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  1. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Great Guba in Recruitment Selection Stage 1   
    I had a different idea, but it does not quite fit into Mur's definition of a counter-symbol.
    Here's a shape which, when added to Mur's symbol, completely messes up its meaning.
    It makes the symbol of whatever it was into a symbol of reflection, thus destroying the meaning of the original symbol )

  2. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Malaikat Maut in Takeover Of Some Delicate Research Topics   
    [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1292056533' post='75126']
    Malaikat Maut said how God DOES have feelings, but on much more complex level than us... And where did you got that, Malaikat?[/quote]

    There are many many examples. The book of Jeremiah is perhaps my favorite. Throughout much of the book God speaks through the prophet with intense emotion, and compares Himself to Israel's husband.

    Jeremiah 3:14 “Return, faithless people,” declares the LORD, “for I am your husband. I will choose you—one from a town and two from a clan—and bring you to Zion. 15 Then I will give you shepherds [b]after my own heart[/b], who will lead you with knowledge and understanding....19 “‘How gladly would I treat you like my children and give you a pleasant land, the most beautiful inheritance of any nation.’ I thought you would call me ‘Father’ and not turn away from following me. 20 But like a woman unfaithful to her husband, so you, Israel, have been unfaithful to me,” declares the LORD.

    Exodus 20:4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a [b]jealous God[/b].

    John 11:33 When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, [b]he was deeply moved[/b] in spirit and troubled. 34 “Where have you laid him?” he asked. “Come and see, Lord,” they replied. 35 [b]Jesus wept[/b].
  3. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Atrumist in Recruitment Selection Stage 1   
    Hmmmm... this was the first thing to come to mind.

    EDIT: I just realized that I made a NOT logic gate symbol...

    ADDITIONAL EDIT: After thinking about it some more, this second one might be a better option. The horizontal line length and vertical position is like that purposefully.
  4. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Totenkopf in Happy Birthday, Totenkopf!   
    Happy Birthday
  5. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Riishaan in Newbies, What Upset/scare You All?   
    No attitude intended. I thought i might legitimately be asking something I couldn't get an answer for.

    On another note under my name there is a "K" document. I'm not quite sure what to do with it.

    I also found out why the "clue" didn't match up with the puzzle. The graphic never loaded the 1st time i clicked on it, only the text, and the text made absoluetly no sense without the graphic. I've since solved that puzzle and have moved on and now stand before the doors that have no fate.

    Thanks for all your help. I'm still out exploring...
  6. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Chewett in Newbies, What Upset/scare You All?   
    You dont need to continue with that attitude, we are trying to help you. Saying stuff like "Or is that also a spoiler?" just makes people less likely to help.

    When you click someones name, it will load their player icon up. Normally they will have small boxes with symbols on them. If you press them it will bring up each persons papers (certain symbols corrospond to certain papers) Some people have Golden Q papers. These will have a quest on them.

    Also you can look at the "Quests" part at the top of the page, that will give a list of several.
  7. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Sing It Like An...air Scout?   
    I have two Pimped Grassans chomping at my heels and I want to get rid of them before they infect me with their love of poodle shaped handbags any further...I mean...at all...ahem...anyway...yes so...here is the competition:

    Post a sound clip (however you like, youtube (you could even add some sort of drawing/screen shot video with it...), direct upload...whatever) of you singing the 12 days of christmas song...but MD style. So, for example: on the first day of xmas bla bla bla a grassan in a dst...etc etc...Im hoping you get the idea. If you just post here and write the song out I will instantly disqualify you, I'm afraid it HAS to be you (and your friends if you like) singing. The worse the better.

    You are allowed to work as a pair if you like for the two rewards, or even in groups but then you need to decide who does and who doesnt get rewarded.

    Due to the spirit of Xmas, and of course our most generous creator aka Mr Del Mur, please see below for the current reward set up:
    [u]1st, 2nd and 3rd Places[/u][/b]
    Each person will receieve a wish point from me PLUS a choice of one of the following: 1 Reindrachorn, 1 Soulweaver, 1 Rare "Collectible" Creature (up to Mur to decide what). 1st place winner gets to choose first and so on and so forth.

