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Everything posted by Esmaralda

  1. Thank you Fyrd! Your quests are to date still my favorite of all the quests I've participated in over the past 2 years. Thank you for making them. =)
  2. Let's not be hasty in "proving" guilt. This is not a witchhunt. So far it's Dst's word vs. Poe's word. I see no proof yet. There are no screenshots and there are no witnesses. That means that that Poe is not proven guilty at this time. How do I know that dst indeed was punished 30 seconds after the riddle was given? Or that she was afk? Dst is usually very good about taking screenshots of things that bother her. Is there a screenshot we could see? Or perhaps Chewett, you might know if there are any logs the game keeps? Can you tell when the dream was started and when the punishment was given? Are the logs of the chat text?
  3. A year ago, I had used 3 wishpoints to buy the access to the locations, because the access was more important to me than spells. When Mur made changes back then, we got 3 wishpoints for "free" because we already had the access to the 3 location, so then I spent them on spells. However, spells are not as important to me as the access I had. So now, with the current change, the access is again lost and the case is made that I already spent the wishpoints on something else (spells). Is there a way to exchange 3 spells for the 3 location access since the access is what I once bought? I don't ask that i should get the spells and the access both. I ask to replace the spells with the access. Afterall, if Mur hadn't done the changes that gave us the free 3 wishpoints, I would currently still have the access to the 3 locations (and not have 3 of my spells). Or perhaps, as Burns suggests, there should be a reset of what wishpoints were spent on, and everyone gets to repurchase stuff. Edit: I posted this a bit too late it seems. I'm glad that the coucil thinks a reset could happen. That would solve my issue as well.
  4. I don't see how this is cheating in the least. Dark made a wish for CoE to be reinstated and this wish can only come true based on votes -- a popularity contest as you will. Thus it makes sense to ask people to vote for your wish does it not? How is that cheating?
  5. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]DARK DEMON - 10 - -return of the Children of the Eclipse[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Tal - 9 - Ability to change the viscosity in LR to high amounts[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]tankfans - 8 - Return of Knator Commander to Loreroot[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Fyrd Argentus - 7 - The other 3 out of 4 of my magical musical instruments[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]phantasm - 6 - a spell to jump people back and forth from the GoE to the Tribunal Pub.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Mya Celestia - 5 - Summon spell[/font][/color][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Udgard - 4 -upgrade to my item creation ability, to allow me to create usable items, and in extension items that can create other items[/font][/color][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]POE - 3 - chase spell[/font][/color][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Rumi - 2 - Independent Rainwater harvester tool[/font][/color][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Maebius -1 - a fancy hat[/font][/color][/font][/color]
  6. Alright, thanks! In that case I will continue with 7gc and 1 hug
  7. I agree, I would like to continue to bid but I am unsure of where we stand value wise so I'm not sure what the next bid should be.
  8. 6gc and a hug.
  9. 5g, 5silver
  10. That is a very good offer. I accept. Thank you =) I will be at Maple Road.
  11. Selling colorless drachorn (I think it's called a GG Drachorn). ID: 784027 Age: 142 Heat: 391,234 Token: Blood Drop I
  12. I wish for a spell to bring back the night and let the Moon rise. It doesn't have to be a spell. It can be an item that "summons" the lady moon (like a moon shard so it can be passed to someone else) and thus brings night into the realm for a period of time. I am a priesstess of the moon and a child of the eclipse and in that capability I pray that the Lady moon will hear me and come back and show her face in this realm. This ability would allow me to actually summon the lady moon in my rituals. The effect of what night in this realm will have on the populace I leave to the council. It can simply be a cosmetic effect, or it can have large balance effects. Perhaps what is light is now dark (the principle effects swap). Perhaps certain herbs will only grow at night. Perhaps certain animals will only be seen (or recruited) in the forest at night. Lots can be done once night is brought back into this realm. This can be the beginning to something great. I leave you with a poem I wrote to my lady Moon during one of my prayers: Moon of silver, moon that shines, Whom the weak you doest enshrine, Moon that sees our thoughts inside, Goddess of the rising tide, Thee, my goddess I profess, As my hands raise in distress. Bring the night back, let it glean, Bathe these lands in silver sheen, Let the shadows fall once more, In these lands like once before. Hear this priestess, hear her pray, Crackles in her voice betray, Yearning for the goddess reign, Day the sun will start to wane. See the longing in her heart, For the comfort you impart, Turn your eyes to servants plight, Wrap this land in black and white.
  13. As there doesn't seem to be any iterest in these creatures, please close the thread.
  14. Please just use the letters below when placing an offer on an item so I can keep track of it easily. Selling: a. Pimped Grassan (Fresh with Token: Enlightning) b. Colored Joker (Heat: 167,628; Age: 250; No Tokens) c. Imperial Aramor (Heat: 108,668; Age: 250; Tokens: Claw I, Emerald Glare) d. Imperial Aramor (Heat: 75,210; Age: 222; Tokens: Stardust, Blood Drop I) e. Imperial Aramor (Fresh and naked). Thank you! Esmaralda
  15. Nevermind. Sorry!
  16. This is obviously a crack at Dark Demon. It's not nice nor is it constructive. The only purpose of this thread is humiliation.
  17. I'll take 1
  18. [list=1] [*]Adventuring Award - darkraptor [*]Champion Fighter - ignnus [*]Fossil of the year - Burns [*]Helper of the Year - Maebius [*]The Golden Protector - Peace [/list]
  19. Happy Birthday!
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