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Everything posted by Esmaralda

  1. Well, if person X has at least 2 casts of illusion, that guarantees that X can never be kicked out of a land (since it takes a week for a vote), and spells reset every two weeks. That seems unbalanced to me.
  2. Thank you very much for the warm wishes =)
  3. Thank you for a very cute and entertaining quest =) I look forward to next months!
  4. Thank you for the quest and the fun! =)
  5. Thank you Maebius! I did enjoy myself. Keep doing things like this =)
  6. You have my support in this Fyrd!
  7. I really like Valldore Nal's and darkraptor's ideas and perhaps they can be combined. Depending on the resources being harvested, the tool could break and the chance of harvesting a "usable" piece of the resource can decrease as the number of available resources decreases. So if you're cutting a tree down, since it's hard material and you're using a saw to cut it, that could have a higher chance of damaging the tool when using it. Conversely, when collecting plants in a basket, that should have a smaller chance of breaking the basket as you're only really using it to put plants in it (though of course, you can always trip and fall and break it, or pierce it with a sharp root and damage it). Further, as you pick more and more of the leaves from the basil plant, there will be less and less quality leaves available to pick from that are good for cooking, so the chance of you "spotting" another good leaf to pick should decrease. In other words, when you have just the stalk and one leaf left on that stalk, the chance that that leaf is actually a good quality leaf is small and you will likely throw it out instead of keeping it (thus failing to collect) Another example, as you keep trimming branches on trees, there would be less "easily reachable" branches that you can get to (perhaps you need to climb the tree now, which takes more skill than just cutting the branches at the bottom). Of course, your skill in that trade would help you mitigate these effects.
  8. I must complement you on your work. It is very good and really fits with the style of MD. I'm glad you decided to join this realm =)
  9. Thank you Tal!! You are awesome!
  10. 5 gold and 15 silver =)
  11. I made the mistake that many before me did..I tried to purchase a 2nd avatar, and lost the previous one (instead of it being sent to my vault). So now I am looking for it. It was a cute fox sitting on her back legs, with one paw up. If anyone by any chance sees it in their avatar shop, I would be most grateful if they got it and I will purchased it from you! Thank you in advance! Esmaralda
  12. Thank you for holding the ceremony Phantom =)
  13. I look forward to it! =)
  14. I'm sorry to see you leave. I second Pip's feelings.
  15. Seriously, they are very good. =) The joker is my favorite.
  16. Sold to Seig! Thank you!
  17. Selling 4 fresh pimped grassans. ID: 778984 ID: 778996 ID: 778997 ID: 778998
  18. As this is an interview meant for the archives, and shouldn't be clogged up, is it possible to split this topic, so it only contains only the interview (then lock it), and move the rest of the stuff in another topic for whomever wants to talk about whatever? Edit: Thanks for splitting the topic mods =)
  19. very nice indeed!
  20. Aye, I too must thank Fyrd for this awesome quests! I did them and I highly enjoyed them. THey have a great story behind them as well! I recommend that anyone that hasn't done them yet, to do so, as you will like them! I guarantee it! =)
  21. A happy happy birthday to you!
  22. Congrats Princ! May you do good things for your realm.
  23. You betray someone, thus you are a traitor to that someone. Betrayal is the action that lands you the title of traitor. It's all relative. He may be a hero and champion to Pip, but a traitor to CoE.
  24. Seig, either way you slice it, whether he was playing CoE from the beginning (and thus was a successful infiltrator) or was turned at a later time by Pip, he was a traitor to CoE. It's the act that defines you, not your motivation. He betrayed the CoE alliance, thus he is a traitor and will always be a labled as such. That's it. There's really no other way you can look at this.
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