    [b][u]Specials: [/u][/b]

    1 x Nutcracker ([i]Best Lyrics[/i])
    1 x Pimped Grassan ([i]Best screaming of 5 gold rings (or whatever you have adapted that as)[/i])
    1 x Santa claus ([i]Best Video submission[/i])
    1 x Pimped Grassan ([i]The song most likely to make your ears bleed[/i])

    Now go forth and tune your guitars...or learn from your cats...



    So far...

    [b]Asterdai's first draft[/b] - Credit for "unleashing mother", demerit for not singing...
    [url="http://s817.photobucket.com/albums/zz93/Asterdai/?action=view&current=mumandrobertsingingMD.flv"]Asterdai's First Draft[/url]

    [b]Asterdai's Submission[/b] Great actions
    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp94UmfvdCA"]Asterdai's Submission[/url]

    [b]Totenkopf [/b] - Accent - amazing, Like the alternative lyrical twist, SO funny A* on humour
    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26hT4jh1-pg&feature=player_embedded"]Totenkopf's Submission[/url]

    [b]Sagewoman and Windy[/b] - I like the intro and ending, good work on the actions (Windy, you can put your eyes back in your head now ), nice pitch work girls
    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THMFr4oYBe4"]Sagewoman and Windy's Submission[/url]

    [b]I am Bored[/b] - I very much enjoyed the fan in the Background and although I couldn't understand nearly all of the lyrics...your singing voice was truely sublime...second submission...i wont link to...but er, yes, your own version of an orchestral piece, lovely, just lovely
    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJQYR8oe738"]I am Bored's Submission[/url]

    [b]Dante Falcon[/b] - Very impressive word rolling indeed sir! Tuneful and elegant, especially with the lamp
    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yyCeXRKfI0"]Dante Falcon's Submission[/url]

    [b]MasterB[/b] - Loving the outfit and the dancing, you also get A* on humour...also...your 5 golden coins nearly blew my speakers and made my computer reboot itself, which to be fair is quite impressive!
    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLfQBeh7AAk"]MasterB's Submission[/url]

    [b]Yoshi[/b] - My favorite bit about this video is how there is almost no emotion on your face whatsoever, apart from being very very serious about it, until 5 when you suddenly become an Italian. Excellent.
    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2g0usT5uAY"]Yoshi's Submission[/url]

    [b]Shadowseeker[/b] - Its cool how the lyrics change very slightly each time like a living picture, the change in tone effectively holds the interest of the listener...
    [url="http://www.megaupload.com/?d=T6L074HO"]Download Shadowseeker's Submission Here[/url]

    [b]Grim Angel (aka Ledah)[/b] I liked how all the events in this song are actually real events, extra points on the do.
    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OM_EXBBQuYM"]Grim Angel's Entry[/url]

    [b]Keith Moon (NOT Tarquinus...definitely not.)[/b] well sung with a fantastic ending
    [url="http://www.fileden.com/files/2009/12/23/2700665/12days_keith.wma"]Keith Moon's Submission[/url]

    [b]Shantu[/b] what can I say about this, I just love the way you sing it.
    [url="http://www.mediafire.com/?3fhwmzydz01"]Shantu's Submission[/url]

    [b]Observer[/b] Like the alternative lyrics you've got going on there
    [url="http://www.2shared.com/file/10212588/8738020a/11_days_till_murmas.html"]Observer's Submission[/url]
  8. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Indyra in The Women Of Golemus G.   
    Let me clear some things out for you, Fryd

    1- we don;t like gossip out Golemus , so you either start making and article without any gossip style or you stop making assumptions about Golemians. I don;t like your style
    2- if you care to know more about Golemus - just ask, any of the citizen of Golemus is a reliable source of information
    3- [quote]When I look Golemus, I think of crazed sports fanatics, team warriors, and an agressive drive for power and dominion [/quote]
    You couldn;t be more wrong in any of the statements about
    4- [quote]Perhaps at some point, the lack of female players reduces the interest of others to join and causes a run-away effect[/quote] wrong again .
    5 - [quote]what GG doing just disgusting, or are women treated as second class citizens, or what?[/quote] wrong again, we are well treated and respected , please don;t categorize Golemians into misogynists, they are not.
    6 - we kind of like our privacy so none of the Golemians women will give you more info then i already gave you

