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  1. Upvote
    Roland reacted to Rendril in The Core Of Necrovion's Beliefs And Values.   
    Abuse? Surely you don't expect a king to let rebels frolic happily in the fields?
    Anyway, this might not be an official land policy. Clarification would be nice.

    It would also be nice to see some laws for Necrovion
  2. Downvote
    Roland got a reaction from Yrthilian in The True Face Of Wealth   
    So I might get excommunicated for this, but I find most of everything coming out of your mouths a bunch of bullshit. Life is what it it is. You look to deep for meanings right in front of you. I appreciate the fact that everyone wants to look beyond, but well see: Look to your own heart, it speaks the truth and is sometimes the most broken mirror of all. Stop bitching and start apprecitating what lays before you. I mean seriously???

    OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Downvote
    Roland got a reaction from Malaikat Maut in The True Face Of Wealth   
    So I might get excommunicated for this, but I find most of everything coming out of your mouths a bunch of bullshit. Life is what it it is. You look to deep for meanings right in front of you. I appreciate the fact that everyone wants to look beyond, but well see: Look to your own heart, it speaks the truth and is sometimes the most broken mirror of all. Stop bitching and start apprecitating what lays before you. I mean seriously???

    OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Upvote
    Roland reacted to Curiose in Brain Bites   
    I personally haven't tried this, but my Social Science teacher taught me once the best way to study:

    If you're studying something for a test, and say.. for example, it's math, you use the left side [creative hemisphere] of your brain to better convey the information.

    The same goes for creative things.

    By using both sides of your brain, you learn things a lot easier, including you remember it more.

    In that same lecture, he said that if you think of a specific time you want to wake up in the morning, all you have to do is repeat it before you go to bed and your brain is wired to wake up at that time. Personally, I have done this and it works from time to time. : 3 But it's always good to have an alarm clock just in case.
  5. Downvote
    Roland got a reaction from Prince Marvolo in The True Face Of Wealth   
    So I might get excommunicated for this, but I find most of everything coming out of your mouths a bunch of bullshit. Life is what it it is. You look to deep for meanings right in front of you. I appreciate the fact that everyone wants to look beyond, but well see: Look to your own heart, it speaks the truth and is sometimes the most broken mirror of all. Stop bitching and start apprecitating what lays before you. I mean seriously???

    OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Downvote
    Roland got a reaction from Peace in The True Face Of Wealth   
    So I might get excommunicated for this, but I find most of everything coming out of your mouths a bunch of bullshit. Life is what it it is. You look to deep for meanings right in front of you. I appreciate the fact that everyone wants to look beyond, but well see: Look to your own heart, it speaks the truth and is sometimes the most broken mirror of all. Stop bitching and start apprecitating what lays before you. I mean seriously???

    OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Downvote
    Roland got a reaction from Muratus del Mur in The True Face Of Wealth   
    So I might get excommunicated for this, but I find most of everything coming out of your mouths a bunch of bullshit. Life is what it it is. You look to deep for meanings right in front of you. I appreciate the fact that everyone wants to look beyond, but well see: Look to your own heart, it speaks the truth and is sometimes the most broken mirror of all. Stop bitching and start apprecitating what lays before you. I mean seriously???

    OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Downvote
    Roland got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in The True Face Of Wealth   
    So I might get excommunicated for this, but I find most of everything coming out of your mouths a bunch of bullshit. Life is what it it is. You look to deep for meanings right in front of you. I appreciate the fact that everyone wants to look beyond, but well see: Look to your own heart, it speaks the truth and is sometimes the most broken mirror of all. Stop bitching and start apprecitating what lays before you. I mean seriously???

    OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Upvote
    Roland got a reaction from pipster in The True Face Of Wealth   
    So I might get excommunicated for this, but I find most of everything coming out of your mouths a bunch of bullshit. Life is what it it is. You look to deep for meanings right in front of you. I appreciate the fact that everyone wants to look beyond, but well see: Look to your own heart, it speaks the truth and is sometimes the most broken mirror of all. Stop bitching and start apprecitating what lays before you. I mean seriously???

    OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Downvote
    Roland got a reaction from Chewett in The True Face Of Wealth   
    So I might get excommunicated for this, but I find most of everything coming out of your mouths a bunch of bullshit. Life is what it it is. You look to deep for meanings right in front of you. I appreciate the fact that everyone wants to look beyond, but well see: Look to your own heart, it speaks the truth and is sometimes the most broken mirror of all. Stop bitching and start apprecitating what lays before you. I mean seriously???

    OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Upvote
    Roland got a reaction from smartalekrj in The True Face Of Wealth   
    So I might get excommunicated for this, but I find most of everything coming out of your mouths a bunch of bullshit. Life is what it it is. You look to deep for meanings right in front of you. I appreciate the fact that everyone wants to look beyond, but well see: Look to your own heart, it speaks the truth and is sometimes the most broken mirror of all. Stop bitching and start apprecitating what lays before you. I mean seriously???

    OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Downvote
    Roland got a reaction from Pipstickz in The True Face Of Wealth   
    So I might get excommunicated for this, but I find most of everything coming out of your mouths a bunch of bullshit. Life is what it it is. You look to deep for meanings right in front of you. I appreciate the fact that everyone wants to look beyond, but well see: Look to your own heart, it speaks the truth and is sometimes the most broken mirror of all. Stop bitching and start apprecitating what lays before you. I mean seriously???

    OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Downvote
    Roland reacted to Jester in Necrovion Rebels And Jesters Penalty Points   
    [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' timestamp='1290679182' post='73172']
    An empty post, from an unworthy ruler.

    Jester, If I was a Necrovion, then your action to transport Awiiya as you did, for personal reasons, would have been enough on its own to cause me to rebel.

    However, that is not all you have done. Anyone who needs to know what you have done in your abuse of position already knows, so I will not outline them here, but you cannot count me amongst your friends.

    When I met you, you where a good man. When I knew you, you had great plans for this realm. Who you are now is a nameless scoundrel, one I have never known before, nor wish to know.

    My editing seems to be malfunctioning (or I can't figure it out, I haven't been on the forum in 2 months), so I will reply as soon as I figure this out.
  14. Downvote
    Roland reacted to Jester in Necrovion Rebels And Jesters Penalty Points   
    Me and Awiiya had an argument of sorts on YIM, but that was unrelated to this. While talking to him I remembered I'd been meaning to test whether he could be moved and what would happen. Trees can be moved and planted again with no harm done to the tree.

    Randomly using spells is basically what I do, when I turned 666 I moved 2/3 of MD's active people to Tunnel of War for fun. I'm not sure why you've decided to be offended now. If spells can't be used as a toy, whats the fun in having them?

    Curiose, your Necrovion envoy status was removed weeks ago, you must have gotten confused.
  15. Upvote
    Roland reacted to Syruny in Hiya :3   
    Hiya peoples~ Im new to this game and kinda lost, but Im definitely addicted to it. It's awesome :3
    Sooo hai and see you peoples around~~
  16. Downvote
    Roland reacted to Tarquinus in Md Awards 2010 - Nominations   
    I'm not going to nominate people who have already been nominated, so I'm skipping a few categories.

    [b]Best Quote/PL Entry[/b]
    dst - "Another challenged player." I can't remember whose PL this is in, but it still makes me smile.

    [b]Best Spell Caster[/b]
    Jester. Imaginative, evil, and occasionally very funny.

    [b]Elite Evil Villain of the Year[/b]
    Ivorak. Sure, don't vote for him. Sit with your back to the door. Wake up dead.

    [b]Fossil of the Year[/b]
    Firsanthalas. Truly a wonderful player in many ways.

    [b]Helper of the Year[/b]
    Mya Celestia

    [b]Best Backstory/Paragon Papers[/b]

    [b]Most influential[/b]
    No one (the player/character, not the pronoun)

    [b]Pre-eminent Roleplayer[/b]
    Innocence, the best (and most underrated) roleplayer I have ever known. I wish I could list her alternate personae, because that would surely make my point.

    [b]Rookie of the Year[/b]

    [b]Superior Orator[/b]
    Awiiya. Not only a skilled debater, but an extemporaneous storyteller [i]par excellence.[/i]
  17. Upvote
    Roland reacted to Lifeline in Lifeline Vs Decision In The Drach Lair Incident   
    can u people please stop going offtopic and stop making this trial about something completely different?
    this trial is not about if i, RJ, ect are guilty or not! this trial is about how we got heavely punished for something that was never even mentioned as crime in the rules or restrictions. in fact the rules and restrictions actually support every action taken. we could have chosen several different locations but we chose the drach lair because we thought it was allowed. and once again mur said the crime wasnt entering, the crime was getting a bunch of people inside which isnt even stated on the forums. this trial is about how an act that isnt anywhere ingame defined as crime was punished insanely heavy instead of a warning along with a normal punishment. just look at the punishment history of not just drach lair involved incidents but many others. committed crimes that were stated as crimes in the rules where offenders got a much lighter punishment in almost any case. masterb even left the lair right away but still got punished. in my opinion a completely innocent person got prisoned for something which he wasnt responsible for and even wasnt stated as crime anywhere. this incident was handled unjust in my point of view.


