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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. Fantasy
  2. I'd suggest kijiji, craigslist, etc for founding roommates or just rent a room in someone's house.
  3. And you were told, by me, to ask the Council as they were the only ones that could say yes... Fang *should* say the same thing.
  4. Nope, just it seems more fitting for the water to be used at a garden, and not a treasury. lol
  5. I said I would donate what ever you were to give me as well....
  6. Defecate
  7. Graffiti
  8. Fornicate
  9. What ever you plan on giving me, please donate it to either the garden community or the TKs
  10. Happy Birthday MRD! Wish you were still around. :(

  11. Single
  12. It's not impossible in the slightest, I can go there whenever I want. O.o
  13. Land's of the East capital is Mur's Throne room, didn't you know?
  14. The current rate is totally overpriced. And I'm paying real money for these coins.
  15. It's amazing where I find old TK stuff... an old note in my old Winter Jacket for instance. Haven't worn it in a year. LOL

  16. You know you've been on MD too much when other players that claim to be on MD too much annoy you.
  17. When's the next one?
  18. After much debating amongst a few individuals, I will offer 2.5 credits per gold coin. I feel that a gold coin is worth more than a single credit, but no where near the value of 10 or 15. That's just ridiculously overpriced. So, 2.5 credits seems fair to me. Meaning you must sell me at least two gold coins in order for this to work. (because you can't purchase 2.5 credits... )
  19. From my understanding of the rules, this is perfectly allowed. I never attempted to do such a thing because I would sponsor the quest with what I thought it was worth. Not because of it's popularity.
  20. Just want it to be known that I was the first to complete this...
  21. Nexus 7... i love you.

  22. Just out of curiosity, why is the top corner whited out?
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