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Dmik King

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  1. Upvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from nadrolski in New Armor/gear   
    When first MD started there was no money (silver and gold coins). The only way to buy gear was all about VP VE and action points. Now it all changed there is money and its not easy to get it like VP that gets regenerated every certain amount of time.

    I want to suggest new ability to buy Armor and gear with silver and gold coins from shops. Right now everyone got same armor set and its very easy to buy it from the shop for almost no price (just Value Points) - most of mp5 got it!

    Isn't it too boring that everyone got same kind of set??

    Also I want to point that the money in MD (silver and gold coins) are much less valuable then they were before and they value decrease daily:
    I remember when you could buy Drach for 60-70 silver - now no one wish to sell it even for 160 silver!

    With this way coins amount in MD will decrease drastically and bring back the value of money. New kind of sets (epic) the only one that can be bought with real MD money and not silly requirements will be released - bring more interest to the game!
  2. Upvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from Jubaris in New Armor/gear   
    When first MD started there was no money (silver and gold coins). The only way to buy gear was all about VP VE and action points. Now it all changed there is money and its not easy to get it like VP that gets regenerated every certain amount of time.

    I want to suggest new ability to buy Armor and gear with silver and gold coins from shops. Right now everyone got same armor set and its very easy to buy it from the shop for almost no price (just Value Points) - most of mp5 got it!

    Isn't it too boring that everyone got same kind of set??

    Also I want to point that the money in MD (silver and gold coins) are much less valuable then they were before and they value decrease daily:
    I remember when you could buy Drach for 60-70 silver - now no one wish to sell it even for 160 silver!

    With this way coins amount in MD will decrease drastically and bring back the value of money. New kind of sets (epic) the only one that can be bought with real MD money and not silly requirements will be released - bring more interest to the game!
  3. Downvote
    Dmik King reacted to aaront222 in New Mindpower Changes   
    Another recurring problem seems to be that the Vets are CRUSHING any new mp5. (this is an idea that will require lots of changes)
    Mp2,Mp3,Mp4,Mp5 stay the same. Then Mp6 becomes not protector but another fighting stage, Mp7 becomes what is now Mp6, and so forth.
    I understand you think the idea stated above is very dumb. It's acutally smart just hard to do.m
    It will allow the community to combatatively spearated enough so that the new Mp5 can survive and the Vets can fight vets and not PUMMEL the new Mp5 giving them little chance of gaining Vet-like power.

    If this post is quoted please quote all of it because if you chop it up the wrong ideas will come across.
  4. Downvote
    Dmik King reacted to chrispr in Wts Reindrach   
    i dont have silver coins but i can give you a colored joker
  5. Upvote
    Dmik King reacted to Muratus del Mur in My Claim   
    joking more or less, i need to specify that Tribunals kingship is not open for debate or elections.
    I need a land to retire too you know
  6. Downvote
    Dmik King reacted to Lazarus in My Claim   
    [font="Palatino Linotype"][i][size="3"]Bravo, Granos... Very well.[/size][/i][/font]
  7. Downvote
    Dmik King reacted to Granos in My Claim   
    I hereby claim the title of:

    The All Mighty God-King Dictator of Supremeness of the Tribunal

    I do not need to give my reasons for this as there is no viable competition against me in this matter, but let any claims against be posted here.
  8. Upvote
    Dmik King reacted to Metal Bunny in Recent Events In Md   
    Lol; righteousness and civility mean nothing before they who behold violence and bigotry as the ultimate means to their ends.
    I quoted myself, stop googling. ¬_¬

    Anyway, you are correct, of course.
    First of all, let it be obvious that this wasn't cheating.
    Not at all.
    If it was cheating, then mur would have punished you.
    The ones who do it for the first time, or find some gambit or tactic, with emphasis on tactic, are allowed to do it, until mur makes up a new rule, or places a new restriction in the game.
    He did; LR wasn't cheating.

    The ones who, from this point on, continue to state that they did will be severely rp-slapped on the back of their head.
    Nah, not really, else I would be contradicting my own first statement, huh?

