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Yoshi last won the day on May 4 2014

Yoshi had the most liked content!

About Yoshi

  • Birthday 05/02/1991

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  • Location
    Ontario Canada
  • Interests
    MD, Computers, Adobe CS4 Master Collection, and doing random stuff when bored. Also CAKE (the band)... and the dessert :D
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  1. So, certain types have the slash depending on it's creation. I went through to screenshot the various silver coins I have acquired through different sources over the years.
  2. Item 8 - 156 (Yoshi - 103 / Granos - 30 / Taurion- 23)
  3. Item 8: 69 plushies aww yeaaa
  4. SPROUTS (The signage got washed out cause flash, but I swear it's still me!)
  5. Unfortunately I was unable to scan this picture earlier, or take a picture of it. Even though it's late, and I don't suspect it will increase my score, I feel that I should post it nonetheless. I would be curious in the breakdown of my submission, either on here or privately.
  6. Can we use previously submitted works if they never won anything?
  7. I vote for running the simulation 1000 times.
  8. In this post I remember both Awiiya and Handy Pockets, and the many seed-walks we had taken together. I learned about poetry, prose and perspective from Awiiya. From Kets I learned kindness and gentle quiet strength. Not just these things, but these in my mind were some of the biggest influences of Yoshi's character and I miss them terribly.
  9. Perhaps only when Bob blooms, which is another thing to add to this list. Bob blooms in all the colours curiously enough.
  10. I am interested in joining, whatever the time is chosen.
  11. Interested. Working on strategy now.
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