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Everything posted by JadenDew

  1. My favourite principle is Imagination. I love how it is behind the creation of many wonderful things and how it can also be used to influence perception and by extension, emotions and actions. On another note, my land affiliation is Necrovion and my favourite element is wind.
  2. Things I would like to buy: (Existing Items/Spell) Independent Candybox LockInChaos Spell (regenerable) Revival Item (permanent use) Independent Memory Stone Detector Curse Spell (regenerable) (Yet-To-Exist, but I believe the functionality exists) An item that can temporary raise briskness stat by 1k for 10mins, cooldown 40mins, permanent use. (not quite sure if the numbers are "balanced". Suggesting this because I would like something to help with heat gathering.)
  3. Happy happy birthday :3
  4. Happy Birthday :3
  5. I have went through quite a few quests where the questmaker had scripted various interesting riddles or puzzles that we had to solve before proceeding to the next stage of the quest. I am wondering if it is possible, upon completion of such riddles/puzzles, to able to automatically "unlock" pickable clickies that was originally inaccessible or invisible?
  6. Thanks lots x3
  7. I think I must have missed Chewy's post saying that all wishes are granted. :( Sorry! I am missing the Vial of Hope from Personal Request Month too From the log posted in Selfish Wish Granted [17/02/13 22:11] Master of Ceremonies:JadenDew [17/02/13 22:12] JadenDew:nyuu? [17/02/13 22:12] Master of Ceremonies:you get your vial
  8. I am not sure if this bug is consistent for all types of Life Orbs (I hold the Superchargeable Life Orb) but mine doesn't heal the owner when it suppose to: It has a required amount of heat that it needs before it can be used on another person (eg. 20k heat for superchargable) but before that amount you can still opt to Activate the Orb "Use on self" will be written on the interface in this situation However, when you press continue... no changes in VE, item goes on cooldown and all heat in the orb is consumed Past that 20k heat, after selecting Activate, the interface will allow you to type a target playername in it. That works for every player BUT the owner.. Eg. Type my name in it.. and hit continue.. heat gone, cooldown active but my VE remains the same I would be glad if you could look into it.. :)
  9. Happy happy birthday~
  10. Thanks for the log! Sorry I couldnt be more.. present..
  11. By creature... you mean an MD Creature or...?
  12. Call him/her up and have a nice long chat with him/her?
  13. Hugs and cuddling from someone :3?
  14. Things are working well again.. No more messages from antivirus Thanks lots Chew :)
  15. My antivirus still goes off when I first load the game but after that it works alright. However, anything that needs "popups" (clicky, PM, LHO button) doesn't load. Im still getting the "This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js" Error when game first loaded, along with my antivirus alerts that is blocking: IPS Alert Name: Web Attack: Exploit Toolkit Website 50 Attacking Computer: www.magicduel.com (, 80)", Attacker URL: magicduel.com/Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js I get similar alerts when i load the front page (www.magicduel.com) except that the attacker URL did be magicduel.com/ Edit: The front page will refuse to load at all too..
  16. Oops... i experienced similar problems but i put in the exception thinking it was my Norton (Its super-paranoid sometimes) *goes to take it off* I hope I didn't just fry my systems.. I got the AC_RunActiveContent.js is missing error as well when Norton blocks it And am unable to load scene/scene chat, trigger box and moodpanel sidebar as a result... Norton classified it as an intrusion attempt.. it only alerts after logging in.. Would it help if I put up the Norton's log?
  17. =o Would the corresponding male word be bull? So its fine to call anyone (from tb) bull~? *asking innocently*
  18. Jade knows how to copy and paste... but I have never used wordpress... but but Jade would like to help
  19. Ice Cream Float A tall glass of fizzy drink topped with a large scoop of vanilla ice cream. Decorated with rainbow sprinkles and a bright red cherry.
  20. Happy Birthday Peacey!! With lots of Necrovion Cookies on top the nightshade *giggles* (By the way.. I thought she is someplace without internet at the moment? But I guess she can read this when she comes back :3)
  21. JadenDew ID:186134 Days:603
  22. A third thanks for Chewy~ :P Good luck with the work!
  23. I've been passing candies. I am used to seeing "XX passed Rainbow Candy to YY" on chat when we do Is that removed? If so I apologise >.< Edit: Passed cake and it showed up as it it is unique ( i think?) Silver Coin and candies don't show up anymore. Didn't know of the change. Sorry.
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