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  1. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Maebius in The Never Repeating Word Challenge   
    Alright, so this may or may not be my last group activity/quest in MD.   The rules are simple..ish...    You have to write a coherent, factual, and grammatically correct strip of words pertaining to MD, WITHOUT USING A SINGLE WORD TWICE.  However, you do not have to post it quite yet.  All you do initially is post the number of words that you have in your sentence/paragraph/essay/book.  When someone makes another longer group of words, they will then post their number, and knock you out of the lead.  But here's the catch: You can lie.  You can say that you wrote down 40 words, but in actuality, you only wrote 20.  Which is perfectly fine, you may even win if nobody challenges you on it.  BUT, if somebody does challenge you on it, and you did indeed lie, you will be disqualified.  If somebody challenges you and you were not lying, the challenger gets disqualified.  If the challenger is successful, they will overtake the lead with the previous leaders word count. If a challenger gets challenged, the person that they took over for needs to show proof of their word count.  If they are also lying, the latest challenger will take over yet again the previous leader, with the lying person being disqualified.  If you are challenged, you MUST post your set of words within 24 hours of the challenge. Meaning you CAN, if you do lie, make up something within 24 hours.  Be careful though, because it has to have the exact number of words that you say it does. If you say you have 40 words, and you in fact have 42, and someone challenges you, that is still considered a lie, even if it's a typo.  So count carefully.   Do you have the guts to participate?
    PRIZE: A silver coin for every unique person that is involved.
      This will end on April 30th, 00:00 server time

    I'll start it, but I will not participate further.


    10 words.
  2. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Sir Blut in The Never Repeating Word Challenge   
    Alright, so this may or may not be my last group activity/quest in MD.   The rules are simple..ish...    You have to write a coherent, factual, and grammatically correct strip of words pertaining to MD, WITHOUT USING A SINGLE WORD TWICE.  However, you do not have to post it quite yet.  All you do initially is post the number of words that you have in your sentence/paragraph/essay/book.  When someone makes another longer group of words, they will then post their number, and knock you out of the lead.  But here's the catch: You can lie.  You can say that you wrote down 40 words, but in actuality, you only wrote 20.  Which is perfectly fine, you may even win if nobody challenges you on it.  BUT, if somebody does challenge you on it, and you did indeed lie, you will be disqualified.  If somebody challenges you and you were not lying, the challenger gets disqualified.  If the challenger is successful, they will overtake the lead with the previous leaders word count. If a challenger gets challenged, the person that they took over for needs to show proof of their word count.  If they are also lying, the latest challenger will take over yet again the previous leader, with the lying person being disqualified.  If you are challenged, you MUST post your set of words within 24 hours of the challenge. Meaning you CAN, if you do lie, make up something within 24 hours.  Be careful though, because it has to have the exact number of words that you say it does. If you say you have 40 words, and you in fact have 42, and someone challenges you, that is still considered a lie, even if it's a typo.  So count carefully.   Do you have the guts to participate?
    PRIZE: A silver coin for every unique person that is involved.
      This will end on April 30th, 00:00 server time

    I'll start it, but I will not participate further.


    10 words.
  3. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Redacted   
    1. Heartbreaking? Awww, it's cute that he got to you so much.
    2. This is more accurate: "MD quitting" - when you think you're quitting but you're really just taking a break.
  4. Downvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Sir Blut in I'm Dying...   

    Gotcha didn't I?

    I'm kind of getting scared thinking what people are going to do to me today Oo

    Anyways, what are YOU going to do this April Fools day?

    Or, depending on the time you read this, what did you do?

    Or, even what was said/done to you.

