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Fyrd Argentus

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Everything posted by Fyrd Argentus

  1. I appreciate your point of view on this. I was just trying to feed Mur's request for ideas.
  2. The spellbook for MP6 has returned! Thank you Chewie!
  3. So here, properly formatted, are possible enchantments for some of the unique items I have. Do please confirm if any please you, Mur. Item name: Bottle of Vinegar Item ID:8157 Your ID:187066 Current functionality: none Spell: givejoker Number of casts: 24 - to be used to give MP3's a character strong enough to do some damage to each other and accumulate some heat scars. Also, it's in character for me. Casting words: Give your aramor a swig of this pickle juice Item name: Mithril Autoharp Item ID:224412 Your ID: 187066 Current functionality: none Spell: givemask Number of casts: 24 - say every month or two for a few years I can play the music that gives us a costume ball. Fun! Casting words: You are now all under the illusion of a musical spell! Item name: Rubber Chicken Item ID: 220454 Your ID:187066 Current functionality: none Spell: Chaotic Boost Number of casts: 24 - I'm not much of a fighter, but I'd like to occasionally pull a prank on a stronger player, just to keep them on their toes. Casting words: You have been whacked by a rubber chicken Item name: Bone Flute Item ID:224414 Your ID:187066 Current functionality: none Spell: teleport_papercabin Number of casts: No limit - to be used to rescue newbies, people lost in the labyrinth, vets stuck on GWI, etc. Besides, it's not a big deal if used on regular players at GoE. Casting words: Find your way home
  4. To be clear, you only confirmed one idea of an item that could have been posted here (and enchanted it on the spot)? Or did we not understand at what point we were supposed to put it here in proper format?
  5. Invie has worked out the current formula for heat gain when moving in your homeland, at least currently in MDA: erolin heat gain = (Briskness / 4) + viscosity. Land mulitiplier is always zero in MDA - there is a term in the old formulas that might add more in other homelands. Good job, Invie!
  6. This was 2012 - I don't even remember.... It works fine now.
  7. I have unique "Blue Silk Boxer Shorts" which could be a boostbriskness or AP boost spell. {THANKS!}
  8. I have a unique "Rubber Chicken" that I RP as my attack mode - could be Toadspeak. Nice threat to an unruly audience at public events.
  9. I have a unique "Bottle of Vinegar" that could be a give vitality spell.
  10. I possess 4 unique items that are said to have been made from the remains of important characters in my backstory. They are said to be able to help me commune with the spirits, which help me do various magical things. I intend to ask that one be made A25 scriptable when the code for that is ready. Fyrds Knator Hide Bodhran (drum with LR wood) - is already MD scriptable. - could be Dead Army Mithril Autoharp (with unicorn hair strings) - could be Locate or acoustic remains Bone Flute (with winderwild feather decoration) - could be Locate or acoustic remains Underwater Bagpipes (bones and hide of a waterbeing - harsh out of water) - could be a weather spell - heavy rain {Any could be "barfight" or "boostbriskness" or "earfocus"}
  11. Acoustic Remains - Ear Trumpet TP to Paper Cabin - Ruby Slippers (there's no place like home) Move Lock - Super Glue Attack Lock - Smoke grenade
  12. He fixed it for me., and the BP puzzle does not do this to me when I repeat the exposure. Not sure how broad his fix is, especially given his comments about future work. Don't know if Aksel is okay too (the other known victim) ....
  13. Looks good now. Thanks.
  14. Same warning appears in right panel....
  15. Logging out did NOT fix the problem.
  16. About 0900 Aksel, new MP3 wrote: However something happened and now I can't play, it happened after I got first shard from puzzle. Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/magicdue/public_html/core/class.user.php on line 2099 also this inbox window is shrinked to like 50 pixel height ~~~~~~~~~~ I reproduced the error - did one shard on the puzzle just fine, tried to leave back to GoE and chaos ensued. I got the error message below upon hitting the exit arrow. The GoE scene did not load but I got the player list from GoE. Refreshed screen and got the GoE scene but filled with error messages too (also below - note clock & compass menu mashed together). My inbox was not affected, but the problem continues as I move about the realm. Jump to scene by clickie does not clear the problem, but the right scene does show. Clear cache did not help. Going to try logging out now.
  17. klawdees noticed and I confirmed, a lot of clickies are not working right now. GoE panels, Willow's shop items, signposts, scarecrow west of GoE....
  18. Bye, bye to the pretty creatures that were visiting....!
  19. Alternative - a creature that can't be healed.
  20. Looks like I'm back today at MP6. Catch you for tests after a night's sleep...
  21. Today, not enough adepts, so I'm MP5 again. For the last few months I had 10+ adepts and got to pick one spell. Options I couldn't pick were shown blacked out etc. There was a lot of stuff there. When I posted this - nothing but the title.
  22. When a newbie clicks on the alliance menu, this is what they see. This says they need to leave their land to join a new one. We're expecting them to realize they ALSO need an invitation to join a new one. btw - they also lose the ability to jog on GWI for VE gain if they leave their land. Surprise!
  23. When I click the Terms and Conditions link it opens a new tab asking for a new character name...
  24. I believe he meant during initial account sign-up, when asked to agree in order to make an account. I'll verify next time I see him.
  25. No more errors but still no spellbook. I am currently MP6 again.
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