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Everything posted by Esmaralda

  1. You were a good king. I am proud to have served under you my king.
  2. [b]Jawbreakers[/b] [u]Tools:[/u] Teapot Sand Melter Heat jar Stirring stick (can use a cleaned branch for this) Knife (though any cutting implement should do) [u]Ingredients:[/u] Sugar Pure Water Branches Sand Lumber 3x Glass Jars [u]Creatures to extract flavor from:[/u] Toxicotendrite seeds Joker Angien Egg [u]Directions:[/u] -- Prepare mold -- [list=1] [*]Take lumber piece and carve round niches into it with the knife. This will hold the candy. [*]Carve out round wooden balls that can fit into the niches you previously carved. [*]Smooth out the niches, or if creative, engrave words of images into them so they will transfer into the finished product. [*]Pour sand into the niches, ensuring the walls are covered with sand. [*]Put ball into niche to displace sand so that there is a layer of sand between the niche and the ball. [*]Heat up sand blaster [*]Place lumber into heat blaster (close the door as the lumber will catch on fire!) [*]Wait until lumber fully burns out. [*]Open door and dig through ashes for the round cups of glass newly created! [/list] You now have molds! -- Prepare Falvoring -- 1. Squeeze toxicotendrite seeds catching the juice into the glass jar. You now have toxicotendrite flavoring. Yum! 2. Break angien egg, and catch contents into second jar. You now have angien flavoring. The flavor of heavens. Simply delicious. 3. The Joker Flavor requires more work:[list] [*]Light branches on fire and put pot on the fire. Add heat to pot. [*]Bash Joker over the head until unmoving. [*]Remove eyes, liver, toes and the back fat and put them into the boiling tea pot. [*]Stir for 20 minutes until broth fully develops the joker flavor. [*]Strain liquid mixture into glass ensuring that no hard parts end up in the jar (You may snack on the remains from the teapon if you get hungry). [/list] [i]Note: Ensure heat exists for both the preparation of flavors and the mix[/i] Flavors are now complete! -- Prepare Mix -- [list=1] [*]Mix 3 cups of sugar for each cup of water inside pot. [*]Add choice of flavoring. [*]Stir continuously until mixture aquires a syrupy consistency [*]Pour thin mixture into mold (do not fill the mold on the first try. You will repeat this 3 times and you will fill it the 3rd time). [*]Cool mold for 30 minutes (prefferably in a cool place - such as the grassan's cave, or in the Underground where is cool) [*]Repeat step 1 this time adding a different flavor. Once the mold is filled and cooled for the 3rd time time, you will have halves of jawbreakers. [*]Place two halves on top of eachother to form a ball and put it briefly in the sand melter. [*]After 10 seconds take it out. They will be melted together. [*]Remove glass from jawbreaker which will leave behind only the candy! [/list] Enjoy this tasty delight!!
  3. Active =)
  4. Alright, 5 sc for it =)
  5. 1_-3x4_1 The trail of the madman 1_-2x4_1 The history of the totem 1_-2x2_1 Two lands connected at the roots 1_2x-3_1 Two lands connected at the roots 1_-1x0_1 The calm from within 1_0x0_1 The center of the world The point of balance 1_1x-1_1 The cleansing of the fire 1_2x0_1 The souls of the tormented Bones and ash
  6. Perhaps when you sac a creature, in the message it only says the full number of whole fenths you get, but when you actually do the saccing, it generates the fractions as well based on what Maebius said? So in my case, it would have said it will generate 12 fenths if sacced, but when the saccing was done, it actually did 12.25?
  7. I agree with Mighty Pirate. Keep it.
  8. Esmaralda


    Pictures of me.
  9. Pets are often a member of the family, and their loss can be very hard. They will be in my prayers.
  10. Even though it's not roughing it, I still hope you have a blast =)
  11. Grasan 1sc Imperial Aramor 2sc Imperial Aramor 2sc
  12. I too have the same issue where I am stuck. I get the following error when clicking on anything that's clickable in the room (such as the exit arrow, or the piano). I have logged out, cleared the cache a number of times, restarted the browser a number of times, but with no avail. Error: "Please clear cache and refresh your interface. If this problem persists try again in a few minutes or report it as a bug." Location: Lands Of The East -- 7_mansionpianoroom_1 Account name: Esmaralda Browser: IE7 version 7.0.6002.18005 EDIT: Today, July 18, it works! I am no longer stuck. yey!