    No getting ideas from here >.>... OK, maybe take an idea if it's any good
  5. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Muratus del Mur in Explenations on symbols recruiting - complex thoughts and magic   
    I was asked a question by Yoshi, and I think this part of the answer needs to be public, so here it goes;
      Recruiting for SOTIS will never be the same,so this is NOT a way to get into SOTIS.. This guild will be a collection of people, each different...thats why anything related to previous recruitments can be public...there are no secrets now.     Symbols have counter-symbols, there is a rare...ultra rare...skill..better said "sense" that some have, to understand symbols with their feelings and be able to match their counter symbols. To determine such a skill its very complicated...people get tainted by the use of symbols nowdays and even those that have such a skill will judge with their logic not with their heart. So, i divided the recruiting in steps, because someone that has such a skill will be remarked easier this way, and the test itself was supposed to "open" their heart, or to confuse them totally, filtrating in this way all the participants.   Pairs of counter-symbols have a special property ... they can describe a "complex thought" . Lets define a complex thought first... A thought that holds the information seen from all perspectives, balanced, without loose ends, that can not be normally detailed without being broken down in many many sub elements, such as a dream or a book, but in essence, its only ONE thought. Such a thought can be imprinted into objects, transfered between people, hold inside yourself...and so on. You can make a very clear and direct association between complex thoughts and magic. All the spell docs are each one complex thought detailed over multiple steps ;)   In person i never met someone with this ability..sadly. Looking through history, i found two people only to hold a similar skill to mine...and I will not insist on their name them because i do not think I am worthy to be placed on same line with them,,.. they are from a different level so to speak. Before giving one name i will first expllain something. Like with any skill/ability, there is no sharp line to determine who has it and who doesn't. Someone could learn a skill. someone could partially understand it, while others can be over the line to master it and those people will expand the "borders". King Solomon had this ability, to enclose complex thoughts into symbol pairs. Sadly most of the info you can find nowdays is transcribed severl times and many many interpretations that lose the real meaning.... but the meanings remain in the symbols. A symbol "pair" can consist  of 2,4 or 8 symbols, matched with their counter symbol. They build like a small universe if ideas, that are complete, but in their "core" they define a gap. Its like removing the surplus stone to reveal a beautiful sculpture. This is powerful...so powerful that probably anyone in existance mastering such a skill will make history or there won't ever be two people at the same time able to do this entirely. I have just a part of such a skill, (and i am not making history :)) ) so i can assume there are people out there, like me, that have such a skill partially.    I saw traces of other people able to do this, some work in advertising, one was a monk...the advertising people are like shadows, in fact i tend to believe that the brain behind this was not the designer but someone else (like his employer) giving the ideea. The monk died like 100 years ago sadly.   so..to stop this before its way too long. Symbols matching skills was a curiosity of mine and i wanted such a person in sotis...even with a partial skill..maybe one day it will matter in MD,,for sure. Sadly I realize that people come and go in MD and eventually sotis will remain just a collection of names...or..maybe not. I hope not :)        
  6. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Canadian Clan   
  7. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Canadian Clan   
    Totally...this is for ALL Canadians...the only way for a Canadian not to be in it is for the Canadian to not be a Canadian :3
  8. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Canadian Clan   
    I hereby decree that the Canadians have a Clan! And so, their powers will by MULTIPLIED, if they are in the same screen!

    Canadians, when their powers are activated, are even more super than superman! When together, Canadians can forum a (SUPER)^c Canadian, where c=the number of Canadians together, for example, three Canadians means the equivalent of a Super-super-super Canadian, when powers are activated.

    PS: Canada>Everyone else
  9. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Intrigue in ultrasharp or maybe not so   
    (After taking the pictures/videos, I transferred them to my computer, but had to wait for the website admin to give me the pass to upload them, so I ended up just getting the indexes and everything ready without any formatting, and then today in the morning I was able to start the upload, and I'm currently at work, so I will fix the formatting and any errors when I get home.)

    So these were my attempts at this, both with pictures and videos.

    I started with a stainless steel spring assisted knife, then used a machete (unknown metal), and then a fillet knife (again unknown).

    Initially I used the spring assisted knife and I did a test cut, that while seemed to have started well, ended up tearing towards the bottom half.

    Instead of doing an initial cut with the machete, I decided to just start with the sharpening. As you can see, the machete was pretty dull, I had found it at a house in my line of work, and always wanted an excuse to sharpen it. I ended up just using a hand grinder, and nothing more.

