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Everything posted by Esmaralda

  1. Tal is right. Furthermore, there was a directive given out that no invitations should be made without the specific approval of Tarquinus. That directive was broken in this case. Also, it doesn't matter how one gets coerced into doing a treasonous act (bridbe, sweet talk, threaten, etc), it's the fact that the person does the act that gives the label of traitor. In real life, treason is one of the acts that gets the highest punishment possible, throughout history, in every country. It really is bad to be a traitor and people very seldom forget an act like this. In fact, even the person that you are doing the act for will likely treat you with mistrust.
  2. I will keep posting the depletors i find, as this forum topic will help me decide who I will trade with or not. My rule is simple. If I find that you depleted more then 10 times (any land, not just my land), I will not trade with you anymore. Once you depleted over 20 times, I will not trade with your alliance. Once you depleted 30 times, I will not trade with your adepts. I will lower my counts if the person stops depleting. Perhaps this will change behaviour of some people. Perhaps it won't. Time will tell.
  3. East Lands: Plains of Liberty (Eagle Eye, Death Ray, No One) [attachment=3633:EastLands_herbs.jpg] Gate to East Lands (Eagle Eye, No One) [attachment=3635:noMansLand_Gate.jpg] MDA Gate (Death Ray, Eagle Eye) [attachment=3636:MDAGate.jpg]
  4. I understand what you're saying, but I think your example is an outlier, simply because no one is allowed to name locations with names, unless special permission is given by Mur himself. As such, if a location is named as a reward because you roleplayed so well, so Mur names it after you as a gift, then Mur is the only one that should put restrictions on when/who/how that can be changed, and he certainly can if he thinks you deserve it. Anyone else using just the wishpoint can only name a location something generic, and this example will not apply. If indeed someone hates you that much that he would be willing to spend his wishpoints to override a generic location, well, he's paying a very expensive price for that as wishpoints are very scarce. But these are just my opinions on the issue.
  5. By your argument, I understand that you'd expect that if someone spent a WP to rename a location, then no one should be allowed to change that location as it would cheapen the experience/waste the WP of the original person. However, there are limited locations in MD, so if a place could not be overwridden, then as time passed, there would be fewer and fewer places available for someone to change the subtitle on. Not to mention that some places are nicer and more coveted then others. That will dimish the power and relevance of that wishpoint all-together. As for the alt concern, I would say to move this wish deeper in the wish store to ensure that no alt can use the "time in game wishes" to change a subtitle (since alts are normally not allowed to participate in WP contests, in theory, any alt should have limited WPs that they could spend). As for rewards given by Mur himself (in this case, you mentioned Jester's Alley), if Mur wanted, he could decree that a particular location cannot be changed (indefinitely or for a certain amount of time), and implement some sort of punishment for those that abuse it or simply change it back wasting the WP of the person that changed it.
  6. Thank you Marvolo for making the quest. It was quite fun =)
  7. Since there's no interest, please close this.
  8. Count me in as well please.
  9. Heat: 1,577,987 Age: 127
  10. 4 sc for unidentified plants
  11. The illusion is a cover, a ruse, a way to conceal your identity and become someone else.That's good and fun, but the way it is currently designed, you get to fool everyone all of the time. Once in an illusion, not even the alliance leader who should technically hold the scrolls of all the members of the alliance knows who you are anymore. If you get kicked, it's as if the fake person gets kicked, but he doesn't erase the name of the real person from the list. No one should be fooled all of the time. That is simply not realistic. It could be interesting to add some intrigue to be able to fool some of the people some of the time (and perhaps it could include alliance members or even the leaders as well). Perhaps you were able to sneak in at night and re-write your name to Bob, and then Bob gets kicked in your stead. But there [b]has [/b]to be some chance added to it that you fail. Currently, there is no chance whatsoever that you would fail. You absolutely always fool all the people all the time, for as long as time as you wish, and there is nothing anyone can do to ensure that you don't regain your status once you choose that the illusion is over. That to me is too powerful for a spell and changes have to be done to it.
  12. Alright, SOLD! Please close the topic.
  13. Alright, if no other bids by tomorrow around this time, then Dark gets it.
  14. I have a black and white joker to sell. Accepting bids. ID: 758689 Heat: 1,076,239 Age: 23
  15. Yes, absolutely. As pointed in other posts, what 'everyone knows' cannot be used in a court of law. As screenshots are needed to proove anything, we should continue to post about depletors as they continue to deplete. Further, the more instances we see of a depletor, the worse their public image gets, thus perhaps forcing them to adjust their behavior or get shunned by their peers. Note also that this is not about just Eon. This post has a number of depletors of various resouces. We should continue to post about any depletors we see.
  16. Ahh, I see. I did misunderstand your point. Thanks for clarifying. Btw, I don't hate Eon. I was simply trying to do something about the resource depletion. Since I had thought that the Tribunal had a leader that could take and enforce actions on its citizens, I decided to raise the complaint against Eon and No one since they are citizens of the Tribunal. I am not sure I understand what you think the community could do about this however. Perhaps you could explain a little more? or maybe we can talk in person? =)
  17. Thank you for your response phantasm. =) In this case, I would like to formally file a complaint against Eon and No One to the leadership of the Tribunal. As both are members of the Seal of Six, and thus citizens of the Tribunal, they fall under any rules and regulations placed forth by the Tribunal. My complaint is that the two of them have been depleting resources in other lands, against the rules of the Tribunal. Proof is in the many images attached in this thread by nadrolski, samon and myself: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10608-resource-depletion/page__pid__100564__st__20#entry100564"]http://magicduel.inv..._20#entry100564[/url] In Service, Esmaralda
  18. I ask my question because the Tribunal, unlike the other lands, does still have a ruler and that ruler is a demon! Since I don't know the rules of that land, I am asking if citizens of that land are held accountable for what they do outside of the land, or only for what they do inside the Tribunal.
  19. Do the land rules for the Tribunal citizens also require them to not deplete in other lands? In other words, if a Tribunal citizen depletes herbs in say Loreroot, will the Tribunal hold him accountable for that action?
  20. Aye, she did that in a number of locations. [attachment=3579:Eon.jpg] [attachment=3580:Eon_Fountain.jpg] [attachment=3581:Eon_NoOne.jpg]
  21. Yes, it still is happening to me today.
  22. Sold. Please close.
  23. Age 146 Heat 122,335
  24. Thank you for your understanding Seig, and good luck with the new bids =)
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