  13. I see your point Chewett, but I don't think I agree with it. I don't like the fact that it is expected that players patrol lands to make it easy for other people to move in the lands. That's a chore added to the game experience that doesn't give any personal reward. Yes, people can certainly band together and patrol the lands to keep costs down, but for how long? How much until people just give up and hang out at one spot and forget the harder to reach lands? I also don't see the maze the same as the tribunal. The tribunal is not a maze and the path is always clear in the tribunal. The maze is a maze, and quite hard to go through it. There's usually no one in the maze and it's feels very lonely when traversing it. I doubt most people will be willing to patrol the maze when it's not used all that often currently (not to mention that if someone were to patrol it, why would they patrol any of the wrong locations in the maze, and not just the correct path?) *edit* Grido beat me to the punch about the maze patrol. Grr, slow typing skills. =)
  14. I too think that the maze should be treated differently. If a person new or old goes in it (even if they know the maze), with the viscuosity settings, it will take forever to build up the AP to move from one location to another. Perhaps that's indended, but it will certainly make the maze very undesirable to be in. I think this will simply have a net effect that people will not travel the maze at all. Even for people that know what lies on the other side, it will be a deterrent to go there, effectively making that place quite lonely. So then what is the point of having lands if no one goes there? What is the point of having expansions if there is no life there? This is just my oppinion, right or wrong =)
  15. 3 silver for each. (6 silver total)
  16. If this only happens to previous winners, then that is indeed fine. I don't know your involvement in the code, so I will trust that you know this for a fact. Thank you for the clarification Sasha. =)
  17. Not irrelevant. What if they hadn't won previously. If this is a bug with the code, it should be addressed for future competitions.
  18. [quote name='TTLexceeded' timestamp='1306430284' post='85157'] *coughs* Your idea of roleplaying is classes?????? and you even suggest there is a correct way to roleplay. Strike 1 [/quote] Yes, as a matter of fact, there is a right and wrong way to roleplay. The simplest example, and the one that most people fall into at one point or another (me too!) is power playing. That is when you try to control other people's characters through your roleplay, especially when drastic events that affect the character happen. For example: John: John enters the room and waves politely. Jen: Jen jumps from behind the bush where she was hidden, and stabs him in the back with her sword, pulls out his liver and cooks it over the fire, lamenting the late John. That's bad because you are taking over John's character and deciding what the character does in his place. Instead, one should allow the other player's character to do their own actions. For example: Jen: Jen jumps out from behind the bush sword at the ready and attempts to stab John in the back. John: John hearing the bush rattle behind him dives forward barely missing the blade whooshing above his head. Jen: Jen pulls back into a defensive crouch and readies for another attack. John: John attempts to roll out of his dive and unsheath his sword in the same time, but only manages to fall flat on his face, stunning him and leaving his back exposed. Jen: Jen seeing John sprawled on his face decides to press her advantage and thrusts her sword towards John's back John: John screams in agony as he feels the sharp cold steel penetrate the right side of his back, then mercifully, darkness overcomes him and the pain fades into oblivion. Jen: Jen carves out John's liver and cooks it over the fire, lamenting the late John. *Edit* Darn, you all beat me to the punchline..Oh well..
  19. I agree Windy, I would love to see "The Wind and Rain Pub". A real pub with the artwork to go with it, in an new person accessible location, where people can come drink, socialize and RP. I think it would be great! It would be nice if the pub also had items that can be clicked on. This way, some of the people that have access to write scripts for them could make the pub more interractive. Perhaps clicking on a bar tap item would say that you just filled your glass with delicious frosty beer. I don't know if this can be done or I'm reaching here, but perhaps Mur could make it even more fun by making items interract with your stats. So for example, you might be able to come drink beer there (say twice a day) and each time it adds a little temporary vitality (as you fill your belly you feel better). But once you drink your third mug of beer, you now get a negative modifier to your initiative for 20 minutes (since you got drunk!). Maybe the more you drink the more negative modifiers you get. Or maybe it takes more AP to move around the drunker you get. So nothing permament to your stats, but potentially fun. Maybe even a tag or something to show that you're drunk. Maybe as you walk around drunk, the people see "Esmaralda just stumbled into the room, the scent of alcohol emanating strongly from her". Just some random ideas. =)
  20. That's adding an extra job to the person. What if I say, give 1 coin to X, 2 to Y, 1 to W, 2 to J, and the rest distribute them evenly amongst the first 5 people you see? Yes, he can follow that request if he chooses to but that is not something that he has to do. It was a request, not a demand that must be satisfied.
  21. His job is to deliver you the coins. His job is not to deliver the coins to someone else based on your wants. That is your job. Once you receive your coins, you can do whatever you want with them.
  22. There are other teleport codes besides the ones that send you to the tribunal which also were not working for me when I tried them earlier today. I will try again tomorrow and see if anything changed =)
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