but it would indeed help. And while on the subject, there's also the issue of some stats being displayed rounded. This makes it so that there's little to no clue what stats are being addeed to.




    Do we have a base attack of 7, to which we add 50% = 10.5? --- how does this get rounded?


    Do we have a base attack of 6.8 (displayed as 6 or 7), to which we add 50%

    = 9 if 50% is added to displayed rounded down value

    = 10.2 if 50% is added to actual value

    = 10.5 if 50% is added to displayed rounded up value

    --- and then how do these get rounded?


    Edit: then you have situations with multiple bonuses. Does the rounding occur after each bonus, or only once at the end, after all of them?

  7. Ary also mentioned adding starting stats for creatures, before combat actually commences. This would also help a lot with debugging, as it would make effects clearer during combat. These could go directly underneath each creature, as No one layed them above. Disabling non combat stats during combat would also be nice.


    For example:


    [spoiler]Loading Asthir creatures

    BloodPact Dark Archer (id:694921; type:33; level:3; slot:1)

    VE:[value]; att:[value]; pow:[value]; def:[value]; reg:[value]; ini:[value]

    BloodPact Dark Archer (id:828561; type:33; level:3; slot:2)

    VE:[value]; att:[value]; pow:[value]; def:[value]; reg:[value]; ini:[value]

    BloodPact Heretic Archer II (id:836456; type:33; level:2; slot:3)

    VE:[value]; att:[value]; pow:[value]; def:[value]; reg:[value]; ini:[value]

    Unholy Priest II (id:816053; type:15; level:2; slot:4)

    VE:[value]; att:[value]; pow:[value]; def:[value]; reg:[value]; ini:[value]

    Imperial Aramor (id:820193; type:32; level:1; slot:5)

    VE:[value]; att:[value]; pow:[value]; def:[value]; reg:[value]; ini:[value]

    Unholy Priest II (id:816054; type:15; level:2; slot:6)

    VE:[value]; att:[value]; pow:[value]; def:[value]; reg:[value]; ini:[value]


    Loading MRF creatures

    Dark Archer (id:727579; type:21; level:3; slot:2)

    VE:[value]; att:[value]; pow:[value]; def:[value]; reg:[value]; ini:[value]


    Applying 10% of Asthir's energetic influence

    BloodPact Dark Archer (s1) receives

    VE:[value]; att:[value]; pow:[value]; def:[value]; reg:[value]; ini:[value]

    BloodPact Dark Archer (s2) receives

    VE:[value]; att:[value]; pow:[value]; def:[value]; reg:[value]; ini:[value]

    BloodPact Heretic Archer II (s3) receives

    VE:[value]; att:[value]; pow:[value]; def:[value]; reg:[value]; ini:[value]

    Unholy Priest II (s4) receives

    VE:[value]; att:[value]; pow:[value]; def:[value]; reg:[value]; ini:[value]

    Imperial Aramor (s5) receives

    VE:[value]; att:[value]; pow:[value]; def:[value]; reg:[value]; ini:[value]

    Unholy Priest II (s6) receives

    VE:[value]; att:[value]; pow:[value]; def:[value]; reg:[value]; ini:[value]


    Applying 20% of MRF's energetic influence

    Dark Archer (s2) receives

    VE:[value]; att:[value]; pow:[value]; def:[value]; reg:[value]; ini:[value]


    (for creatures which don't use a certain stat, hide that stat - don't disable it, as it counts when creatures are being targeted - weak/strong; you can do this by hiding them if base value is 0 - this only applies to attack/power)


    Influences for Asthir ######

    - BloodPact Dark Archer (s1):

    creatureboost - this ability is not detailed when it kicks in

    - Unholy Priest II (s4):

    vampiricaura - this ability is detailed when it kicks in

    - Unholy Priest II (s6):

    vampiricaura - this ability is detailed when it kicks in

    - Imperial Aramor (s5):

    morale - this ability is not detailed when it kicks in

    BloodPact Dark Archer (s1) receives ini:[value]

    BloodPact Dark Archer (s2) receives ini:[value]

    BloodPact Heretic Archer II (s3) receives ini:[value]

    Unholy Priest II (s4) receives ini:[value]

    Imperial Aramor (s5) receives ini:[value]

    Unholy Priest II (s6) receives ini:[value]

    attackbonus - this ability is not detailed when it kicks in

    BloodPact Dark Archer (s1) receives att:[value]

    BloodPact Dark Archer (s2) receives att:[value]

    BloodPact Heretic Archer II (s3) receives att:[value]

    Unholy Priest II (s4) receives att:[value] - hide this line

    Imperial Aramor (s5) receives att:[value]

    Unholy Priest II (s6) receives att:[value] - hide this line

    - BloodPact Dark Archer (s2):

    creatureboost - this ability is not detailed when it kicks in

    - BloodPact Heretic Archer II (s3):

    creatureboost - this ability is not detailed when it kicks in


    Influences for MRF ######


    (so as to not clutter this area too much, if all ability given values are 0 for a creature, hide effect for that creature - Pope vampiricaura does this)

    (Tormented Soul and Soulweaver abilities are a mess in display; you can't tell who gets what)


    Applying Asthir's Creature Tokens at 100%

    BloodPact Dark Archer (694921)'s creature tokens []

    Unholy Priest II (816053)'s creature tokens []

    Unholy Priest II (816054)'s creature tokens []

    Imperial Aramor (820193)'s creature tokens []

    BloodPact Dark Archer (828561)'s creature tokens []

    BloodPact Heretic Archer II (836456)'s creature tokens []


    Applying MRF's Creature Tokens at 100%

    Dark Archer (727579)'s creature tokens [claw1, blooddrop1, blooddrop2]

    [blooddrop2]  gets 0 [spoiler] ([spoiler] percent)

    (influences and tokens appear to be sorted by ID)[/spoiler]


    Influence tab will get cluttered with all that information, but it will give detailed info on what we begin with, what gets added as an effect of what, and understanding rounds, deducing what should or shouldn't happen will be much easier.


    Also, some of you know, slots 1 and 2 are switched in combat, as opposed to when you create a ritual. Fixing this would also remove a bit of confusion.

  8. as far as i can remember my tests on weaken defence it lasts for 2 rounds (plus the round it was cast in since effect is indeed immediate) if it isn't re-apllied (try it with single target weaken on random target to see if it's true). if it is re-apllied (even if it is from a different creature) then the effect stacks and as long as you are maintaing the weaken status it doesnt matter that some of the stacks should be over and it just keeps getting new stacks without cancelling any old ones.
    i got some insane weakening with max grassan on weaken and 2 birds (grassans "weaken all" made sure all the enemys creatures were under efeect of weaken all the time and so enemy never regained any defence since the weaken effect never really ended).

    p.s.: it also helps with testing if you're not in an alliance so combat last for more rounds making resoults even more obvious.


    That's indeed so, and it applies for Martir as well. If this is the way it is supposed to work, it should be specified in their descriptions.

  9. Having all that info in each round will clutter it to hell. :P At the least, it can be mentioned once in the Influence tab, since you can switch tabs quickly and when returning to Rounds it will have remembered exactly where you were. ID and Slot should be enough in the Rounds tab.


