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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. Seigheart

    Dead Again

    Anyone know who killed me this time?
  2. Quests that actually engage the player, and present them a storyline. I love making them, and I love participating in them!
  3. Mine works as well.
  4. The Treasure Keepers have decided to hold a Bettingfest(not sure what else to call it) Basically, You choose one of the three possibilities (Team I. Team II, Team III). You place a silver/higher amount for that team to win. Once they win, you will get an equal portion in relation to your bid of the jackpot. So, if ten people bid 1g on Team A to win, and the jackpot is 100 gold. Each of you will get 10g. I will [b]not[/b] be taking any share of the winnings, what so ever. The TKs have a bid, but all winnings will be put into the TK Treasury. All silver/gold collected will be distributed amongst the winners. (In the case of any left over winnings, they will be put into the TK Treasury.) [u]TKs will put 1g on each of the Teams.[/u] Teams and participants can be found here: Team I: Fyrd Argentus dst AmberRune gonzalocsdf *MasterB* Lone Wolf Rannel Fenrar tom Pouce Team II: Maebius *Shadowseeker* Tarquinus darkraptor Soothing Sands *MRAlyon* redneck The Warrior Jubelee Team III: Chewett apophys Brulant tal *Clock Master* Ivorak Nimrodel Valldore Nal Phantom Orchid lashtal You can bid either through Forum PM, IG PM, or at the treasury email address. When you bid, please tell me which team you are bidding for. I will also be collecting all bids immediately, so that the winnings may be distributed immediately as well. Current Pot: 3g
  5. Anyone want to take bets on who will win the Summer Festival? :D

  6. I can confirm that.
  7. I win! My plan worked! Neg rep me all you want, but the fact still remains that if Chewett wasn't killed, Spart wouldn't have been revived.
  8. I'll start searching now.
  9. Sorry Spartiatis, my attempt to revive you has failed. Good bye, and sleep well. I hope you have learned much from this realm.
  10. I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed it, but that trigger box advert is FULL of spelling errors. And not one or two, but three of them... Sign, Thread, and the second First should be Fest I am assuming.
  11. You should try getting different judges than your friends. Makes it less biased. Congrats to the winners, none the less.
  12. I do have some help. And MP4 will be fine for what I am doing but, hopefully I can get them to MP5.
  13. Taking a leaf from Chewett's book; I have created a series of 21 alts for an upcoming quest line. None of them shall be used to break any rules, nor will they be used to benefit each other, or myself. They are purely for interactibility during the quest, and for future events. Council has been made aware of their existence and purpose. They are named as followed; Treasure Guardian I Treasure Guardian II Treasure Guardian III Treasure Guardian IV Treasure Guardian V Treasure Guardian VI Treasure Guardian VII Treasure Guardian VIII Treasure Guardian IX Treasure Guardian X Treasure Guardian XI Treasure Guardian XII Treasure Guardian XIII Treasure Guardian XIV Treasure Guardian XV Treasure Guardian XVI Treasure Guardian XVII Treasure Guardian XVIII Treasure Guardian XIX Treasure Guardian XX Treasure Hero (C,E,B) You may attack them as you wish, but they will only attack back until they reach MP5 I will begin with Treasure Hero, and gradually work my way through each Guardian, from highest to lowest.
  14. Since when did MD become an imitation of life? How about we start PLAYING MD again, instead of stroking our egos.

    1. Pipstickz


      Alright you go first, Mister "I've got 30 PMs saying I'm right".

    2. Magistra


      What do "an imitation of life" and "stroking our egos" have to do with each other?

  15. Chewett, I've gotten over 30 pms from players stating what I did was the right thing. It's amazing how long it is taking the community to revive it's beloved Wookie. Perhaps you aren't as well liked as I thought. Perhaps I should have killed Grido, or Handy? O.o
  16. Perhaps because it's such an outrageous demand, that it is completely disgusting to even attempt to gouge someone for 20gc to play the game again
  17. Congradulations to Nimrodel. She successfully completed the Demon's Head Quest. As the first to complete the quest, she has won a custom item: Demonic Head - The head of an innocent creature that was cursed by an unknown Wizard lurking in the domain of the Demon The quest shall remain active, so that others may enjoy the storyline as well I shall also have minor prizes for those who complete it.
  18. I like how the Wookie's coffin looks like an electric razor
  19. BFH knows what to do for sponsorship
  20. I tried drawing in the pockets on the inside of the cloak, but it didn't work out too well.
  21. Still need some help with this...
  22. I don't care about who gets what. I was just pointing out the lack of an accurate vote.
  23. I'm only asking because it's not right to only have a vote with one option. It's not an accurate indicator of the community's feelings on the subject.
  24. Is there one for not giving it back?
  25. Just to clarify, this is a heat voting attempt? To get the CotE back?
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