    EDIT: @ chew:
    thanks for clarifying what council i ment.
    as for the chase spell: many spells and items are abusable but they are still around. how about my jailing item? that is hugely abusable and one king will surely abuse it one day in the future.
    what MD is worth to me? besides the 74$ unused credits i still have on my account and lots of other things, i already said above how i value stuff in life. its what my very name stands for.
  18. Upvote
    Roland reacted to pipster in Lifeline Vs Decision In The Drach Lair Incident   
    [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1290560121' post='72964']
    You need to be in the same location as the chat you want to pull with the chatlog spell.

    that still don't answer how it isn't an intrusion on kingdoms? or the one about using spells how they were made? like i say i am more or so interested how that double standard works here? i think she isn't a king or queen?? but still she can use that spell any place she goes. since she is part of underground?? using it outside of underground isn't an intrusion?

    also where you not the one who had said in a prior topic about that drach cave, the punishment was only for taking a drach out of it not for being there? which is exactly what i think everyone who was involved thought. if a spot is closed so you can't remove something from it, then the thing you can remove from it is removed, don't this negate the reason it was closed in the first place??
  19. Upvote
    Roland reacted to pipster in Lifeline Vs Decision In The Drach Lair Incident   
    i have a question maybe someone here can answer. now lifeline used a spell of his how it was intended to move people from one place to another. dst uses a spell of hers to see others chats. now why is one wrong (lifelines) while dst is fine? everyone argued on her behalf that she could use that spell in any manner, seems that's the same thing lifeline did.

    now you can argue that he went to a place that was closed, but can't one also argue that if it was truly closed then the spell shouldn't of brought anyone there? just like how dst can see talk in any location why is that fine? why isn't places she can't see? isn't this an invasion of higher morals to each kingdom? since this topic seems to be moving more so from actually having a GGG to invading kingdoms i am lost how this works.

    i don't know much about spells or this so that's why i am asking here because it does seem relevant to me.
  20. Upvote
    Roland reacted to Muratus del Mur in Lifeline Vs Decision In The Drach Lair Incident   
    First of all rename this if you want it to make any sense:

    [b]"Lifeline Vs Murs And Courts Decision In The Drach Lair Incident"[/b]
    [b]"Lifeline Vs Decision In The Drach Lair Incident"[/b]

    There are no trials against me. period. Why? consider it part of my role specifications. MD is a mixture of good and bad decisions, this should remind you democracy is a luxury you don't actually have in here.

    How i see things:

    - You managed to keep decency while angry on me, thats good (others didn't), for this alone i will allow this "trial" to go on
    - Your concerns are for YOU and at most a group of people but you don't seem to be concerned about you as a King too much
    - You like to interpret words, MD is not RL, you will not manage to go around things by wording loopholes.
    - You are ready to lose everything over this, makes me think how "much" you value what you have
    - You twist evidence just to favor you, but you miss one fact..what you sis screams out load "WRONG"
    - There is no pardon for not knowing rules, and my word IS rule unless i say its opinion. I was perfectly clear about the cave.

    You as a king have the enormous advantage that you can ask me anything directly, you didnt.
    For me its clear, in the perspective of personal advantage you pretended to not know, but once this turned against you you try to pose as a victim. Most of the other details were covered by others in their replies.

    I will do you a favor, I will let this to go on and ask the Council to disregard my wish as a ruler and reanalyze the situations in their own terms. You can have it by public vote for all i care. The decision on your and others punishment was taken be ME, bypassing the council because it involved decisions that can't be taken by anyone else than me, like the pardoning of seig, or hunting down of each and everyone there for "opinions" about them being there. Your case doesn't involve any exception, it can be handled by council or by public even.

    [b]You will lose a second point for this if you fail. ..mainly because it is not the behaviour of a king to act like this. [/b]

    And note, if you ever play so easy about ban requests , i will grant you this "wish". If you don't care about your own character in md , why should I?
  21. Downvote
    Roland reacted to Ravenstrider in [Necrovion] Ravenstrider   
    I feel the need to put something on paper, to leave a mark and to clarify Ravenstrider,
    not just for others, but for myself as well. I am not a writer, so my words will be simple
    and uncompelling, my auto-portrait blurry and incomplete, but I hope at least,
    that this imperfect image painted by words will complement my actions and show myself to you.