    Influences for [player name] ######
    [creature name] ([ID], [type], [level], [slot]): [creature ability]
    ID goes a long way to help since we can now determine what creature is in which slot by using the Combat Action section. (hover mouse over creature and link ID to slot, then corelate with Export) Artwork in Combat Action section will help some, if not most, to determine what creature/level/stats will act from each slot.
    Agreed with VE part. It should include who's left with what, as well as mention VE of the other creature, to determine if it undergoes any changes as a result of possible effects it might be under.
  10. There's no way I can make a complete list of things, but I'll try adding as I think of them. Some of the below are inspired by Ary's previous post.


    Need to be added

    - creature ID in log, maybe after the name

    - % of gained lost VE at the end of battles in which one party suffers 100% losses

    - round name for Round 0

    - temporary effect lines which for some reason show only the slot it applies to, but not the effect which either ceased or was refreshed


    Are broken

    - as stated above, burst stats don't get added

    - Weaken Defense, as explained above (lots or red.blue text :P) - after looking through the bug thread, I found that this one refers to a bug which was already known: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9638-weaken-defence-higherd-def/

    - Regenerate = the VE gain from regenerate counts towards heat loss for the other player, but doesn't count for battle result (win/loss); if I remember right, Ary said something like "all Regen VE is lost at the end of the battle" - http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16357-bugged-ritual-martirismregeneration/

    - Tokens? = the ones which should give defense actually don't

    - Defend = someone said something about this giving one the ability to kill their own creatures... no idea how

    - ability to use creatures when you shouldn't: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16546-angien-levels-1-2-in-rituals/

    - ability to protect rituals indefinitely

    - Guardian Army = while it's a spell, it deals with combat and it's broken: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8232-problems-with-guardian-army-spell/

    - some token names don't appear in the log: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16315-onyxfangs-token-will-not-appear-if-pn-p/

    - one of a few (I think) slider issues: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16300-random-rit-0ve-not-working/

    - Imperial Aramor auras: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16269-imperial-aramor-warrior-double-attack-bonus-special-influence/

    - Battle Log Display: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16055-battle-log-rounds-column-display-is-bugged/ - the Round section isn't the only broken one; Regeneration gained VE also isn't shown in here

    - Pope Martir: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15795-priest-martyr-reversed-effect/

    - Random Ritual Influence VE: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14986-random-ritual-and-applied-influence/


    Are misleading

    - everything that's broken :P

    - creatures with no names

    - message "No creatures survived the fight..." when one party is capped

    - slots 1 and 2 getting switched in combat, as opposed to when building a ritual

    - temporary effects at the beginning of combat not being shown in the order they take place in previous round

    - creature auras disregard initiative and apply in the order of something else I won't name, as I don't know if it's the way it should be, and thus a spoiler

    - XP gained from extra honor (green line at the top of combat popup) appears during combat, but not during a replay of it

    - when attacking with negative honor, no stats are gained; yet the log shows profile XP was gained: http://i.imgur.com/juonkez.jpg - the red message on top is missing from battle replays

    - negative honor gains are displayed as 0 in Summary, when attacker (and winner) is at negative honor

    - Frozen creature names aren't displayed in the Influence tab: "[player name]'s [missing creature name] is upgraded beyond maximum allowed [...]"

    - "The defender (the player that is attacked) will lose honour only if they lose against a player with less wins than them, the honour loss is a penalisation and is meant to prevent certain exploits on a larger scale." - first part is wrong: the penalty applies no matter if you are the attacker or the defender, as long as you lose to a player with less profile wins than yourself


    Could be improved

    - creature identification within the log, as Ary pointed out

    - scrolling text while battle is ongoing might just as well be removed; I'm sure nobody is able to actually read it :))

    - HTML5 interface for faster loading when you make rituals... helps when you have dozens of them


    I'm sure Ary has more experience with combat to provide a better list

  11. This is an extract of effects only from the first log, differentiated by slots. First thing's first; creatures:


    Slot 1: Santa (defense = base 5 + profile 92.3 = 97)

    Slot 2: Animated Tree I (defense = base 5 + profile 92.3 = 97)

    Slot 3: Animated Tree I (defense = base 5 + profile 92.3 = 97)

    Slot 4: Hallow Warrior (defense = base 15 + profile 92.3 = 107)

    Slot 5: Hallow Warrior (defense = base 15 + profile 92.3 = 107)

    Slot 6: Hallow Warrior (defense = base 15 + profile 92.3 = 107)

    (again, note that extra 8.3 defense from burst is missing)


    Next thing, ability description:


    "Weaken Defence
    The creature will lower the target’s defence attribute for the next two rounds.
    The effectiveness is based on the attack attribute.
    It is a temporary effect; it starts the next round and lasts for 2 rounds."


    Everything which has *** refers to temporary effects mentioned at the beginning of the round, as a result of being applied in the previous rounds. Everything else are effects applied during that round.


    Combat Round 0:

    Slot 6:

    +weaken = 107 - 1486 = -1379 defense; now at weaken round 1 (noted as 0 in the log) out of 2;

    Slot 2:

    +weaken = 97 - 1453 = -1356 defense; now at weaken round 1 out of 2;

    (during this round, HW in slot 6 received 6271 damage due to weaken having effects immediately, instead of next round, as description says)


    Combat Round 1:

    Slot 6:

    ***weaken maintained; weaken round 1 over; now at weaken round 2 (noted as 1 in the log) out of 2; defense = -1379

    +weaken = -1379 - 1486 = -2865 defense; weaken round reset; now at weaken round 1 out of 2;

    Slot 2:

    ***weaken maintained; weaken round 1 over; now at weaken round 2 out of 2; defense = -1356

    Slot 5:

    +weaken = 107 - 1453 = -1346 defense; now at weaken round 1 out of 2;


    Combat Round 2:

    Slot 6:

    ***missing due to creature dying

    Slot 5:

    ***weaken maintained; weaken round 1 over; now at weaken round 2 out of 2; defense = -1346

    Slot 2:

    ***weaken ended; weaken round 2 over; (this is not specified in the log, only the slot number with no effects under it)

    Slot 4:

    +weaken = 107 - 1486 = -1379 defense; now at weaken round 1 out of 2;

    +weaken = -1379 - 1453 = -2832 defense; now at weaken round 1 out of 2;


    Combat Round 3:

    Slot 4:

    ***weaken maintained; weaken round 1 over; now at weaken round 2 out of 2; defense = -1379

    ***weaken maintained; weaken round 1 over; now at weaken round 2 out of 2; defense = -2832

    Slot 5:

    ***weaken ended; weaken round 2 over; (this is not specified in the log, only the slot number with no effects under it)

    Slot 2:

    ***this line shouldn't exist in temporary effects, as the effect ended in the previous combat round;

    Slot 1:

    +weaken = 97 - 1486 = -1389 defense; now at weaken round 1 out of 2;

    Slot 3:

    +weaken = 97 - 1453 = -1356 defense; now at weaken round 1 out of 2;


    Combat Round 4:

    Slot 4:

    ***missing due to creature dying

    Slot 5:

    ***this line shouldn't exist in temporary effects, as the effect ended in the previous combat round;

    Slot 1:

