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Blackshade Rider

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Everything posted by Blackshade Rider

  1. Mine broke into hundreds of pieces 😂 it has been a long time since the submission
  2. https://i.imgur.com/Iwh6czJ.png
  3. It all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to has power over you. Work on mastering your mind. Don't allow for it to play tricks on you.

    1. Lazarus


      You are so full of wisdom as always 

  4. While visiting the graveyard to talk to Else, it would appear the obelisk is stubborn and reappeared only to tell me it has not use again not sure why it's done this
  5. If this is your only statement I please ask what you are saying no to and give your explanation. Otherwise I feel this "no" means absolutely nothing thanks for reading
  6. Hello all, Here I'd like to make a few statements about the current ups and downs of MP6 and also possible solutions/improvements. For those who do not know what MP6 is, please let me inform you the best to my current knowledge from what I've learned. This may be a bit of a read so please take your time.... What is MP6? MP6 is a mind stage that comes after MP5. You need a total of 28,000,000 heat scars and a total of 10 active adepts that's counted every 24hrs. ( Used to I believe was 30 active adepts) If you have less than 10 active adepts you will drop mp6 and revert to mp5. However in some cases if you prove worthy the gods of MD will allow you to be a perm MP6 (See a lovely player named Syrian) This stage is also referred to as a "Protector status". While in MP6 a player can choose to worship this "Protector" and or also adept them (if they are not already). They can pray erolen heat to this "Protector" and get small amounts of loyalty points. (Yes your protector can see the amount of heat you've prayed to them). But chosing to pick a new "protector" can cost you dearly. It's also said your "protector" you worship has life and death powers over you!! Spells and worshipers A Protector can only be beneficial to you with spells if they have the given heat they need and also the worshipers to back them. Protectors are given 7 spell trees consisting of various spells, all of which can help you in time of need, or possibly punishment of those who harmed said worshiper the protector is helping at the time. I will quote how it's said for the spell trees below 👇 1 You need 1 worshipers for these spells 2 You need 8 worshipers for these spells 3 You need 16 worshipers for these spells 4 You need 24 worshipers for these spells 5 You need 32 worshipers for these spells 6 You need 64 worshipers for these spells 7 You need 80 worshipers for these spells Be careful with spell evolution pattern because its uncommon. More spells are activated based on the number of your worshipers. Spells learned here remain permanently in your spell inventory. Once you reach the final level you will be able to reset the entire spell tree and try new combinations. (End quote) Currently even with a perm MP6 such as Syrian these requirements are impossible to achieve due to population. MP6 is meant for more of a population. However in a way it is community elected. I've been keeping track of current population and if I kept correct we currently only have a continuous population of 25 active players. (Maybe half actually playing) Also due to population the spells you can get are almost pointless and serve little help as other spells that are similar you can get in the WP shop are much more powerful. Even spell tree level one is only good for new players. One spell may be useful to help any player (can not say as I'm sure it's a spoiler). But even this spell is weaker than it's sibling spell in the WP shop. I purpose we maybe give Perm MP6 players (not me *Points to Syrian*) the opportunity to have these worship requirements lowered Possibly to the current number our current perm MP6 has. This is so we can at least have one fully functional "Protector" . As perm mp6 is worthy of that status. I also purpose we keep those who have not earned a Perm mp6 status to be left with the current worshiper requirements. A worshiper also has no spell benefits but I explain a possible new function below in the heat section 👇 HEAT Currently the heat system with mp6 is complete chaos. I've had some worshipers pray heat so fast and so much I couldn't use it all near enough. I purpose a suggestion that a player named Else stated here in another topic I am involved with concerning MP6 👇 https://forum.magicduel.com/topic/22855-various-complaints-personal-comments-about-ledah-and-blackshade-rider/?do=findComment&comment=197671 I think what Else purposed in this other MP6 topic is a great idea to the mp6 system. Some way for a protector to store and use the heat prayed to them for a later use when needed. MP6 are able to see how much heat you pray to them overall (even if you didn't use the heat) . It almost acts like a score board in my eyes. Maybe we can possibly use this as a Score board? It already keeps track of how much heat that player prays so what if we use that and it also store that heat. Change the way to see how much heat a worshiper prays to clicking on the said worshipers name. IN this we could also add a system for the worshipers based on another one of Else's suggestions of ( tele to prot, chase prot ect) A worshiper that is loyal should be rewarded from time to time yes? Maybe if we have said spells worshipers can learn as temp spells non Regen (without a protector) non stoneable as only gives 2-3 casts.. An example would be .... If said worshiper prays 25k heat to their protector them they unlock a said temp spell such as "tele to prot". A spell such as this only useable on one's self and would tele them to their protector. The more this loyal worshiper prays the more different spells they can learn to help them maybe "better help their protector" or maybe some small weak spells that can help themselves in a sticky situation if their protector is not online. Attacking Mp6 currently can only attack and be attacked if you are in an alliance. I feel this should be changed as MP6 as a Protector can't help some people due to this. Such as MP3 and MP4 and mp5 of no alliance. While yes we have some players who keep alts on hand to try and help, this can help take a small burden off them if we allow mp6 to be attacked by all MP lvls and not have to be in an alliance. This can also help the worshipers a protector may have that are mp3 or mp4 to train and make it to mp5. I am unsure if I can say the heat scar requirements to surpass mp6 but know it is very high up there. I feel mp6 should be able to have this ability both perm mp6 and temp mp6s Currently also there is a known bug you can read about here 👇 I think this could be implemented as a form of punishment for dropping mp6 and then regained while having casts of a prot spell from a spell stone. Currently I know this is a long read so I will stop here and answer any questions someone may have. Thanks for the read and I look forward to everyones opinions on This