    I then used a knife/blade sharpener(will take picture of it later) on the spring assisted knife blade, and then a palm sized oilstone, and then finally another sharpening item which I do not know the name of (will take picture later)

    I also used my dad's fillet knife, which is already pretty sharp, but hadn't been sharpened in awhile. I didn't end up sharpening it at all due to not wanting to ruin the blade. I think I used it wrong, and therefore it didn't slice properly.

    And then, just for kicks, I ended up heating up my spring assisted knife blade with a lighter for 30 seconds, which seemed to do nothing.

    I couldn't use any of the random kitchen knives we have seeing as how my mom would end up using it on me after finding out I 'ruined' one of her knives.

    All in all, it was fun, and I'm still not done with this.

    [EDIT: Fixed up the link formatting a bit.]
  10. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in The Maze And Gg   
    Make the Pillars of Harmony work again?
  11. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Beautiful Poetry   
    The Poems I find inspiring would be found on Handy Pockets Hate Page. The Poems for the Willow are utterly breathtaking.
  12. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Fang Archbane in Pipstick and the KoB   
    first off, assuming you know Pip at all is the first mistake... its Pip for crying out Mur o-o

    secondly, i get what hes saying, most people that "just want to know what happened" really "just want more ammo to shoot Pip with". so i dont disagree with him taking the fifth on this one o-o

    and last but not least, honestly Mag, he doesnt NEED to tell ANYONE what hes up to, if hes up to anything. he did what he did for whatever reason. hell do what he will for whatever reason. hes under no law that states he must explain himself to anyone.

    hell for all i know Pip could have just taken the alliance, shoved it promptly up his keister, and not answered pms or forum messages for half a year if he REALLY wanted to screw with people o_O

    *pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs*

    all im sayin is, maybe youll get to know him by NOT trying to get to know him. maybe the truth will come when you no longer seek it.

    as far as i cant ell, Pip is like a Philosophers Stone. just leave him be. if hes REALLY doing this out of boredom as it seems you assume, then hell, maybe he'll tell you the whole story out of boredom someday too >.>
  13. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Pipstick and the KoB   
    If I took an alliance any time I was bored, I would have more alliances by now. Amoran and friends have already had their run at me, so if you wish to make this thread into that, then be my guest, but at least I'm smart enough to know that whatever reason I give you, it'll never be good enough, so why should I give you the time of day? Tell me there's something I could do short of giving them back that would satisfy you, and I'll call you a liar.

    If you want a true reason, you can take the time to get to know me, then ask me.
  14. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Pipstick and the KoB   
    I keep myself awake by clicking the "Resume play" button, I'm not sure you know what you're talking about.
  15. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Pipstickz in Wtt Dark (Darkling)   
    I would part with a snowball for both the Dark, and the Drachorn Plushie.
  16. Downvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Junior in Wtt Dark (Darkling)   
    I would part with a snowball for both the Dark, and the Drachorn Plushie.
  17. Downvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Seigheart in Wtt Dark (Darkling)   
    I would part with a snowball for both the Dark, and the Drachorn Plushie.
  18. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Watcher in Piano Room Music Suggestions   
    This was played everyday in my high-school in the morning, right after the first warning bell to get to class.

  19. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Sephirah Caelum in Piano Room Music Suggestions   
    This was played everyday in my high-school in the morning, right after the first warning bell to get to class.

  20. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Life or Death?   
    Phantasm, try reading the thread description:

    [quote]A new quest that will be the deciding factor in my new role.[/quote]

    You can't have a role if you don't have a character.
  21. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to lightsage in Life or Death?   
  22. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Kamisha in Life or Death?   
    lets balance this out.

  23. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Sunfire in Life or Death?   
    undertaker muhahaha
  24. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to phantasm in Life or Death?   
    ditto with dst's comment
  25. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to dst in Life or Death?   
    I don't have the time to take part in the quest but I vote for sasha being left dead.
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