    ***weaken maintained; weaken round 1 over; now at weaken round 2 out of 2; defense = -1389

    +weaken = -1389 - 1486 = -2875 defense; weaken round reset; now at weaken round 1 out of 2;

    +weaken = -2875 - 1453 = -4328 defense; weaken round reset; now at weaken round 1 out of 2;

    Slot 2:

    ***this line shouldn't exist in temporary effects, as the effect ended 2 combat rounds ago;

    Slot 3:

    ***weaken maintained; weaken round 1 over; now at weaken round 2 out of 2; defense = -1356


    Combat Round 5:

    Slot 5:

    ***this line shouldn't exist in temporary effects, as the effect ended 2 combat rounds ago;

    Slot 1:

    ***weaken maintained; weaken round 1 over; now at weaken round 2 out of 2; defense = -2875

    ***weaken maintained; weaken round 1 over; now at weaken round 2 out of 2; defense = -4328

    Slot 3:

    ***weaken ended; weaken round 2 over; (this is not specified in the log, only the slot number with no effects under it)

    +weaken = 97 - 1486 = -1389 defense; now at weaken round 1 out of 2; - something odd will be visible in next round, and lower in this one

    Slot 2:

    ***this line shouldn't exist in temporary effects, as the effect ended 3 combat rounds ago;

    +weaken = 4456 - 1486 = 3003 defense; now at weaken round 1 out of 2;

    (what you see above appears instead of what should appear - written below in black)

    +weaken = 97 - 1486 = -1389 defense; now at weaken round 1 out of 2;

    (this creature gained 3 rounds of negative weaken defense = protection from elemental: 97+1453+1453+1453=4456)


    Combat Round 6:


    Slot 5:

    ***this line shouldn't exist in temporary effects, as the effect ended 3 combat rounds ago;

    Slot 2:

    ***weaken maintained; weaken round 1 over; now at weaken round 2 out of 2; defense = 3003

    Slot 3:

    ***weaken maintained; weaken round 1 over; now at weaken round 2 out of 2; defense = 64

    (this is the oddity mentioned in the combat round before; instead of showing it was maintained at -1389 defense, this slot gains one round of negative weaken defense from elemental: -1389+1453=64)



    I can't continue as I need to finish up things at work, but you get the picture.



    What I understand out of this is that, after weaken ends, the creature which was under the effect doesn't just get its defense back, but that it gets the same amount of defense back in every round which follows the round when the effect ended, until the status of the ability (weaken defense) is reset = applied again. [reworded for a little more clarity]

  12. There was also a 3rd battle I didn't save in which the extra VE from the burst didn't get added. The timer showed about 6 minutes at the time. While it's possible that this was a timer error, and that it was just resetting when I attacked, I can't prove it. Just thought to mention it.

    Not the case with the battles in the above post.

    (all logs are now gone due to bursts)

  13. Two examples, of almost identical battles.
    First one, incoming attack from Ilidria (attacker) on Asthir (defender) = 3 * Hollow Warrior, 2 * Animated Tree I, 1 * Santa - all set to heal.
    Asthir's profile defense is 554 - it was 604 due to burst at the time - so each creature should have gotten another 100 defense on top of their base defense.
    Notice the 1st round (the one with no number attributed to it = ROUND 0 ?), 3rd (ROUND 2) and the 6th+7th rounds (ROUND 5, ROUND 6)
    [spoiler]Loading Ilidria creatures
    Loading Asthir creatures
    COMBO: Adding 766 combo vitality bonus for this ritual
    Applying 0% of Ilidria's energetic influence
    Applying 100% of Asthir's energetic influence

    Influences for Ilidria ######
    Imperial Aramor Warrior: morale, attackbonus, attackbonus
    Imperial Aramor Warrior: morale, attackbonus, attackbonus
    Imperial Aramor Warrior: morale, attackbonus, attackbonus

    Influences for Asthir ######
    Hollow Warrior: doubleantifreeze
    Animated Tree I gets unfrozen
    Animated Tree I gets unfrozen
    Hollow Warrior: doubleantifreeze
    Animated Tree I gets unfrozen
    Hollow Warrior gets unfrozen
    Hollow Warrior: doubleantifreeze
    Animated Tree I gets unfrozen
    Hollow Warrior gets unfrozen
    Animated Tree I: regenaura
    Animated Tree I: regenaura

    Applying Ilidria's Creature Tokens at 100%
    Heretic Archer II's creature tokens [claw2, claw1, emeraldglare]
    [claw2] Heretic Archer II gets 401 attack and 0 regeneration based on Principles
    [claw1] Heretic Archer II gets 842 power based on Principles
    [emeraldglare] Heretic Archer II gets 3 regeneration and 21 defence based on enemy creature skills
    Dark Archer's creature tokens [claw1, emeraldglare]
    [claw1] Dark Archer gets 842 power based on Principles
    [emeraldglare] Dark Archer gets 3 regeneration and 21 defence based on enemy creature skills
    Elemental I's creature tokens [claw1, claw2, emeraldglare]
    [claw1] Elemental I gets 842 power based on Principles
    [claw2] Elemental I gets 401 attack and 0 regeneration based on Principles
    [emeraldglare] Elemental I gets 3 regeneration and 21 defence based on enemy creature skills
    Imperial Aramor Warrior's creature tokens []
    Imperial Aramor Warrior's creature tokens []
    Imperial Aramor Warrior's creature tokens []

    Applying Asthir's Creature Tokens at 0%
    Hollow Warrior's creature tokens []
    Hollow Warrior's creature tokens []
    Hollow Warrior's creature tokens []
    Santa II's creature tokens []
    Animated Tree I's creature tokens []
    Animated Tree I's creature tokens []