  7. Thank you for making this topic chew, sorry on a late response. I've given this a lot of thought and consideration and I know how I can recreate this known bug. Also while thinking I feel this should probably be left as is for now. I feel it should be considered that the temp spell turned to perm spell was a prot spell. I feel maybe it should stay as is for now. My reasons for this 1) With currently little population there are only two mp6's. Myself and Syrian, and protectors are still in the works no? 2) I'd like it to be noted that I used the prot spell stone while I had dropped mp6. And I had thought I used all the casts and but noticed I did not. So when I regained mp6 I chose the same spell to try and replace the stone I was using to help another player as a prot while not current on mp6 of that time. This gave me the casts I thought I needed (and did) but gave me a nice message saying (spells are set to vanish can not be stoned). Not a big issue and I could had asked for help but Instead I made some comments publicly I do regret saying. I apologize to all for that. 3) I feel until we get a more traditional population like old days that this should be put on hold as it is not a big deal. While yes I do feel maybe the work in fixing is a valuable fix I feel we currently need your expertise elsewhere. Maybe a simple fix for now could be a warning similar to how Fyrd was saying. If made mp6 maybe a small tab can click stating known bugs for mp6? Currently I've been testing everything I can with mp6 and it has its ups and downs. This could just stay as a downside for now. It has never happened with my other perm spells bought from the WP shop. So maybe this could be part of just being mp6? You still got your casts but since you used a prot spell while mp5 and going into mp6 maybe it can stay as a penalty for dropping mp6. A punishment of sorts?
  8. It's so beautiful now 🥰💜💜 thank you
  9. This is the cemetery. Where we all go when we die it's a beautiful place. I've heard there is another scene walking up. I do not have A25 powers no longer or id gladly help but if you are willing to remove just one for me I'd vote for this one in the cemetery. I can not remember if it gave rp items. But it was a very long time ago. If I can help somehow just let me know
  10. Hello good day all. I'd like the opinions on if we should have these obelisk removed from the scenes after their use is not needed. It blocks the beautiful artwork!!!!!!!!!! While yes, these obelisk are very useful for someone who has not gotten all the use out of them, thy serve no purpose when use up and out get a nic little message saying "nothing new". If I remember correctly these all had a limit how many times a player could use them. Some gave rp items some gave other stuff. But all were set to limited uses per player (if I remember correctly) I feel it is possible for A25 to preform a simple fix to make these disappear for players who have used them up. And maybe if something new appear after used up they reappear. Here is an example of the cemetery. I have nothing new I can do with this one, but look at the beauty of the cemetery behind it. Haven't you ever dreamed of going further into the cemetery? No? Well still look at that beautiful work. Why block it when the obelisk has no more purpose for that specific player. Would you agree to have these removed once the use of fulfilled? I also ask A25 users the opinions on how hard this may be. Thanks all
  11. 🙃 links gone now since isn't allowed I guess. Did not see that in the rules Didn't think I'd have to wait possible years. I suppose I'll figure something out since I'm sure I can't flood the topic. My phone can only get the image down to 2.9mb before the image is useless. I'll figure something out I guess if I resubmit it. Thanks for the time to let me know
  12. I actually find this a great idea considering we have the command to use, to read a players mood. I believe it was done with AI that Mur recently implemented with the chat command. (Might be wrong how it was implemented but I remember Mur saying it was part of the AI in MD) The ( /mood PLAYER ) command. A player roleplaying with your suggestion here I feel could have a better impact on the mood command and give it a better accuracy than it currently has, as the mood command seems to really just give a summary of what the player has been saying in chat.
  13. Also I'd like to point out your poll is a bit deceiving the way it's worded and for someone that reads quickly might not notice if they vote yes that they are voting against mp6 spells being stoned. For those that don't notice in ledahs poll if you are AGAINST mp6 being allowed to stone their spells vote Yes. If you a FOR mp6 being ALLOWED to stone their spells then vote No.
  14. Mp6 is a earned status unlike lho is a admin given status and it's spells if I remember correctly. Mp6 are allowed to stone there spells for a long time now. Syrian does it, fyrd had done it when mp6 and so have many more You can not compare mp6 to LHO as they are entirely different and LHO is not part of a mind stage.
  15. Right now my laptop is needing replacement so I mostly have been using my Google pixel with chrome browser
  16. I'm willing to help find this proof, but I have finished Lashtals quest so I can not recreate it on this account. However I have not finished Fyrds bug garden quest and it is said that quest has the same issue. So maybe I can help figure it out. Just let me know thanks
  17. I never knew there was a limit ever set. Thanks for the info 🙂
  18. I was told by another player the angien fenth is supposed to be a key for a player to get to the shrine. But with limited entry. If this is the case then it also did not work for that purpose as I did try many times before using reality shards to animate it
  19. Once again while continuing this quest the very same spot has a auto refresh issue. I've done every single solution and I know for a FACT it is not on my end. Deathmarrow is the ONLY scene of the quest that keeps doing this and causing clues to disappear from auto refreshing. So I'll ask again for this to be check cause this is the 4th time and every single time it's only this scene
  20. There is no death. Death is very much like a sunset. It is only an appearance. For when the sun sets here, it rises elsewhere. In reality, the sun never sets. Likewise, death is only an illusion, an appearance. For what is death here is birth elsewhere. For life is endless

