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Everything posted by BFH

  1. We SHOULD have clickies at GoC

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nadrolski
    3. Silence Dogood

      Silence Dogood

      I advise you to release the Silencer BFH. He has sent you a PM, read it.

    4. BFH


      Stop spamming my updates.

  2. Either Sunday or Saturday sounds ok. The high traffic day is sunday. However saturday is the second with most traffic That will give you guys an idea.
  3. 17-18:00 sounds ok
  4. Playing with Organic Chem. I was missing it :D

    1. Seigheart


      Eat lots of carrots. See what happens. :D

  5. Those interested in helping with this prepare your statements and arguments for a public discussion at GoE. I'll try to sort things for december 17. However, I'll announce specific day/time on triggers box. What is wrong? What we should ask to newbs? Etc are things we are going to discuss.
  6. Trying to understand what the hell means "like rats used to do" post title.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mallos


      Rats- Mur, cause of Murs current mouse avatar.

    3. Change


      It looked cool okay! :P

  7. I would like to apply. I do no mind global modding, but in special I would like to focus on Game development-New Ideas. I think it needs to be globalized and reorganized. Presenting, full and complete summary of all ideas already presented and the ones "pending". That will help council-developers to have a wide, organized, and generalized view of what are the ideas, to take them into consideration and actually implement those that they consider the best without spending a valuable time "searching" My vacations are near, hence I would love to know your decision asap, to work with them as soon as I get out of finals, in special because like all the initial organization is the hardest. There are other sections I'm interested in organizing, but for those I have to speak with you guys privately. So not really sure, if I should apply as a subsection mod, section mod, or global mod. Whatever you decide just let me know.
  8. Question: What if someone wants to apply to mod specific forums? Is is allowed? Or perhaps you guys only want global mods?
  9. Really Hate Magnetic Nuclear Resonance. But love Hydrogens & Carbons. NOOO what a dilemma >>

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      Find young volunteers.

    3. Maebius


      Have some ethanol. it's a hydrocarbon, and will help you not hate much at all, after enough of it. :P

    4. dst


      You don't want me to have some ethanol. No no no!

  10. [quote name='Falronn' timestamp='1354760226' post='127557'] In my opinion, that would only make it easier to make such personal decisions. I'm not saying they do or not. [/quote] Them been know will make them useless. Without any kind of respect from players that could be considered friends. Not knowing who the council members are some here are debating is they picked *Lightsage* for personal matters... Imagine if we knew them. Council is a group Seigh, they take decisions in consensus, it is hard to just take it personal
  11. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1354756098' post='127549'] Uhhh, I dont know if I wasnt clear or not, but I thought I was.... I wanted to know, in more detail, their reason for picking LS, when the public made it clear they thought Zen would make a better leader. It basically comes to my belief that it was a personal choice for the Council, because of who is on it, that influenced the choice, not an unbiased choice. [/quote] Which is the reason of why council should remain as a secret unknown group. You are old in this game Seigh, you better know that a good explained vote counts even more than vets votes sometimes. Yes, council can or not explain in what they based their selection, even if they already did so in a general manner, but that won;t change a thing. Zen already accepted council's decision and I value that a Lot, as it shows the kind of person she is. Now, the real question is why you haven't accepted it? Now, as council announced I hope seeing Zen involved. Now that she knows she have the support of many people there is not any reason to not adventuring and actually do something that can impact MD in a positive way.
  12. Perhaps just read announcement: [font="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"][size="2"][color="#666666"]"we feel that the TK's need a leader who has not previously been in the alliance to try and resolve the repeated issues they've had. [/color][/size][/font]"
  13. BFH

    Call Centres

    [quote name='dst' timestamp='1354655497' post='127437'] "customer from hell" [/quote] You just made my night =))
  14. I dont know if I'm going offtopic or not. But I'm speaking here as a player and not as represent ant of any role or whatever i might or not have on md. Fang made his mistakes and we already know that. I don't think necessary for us to actually throw mud to the fallen tree. He already has been punished and recognized his mistakes. Lets leave him pay his sentence and stop the blaming. I hope the next leader, whoever he/she might be, do not commit the same mistakes and actually learn from this. As a side note: I also believe, and correct me if I'm incorrect, that council handles the leader some rules, I also expect that whoever will be the leader make sure to check with them if he/she have doubts before taking any decision. That will save lots of time of fixing and multiple headaches. B
  15. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1354564400' post='127237'] End of the week was last night 00:00 ST... [/quote] So it finished! Well not until they tell so
  16. [quote name='Fire Starter' timestamp='1354034347' post='126637'] [cquote] You have by the end of the week to vote. MDCouncil[/cquote] [/quote] Posted on 27. Should this be already finished?
  17. All above are out. If peace needs any help teleporting people out best way to contact me is through forum pm or official email to ads@. Cyao till Dec 15. Finals here we go!
  18. [quote name='Peace' timestamp='1354491650' post='127167'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Aside from all that, which honestly was rather expected since with power usually comes abuse, will this affect Fang's current state of being dead? Should those who may want to resurrect him continue their efforts or should they be also suspended from taking further actions? Will the revival specialist still be able to transport Fang inside the maze?[/font] [/quote] I recall council announced dead things would be apart of any roles. So I don;t see why any sort of revival quest efforts or whatsoever will be affected by his role abuses or whatever.
  19. [quote name='shayanuser' timestamp='1354458788' post='127100'] Stuck in GG, going to the columns in case someone opens a portal. Edit: Still there [/quote] Next time post your [color=#ff0000][b]PLAYERNAME[/b][/color] you should be out
  20. Everybody teleported now. If any still stuck Peace will teleport you out.
  21. I'll do a round of teleporting now. Post playername if you are still stuck, so that Peace do her magic.
  22. HBD Dark Demon
  23. BFH

    MD Downtime

    CF is not the cause Peace, is server as chew pointed out. Why on earth a massive teleportation will cause serve to crash?
  24. [quote name='SkyArmy' timestamp='1354097273' post='126708'] [color=#008000]I have something for you BFH but we can't see each other:) not good on time[/color] [/quote] Contact me during the weekend
  25. I vote for Lightsage as I believe he have all the qualities required. Zen is also a good option, but this time I go with lighty.
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