    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1486|from 107 to -1379; )
    - creature base 15 + base+burst profile 604 / 6 creatures = 15 + 100 = 115, not 107; base profile 554 / 6 creatures + creature base 15 = 107 >>> burst stat didn't count
    and remains with 13032 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1614 damage
    and remains with 11418 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1614 damage
    and remains with 9804 vitality
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1429 damage
    and remains with 8375 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1614 damage
    and remains with 6761 vitality
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Santa II does heal to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Heal power: 156
    - Hollow Warrior doesn't need any healing for now
    and remains with 13032 vitality
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1453
    - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from 97 to -1356; )
    - creature base 5 + base+burst profile 604 / 6 creatures = 15 + 100 = 105, not 97; base profile 554 / 6 creatures + creature base 5 = 97 >>> burst stat didn't count
    and remains with 14532 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "1" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1486|from 107 to -1379; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1453|from 97 to -1356; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-1486|from -1379 to -2865; )
    - this gives the impression that the effect lasts more than 2 rounds
    and remains with 6761 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 3100 damage
    and remains with 3661 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 3100 damage
    and remains with 561 vitality
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 2915 damage
    creature DIES!
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1591 damage
    and remains with 12941 vitality
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Santa II does heal to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Heal power: 156
    - Animated Tree I doesn't need any healing for now
    and remains with 14532 vitality
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1453
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from 107 to -1346; )
    and remains with 13032 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "2" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1453|from 107 to -1346; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 :
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1486|from 107 to -1379; )
    and remains with 13032 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1614 damage
    and remains with 11418 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1614 damage
    and remains with 9804 vitality
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1429 damage
    and remains with 8375 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1614 damage
    and remains with 6761 vitality
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Santa II does heal to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Heal power: 156
    - Animated Tree I doesn't need any healing for now
    and remains with 12941 vitality
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1453
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from -1379 to -2832; )
    and remains with 6761 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "3" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 4 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1486|from 107 to -1379; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1453|from -1379 to -2832; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 :
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 :
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Santa II
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1486|from 97 to -1389; )
    and remains with 17532 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 3067 damage
    and remains with 3694 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 3067 damage
    and remains with 627 vitality
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 2882 damage
    creature DIES!
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Santa II receives 1624 damage
    and remains with 15908 vitality
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Santa II does heal to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Heal power: 156
    - Hollow Warrior doesn't need any healing for now
    and remains with 13032 vitality
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1453
    - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from 97 to -1356; )
    and remains with 14532 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "4" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 :
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 1 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1486|from 97 to -1389; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 :
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1453|from 97 to -1356; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Santa II
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-1486|from -1389 to -2875; )
    and remains with 15908 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Santa II receives 3110 damage
    and remains with 12798 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Santa II receives 3110 damage
    and remains with 9688 vitality
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Santa II receives 2925 damage
    and remains with 6763 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Santa II receives 3110 damage
    and remains with 3653 vitality
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior does heal to dying creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Heal power: 126
    - heals Santa II and recovers 126 vitality
    and remains with 3779 vitality
    Asthir's Animated Tree I does heal to dying creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Heal power: 91
    - heals Santa II and recovers 91 vitality
    and remains with 3870 vitality
    Asthir's Animated Tree I does heal to dying creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Heal power: 91
    - heals Santa II and recovers 91 vitality
    and remains with 3961 vitality
    Asthir's Santa II does heal to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Heal power: 156
    - Animated Tree I doesn't need any healing for now
    and remains with 12941 vitality
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1453
    - maintains weaken on Santa II
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from -2875 to -4328; )
    and remains with 3961 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "5" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 :
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 1 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1486|from -1389 to -2875; )
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1453|from -2875 to -4328; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 :
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 :
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1486|from 97 to -1389; )
    and remains with 14532 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Santa II receives 4563 damage
    creature DIES!
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1624 damage
    and remains with 12908 vitality
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1439 damage
    and remains with 11469 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1624 damage
    and remains with 9845 vitality
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1453
    - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-1453|from 4456 to 3003; )
    - all my creatures are on heal... at no point was there any protection dealt to any of my creatures; where does this tree have 4456 defense from?
    and remains with 12941 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "6" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 :
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from 4456 to 3003; )
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1486|from 1550 to 64; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1486|from 4466 to 2980; )
    - this is a different creature, same effect; gets hit again at the end of this round;
    and remains with 13032 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 171 damage
    and remains with 9674 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 171 damage
    and remains with 9503 vitality
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1 damage
    and remains with 9502 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 171 damage
    and remains with 9331 vitality
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1453
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-1453|from 2980 to 1527; )
    - here, being brought from 4466 to 1527; again, where did the initial 4466 defense come from?
    and remains with 13032 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "7" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from 4466 to 3013; )
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1486|from 3013 to 1527; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1453|from 4456 to 3003; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 :
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1486|from 3003 to 1517; )
    and remains with 12941 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1 damage
    and remains with 12940 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1 damage
    and remains with 12939 vitality
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1 damage
    and remains with 12938 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1 damage
    and remains with 12937 vitality
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1453
    - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-1453|from 3003 to 1550; )
    and remains with 9331 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "8" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1453|from 4466 to 3013; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1486|from 4456 to 2970; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from 4489 to 3036; )
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-1486|from 3013 to 1527; )
    and remains with 13032 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1 damage
    and remains with 13031 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1 damage
    and remains with 13030 vitality
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1 damage
    and remains with 13029 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1 damage
    and remains with 13028 vitality
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1453
    - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-1453|from 3036 to 1583; )
    and remains with 9331 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "9" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1486|from 4466 to 2980; )
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 :
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from 4522 to 3069; )
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-1486|from 2980 to 1494; )
    and remains with 13028 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1 damage
    and remains with 13027 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1 damage
    and remains with 13026 vitality

    ... Fight ended because it was too long. Player that lost the most of his army looses
    ... Ilidria WINS! 0% vs 58.8129580358%
    Creature Experience reward for Ilidria - Winning player
    Heretic Archer II recovers 24 Vitality
    Dark Archer recovers 45 Vitality
    Elemental I recovers 12 Vitality
    Player is at max xp limit, no xp reward
    Creature Experience reward for Asthir - Losing player
    Hollow Warrior recovers 105 Vitality
    Hollow Warrior recovers 105 Vitality
    Hollow Warrior gains 0 Xp
    Hollow Warrior recovers 105 Vitality
    Santa II recovers 450 Vitality
    Animated Tree I recovers 180 Vitality
    Animated Tree I gains 0 Xp
    Animated Tree I recovers 180 Vitality
    Animated Tree I gains 0 Xp
    Winner gets won fights counter incremented!
    Loser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented![/spoiler]
    Second one, outgoing attack on Ilidria (defender) from Asthir (attacker) = same ritual, same profile status (burst)
    Notice 1st no number round (ROUND 0) and 6th (ROUND 5).
    [spoiler]Loading Ilidria creatures
    Loading Asthir creatures
    COMBO: Adding 48 combo vitality bonus for this ritual
    Applying 0% of Ilidria's energetic influence
    Applying 100% of Asthir's energetic influence

    Influences for Ilidria ######
    Imperial Aramor Warrior: morale, attackbonus, attackbonus
    Imperial Aramor Warrior: morale, attackbonus, attackbonus
    Imperial Aramor Warrior: morale, attackbonus, attackbonus

    Influences for Asthir ######
    Hollow Warrior: doubleantifreeze
    Animated Tree I gets unfrozen
    Hollow Warrior gets unfrozen
    Hollow Warrior: doubleantifreeze
    Santa II gets unfrozen
    Animated Tree I gets unfrozen
    Hollow Warrior: doubleantifreeze
    Hollow Warrior gets unfrozen
    Hollow Warrior gets unfrozen
    Animated Tree I: regenaura
    Animated Tree I: regenaura

    Applying Ilidria's Creature Tokens at 100%
    Heretic Archer II's creature tokens [claw2, claw1, emeraldglare]
    [claw2] Heretic Archer II gets 401 attack and 0 regeneration based on Principles
    [claw1] Heretic Archer II gets 842 power based on Principles
    [emeraldglare] Heretic Archer II gets 3 regeneration and 21 defence based on enemy creature skills
    Dark Archer's creature tokens [claw1, emeraldglare]
    [claw1] Dark Archer gets 842 power based on Principles
    [emeraldglare] Dark Archer gets 3 regeneration and 21 defence based on enemy creature skills
    Elemental I's creature tokens [claw1, claw2, emeraldglare]
    [claw1] Elemental I gets 842 power based on Principles
    [claw2] Elemental I gets 401 attack and 0 regeneration based on Principles
    [emeraldglare] Elemental I gets 3 regeneration and 21 defence based on enemy creature skills
    Imperial Aramor Warrior's creature tokens []
    Imperial Aramor Warrior's creature tokens []
    Imperial Aramor Warrior's creature tokens []