    Thanks , Indy
  9. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Firsanthalas in Alliance Leadership Insurance   
    At the moment, loyalty only seems to have two uses. First is you need it for some shop items. Secondly for determining alliance/guild leader positions.
    On a personal level, I've never liked the idea of hostile takeovers purely based on a stat, particularly from outside influence. I just don't think that it makes that much sense really. real loyalty and dedication to an alliance/guild can't really be measured by a stat, neither can the loyalty/support of its members for the leader. The leader having the highest loyalty stat does not actually equate to that meaning they have the support of the rest of the alliance/guild.
    Personally, I feel that this harms the idea of alliances and guilds as it creates a situation whereby they can be held by someone that just happens to have an awesomely high stat. Furthermore, leaders of alliances and guilds have little control over anyone coming in from outside. One disgruntled or over-ambitious member can invite an outside influence in while the leader is away and they can gain the required loyalty needed in an amazingly short time. Again, this does not equate to the masses of an alliance or guild loyalty or support for the leader.
    Fast loyalty gain can also be much easier for stat grinders, who can be at odds with the concept of an alliance or guild. For instance, woodcutters and crafters are not alliances based on martial ability or function.
    I've said before that while some people find alliance take-overs and attempts to ransom them as funny, I personally find it saddening. I really believe it cheapens the idea and reasons for them.
    One option may be to cap loyalty points for non-alliance members. You only need a small amount of loyalty for purchasing items and I don't think that people should be using non-alliance status as an opportunity to grind the loyalty stat so that they can be invited in for a hostile take-over. That would at least keep loyalty take-overs to in-house affairs, or make it much harder for outside take-overs at the very least.
    Just a thought on it.
  10. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from nadrolski in Recipe Swap   
    2 Minute Soup!

    1 can of soup
    1 can opener
    1 spoon

    Take 1 can of soup along with 1 can opener, and open the can of soup.
    Insert 1 spoon into can and stir slightly.
    Ready to eat.

    Cold Cereal!

    1 box of cereal
    1 bowl
    1 spoon
    2-3 cups of milk (dependant on size of bowl)

    Take 1 box of cereal and fill 1 bowl with cereal depending on how hungry you are.
    Take the milk and pour into the cereal filled bowl depending on personal preference.
    Stir with 1 spoon and eat with said spoon.

    EDIT: I have done both of the above, best soup is Cream of Mushroom, and the cereal would have to be Reese's Puffs cereal <3
  11. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Curiose in Tabloids   

    Where the hell do you get off, "experimenting" with our Alliance's integrity, and none the less, reputation? Do you -want- us to get bad names? Do you seriously -want- our publicity to be bad?

    You're poking the bear, here, and I am sick of it. This is ridiculous.

    I can understand wanting to get people interested, but to completely change our image like this? As I said before: We are NOT a botched version of the MDNP, we are LEGEND SPEAKERS. I proudly wear that title and if by God you don't like that, then I'll gladly fight tooth and nail for what I believe.

    Let me remind you that this was originally Yami's Alliance. You hold leadership, but that does NOT mean you own this alliance.
  12. Downvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Tarquinus in Recipe Swap   
    2 Minute Soup!

    1 can of soup
    1 can opener
    1 spoon

    Take 1 can of soup along with 1 can opener, and open the can of soup.
    Insert 1 spoon into can and stir slightly.
    Ready to eat.

    Cold Cereal!

    1 box of cereal
    1 bowl
    1 spoon
    2-3 cups of milk (dependant on size of bowl)

    Take 1 box of cereal and fill 1 bowl with cereal depending on how hungry you are.
    Take the milk and pour into the cereal filled bowl depending on personal preference.
    Stir with 1 spoon and eat with said spoon.

    EDIT: I have done both of the above, best soup is Cream of Mushroom, and the cereal would have to be Reese's Puffs cereal <3
  13. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Shadowseeker in Tabloids   
    Excuse me, but are you currently trying to write serious, reputable articles, or is this just some kind of gossip you are currently writing up with a LOT of personal views inside and presented in the most scandalous way possible?

