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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. Everyone needs to just back off of Fang. Let him do his thing, ignore him, and he will eventually calm down.
  2. Senile
  3. It didn't stop me from delivering, but it did certainly delay things quite a bit. Trying to access the Treasury without being able to move was a problem. Luckily I had my leash. And you to move me.
  4. Contest is closed. Result will be up in the next day or so.
  5. Only a few more hours left! Send in your pictures asap!
  6. LOL @ some of the rituals
  7. Yes, Udgard, what you have said is okay. Just as long as proof is available, carving MD is not necessary.
  8. If the judges request proof that you did it, and you can't prove it, then no. lol
  9. Skyrim
  10. My gf refused to let me put the MD symbol on it, so I will prove it is mine if necessary. And thank you for the sponsorship. Deadline extended to Nov 2, just so people can take pictures on halloween and have time to submit them shortly afterwards.
  11. Halloween Carving Contest! I would like all MD players to go out, in RL, and carve a real pumpkin. Take a picture of said pumpkins, and post them in MD. Be ready to prove that you carved it by putting an MD symbol on the pumpkin. WP is up for grabs, sponsored by an anonymous player. I will be also participating, since I am merely organizing this contest, and am not sponsoring it personally, nor am I part of the judging committee. Hopefully that's okay. Date of Judging by trust worthy players; October 31st 2012 [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/523544_10101425488262172_262763098_n.jpg[/img]
  12. Wall-e
  13. Shadow
  14. Misunderstood
  15. Interact with them how?
  16. I shall sponsor this with a WP, if wanted.
  17. daschund
  18. Zits
  19. Fang simply hasn't realized the full picture yet. Give him a chance to think about it, and then he will realize it, or not.
  20. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1351000909' post='124521'] Excuse [/quote] Lazy
  21. Alright. WP withdrawn.
  22. Just to inform the public, this PM was started long before I quit, and I have no control or influence over the TKs. It was revived due, in part, to Fang's indecisive sponsorships to help him control his... "spending" of the treasury. I have no official role within the TKs, and what ever help I offer, it is in the form of suggestions, and clarifications.
  23. Just to make sure it is Random, I will give a list of numbers that correlates to each player name. I will give one list, the one with just the numbers, to Lashtal, and another, with both the names and numbers. Lashtal will pick the number, send it to Chew, and Chew will announce the winner. To prevent any sort of biased choosing of the winner of the WP.
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