    Applying Asthir's Creature Tokens at 0%
    Hollow Warrior's creature tokens []
    Hollow Warrior's creature tokens []
    Hollow Warrior's creature tokens []
    Santa II's creature tokens []
    Animated Tree I's creature tokens []
    Animated Tree I's creature tokens []

    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1486|from 97 to -1389; )
    - same issue with burst stat not being added as before
    and remains with 10218 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1624 damage
    and remains with 8594 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1624 damage
    and remains with 6970 vitality
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1439 damage
    and remains with 5531 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1624 damage
    and remains with 3907 vitality
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Santa II does heal to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Heal power: 156
    - Santa II doesn't need any healing for now
    and remains with 14938 vitality
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1453
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from 107 to -1346; )
    - same issue with burst stat not being added as before
    and remains with 10068 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "1" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1453|from 107 to -1346; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1486|from 97 to -1389; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-1486|from -1389 to -2875; )
    and remains with 3907 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 3110 damage
    and remains with 797 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 3110 damage
    creature DIES!
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1396 damage
    and remains with 8672 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1581 damage
    and remains with 7091 vitality
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Santa II does heal to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Heal power: 156
    - Animated Tree I doesn't need any healing for now
    and remains with 11938 vitality
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1453
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from 107 to -1346; )
    and remains with 10438 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "2" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 4 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1453|from 107 to -1346; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 :
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1486|from -1346 to -2832; )
    and remains with 10438 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 3067 damage
    and remains with 7371 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 3067 damage
    and remains with 4304 vitality
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 2882 damage
    and remains with 1422 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 3067 damage
    creature DIES!
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Santa II does heal to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Heal power: 156
    - Animated Tree I doesn't need any healing for now
    and remains with 11938 vitality
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1453
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from 107 to -1346; )
    and remains with 10068 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "3" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1453|from 107 to -1346; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 :
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1486|from -1346 to -2832; )
    and remains with 10068 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 3067 damage
    and remains with 7001 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 3067 damage
    and remains with 3934 vitality
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 2882 damage
    and remains with 1052 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 3067 damage
    creature DIES!
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Santa II does heal to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Heal power: 156
    - Hollow Warrior doesn't need any healing for now
    and remains with 7091 vitality
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1453
    - maintains weaken on Santa II
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from 97 to -1356; )
    and remains with 14938 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "4" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 :
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 1 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1453|from 97 to -1356; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Santa II
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1486|from -1356 to -2842; )
    and remains with 14938 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Santa II receives 3077 damage
    and remains with 11861 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Santa II receives 3077 damage
    and remains with 8784 vitality
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Santa II receives 2892 damage
    and remains with 5892 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Santa II receives 3077 damage
    and remains with 2815 vitality
    Asthir's Animated Tree I does heal to dying creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Heal power: 91
    - heals Santa II and recovers 91 vitality
    and remains with 2906 vitality
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior does heal to dying creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Heal power: 126
    - heals Santa II and recovers 126 vitality
    and remains with 3032 vitality
    Asthir's Santa II does heal to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Heal power: 156
    - Hollow Warrior doesn't need any healing for now
    and remains with 7091 vitality
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1453
    - maintains weaken on Santa II
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-1453|from -2842 to -4295; )
    and remains with 3032 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "5" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 :
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 1 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from -1356 to -2809; )
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1486|from -2809 to -4295; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Santa II
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-1486|from -4295 to -5781; )
    and remains with 3032 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Santa II receives 6016 damage
    creature DIES!
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 138 damage
    and remains with 11800 vitality
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1 damage
    and remains with 11799 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 138 damage
    and remains with 11661 vitality
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1453
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-1453|from 4466 to 3013; )
    - same issue with unknown defense being added as before
    and remains with 7091 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "6" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from 4466 to 3013; )
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1486|from 97 to -1389; )
    and remains with 11661 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1624 damage
    and remains with 10037 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1624 damage
    and remains with 8413 vitality
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1439 damage
    and remains with 6974 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 1624 damage
    and remains with 5350 vitality
    Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1453
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-1453|from 3013 to 1560; )
    and remains with 7091 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "7" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from 3013 to 1560; )
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1486|from 97 to -1389; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-1486|from -1389 to -2875; )
    and remains with 5350 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 3110 damage
    and remains with 2240 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Animated Tree I receives 3110 damage
    creature DIES!
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1 damage
    and remains with 7090 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1 damage
    and remains with 7089 vitality
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1453
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-1453|from 1560 to 107; )
    and remains with 7089 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "8" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from 1560 to 107; )
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -1486
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1486|from 107 to -1379; )
    and remains with 7089 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1614 damage
    and remains with 5475 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1614 damage
    and remains with 3861 vitality
    Ilidria's Dark Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1429 damage
    and remains with 2432 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 1614 damage
    and remains with 818 vitality
    Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Ilidria's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -635
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-635|from -1379 to -2014; )
    and remains with 818 vitality

    ###### START ROUND "9" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-1453|from 925 to -528; )
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-1486|from -528 to -2014; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Ilidria's Heretic Archer II does weaken to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -668
    - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-668|from -2014 to -2682; )
    and remains with 818 vitality
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to weak creature(s) of Asthir and:
    - Hollow Warrior receives 2917 damage
    creature DIES!
    Ilidria's Imperial Aramor Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn

    ... Ilidria WINS!
    Creature Experience reward for Ilidria - Winning player
    Heretic Archer II recovers 24 Vitality
    Dark Archer recovers 45 Vitality
    Elemental I recovers 12 Vitality
    Player is at max xp limit, no xp reward
    Creature Experience reward for Asthir - Losing player
    Hollow Warrior recovers 105 Vitality
    Hollow Warrior recovers 105 Vitality
    Hollow Warrior recovers 105 Vitality
    Santa II recovers 450 Vitality
    Animated Tree I recovers 180 Vitality
    Animated Tree I recovers 180 Vitality
    Player is at max xp limit, no xp reward
    Winner gets won fights counter incremented!
    Loser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented![/spoiler]
    To summarize:
    1. Burst stats don't count in battle. I've only colored in red a few lines to show this, but this is the case for all creatures.
    2. Huge amounts of defense are added to some of Asthir's creatures, based on factors I'm not able to determine.

  14. I just attacked Eagle's Root Warriors (2 of them at 3.8k VE each) with the same ritual mentioned above, and the 2nd screen is similar - it shows he lost 0% VE. Looking through the log, I saw both of his trees "die". Reviewing the export from the fight with Apo, again, all of his creatures died throughout the rounds.


    I think this is just a display issue, or some missing files. 100% just shows as 0% instead.


    The case in the initial post is similar for all fights beginning 2.5 hours ago. Before that, logs are normal.