    I surely hope you won't need me to quote all what you wrote in the latest tabloid about GG, though you seem to forget Indyra and Akasha...

    But that's not the main issue.

    Is this to be taken serious, or just like a cheap magazine (not even a newspaper?). Please be so kind as to clarify.
  14. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Yala Sviseusen in Recipe Swap   
    2 Minute Soup!

    1 can of soup
    1 can opener
    1 spoon

    Take 1 can of soup along with 1 can opener, and open the can of soup.
    Insert 1 spoon into can and stir slightly.
    Ready to eat.

    Cold Cereal!

    1 box of cereal
    1 bowl
    1 spoon
    2-3 cups of milk (dependant on size of bowl)

    Take 1 box of cereal and fill 1 bowl with cereal depending on how hungry you are.
    Take the milk and pour into the cereal filled bowl depending on personal preference.
    Stir with 1 spoon and eat with said spoon.

    EDIT: I have done both of the above, best soup is Cream of Mushroom, and the cereal would have to be Reese's Puffs cereal <3
  15. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Shadowseeker in First Marksmen   
    ID 68071.

    1059 age.


    Give up
  16. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Curiose in Mission Of Legend Speakers   
    Just my two cents on what [I] would be [think is] acceptable.

    1. NO ALTS.
    2. NO Alliance Hoppers!

    There you have it, I am happy.
  17. Downvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Chewett in Happy Birthday, Aysun!   
    Happeh birthdeh!
  18. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Aysun in Happy Birthday, Aysun!   
    Happeh birthdeh!
  19. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Treasure Keepers - Awarding Service - Job Opening   
    Pipstickz, 789 active days, Tribunal (Seal of Six), Supporter tag

    I believe you should pick me because:
    A) I am already a citizen of the Tribunal
    B) I check the forums every day, multiple times per day
    C) I have a few standing grudges, but I have no problem paying people what they're owed
    D) I'm a vet and well known by the community
    E) To be quite frank, Ailith isn't active any more, and I'd enjoy having something to do rather than waiting for something that may not happen

    [b]Mur: selected[/b]
  20. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Kafuuka in Libs Giving Wps?   
    Suppose, theoretically, that person A did something wrong. If person B asks person A 'look, i see something that i think might be wrong but i am not certain about it,' do you honestly believe that A would reply 'why you're absolutely right, I cheated and you full of doubt about what I did have brought it to light'?

    Second, the 'details' feature is somewhere in the shop. Since it's been made into a topic and requested I think it's only logical that someone with access lists them here.

    Mighty Pirate Lib39 749 N/A No Details 30/11/10 21:07:38
    On behalf of Yrth, for his great work in quest creation over the past months. Good work MP.

    Yoshi Lib40 738 N/A No Details 28/11/10 01:07:59
    Carving of Handy Pockets on Pumpkin Z's shoe family quest.

    Shadowseeker yrthilian 731 Wish 20 Yes Details 09/11/10 21:59:45
    For my teaching principals quest.

    yrthilian Lib40 727 N/A Yes Details 30/10/10 19:32:59
    For a special project
    (used to created an item)

    Sephirah Caelum yrthilian 724 N/A No Details 26/10/10 17:52:08
    Supreme dedication and excellent roleplaying to discover the identity and locational source of *********

    yrthilian Nimisha 719 N/A Yes Details 17/10/10 15:03:03
    This is to create a special item for a quest currently running

    Leorius yrthilian 716 N/A No Details 09/10/10 13:17:39
    for a very good paper submitted to my teaching of principals quest part 2

    Sharazhad yrthilian 706 Wish 19 Yes Details 08/09/10 10:42:26
    for submitting the best paper to my teaching of principals quest part 1

    *Burns* yrthilian 692 N/A No Details 04/08/10 09:48:16
    Correctly gained all letters and placed them in the question(s) required before answering with the correct answer and description to back it up - sasha lilias quest

    *Clock Master* yrthilian 691 Wish 20 Yes Details 04/08/10 09:47:20
    Correctly gained all letters and placed them in the question(s) required before answering with the correct answer and description to back it up - sasha lilias quest

    Nimrodel yrthilian 672 Wish 6 Yes Details 18/07/10 13:45:11
    Winner of the travellers soul quest with an ashtonishing 211 points by sasha lilias

    Mourn yrthilian 666 Wish 2 Yes Details 26/06/10 20:40:19
    For the good response on the forum experiment. GTG topic. A player that can give constructive criticism.