  21. This is my feed back on this quest. If it's not agreed with I'm not to worried about it but I am going to express my thoughts on this quest. Firstly I understand that lashtals quest is not supposed to be easy. However I've experienced many issues. Firstly it should be noted the quest is based inside of Necro, this basically puts a target on your head to be killed basically for doing a quest. While yes lashtal has agreed to take a break on gateway to try and let people do the quest the death guard will not be there forever and in doing so you may be killed. AP is consumed on every single step, while this is nothing new to Necro recently it causes the issue that if you have to click that reset button then you basically wasted and entire day or more depending on the step your on. Certain tools are required to get rss needed for the quest that apparently near half the current active population can not get themselves. These leave the option in hoping another player has this rss to buy from and if they don't then you will need to find someone willing to help grab the needed tool for the needed rss. Byproduct rss are also needed. This is another big issue due to the reasoning you need to have the exact rss amount described in your clue given. Problem is this certain rss requires knowledge of nameing garasons certain names at certain levels to make them produce the byproduct you are needing and many do not know of the names or method to do so. Further more these byproducts consume more time waiting and also having to rely on having wiiya in your inventory for said garasons to produce said byproducts, while most of current active population is not willing to sell these byproducts.Which leads to that not everyone has wiiya and will have to obtain in some way if able. And wait a fairly long time for production if the production works. Auto refresh also seems to be an issue, while I had done the solution given to this I was told it's on my end as it shouldn't had refreshed. Well I fail to see how it was on my end when every time I clicked it it auto refreshed but I click anything else no auto refresh happens this includes the bug gardens quest that supposedly has the same refresh issue however I don't experience this issue with the bug gardens quest. This causes clues to disappear and be lost and leaving a player to either hope the clue is given by the QM or they need to spend twice as much time going to reset the quest and start completely over. This is just my assessment on making it to the third clue and in doing so had done nothing but discourage me from wanting to try further, even more so when death guard is done with their break on gateway. I do not think I am the only one discouraged from doing this quest with just these issues alone it makes it highly inconvenient to do. While I had hopes for this quest it's been nothing but disappointment. I have more concerns but I'm sure this sums it up. Thanks for the quest
  22. This solution did not work for me. After resetting the quest and spending half a day to get back to the step I was it did the same thing. I waited longer than 20-30 seconds. Maybe a full minute just to be sure no auto refresh would happen. It still auto refreshes as soon as I preform the task, and still and won't give you enough time for the clue. Fortunately I was extremely lucky in getting a SS right before it refreshed so I now have my clue, but it's highly inconvenient considering all AP is lost each move in necro and having to go all the way back to reset in hopes you may get the clue the following time. However in the clue I was able to SS before it auto refreshed I notice a tab I was supposed to click to move on to the next clue. Since it auto refreshed I am unable to pull it back up to click that tab so I can continue the quest. Another highly inconvenient issue. This leads me to believe I'm going to have to restart this quest for a third time and possibly hoping for a different outcome but does not seem promising it will work a third time. This issue basically is causing the quest to not be functioning the way it is supposed to. And with the issue of AP being consumed every step and then it not working after spending 2 days just trying to do the first two clues it's over all almost completely not worth the time. Can we get this fixed please? Or the quest taken down until the issue is fixed? Cause now I'm having to restart a second time after the same thing happened and I did the solution your provided, but this solution did NOT work.
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