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  1. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from The Warrior in Resource Depletion: For or against?   
    You should be able to do as you want, but that doesn't mean everyone should like it just because they're doing what they want.

    I dislike depletion. Taking things just for the sake of taking them, to prevent others from having it. If they want to play that way, fine, but people shouldn't like it. Out of character I'm not completely opposed to depletion for the sake of depletion either, because it gives a common goal to fight against.

    In character I wouldn't leave a chance untaken to fight the depletion of my homeland. The resources belong to the lands, and we're allowed to harvest them, however after a while the more we take the less we get.
  2. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Magistra in Resource Depletion: For or against?   
    You should be able to do as you want, but that doesn't mean everyone should like it just because they're doing what they want.

    I dislike depletion. Taking things just for the sake of taking them, to prevent others from having it. If they want to play that way, fine, but people shouldn't like it. Out of character I'm not completely opposed to depletion for the sake of depletion either, because it gives a common goal to fight against.

    In character I wouldn't leave a chance untaken to fight the depletion of my homeland. The resources belong to the lands, and we're allowed to harvest them, however after a while the more we take the less we get.
  3. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Fang Archbane in Redacted   
  4. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Plix Plox in Top item owners list order   
    Hmmm... I thought it used to show who has the most unique items. If it's supposed to be like this that's fine as well, though I prefer the other way.
  5. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Jubaris in Top item owners list order   
    Hmmm... I thought it used to show who has the most unique items. If it's supposed to be like this that's fine as well, though I prefer the other way.
  6. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from lashtal in Resource Depletion: For or against?   
    You should be able to do as you want, but that doesn't mean everyone should like it just because they're doing what they want.

    I dislike depletion. Taking things just for the sake of taking them, to prevent others from having it. If they want to play that way, fine, but people shouldn't like it. Out of character I'm not completely opposed to depletion for the sake of depletion either, because it gives a common goal to fight against.

    In character I wouldn't leave a chance untaken to fight the depletion of my homeland. The resources belong to the lands, and we're allowed to harvest them, however after a while the more we take the less we get.
  7. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to Menhir in Resource Depletion: For or against?   
    I heard once from a government - if you´re not with us then you´re against us - hence our enemy. So the whole black or white game is only existing to know where to put people or things and why? Because of the illusionary feeling of security. Security to put things or people in boxes to know how to handle those.
    Some days ago I just listened to a favorite "band" of mine and they have a song in which they sing the following lines:

    Und dann schüren wir Ängste, die sie verbrennen.
    Sagen, wir sind nicht dagegen, aber auch nicht dafür.


    And then we fuel fears which will burn them.
    Saying, we are not against it but at the same time we are not in favor of it.

    I´m not against depleting nor am I in favor of it. I´m in favor for the freedom of everyone to do as he is able to do. As long as "everyone" can choose to leave resources untouched or depleted "noone" should judge the action of others.
  8. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to Udgard in Redacted   
    I don't see a connection between harvesting and disrespecting the land.
  9. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Mero in Redacted   
    I totally agree with Fang in this case!
  10. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Fang Archbane in Redacted   
  11. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to No one in Resource Depletion: For or against?   
    I am sorry Nim for this SPAM, but it seems I have to answer to this guy:

    1st: please use "code" or "spoiler" for the copy / paste. Ppl could mistakenly consider you smart for the post.
    2nd: I always read content of pages for links I post
    3rd: yea, we already knew you're not the brightest star on the sky
    4th: disregarding 98% of your comment ... it could be a good "how to" for the item users but even that is a "remake" of someone else's "how to"

    5th: was that long post just to make all players in MD ... cattle ?

    6th: ??? promote resource depletion ??? If you are talking about my event, then you are in the wrong topic .
    7th: [u]what it is on topic with your post[/u] ?
  12. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Fang Archbane in Resource Depletion: For or against?   
    Marind Bell is sacred to me, along with all the creatures, resources, and people in it.

    A land is meant to be loved, nurtured, cared for and treated with respect.

    Resource depletion is the opposite of how it should be treated.

    And yes. Even if it was gold and silver, I'd still say it's wrong to overharvest.

    Treat the land well, and it will treat you well in return.

    Treat the land harshly, and it will one day pay you back equally.
  13. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to No one in Resource Depletion: For or against?   
    [url="http://www.nature.org/ourinitiatives/regions/northamerica/unitedstates/southdakota/newsroom/the-benefits-of-fire-2.xml"]The benefits of fire[/url]
  14. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to DARK DEMON in Redacted   
    [quote name='Change' timestamp='1360586271' post='132438']
    He [b]wants[/b] to help the community, that is, he probably [b]likes[/b] helping the community. Therefore, helping the 'community', while it might be called selfless, is a selfish act. Also, does everyone like what he's doing? Maybe some people don't want people to have a punching bag, thus he's harming that part of the community by his actions. No one is stopping him from helping the 'community' by being a punching bag. Ironically, what you want to let him do is harm the 'community' by being a punching bag, and something else simultaneously.