    Mighty Pirate yrthilian 642 Wish 28 Yes Details 15/05/10 09:14:46
    Placing first in CCG in may

    Wolper yrthilian 641 N/A No Details 15/05/10 09:14:22
    Placing first in CCG in may

    Pazur yrthilian 640 N/A No Details 15/05/10 09:13:46
    Placing first in CCG in may

    stavaroiu yrthilian 620 Wish 28 Yes Details 14/04/10 11:50:03
    For placing first in the MP5 rank of the MD CCG run by myself and cutler

    Elthen Airis yrthilian 619 Wish 6 Yes Details 14/04/10 11:49:33
    For placing first in the MP4 rank of the MD CCG run by myself and cutler

    Manum yrthilian 618 N/A No Details 14/04/10 11:48:42
    For placing first in the MP3 rank of the MD CCG run by myself and cutler

    there's more but i'm bored now...
  21. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Pipstickz in Recipe Swap   
    2 Minute Soup!

    1 can of soup
    1 can opener
    1 spoon

    Take 1 can of soup along with 1 can opener, and open the can of soup.
    Insert 1 spoon into can and stir slightly.
    Ready to eat.

    Cold Cereal!

    1 box of cereal
    1 bowl
    1 spoon
    2-3 cups of milk (dependant on size of bowl)

    Take 1 box of cereal and fill 1 bowl with cereal depending on how hungry you are.
    Take the milk and pour into the cereal filled bowl depending on personal preference.
    Stir with 1 spoon and eat with said spoon.

    EDIT: I have done both of the above, best soup is Cream of Mushroom, and the cereal would have to be Reese's Puffs cereal <3
  22. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Black Mold   
    Heh, mold removal is what I've been doing for the last 5 months or so xD

    Basically, what we would do is conceal the area where the mold is in, take down the drywall/insulation, w/e is contaminated, bag it, throw it away. All the while running air scrubbers(also called negative airs), taking the moldy air and forcing it out the window using a duct: http://www.deadmold.com/files/Forceair2000.jpg

    Since mold spores linger in the air, you have to flush it all out and replace it with good healthier air. Once we are done taking out the infected areas, we will leave the air scrubbers running, without the ducts, so its basically moving the air inside around, collecting the spores/cleaning the air.

    Then we will wipe everything (ceilings, walls, floors, EVERYTHING) with this cleaning solution called Benefect: http://www.benefect.com/. Then we will vaccuum using HEPA vacs, which use filters that are able to collect the spores and contain them. We may have to repeat the hepa vac and wiping again the next day, all depends on how big of the job we are doing. Then we will use what Phantasm said, the Killz2 Latex Primer. It's excellent for containing and repelling mold.

    Then finally, we will take everything out and, again depending on how much the mold has contaminated, we will fog the room/house using an anti-mold fogger: http://groutmasters.ca/july2010/Fogger_noJug.jpg filled with Microban: http://www.baneclene.com/catalog/microban.html.

    Now, we don't usually work for private people, so we work under the bank, and well, usually there will not be furniture (cause we already did a cleanout earlier(which is fun cause sometimes you can find pretty cool stuff, specially in grow op houses cause they usually leave everything, and after the police come in and snip the plants, we even have to clean out the pots *breathes deep*)).

    Soooo as far as cleaning the furniture, I have no experience, but perhaps you could use Benefect, it's all natural which is a plus. ...crap...there goes the company secrets...oh well...hey, if anyone thinks of making a mold removal business, contact me for a royalty check please XD
  23. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Aysun in Seigheart Vs Dst   
    [quote name='Vicarious' timestamp='1290181726' post='72575']
    I would like to see some real proof...that we live in the Same city

    *sighs* I swore I wouldn't get into this cause frankly I don't even care whether you are or not. Thing is, Fenrir told me where he lived, and it was in Ontario Canada, and was like 30-45 minutes or something away from me, heading North/Northeast. You told me where you lived once, and it was again, 30-45 minutes going in the same direction. Not exactly sure if your the same person, or if it's just an insane coincidence that both of you live near each other, and have near personalities. Again, I really couldn't care less.
  24. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Pipstickz in Black Mold   
    Heh, mold removal is what I've been doing for the last 5 months or so xD