  15. Attacker: Mythrandir


    1. Chaos Archer - Damage - all

    2. Grasan Huvourer - Weaken Defense - all

    3. Grasan Huvourer - Weaken Defense - all

    4. Remains - Martir - random

    5. Remains - Martir - random

    6. Remains - Martir - random


    Defender: apophys


    1. Elemental (max) - Steal Life - multiple

    2. Pope (max) - Martir - dying

    3. Pope (max) - Martir - dying

    4. Remains - Martir - dying

    5. Remains - Martir - dying

    6. Remains - Martir - dying


    Outcome screenshot:




    Inside log screenshot:




    "Battle Result" screenshot:




    (missing VE win/loss %)


    [log='Export']Loading Mythrandir creatures
    Loading apophys creatures
    COMBO: Adding 1067 combo vitality bonus for this ritual
    Applying 77% of Mythrandir's energetic influence
    Applying 9% of apophys's energetic influence
    Influences for Mythrandir ######
    BloodPact Dark Archer III: creatureboost
    Remains: regenaura
    Remains: regenaura
    Remains: regenaura
    Influences for apophys ######
    Judas: vampiricaura
    vampiricaura drains 3444 vitality from Mythrandir's BloodPact Dark Archer III and gives it to apophys's Remains1674 vitality from Mythrandir's Grasan Huvourer and gives it to apophys's Remains1674 vitality from Mythrandir's Grasan Huvourer and gives it to apophys's Remains1451 vitality from Mythrandir's Remains and gives it to apophys's Judas1453 vitality from Mythrandir's Remains and gives it to apophys's Leech1451 vitality from Mythrandir's Remains and gives it to apophys's Pope Maledict
    Pope Maledict: vampiricaura
    vampiricaura drains 1033 vitality from Mythrandir's BloodPact Dark Archer III and gives it to apophys's Remains502 vitality from Mythrandir's Grasan Huvourer and gives it to apophys's Remains502 vitality from Mythrandir's Grasan Huvourer and gives it to apophys's Remains435 vitality from Mythrandir's Remains and gives it to apophys's Judas436 vitality from Mythrandir's Remains and gives it to apophys's Leech435 vitality from Mythrandir's Remains and gives it to apophys's Pope Maledict
    Remains: regenaura
    Remains: regenaura
    Remains: regenaura
    Applying Mythrandir's Creature Tokens at 23%
    BloodPact Dark Archer III's creature tokens [jewelshards, osirisbelt]
    [jewelshards] BloodPact Dark Archer III gets Max Vitality capacity doubled
    [osirisbelt] BloodPact Dark Archer III gets Max Vitality capacity increased by 2400
    Grasan Huvourer's creature tokens []
    Grasan Huvourer's creature tokens []
    Remains's creature tokens []
    Remains's creature tokens []
    Remains's creature tokens []
    Applying apophys's Creature Tokens at 91%
    Leech's creature tokens []
    Judas's creature tokens []
    Pope Maledict's creature tokens []
    Remains's creature tokens []
    Remains's creature tokens []
    Remains's creature tokens []
    Mythrandir's BloodPact Dark Archer III does damage to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Leech receives 55 damage
    and remains with 2110 vitality
        - Judas receives 80 damage
    and remains with 2089 vitality
        - Pope Maledict receives 80 damage
    and remains with 2089 vitality
        - Remains receives 85 damage
    and remains with 2237 vitality
        - Remains receives 85 damage
    and remains with 2237 vitality
        - Remains receives 85 damage
    and remains with 4538 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Remains is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 50 to 79; )
    and remains with 2509 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Remains is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 50 to 79; )
    and remains with 2512 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Grasan Huvourer is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 47 to 76; )
    and remains with 2752 vitality
    Mythrandir's Grasan Huvourer does weaken to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Leech
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from 55 to -105; )
    and remains with 2110 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Judas
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from 30 to -130; )
    and remains with 2089 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Pope Maledict
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from 30 to -130; )
    and remains with 2089 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from 25 to -135; )
    and remains with 2237 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from 25 to -135; )
    and remains with 2237 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from 25 to -135; )
    and remains with 4538 vitality
    Mythrandir's Grasan Huvourer does weaken to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Leech
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -105 to -265; )
    and remains with 2110 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Judas
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -130 to -290; )
    and remains with 2089 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Pope Maledict
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -130 to -290; )
    and remains with 2089 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -135 to -295; )
    and remains with 2237 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -135 to -295; )
    and remains with 2237 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -135 to -295; )
    and remains with 4538 vitality
    apophys's Leech does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Steallife power: 20%
        - steals 550 vitality from Grasan Huvourer and gives it to Judas
    and remains with 2202 vitality
        - Steallife power: 20%
        - steals 502 vitality from Remains and gives it to Remains
    and remains with 2010 vitality
        - Steallife power: 20%
        - steals 502 vitality from Remains and gives it to Leech
    and remains with 2010 vitality
    apophys's Judas does protect to dying creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 112
        - BloodPact Dark Archer III is protected by Judas with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=112|from 55 to 167; )
    and remains with 5508 vitality
    apophys's Pope Maledict does protect to dying creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 112
        - BloodPact Dark Archer III is protected by Pope Maledict with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=112|from 167 to 279; )
    and remains with 5508 vitality
    apophys's Remains cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    apophys's Remains cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    apophys's Remains cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    ###### START ROUND "1" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 1 :
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=112|from 55 to 167; )
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=112|from 167 to 279; )
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 2 :
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=29|from 47 to 76; )
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 4 :
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=29|from 50 to 79; )
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 5 :
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=29|from 50 to 79; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 5 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-160|from 55 to -105; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-160|from -105 to -265; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 4 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-160|from 30 to -130; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-160|from -130 to -290; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 6 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-160|from 30 to -130; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-160|from -130 to -290; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 3 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-160|from 25 to -135; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-160|from -135 to -295; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 2 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-160|from 25 to -135; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-160|from -135 to -295; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 1 :
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-160|from 25 to -135; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-160|from -135 to -295; )
    weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
    Mythrandir's BloodPact Dark Archer III does damage to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Leech receives 375 damage
    and remains with 2237 vitality
        - Judas receives 400 damage
    and remains with 2127 vitality
        - Pope Maledict receives 400 damage
    and remains with 1577 vitality
        - Remains receives 405 damage
    and remains with 1832 vitality
        - Remains receives 405 damage
    and remains with 2334 vitality
        - Remains receives 405 damage
    and remains with 4133 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Remains is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 79 to 108; )
    and remains with 2480 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - BloodPact Dark Archer III is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 279 to 308; )
    and remains with 5508 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Grasan Huvourer is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 47 to 76; )
    and remains with 2202 vitality
    Mythrandir's Grasan Huvourer does weaken to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Leech
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -265 to -425; )
    and remains with 2237 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Judas
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -290 to -450; )
    and remains with 2127 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Pope Maledict
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -290 to -450; )
    and remains with 1577 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -295 to -455; )
    and remains with 1832 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -295 to -455; )
    and remains with 2334 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -295 to -455; )
    and remains with 4133 vitality
    Mythrandir's Grasan Huvourer does weaken to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Leech
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -425 to -585; )
    and remains with 2237 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Judas
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -450 to -610; )
    and remains with 2127 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Pope Maledict
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -450 to -610; )
    and remains with 1577 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -455 to -615; )
    and remains with 1832 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -455 to -615; )
    and remains with 2334 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -455 to -615; )
    and remains with 4133 vitality
    apophys's Leech does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Steallife power: 20%
        - steals 550 vitality from Grasan Huvourer and gives it to Leech
    and remains with 2202 vitality
        - Steallife power: 1%
        - steals 22 vitality from Grasan Huvourer and gives it to Remains(luck: cancel effect)
    and remains with 2180 vitality
        - Steallife power: 20%
        - steals 396 vitality from Remains and gives it to Remains
    and remains with 1585 vitality
        - Steallife power: 20%
        - steals 396 vitality from Remains and gives it to Leech
    and remains with 1585 vitality
    apophys's Judas does protect to dying creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 112
        - BloodPact Dark Archer III is protected by Judas with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=112|from 308 to 420; )
    and remains with 5508 vitality