    So you're saying that rules should be bent around someone's selfish wish to help the 'community'? I sure hope that someone doesn't decide to help the community by trying to make people learn to fight for themselves (and using multiple accounts simultaneously to do so). Yes, it's arguable whether or not Fang setting a consistent ritual for people to practise against encourages people to learn how to fight. One could legitimately take the position that it doesn't help people learn.

    One person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter.

    Therefore, helping the 'community', while it might be called selfless, is a selfish act.

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]It would be a selfish act if he had he been gaining anything from it. I strongly disagree with your perception.[/color][/font]

    Maybe some people don't want people to have a punching bag, thus he's harming that part of the community by his actions.

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Definition of harm, since you CLEARLY do not know, is to deliberately inflict a physical injury. A book sitting there is very useful to those who want to make good use out of it. Is it harming those who don't want to read it? lol [/color][/font]

    So you're saying that rules should be bent around someone's selfish wish to help the 'community'?

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I never said that, nor should it happen. Please read my post again if you still don't understand.[/color][/font]

    One person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter.

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I can't agree more, honestly. But I must say, that is irrelevant to Fang's case. Neither is he a terrorist, nor is he fighting for freedom. Take advantage of him if you like, he doesn't mind that, but he's not the one attacking, we are.[/color][/font]

    [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1360590990' post='132458']
    If i put up an alt as a punching bag, would I be allowed to do it too? Tomorrow if tom, dick and harry request the same, would they be allowed too? And followed by them, every alternate player in MD asks for the same should they be allowed as well? There was a place where people used themselves and their alts as punching bags. It was known as GGG - Golden Globe Gazebo. Initially they didnt mind being boxed and kicked. Later on, All they wanted to do was to be tapped gently on their backs. And anyone who wanted to learn boxing or kickboxing was thrown out and banned from that place. And oh, since everybody thought that learning the hard way was bad for them, MD became empty. And very very few, less than a handful knew the basics of combat.

    I understand what you are trying to do here fang. It is appreciated by many, disliked by the rest. But if the council makes an exception for you, they'd have to make an exception for every single player who asks for what you are asking.
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400].[/color][/font]
    If i put up an alt as a punching bag, would I be allowed to do it too? Tomorrow if tom, dick and harry request the same, would they be allowed too? And followed by them, every alternate player in MD asks for the same should they be allowed as well?

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Allowing isn't the case her at all in my opinion. He's been doing it for a long time. Many of us have alts which we set up when MP3's, etc need them for losses/wins. Tell every single of those people to stop doing that, why just Fang?[/color][/font]

    But if the council makes an exception for you, they'd have to make an exception for every single player who asks for what you are asking.

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Fang is already exceptional. The "every single player" you are mentioning isn't MP7, nor has an Illusionist's Meteor in his inventory. When they work hard enough to get those, feel free to ask Council for making an exception.[/color][/font]
  15. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Grido in Redacted   
    1) Fang Archbane is not an "alt", he is my Main.
    [color=#800080]If a player has multiple accounts, they're alts of each other, there's no "main" tag other than defined by ourselves. You have multiple accounts and so FA is an alt, just one that's used a lot[/color].

    2) His very ROLE is to be farmed. He is my ONLY account that gets farmed.
    [color=#800080]That it's the only account doing it, is mostly irrelevant. That it's the character's role, is rather hmm.[/color]

    3) He does more good than bad. Yes, i hear it every day. "why supercharge the noobs if they learn nothing about fighting?"
    [color=#800080]Depends upon perspective, to yours, and those using it, yes. To others, particularly those that had to work hard for their stats etc, it would probably be the opposite.[/color]

    I would agree with Burns in that you shouldn't be purely there as a "punching bag" - if the sole use of that account is as such then you are bordering abuse, however if you were to interact with others through it and other things besides allowing others to attack you, to make a fuller role out of it, then it is more permissible I would imagine
  16. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Change in Redacted   
    [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1360575208' post='132423']
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I don't think there's much chance of this happening. He just wants to help the Community, you're gonna stop him from doing that too if you say this is alt abuse?[/color][/font]

    [color=#000000][font=Georgia,]"More generally, you are not allowed to use multiple accounts to help, benefit, or otherwise influence one specific player for their gain or loss.[/font][/color]"

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]He's not benefiting a single person, but everybody. And he's been doing this for a looong time. He became MP7 too, and the Meteor in his Inventory as proof that this is a good path.[/color][/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I don't understand why someone who's doing a good thing must be stopped, i.e. marked as alt abuse. What is he gaining from it? Nothing.[/color][/font]

    He [b]wants[/b] to help the community, that is, he probably [b]likes[/b] helping the community. Therefore, helping the 'community', while it might be called selfless, is a selfish act. Also, does everyone like what he's doing? Maybe some people don't want people to have a punching bag, thus he's harming that part of the community by his actions. No one is stopping him from helping the 'community' by being a punching bag. Ironically, what you want to let him do is harm the 'community' by being a punching bag, and something else simultaneously.