    I am who I am... Human, flawed... Simple and complicated at the same time. What drives me?
    What is my place in this realm? Can I dare say for certain?

    During my short stay here, I have been called a fool numerous times. I can not deny,
    I can act in such a way, seeking to amuse myself, to drive away dullness of this existence. Thus I chose it,
    to be my title, to stand with my name. Besides, the sound of it is not unpleasant to my ears.

    My sanity is frail and I fear it has been broken already, by this world, or the previous one, I can not tell,
    for I can not recall much of my previous life. Thus, I started anew, drawn to Necrovion.
    I became a Necrovion Sentinel. You can now find me at the Howling Gates, crouching on the signpost that stands there,
    if you can bear the voices... Their screams, their pleas, their curses, their whispers...their horrible whispers. Come, and let's play...

    For now, I exist. That is all... Maybe my story will receive more chapters, maybe it ends here. Maybe it ended before I even stepped on the dirty roads of this world. I do not know. It might be that I will never find out.

    And with this small definition of Ravenstrider, I trapped myself. I've given something that was once free rough boundaries. Should I regret it? Probably.
  22. Upvote
    Roland reacted to Malaikat Maut in New Queen Of Necrovion   
    [quote name='Atrumist' timestamp='1289337070' post='71773']
    So you are against about how is she called in this situation, or you are against with how or why is she accused of? False or ambiguously?
    The actions of a king or a leader should never be, and are never, observed at face value. The fact that Pample may or may not have been plotting treason is absolutely important. However, the related facts aren't open for discussion and neither will they be determined within this thread. What we can glean from it, however, is a sense of Jester's capacity for diplomacy and his abilities to lead and to unify a nation of people.

    So, let's look into that shall we?

    [quote name='Jester' timestamp='1289204916' post='71683']
    This experiment did not work.[/quote]
    Right out of the gates something as important as the appointment and inauguration of a king's equal is likened to a rash and hastily conducted experiment. At least he apologizes for it...

    [quote name='Jester' timestamp='1289204916' post='71683']It was my fault for treating pamplemousse like an equal. I did not realize that pamplemousse was the kind of person that is manipulated easily.[/quote]
    Well, which is it then? The king's fault for making such a poor decision or Pample's fault for taking advantage? What began as an appropriate admission of failure quickly became a platform for cowardly ad hominem attacks.

    [quote]Since I was not controlling her, keith decided to. He turned her against me with almost no effort at all.[/quote]
    Once again, this seems like an excellent opportunity to admit wrong and prove to Necrovion that you've learned from the mistake. Why weren't you controlling your own queen? If you couldn't or weren't willing to lead such a powerful and prominent figure, why should anyone assume you could govern a kingdom?

    [quote]pample is far too weak to be a queen or any type of leadership position.

    I had high hopes for her, and she trashed them because keith moon told to her to.[/quote]
    And it concludes with more slander and ad hominem. Nothing of the future. Nothing of repairing damage done or the glory that is yet to belong to such a deserving people. Only embarrassment.
  23. Upvote
    Roland reacted to Malaikat Maut in New Queen Of Necrovion   
    Keith and Pample are no strangers, Jester. Surely you know this. I don't doubt that your accusations are true, but surely she's owed more respect for her cunning than you seem willing to acknowledge. I would be unsurprised if tyranny had been the ploy all along.

    In fact, I seem to recall overhearing Pample and yourself openly discussing plans to overthrow elected royalty on the very eve of the first elections. Your alliance with her seems to show only your lack of foresight...and hindsight as the case may be.
  24. Downvote
    Roland reacted to Jester in New Queen Of Necrovion   
    This experiment did not work. It was my fault for treating pamplemousse like an equal. I did not realize that pamplemousse was the kind of person that is manipulated easily. Since I was not controlling her, keith decided to. He turned her against me with almost no effort at all. pample is far too weak to be a queen or any type of leadership position.

    I had high hopes for her, and she trashed them because keith moon told to her to.

    pample is no longer queen of any sort.
  25. Upvote
    Roland got a reaction from nadrolski in Shoe Family   
    Well I'm no artist, but this was lots of fun:) Hope my pictures can be seen, as I had one heck of a time sith my comp while trying to post.
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