    Anyway, secondly; You have to understand Firs, that this is the way people are.
    Just look at reality tv, narcissistic, loud mouthed, ugly bunch of people who will stop at nothing, not even their own self-esteem, to get what they want.
    You're king.
    You're gonna have to learn how to deal with the less-then-wanted part of the populace.
    In this case, it's just what you did; make a statement and condemn their petty bigotry. A bit like the UN really.
    If the annoyance continues, call on your allies and place restrictions, with civility, upon the guilty ones. Like... I dunno, something, cuz a trade embargo won't really work here .. or out there, but that's another matter.

    Then again, you could just be a king and ignore the non-lorerootians.
    Or be a king and totally go on a crusade or something.
    Or be a king and do like; 'Orf 'ith iz 'ead!'

    I personally like the last one
  9. Upvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from death ray in [ Weekly Tournament ]   
    [color="#FF0000"][b]No one except GG contact with me about joining the tournament. Probably no one is interested.
    Please close this topic.[/b][/color]

    [size="6"][b]Weekly Tournament[/b][/size]

    [b]Every week I will organize friendly competition between 2 alliances. Please write to me if you wish to participate. There is no reword for winning but the won alliance will get honor and will be announced in the game and forum with the score of each team. Donators and sponsors that want to help to the tournament are welcome to contact with me as well! People that want to help with organizing are also welcome to contact with me.[/b]
    If I will get enough support this tournament will be open for all people and all mps.

    Rules of the Tournament:
    1. Only 4 members from each alliance can participate at the event, and their names must to be submitted one day before the competition starts in order 1 to 4. This will be also the order of the fights but no one of the other team will know who he will fight and their arrangement - all about strategy!
    2. The time of the match will be given to each of the alliance leaders one week before the tournament, and the participants should arrive no later the 8 min before the start.
    3. The competition will be 1 vs. 1 only every time, and before each battle there will be announcement who against who one min exactly before start - each one of the participants must confirm that they are ready to start.
    4. Each one of the participants can attack his opponent only after it will be told them to start the fight - if someone will attack even one sec before the start he will be disqualified!
    5. After that both participants attacked each other they have to post the result of their battle: win/lose and 0% vs 0%
    6. The winner will be member that won 2 fights. Or if there is draw the one that did more damage in %.
    7. In case that battle ended in draw and the % was same there will be coin flop that will deside who is the winner.
    8. Each participant should copy his battle log after his attack and keep it in case that there is something wrong.
    9. No one of the participates can use magic or leave the tournament area after 8 min before the start and until its finished. (you can go idle but you might miss your battle)
    10. Every won battle will give the winning team one point.
    11. The amount of battles in each tournament will be 4 to 7. Depends the balance wins losses of each alliance.
    12. In case that there will be more participants from one of the alliance that moved to the next stage: the alliance with one player left will battle separately against other alliance members. (For each won fight he will score one point, if he lose against one of the members from the other alliance the tournament will be over)
    13. You can not attack anyone in the tournament zone even not people that don't participate.
    14. People that don't participate can not attack anyone and cast spells on anyone in the place of the tournament.
    15. No one is allowed to speak during the match and one min before the start except organizer and 2 participants that have battle in 1 min. Only after the battle is over and organizer said that its over you can speak. Between each battle there will be short break that everyone can speak with each other. (each battle should take 1-2 min max the rest of the time you are free to talk)
    16. If someone pass on the rules of the tournament he will not alowed to participate and get warning/ban.
    17. If participant didn't show up in the match, or didn't fight he lost the battle and his opponent get won fight and go in the next stage.

    Most important:
    [b]Come rested, healed and with good mood![/b]

  10. Upvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from Akasha in [ Weekly Tournament ]   
    [color="#FF0000"][b]No one except GG contact with me about joining the tournament. Probably no one is interested.
    Please close this topic.[/b][/color]

    [size="6"][b]Weekly Tournament[/b][/size]

    [b]Every week I will organize friendly competition between 2 alliances. Please write to me if you wish to participate. There is no reword for winning but the won alliance will get honor and will be announced in the game and forum with the score of each team. Donators and sponsors that want to help to the tournament are welcome to contact with me as well! People that want to help with organizing are also welcome to contact with me.[/b]
    If I will get enough support this tournament will be open for all people and all mps.

