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Everything posted by Esmaralda

  1. Huh, this two month old auction has been revived? Well, I thought you were done with it, so I made other arrangements. Sorry, but I'll have to retract by bid as it was way too long ago and I'm no longer in the market for that item.
  2. Then there still is a bug. The message is bugged =) Either way, something needs to be fixed.
  3. With the new change that shows in chat what we harvest, I noticed that when I harvest lumber, I also get a message that sawdust was harvested as well. [i][color="#669966"]Esmaralda collects lumber and sawdust as a byproduct[/color][/i] However, it does not appear in my inventory. The sawdust never did before either when I already had 1 sawdust in my inventory and I always assumned that if you already had 1 sawdust, you cannot get more (if I was to pass it to someone and harvest again, I would get the sawdust). However, now that it actually says in chat that I do get a sawdust, I'm thinking this is a bug.
  4. I agree with Passant. I feel that if you leave a land to join another you are no longer loyal to that land. You left, afterall. This will also have the pleasant side-effect of limiting the powers of the few that abuse the system and have loyalty in all lands now, thus freely walking everywhere. There is no way one person can be loyal to two masters, let alone multiple. There is a conflict of interest there.
  5. I didn't get a manual gift from santa. I was at GoE for about 30 minutes on Christmas day but had to leave due to family plans. I am active and am on almost daily (less on weekends). Could I please get a present as well if possible? Thank you! Esmaralda
  6. Esmaralda


    Playername: Esmaralda ID: 195746 Thank you! =)
  7. Well, I say that you should either you put it up for bidding again, or it should go to the runner up bidder.
  8. santa 4gc
  9. Esmaralda


    I have not heard anything either dst.
  10. I offer 2 gold for the 40 cups of tea if you're willing to accept.
  11. Oh, that one is reaaaaly nice duxie! Beautiful! =)
  12. I redid the image to fit the new rules: Original: [attachment=3397:christmas_original.jpg] Old image with happy shadow people playing in the snow: [attachment=3398:christmas.jpg] New submission where the knators just finished eating lunch: [attachment=3400:christmas_latest.jpg] Hope you like it
  13. Ok, then my previous entry should be disqualified as I used images of people that I didn't take (the shadow people in the corner were originally children playing in the snow). Maybe if I have time I will redo the image, though I do like how the shadow people turned out =)
  14. 5 sc
  15. Top Techie - Fyrd Argentus Prime Quest - Fyrd Argentus These two go hand in hand for him. In my opinion, his quests have been some of the most indepth and interesting quests that I have participated in MD, and he made all his quests using really advanced scripts that I have not seen in any other quest from anyone else to date. So both excellent and fun quests and also very techie in their creations. (btw, go to the cabin north of wind's sanctuary and start some if you haven't done his quests yet).
  16. I'm not very good when it comes to drawing by hand, but I had an idea where I thought it would be neat to incorporate the joker from the shop in with the santa somehow. I was thinking perhaps to make the joker, a jack in the box. Perhaps if someone of better skill if likes this idea, they could do a better drawing of it =) Old: [attachment=3384:santa_joker.jpg] With legs and gift bag: [attachment=3391:santa_joker_legs_bag.jpg] With coat below the belt [attachment=3392:santa_latest.jpg] Edit: Added legs on the santa, turned him more to the side, made coat go below belt. Added bag of gifts (though it can be removed if it doesn't looks good). - I got my insipiration of the santa from [url="http://www.drawinghowtodraw.com/stepbystepdrawinglessons/2009/11/how-to-draw-santa-clause-step-by-step-drawing-lesson/"]http://www.drawingho...drawing-lesson/[/url] - The joker is the level 2 head of the joker in MD.
  17. Original My changes: Hope you like them! =) Esmaralda Edit: Just noticed the rule that says "[b][font=Georgia]don't use anything but your own creations in the scenes[/font][/b]" . Some of the items used in the picture I did not hand drawn, or manually drawn using photoshop. They were images that I got from the web and modified to meet my design, so they are not my own (eg. the shadow people on the left was actually a picture of children playing in snow that I messed with to reach that outcome. Same idea with the snowman and the presents). That probably fails the rule so it probably disqualifies me from this contest. None-the-less, I think the image turned out pretty good =)
  18. Esmaralda Loreroot: 351 The whisper of the forest. [attachment=3376:whisper2.jpg]
  19. I too can confirm that the pimps are working now.
  20. raw glass 7sc
  21. raw glass 5sc water 1sc
  22. I have 10 wiiya in my inventory, and i have a "Leaking Pimp", a "Farting Pimp" and a "Constipated Pimp". None have eaten their wiiya, nor produced anything yet in 2 days. I would echo Fyrd's questio about what triggers the check and how often it is done.
  23. I don't see anyone outbidding my 2sc offer for the 48 unidentified plants. Why is it at 3 sc? Further, I see that the highest bid for toxic plants is 4sc by Master. Why is it now showing 5sc? Are these private bidders?
  24. Toxic plants - 2sc Unidentified plants - 2sc Sand - 2sc Aromatic herbs - 2sc
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