    apophys's Pope Maledict does protect to dying creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 112
        - BloodPact Dark Archer III is protected by Pope Maledict with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=112|from 420 to 532; )
    and remains with 5508 vitality
    apophys's Remains cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    apophys's Remains cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    apophys's Remains cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    ###### START ROUND "2" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 1 :
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=112|from 279 to 391; )
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=112|from 391 to 503; )
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=29|from 503 to 532; )
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 2 :
    protect (round:1 protect: defence=29|from 47 to 76; )
    protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 3 :
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=29|from 47 to 76; )
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 4 :
    protect (round:1 protect: defence=29|from 50 to 79; )
    protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 5 :
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 79 to 108; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 5 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -265 to -425; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -425 to -585; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 4 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -290 to -450; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -450 to -610; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 6 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -290 to -450; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -450 to -610; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 3 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -295 to -455; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -455 to -615; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 2 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -295 to -455; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -455 to -615; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 1 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -295 to -455; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -455 to -615; )
    Mythrandir's BloodPact Dark Archer III does damage to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Leech receives 695 damage
    and remains with 2488 vitality
        - Judas receives 720 damage
    and remains with 1295 vitality
        - Pope Maledict receives 720 damage
    and remains with 745 vitality
        - Remains receives 725 damage
    and remains with 1107 vitality
        - Remains receives 835 damage (luck: double effect)
    and remains with 1521 vitality
        - Remains receives 725 damage
    and remains with 3804 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Remains is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 108 to 137; )
    and remains with 2451 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Remains is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 50 to 79; )
    and remains with 1585 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Remains is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 79 to 108; )
    and remains with 1556 vitality
    Mythrandir's Grasan Huvourer does weaken to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Leech
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -585 to -745; )
    and remains with 2488 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Judas
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -610 to -770; )
    and remains with 1295 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Pope Maledict
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -610 to -770; )
    and remains with 745 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -615 to -775; )
    and remains with 1107 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -615 to -775; )
    and remains with 1521 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -615 to -775; )
    and remains with 3804 vitality
    Mythrandir's Grasan Huvourer does weaken to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Leech
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -745 to -905; )
    and remains with 2488 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Judas
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -770 to -930; )
    and remains with 1295 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Pope Maledict
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -770 to -930; )
    and remains with 745 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -775 to -935; )
    and remains with 1107 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -775 to -935; )
    and remains with 1521 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -775 to -935; )
    and remains with 3804 vitality
    apophys's Leech does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Steallife power: 20%
        - steals 440 vitality from Grasan Huvourer and gives it to Remains
    and remains with 1762 vitality
        - Steallife power: 1%
        - steals 16 vitality from Remains and gives it to Remains(luck: cancel effect)
    and remains with 1540 vitality
        - Steallife power: 20%
        - steals 490 vitality from Remains and gives it to Remains
    and remains with 1961 vitality
        - Steallife power: 20%
        - steals 311 vitality from Remains and gives it to Leech
    and remains with 1245 vitality
    apophys's Judas does protect to dying creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 112
        - BloodPact Dark Archer III is protected by Judas with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=112|from 532 to 644; )
    and remains with 5508 vitality
    apophys's Pope Maledict does protect to dying creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 112
        - BloodPact Dark Archer III is protected by Pope Maledict with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=112|from 644 to 756; )
    and remains with 5508 vitality
    apophys's Remains does protect to dying creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Protection effect: 32
        - Pope Maledict is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=32|from -930 to -898; )
    and remains with 633 vitality
    apophys's Remains does protect to dying creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Protection effect: 32
        - Pope Maledict is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=32|from -898 to -866; )
    and remains with 633 vitality
    apophys's Remains does protect to dying creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Protection effect: 32
        - Pope Maledict is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=32|from -866 to -834; )
    and remains with 633 vitality
    ###### START ROUND "3" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 1 :
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=112|from 503 to 615; )
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=112|from 615 to 727; )
    protect (round:1 protect: defence=29|from 727 to 756; )
    protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 2 :
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 3 :
    protect (round:1 protect: defence=29|from 47 to 76; )
    protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 4 :
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=29|from 50 to 79; )
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 5 :
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 108 to 137; )
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 6 :
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=29|from 50 to 79; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 5 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -585 to -745; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -745 to -905; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 4 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -610 to -770; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -770 to -930; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 6 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -610 to -770; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -770 to -930; )
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=32|from -930 to -898; )
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=32|from -898 to -866; )
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=32|from -866 to -834; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 3 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -615 to -775; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -775 to -935; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 2 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -615 to -775; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -775 to -935; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 1 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -615 to -775; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -775 to -935; )
    Mythrandir's BloodPact Dark Archer III does damage to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Leech receives 1015 damage
    and remains with 1784 vitality
        - Judas receives 1040 damage
    and remains with 143 vitality
        - Pope Maledict receives 944 damage
    creature DIES!
        - Remains receives 1045 damage
    and remains with 470 vitality
        - Remains receives 1045 damage
    and remains with 934 vitality
        - Remains receives 1045 damage
    and remains with 2743 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Grasan Huvourer is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 76 to 105; )
    and remains with 2180 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Remains is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 79 to 108; )
    and remains with 1511 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Grasan Huvourer is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 105 to 134; )
    and remains with 2180 vitality
    Mythrandir's Grasan Huvourer does weaken to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Leech
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -905 to -1065; )
    and remains with 1784 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -17
        - maintains weaken on Judas
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-17|from -930 to -947; )
    and remains with 143 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -935 to -1095; )
    and remains with 470 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -935 to -1095; )
    and remains with 934 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -935 to -1095; )
    and remains with 2743 vitality
    Mythrandir's Grasan Huvourer does weaken to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Leech
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -1065 to -1225; )
    and remains with 1784 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -17
        - maintains weaken on Judas
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-17|from -947 to -964; )
    and remains with 143 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -1095 to -1255; )
    and remains with 470 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -1095 to -1255; )
    and remains with 934 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -1095 to -1255; )
    and remains with 2743 vitality
    apophys's Leech does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Steallife power: 20%
        - steals 1102 vitality from BloodPact Dark Archer III and gives it to Remains
    and remains with 4406 vitality
        - Steallife power: 20%
        - steals 302 vitality from Remains and gives it to Judas
    and remains with 1209 vitality
        - Steallife power: 20%
        - steals 386 vitality from Remains and gives it to Remains
    and remains with 1546 vitality
        - Steallife power: 20%
        - steals 243 vitality from Remains and gives it to Remains
    and remains with 973 vitality