    So you're saying that rules should be bent around someone's selfish wish to help the 'community'? I sure hope that someone doesn't decide to help the community by trying to make people learn to fight for themselves (and using multiple accounts simultaneously to do so). Yes, it's arguable whether or not Fang setting a consistent ritual for people to practise against encourages people to learn how to fight. One could legitimately take the position that it doesn't help people learn.

    One person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter.
  17. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to SageWoman in Citizenship   
    I have applied for citizenship. Please vote.
  18. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to dst in Vegetarian or Vegan?   
    What I always wanted to ask is why? Why would you become a vegan/vegetarian?
  19. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to No one in Month of Free Lands   
    We have new updates along with the relieved gasp from territories.

    There are no more Herbs in [b]Land of the East[/b], [b]No man's Land[/b] and [b]Loreroot[/b]. All have been carefully and patiently removed.

    The land is now free of the burden of Herbs. A few more days have been gained for the soil to recover from the intensive harvesting.

    We seek further help
    - for the renewal of tree domains (clear old lumber, brenches, treebark and any other wooden remains) ,
    - to clean up the waters (now muddy or dirty , bubbly or not)
    - to clean up the roads and paths (of stones, bones, bottles, [size=1]drunkards [/size]and other aesthetic remains or simply garbage)

    Feel free to join and to announce your participation.

    Follow us for more updates. Any help is welcomed.
  20. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Shemhazaj in Gaming   
    [color=#808080][i]I have a board and a game [/i]"The Cities and Knights of Catan"[i] on it.[/i][/color]
    [color=#808080][i]I like it mostly coz it involves few more people at the same table and drinking beer while playing [/i][/color]
  21. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Jubaris in Bug in PL   
    Eh, if everyone would be able to post only useful things...

    The space is not that big, and can turn out to be collateral gain, I think it gives a better overview. Just a thought.
  22. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from No one in We need "hyper-drunk"   
    I agree drinking to much should trigger something. Right now tea is more dangerous than alcohol.
  23. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Fang Archbane in We need "hyper-drunk"   
    I agree drinking to much should trigger something. Right now tea is more dangerous than alcohol.
  24. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to No one in Month of Free Lands   
    As today starts a new month. I will begin one of my strange projects :
    [center][size=6][b]Free the lands of resources[/b][/size][/center]

    As I have access to only herbs, I will start with those.
    If anyone wants to join, feel free to PM me with progress
    - resource,
    - land
    - date when land has been freed
    If you want to add your next next to that event, let me know, otherwise I will consider you want to stay anonymous.

    I will update with progress shortly.

    Edit: "Free" as in "depleted".
    Recurrent edit:
    Lands freed from the burden of resources:
    - Land of the East - no more Herbs (2013 02 01)
    - No Man's Land - no more Herbs (2013 02 01)

    Update : 2013 02 02
    - Loreroot - no more herbs
    - Loreroot - no more Lumber
    - No Man's Land- no more Lumber

    Progress : 2013 02 03
    - Golemus Galicarium - no more herbs

    Progress: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13684-month-of-free-lands/#entry132110"]2013 02 05[/url]
    - Land of the East - no more Herbs
    - Loreroot - no more Herbs
    - No Man's Land - no more Herbs
    - Underground - no more Mineral Water

    Progress: 2013 02 07
    - Loreroot - no more Water
    - Loreroot - no more Resins

    Progress: 2013 02 10
    - Land of the East - no more Herbs
    - Loreroot - no more Herbs
    - No Man's Land- no more Lumber

    Progress: 2013 02 11
    - MDA - no more Water / Resin / Lumber

    Progress: 2013 02 14
    - Loreroot - no more Water / Herbs
    - MDA - no more Water
    - MB - no more Water
    - No Man's Land(no land) - no more Water
    - No Man's Land - no more Herbs
    - Land of the Eash - no more Herbs

    Progress: 2013 02 15 - finally GG
    - Golemus Golemicarum - no more Water / Herbs

    Progress: 2013 02 18
    - Loreroot - no more Water / Herbs
    - MB - no more Water
    - Land of the East - no more Herbs

    Progress: 2013 02 19
    - Loreroot - no more Treebark

    Progress: 2013 02 20
    -MDA - no more Treebark
    - Loreroot - no more Herbs

    Progress: 2013 02 22
    - Loreroot - no more Herbs
    Progress: 2013 02 23
    - Land of the East - no more Herbs

    This topic will be closed to prevent spams.
  25. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to DARK DEMON in Month of Free Lands   
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]We should free people of the burden of resources too![/color][/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Starting with No One... [/color][/font][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400] [/color][/font]
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