    Rules of the Tournament:
    1. Only 4 members from each alliance can participate at the event, and their names must to be submitted one day before the competition starts in order 1 to 4. This will be also the order of the fights but no one of the other team will know who he will fight and their arrangement - all about strategy!
    2. The time of the match will be given to each of the alliance leaders one week before the tournament, and the participants should arrive no later the 8 min before the start.
    3. The competition will be 1 vs. 1 only every time, and before each battle there will be announcement who against who one min exactly before start - each one of the participants must confirm that they are ready to start.
    4. Each one of the participants can attack his opponent only after it will be told them to start the fight - if someone will attack even one sec before the start he will be disqualified!
    5. After that both participants attacked each other they have to post the result of their battle: win/lose and 0% vs 0%
    6. The winner will be member that won 2 fights. Or if there is draw the one that did more damage in %.
    7. In case that battle ended in draw and the % was same there will be coin flop that will deside who is the winner.
    8. Each participant should copy his battle log after his attack and keep it in case that there is something wrong.
    9. No one of the participates can use magic or leave the tournament area after 8 min before the start and until its finished. (you can go idle but you might miss your battle)
    10. Every won battle will give the winning team one point.
    11. The amount of battles in each tournament will be 4 to 7. Depends the balance wins losses of each alliance.
    12. In case that there will be more participants from one of the alliance that moved to the next stage: the alliance with one player left will battle separately against other alliance members. (For each won fight he will score one point, if he lose against one of the members from the other alliance the tournament will be over)
    13. You can not attack anyone in the tournament zone even not people that don't participate.
    14. People that don't participate can not attack anyone and cast spells on anyone in the place of the tournament.
    15. No one is allowed to speak during the match and one min before the start except organizer and 2 participants that have battle in 1 min. Only after the battle is over and organizer said that its over you can speak. Between each battle there will be short break that everyone can speak with each other. (each battle should take 1-2 min max the rest of the time you are free to talk)
    16. If someone pass on the rules of the tournament he will not alowed to participate and get warning/ban.
    17. If participant didn't show up in the match, or didn't fight he lost the battle and his opponent get won fight and go in the next stage.

    Most important:
    [b]Come rested, healed and with good mood![/b]

  11. Downvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from cutler121 in [ Weekly Tournament ]   
    [color="#FF0000"][b]No one except GG contact with me about joining the tournament. Probably no one is interested.
    Please close this topic.[/b][/color]

    [size="6"][b]Weekly Tournament[/b][/size]

    [b]Every week I will organize friendly competition between 2 alliances. Please write to me if you wish to participate. There is no reword for winning but the won alliance will get honor and will be announced in the game and forum with the score of each team. Donators and sponsors that want to help to the tournament are welcome to contact with me as well! People that want to help with organizing are also welcome to contact with me.[/b]
    If I will get enough support this tournament will be open for all people and all mps.