    Basically, what we would do is conceal the area where the mold is in, take down the drywall/insulation, w/e is contaminated, bag it, throw it away. All the while running air scrubbers(also called negative airs), taking the moldy air and forcing it out the window using a duct: http://www.deadmold.com/files/Forceair2000.jpg

    Since mold spores linger in the air, you have to flush it all out and replace it with good healthier air. Once we are done taking out the infected areas, we will leave the air scrubbers running, without the ducts, so its basically moving the air inside around, collecting the spores/cleaning the air.

    Then we will wipe everything (ceilings, walls, floors, EVERYTHING) with this cleaning solution called Benefect: http://www.benefect.com/. Then we will vaccuum using HEPA vacs, which use filters that are able to collect the spores and contain them. We may have to repeat the hepa vac and wiping again the next day, all depends on how big of the job we are doing. Then we will use what Phantasm said, the Killz2 Latex Primer. It's excellent for containing and repelling mold.

    Then finally, we will take everything out and, again depending on how much the mold has contaminated, we will fog the room/house using an anti-mold fogger: http://groutmasters.ca/july2010/Fogger_noJug.jpg filled with Microban: http://www.baneclene.com/catalog/microban.html.

    Now, we don't usually work for private people, so we work under the bank, and well, usually there will not be furniture (cause we already did a cleanout earlier(which is fun cause sometimes you can find pretty cool stuff, specially in grow op houses cause they usually leave everything, and after the police come in and snip the plants, we even have to clean out the pots *breathes deep*)).

    Soooo as far as cleaning the furniture, I have no experience, but perhaps you could use Benefect, it's all natural which is a plus. ...crap...there goes the company secrets...oh well...hey, if anyone thinks of making a mold removal business, contact me for a royalty check please XD
  25. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to awiiya in A Short Letter To The Council   
    Although I'm not involved or affected by the recent ruling on Lifeline, there are a couple of things I personally find troubling. I might be alone in this, and if I am, you should feel free to say so in a post.

    I'll start by saying that I agree with the removal of Lifeline's summon spell. He used it in an inappropriate manner, and although others like Jester have used it with questionable motives, Lifeline's use was to me unforgivable. Regardless of whether or not there was an explicit rule prohibiting entrance to the lair, as a King he should have known better, and if he isn't accustomed to reading in between the lines in Mur's announcements by now then I can hardly see how he expects to succeed in the highly nuanced job of King. My suspicion is that most vets, if given the time to consider the morality of such an action, would have chosen not to use the spell in such a way. It might be unfair to consider Grido the norm, but he certainly seemed to know that going into the cave would be wrong.

    The problems for me started when I noted the attitude taken towards others who possess the chase spell without an "administrative role." Historically, regardless of the danger certain items and bugs have Mur has never been one to go to great lengths (or in most cases ANY lengths) to protect the general public from themselves, and the decision to remove something on the chance that it might cause problems later is to me a red flag that something is changing. The change towards seemingly-dictatorial meddling is precisely what I am vehemently opposed to.

    Danger, risks, and generally unsteady systems have always had for me a certain attraction, most of which comes from the heightened creativity that is a natural product of such systems. Of course there is more risk of failure and even a chance of complete annihilation, but it is rare to see genuinely artistic and creative thoughts coming from a world that is concerned only with peace and stability. My thought is that the more spontaneous experiments (Heads, Torch, Tomabala, Spells, Illusions, etc) the more interesting and (dare I say it? the word that is fading so fast in MD) FUN.

    It might just be that by protecting us from ourselves the the council has made MD an ounce more dull, and by guarding us you might actually be killing us. A few years and a couple of like-minded decision down the road we might find ourselves stripped of all such items that "may" cause later harm.

    A world without flaws is one that has crumbled to dust, and I would beg the Council to think of this in future decisions.


    P.S. I am unsure if the spells were actually removed, due to the line "only [Lifeline's] punishment will be changed," but I find more problem with the attitude than the actuality.
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