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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. Congrats guys! And good job to Fang for the fun little quest. Perhaps you should post the rest of the participant's scores as well?
  2. Well, if you didn't follow the "right" thing to do, why should I?
  3. I depleted them entirely because you kept depleting them beyond the optimal regrowth rate.
  4. Again, I did NOT tell him to stop! AND I NEVER SAID IT WAS WRONG. Like, how dense are people? Quit assuming crap.
  5. We are now accepting new applicants.
  6. Again, I did NOT tell him to stop doing anything. Stop putting words in my mouth. I was merely making the leaders of Necrovion aware of something that other leaders consider a bad thing. I know many of you are only half alive at this point, so a little heads up is all I wanted to give.
  7. Where did it say in my post that he broke a rule? Where does it say that I disagree with his actions. I was notifying the Necrovion community, of which you are not a part of. So, Junior. Go find another post to troll.
  8. Just notifying the Necrovion community I have witnessed Fire Starter depleting the Bones in Beserker's Charge twice. First time from 6/10 to 3/10 and then 5/10 to 2/10 the second time.
  9. It could be used to further the difficulty of HC, and other comps, not necessarily a good idea, but an option none the less.
  10. I want to be revived too....
  11. What's a blind man without his seeing eye dog? What's MD without its Mur?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Pipstickz


      Intelligence? Me? I'm just a blind man! Now where's my crazy Romanian...I know I left him somewhere...

    3. Tipu


      So Mur left... Evil dammit he didn't give me any of his Dragons.grrr..

    4. Guillak


      What Pipstickz said was no intelligence, it was common sense :)
      But that's subjective…

  12. I am no fan of those who spread rumours, nor of those who start them.
  13. Well, the way I see it is that the party behind having me killed wants me to go the same way Spart went. I'm wondering whether the rest of MD feels the same or not. PS I don't want people saying I should stay or not, that's not what this is for.
  14. Just curious as to the general publics opinion
  15. The TKs would like a private plot to grow money in.
  16. Sponsored with a WP from the TK.
  17. [quote]RE~3: Untitled Not ignoring this, just calculating a few things. --Grido[/quote] So, in the two or so minutes of this "calculating" you were contacted by an unknown party telling you not to revive me, even though what we discussed was completely private? How would this person know what I asked you, if you were not aware of who killed me? Why would they threaten to kill you if you revived me for less than 35gc? That in itself is called Extorcion. They are threatening you, by using the kill item if you don't deny me use of the revival tool. Through inaction, you are effectively aiding and abeiting a murderer. [quote]I also stated that the person coercing me is not obtaining anything from this, and so that it is not extortion either[/quote] They are getting the denial of service to me.
  18. Earlier today I had asked Grido if he would revive me. He said that he would, but there would be a price associated with the revival. The price was 35 GC. Why? Because the "party" that had killed me, has threatened to kill Grido if he revived me for any less. Now, I believe that this is extortion and extortion is illegal. [quote[b]]Extortion[/b] (also called [b]blackmail[/b], [b]shakedown[/b], [b]outwresting[/b], and [b]exaction[/b]) is a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime"]criminal offence[/url] which occurs when a person [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unlawful"]unlawfully[/url] obtains either money, property or services from a person(s), entity, or institution, through [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coercion"]coercion[/url].[/quote] This is exactly what is happening here. Grido is being coerced into extorting me. [quote][b]Coercion[/b] ([img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8a/Loudspeaker.svg/11px-Loudspeaker.svg.png[/img] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:IPA_for_English"]/[/url][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:IPA_for_English#Key"]k[/url][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:IPA_for_English#Key"]oʊ[/url][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:IPA_for_English#Key"]ˈ[/url][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:IPA_for_English#Key"]ɜr[/url][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:IPA_for_English#Key"]ʃ[/url][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:IPA_for_English#Key"]ən[/url][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:IPA_for_English"]/[/url]) is the practice of forcing another party to behave in an involuntary manner (whether through action or inaction) by use of [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Threat"]threats[/url] or [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intimidation"]intimidation[/url] or some other form of pressure or force[/quote] I would like to see what the community thinks of this before I persue legal action. [quote] [b]Original message:[/b] Will you revive me? [url="javascript:toggle(reptomsgdiv);"]Original message[/url] RE~1: Untitled There's a cost for everything. But if it's met, certainly. --Grido [b]Your reply to this message:[/b] What would that cost be? RE~3: Untitled Not ignoring this, just calculating a few things. --Grido [b]Your reply to this message:[/b] Okay. RE~3: Untitled It would seem that if I want to stay alive myself, I have to charge 35 Gold - I will note that the person who issued the threat towards me isn't getting any of that, they just want to force you to pay that much. --Grido [b]Your reply to this message:[/b] That is called extortion and is illegal. RE~5: Untitled It would be extortion if they obtained something from this. This is something entirely different...still wrong, but not extortion. Either way, my apparent options are to charge you less - probably the same as I asked Spar, 20gc - and get killed. Or to charge you the 35gc and live. --Grido [/quote]
  19. Good thing Mur didn't see this, otherwise he might have forced this selfpunishment on you....
  20. No, it never really occured to me. O.o I always did it out of loyalty to MD, not for the ap points or what ever.
  21. I used the flash on my phone?
  22. You can click and note vote, but still get the stat points?! O.o Omfg. *facepalm*
  23. Nicely done BFH. I like the second black one the best.
  24. I'd say create an achievement if you vote successfully on all links for a set amount of time?
  25. I don't really care that I am dead. It's the fifth time so far. LOL
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