    Rules of the Tournament:
    1. Only 4 members from each alliance can participate at the event, and their names must to be submitted one day before the competition starts in order 1 to 4. This will be also the order of the fights but no one of the other team will know who he will fight and their arrangement - all about strategy!
    2. The time of the match will be given to each of the alliance leaders one week before the tournament, and the participants should arrive no later the 8 min before the start.
    3. The competition will be 1 vs. 1 only every time, and before each battle there will be announcement who against who one min exactly before start - each one of the participants must confirm that they are ready to start.
    4. Each one of the participants can attack his opponent only after it will be told them to start the fight - if someone will attack even one sec before the start he will be disqualified!
    5. After that both participants attacked each other they have to post the result of their battle: win/lose and 0% vs 0%
    6. The winner will be member that won 2 fights. Or if there is draw the one that did more damage in %.
    7. In case that battle ended in draw and the % was same there will be coin flop that will deside who is the winner.
    8. Each participant should copy his battle log after his attack and keep it in case that there is something wrong.
    9. No one of the participates can use magic or leave the tournament area after 8 min before the start and until its finished. (you can go idle but you might miss your battle)
    10. Every won battle will give the winning team one point.
    11. The amount of battles in each tournament will be 4 to 7. Depends the balance wins losses of each alliance.
    12. In case that there will be more participants from one of the alliance that moved to the next stage: the alliance with one player left will battle separately against other alliance members. (For each won fight he will score one point, if he lose against one of the members from the other alliance the tournament will be over)
    13. You can not attack anyone in the tournament zone even not people that don't participate.
    14. People that don't participate can not attack anyone and cast spells on anyone in the place of the tournament.
    15. No one is allowed to speak during the match and one min before the start except organizer and 2 participants that have battle in 1 min. Only after the battle is over and organizer said that its over you can speak. Between each battle there will be short break that everyone can speak with each other. (each battle should take 1-2 min max the rest of the time you are free to talk)
    16. If someone pass on the rules of the tournament he will not alowed to participate and get warning/ban.
    17. If participant didn't show up in the match, or didn't fight he lost the battle and his opponent get won fight and go in the next stage.

    Most important:
    [b]Come rested, healed and with good mood![/b]

  12. Upvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from dst in Gazebo Of Victory   
    I don't understand why this place is not allowed? its not against any rule, no bug abuse same like training in GGG, just for wins of the character and not for creatures. I don't think that this place is illegal unless Mur will make new law about it. This law should be related to GGG as well!

    It will also help balance between new players and veterans that got too big advantage....
  13. Downvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from Watcher in Gazebo Of Victory   
    I don't understand why this place is not allowed? its not against any rule, no bug abuse same like training in GGG, just for wins of the character and not for creatures. I don't think that this place is illegal unless Mur will make new law about it. This law should be related to GGG as well!

    It will also help balance between new players and veterans that got too big advantage....
  14. Upvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from Jubaris in The Sisterhood   
    Is it more like department of woman rights? is it somehow related to redneck?
  15. Downvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from Pipstickz in The Sisterhood   
    Is it more like department of woman rights? is it somehow related to redneck?
  16. Upvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from dst in The Sisterhood   
    Is it more like department of woman rights? is it somehow related to redneck?
  17. Downvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from Watcher in The Sisterhood   
    Is it more like department of woman rights? is it somehow related to redneck?
  18. Upvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from Liberty4life in I Got Scammed By Shadowlord   
    I got mail for Shadowlord and we solved everything and I got the coins that he had to give me.
    Can you please send him back the Joker?

    Thank you for the help Mur.
  19. Downvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from Ledah in I Got Scammed By Shadowlord   
    I got mail for Shadowlord and we solved everything and I got the coins that he had to give me.
    Can you please send him back the Joker?

    Thank you for the help Mur.
  20. Downvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from Lifeline in New Archer Abilities   
    This new way of decreasing principles of weaker players and getting more principles by people that are stronger is not very good by my opinion. Rich (strong) people will become even more powerful and weak players will get weaker until they reach 0. It will unbalance the world of magic duel even more then before! And make it unfair for new players.
  21. Upvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from Jubaris in New Archer Abilities   
    This new way of decreasing principles of weaker players and getting more principles by people that are stronger is not very good by my opinion. Rich (strong) people will become even more powerful and weak players will get weaker until they reach 0. It will unbalance the world of magic duel even more then before! And make it unfair for new players.
  22. Upvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from Blood Prince in Be A Creature   
    [b]Elite Knators Family XD[/b]

    [b]My Father[/b]:

  23. Upvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Be A Creature   
    [b]Elite Knators Family XD[/b]

    [b]My Father[/b]:

  24. Upvote
    Dmik King got a reaction from Lady Renata in Be A Creature   
    [b]Elite Knators Family XD[/b]

    [b]My Father[/b]:

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