    apophys's Judas does protect to dying creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 112
        - BloodPact Dark Archer III is protected by Judas with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=112|from 756 to 868; )
    and remains with 4406 vitality
    apophys's Remains does protect to dying creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Protection effect: 32
        - Judas is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=32|from -964 to -932; )
    and remains with 333 vitality
    apophys's Remains does protect to dying creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Protection effect: 32
        - Judas is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=32|from -932 to -900; )
    and remains with 333 vitality
    apophys's Remains does protect to dying creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Protection effect: 32
        - Judas is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=32|from -900 to -868; )
    and remains with 333 vitality
    ###### START ROUND "4" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 1 :
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=112|from 615 to 727; )
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=112|from 727 to 839; )
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 2 :
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 3 :
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 76 to 105; )
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=29|from 105 to 134; )
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 4 :
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 50 to 79; )
    protect (round:1 protect: defence=29|from 79 to 108; )
    protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 5 :
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=29|from 108 to 137; )
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 6 :
    protect (round:1 protect: defence=29|from 50 to 79; )
    protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 5 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -905 to -1065; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -1065 to -1225; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 4 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -644 to -804; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -804 to -964; )
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=32|from -964 to -932; )
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=32|from -932 to -900; )
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=32|from -900 to -868; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 3 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -935 to -1095; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -1095 to -1255; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 2 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -935 to -1095; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -1095 to -1255; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 1 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -935 to -1095; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -1095 to -1255; )
    Mythrandir's BloodPact Dark Archer III does damage to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Leech receives 1335 damage
    and remains with 449 vitality
        - Judas receives 978 damage
    creature DIES!
        - Remains receives 1365 damage
    creature DIES!
        - Remains receives 1365 damage
    and remains with 1025 vitality
        - Remains receives 1365 damage
    and remains with 1589 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Remains is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 108 to 137; )
    and remains with 1209 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Remains is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 79 to 108; )
    and remains with 973 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Grasan Huvourer is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 134 to 163; )
    and remains with 2180 vitality
    Mythrandir's Grasan Huvourer does weaken to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Leech
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -1225 to -1385; )
    and remains with 449 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -1255 to -1415; )
    and remains with 1025 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -1255 to -1415; )
    and remains with 1589 vitality
    Mythrandir's Grasan Huvourer does weaken to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Leech
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -1385 to -1545; )
    and remains with 449 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -1415 to -1575; )
    and remains with 1025 vitality
        - Weaken defence effect: -160
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-160|from -1415 to -1575; )
    and remains with 1589 vitality
    apophys's Leech does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Steallife power: 20%
        - steals 436 vitality from Grasan Huvourer and gives it to Leech
    and remains with 1744 vitality
        - Steallife power: 20%
        - steals 303 vitality from Remains and gives it to Leech
    and remains with 1214 vitality
        - Steallife power: 20%
        - steals 189 vitality from Remains and gives it to Remains
    and remains with 755 vitality
    apophys's Remains does protect to dying creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Protection effect: 32
        - Leech is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=32|from -1545 to -1513; )
    and remains with 1188 vitality
    apophys's Remains does protect to dying creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Protection effect: 32
        - Leech is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=32|from -1513 to -1481; )
    and remains with 1188 vitality
    ###### START ROUND "5" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 1 :
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=112|from 586 to 698; )
    protect (round:1 protect: defence=112|from 698 to 810; )
    protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 2 :
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 3 :
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 105 to 134; )
    protect (round:1 protect: defence=29|from 134 to 163; )
    protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 4 :
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=29|from 50 to 79; )
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=29|from 79 to 108; )
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 5 :
    protect (round:1 protect: defence=29|from 108 to 137; )
    protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 6 :
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 79 to 108; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 5 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -1225 to -1385; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -1385 to -1545; )
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=32|from -1545 to -1513; )
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=32|from -1513 to -1481; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 2 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -1255 to -1415; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -1415 to -1575; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 1 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -1255 to -1415; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -1415 to -1575; )
    Mythrandir's BloodPact Dark Archer III does damage to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Leech receives 1591 damage
    creature DIES!
        - Remains receives 1685 damage
    creature DIES!
        - Remains receives 1685 damage
    and remains with 61 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Remains is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 108 to 137; )
    and remains with 1180 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Remains is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 137 to 166; )
    and remains with 1185 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Remains is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 166 to 195; )
    and remains with 1185 vitality
    Mythrandir's Grasan Huvourer does weaken to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Weaken defence effect: -99
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-99|from -1575 to -1674; )
    and remains with 61 vitality
    Mythrandir's Grasan Huvourer does weaken to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Weaken defence effect: -99
        - maintains weaken on Remains
    weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-99|from -1674 to -1773; )
    and remains with 61 vitality
    apophys's Remains does protect to dying creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Remains is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from -1773 to -1744; )
    and remains with 32 vitality
    ###### START ROUND "6" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 1 :
    protect (round:1 protect: defence=112|from 557 to 669; )
    protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 2 :
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 3 :
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=29|from 105 to 134; )
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 4 :
    protect (round:1 protect: defence=29|from 50 to 79; )
    protect (round:0 protect: effect ended)
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 79 to 108; )
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 5 :
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=29|from 108 to 137; )
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=29|from 137 to 166; )
    Applying temporary effects for Mythrandir, slot 6 :
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=29|from 79 to 108; )
    Applying temporary effects for apophys, slot 1 :
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -1453 to -1613; )
    weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-160|from -1613 to -1773; )
    protect (round:2 protect: defence=29|from -1773 to -1744; )
    Mythrandir's BloodPact Dark Archer III does damage to all creature(s) of apophys and:
        - Remains receives 1854 damage
    creature DIES!
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - BloodPact Dark Archer III is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 669 to 698; )
    and remains with 4406 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Grasan Huvourer is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from -40 to -11; )
    and remains with 1762 vitality
    Mythrandir's Remains does protect to random creature(s) of Mythrandir and:
        - Protection effect: 29
        - Remains is protected by Remains with defence, maintaining protection
    protect (round:3 protect: defence=29|from 108 to 137; )
    and remains with 697 vitality
    Mythrandir's Grasan Huvourer cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    ... Mythrandir WINS!
    Creature Experience reward for Mythrandir - Winning player
    BloodPact Dark Archer III recovers 3016 Vitality
    BloodPact Dark Archer III gains 423 Xp and a won battle
    Grasan Huvourer recovers 435 Vitality
    Grasan Huvourer gains 423 Xp and a won battle
    Grasan Huvourer recovers 435 Vitality
    Grasan Huvourer gains 423 Xp and a won battle
    Remains recovers 290 Vitality
    Remains gains 423 Xp and a won battle
    Remains recovers 290 Vitality
    Remains gains 423 Xp and a won battle
    Remains recovers 290 Vitality
    Remains gains 423 Xp and a won battle
    Creature Experience reward for apophys - Losing player
    Leech recovers 260 Vitality
    Judas recovers 266.8 Vitality
    Pope Maledict recovers 266.8 Vitality
    Remains recovers 130 Vitality
    Remains recovers 130 Vitality
    Remains recovers 130 Vitality
    No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward
    Winner gets won fights counter incremented!
    Loser does not get a lost fight point


    Main Issue: I lost more % VE than Apo, therefore I should have lost the battle :P


    Unrelated Issue: [removed as per request in post #4]

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