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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. Rumi for [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9406-community-garden/"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9406-community-garden/[/url] I do realize that thread was started before, but I am posting this one as the base thread, because many have branched out from it. Good job Rumi
  2. Rumi has been rewarded by the TK for his work with the Community Garden Forum Topic with a WP.
  3. Again, Chewett. You're talking about things you don't know. That WP was another Case of "Mur said I could do this" but Council said "We don't care."
  4. Yeah, I know that SS. I don't have a scanner right now, so taking a picture with an 8MP camera was the best I could do. Aren't they supposed to be drawn with pencil?
  5. Nah, I'm not a rogue not would the symbol mean anything to me. Anyways, there are details in it already, you just haven't noticed them. Could anyone do the Alpha mask thing for me? I can't seem to get it to work properly. [b][color="#003366"][url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=4552"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=4552[/url][/color][/b]
  6. Well, it WAS owned by Grido before myself... so... There you go for the rich snob part. But seriously though, any suggestions on it?
  7. I've been working on drawing up a picture for my Rogue's Cloak. This is a semi/close to finished version. I'd like your guy's opinion. [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=4551"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=4551[/url]
  8. I've lost precious seconds of my life reading this garbage... Wasn't even close to being funny.
  9. So, this seems to be a VERY important thread, and there have been others that the Council SHOULD have replied to... it's been a day+ for several of them... Why hasn't there been a reply by Council yet? Isn't this something they should deal with promptly?
  10. For those of you who are participating in this quest, if you feel like leaving some feedback here, that would be awesome. Mention any bugs/difficulties you are having, things you do and don't like, etc.
  11. I almost guarentee, that if the next BHC does not involve Eon, there will be MANY more players participating. I would certainly play.
  12. Z, I agree completely. IF the Council makes an appearance, use Master of Ceremonies... This would be a Ceremony, no? Just... not a good one. The Council is on Trial. As far as I can see, the public is starting to question your decisions. People are demanding answers. Perhaps, you should answer... within a TIMELY manner.
  13. Mur is on hiatus to deal with his personal life. Council is in power. BUT, I do NOT think Council over rules anything Mur has said, unless it is something that has changed. (rules and such)
  14. Are you sure you recruited them?
  15. How many rewards will be needed for this quest? O.o Has anyone even started?
  16. TKs will sponsor this with three Tormented Souls.
  17. In this case, the clicky is an all or nothing deal. Get one, or get none.
  18. Updated topic; To begin the quest, one must find the Book of Adventures. Note: There is a slight issue with the quest; The location planned for the Final Battle didn't have any clickables that were editable... Lots of clickies, but no editable ones. Anyways, when you get to that stage, pm me, and I will tell you where to go.
  19. Seigheart

    A funeral

    Well, either that, or someone figured out how to kill multiple people at the exact same time.
  20. We both know you won't drift away. You're the Wookie. So that card doesn't work, Chewy. Also, I have several projects going on that require my attention. I've caused a stir in the community, stop pointing it at me, and do something about being dead.
  21. Rhaegar, we both know that Chewett has a heck of a lot more influence to get things done than I do. The general populace would do as he suggests, than myself. And what's with this crap about me not liking Chewett? I like him just fine for the most part. We have our disagreements, but in general, I like him just as much as the next person. If I were to kill anyone out of spite, it would have been dst, or Eon... Think rationally people, please.
  22. Yes, Rhaegar. The intended purpose was to kill Chewett, and use his popularity to have both Spart and himself revived. But as of right now, it is just a feces flinging and a bunch of brown finger pointing. So, instead of pointing fingers, and complaining about it. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. In the time you've spent complaining, you could have started another thread to set up a revival ceremony or something.
  23. Seigheart

    A funeral

    Well, as I explained to you already, I was revived because others had died. I was not popular enough to have an item used on me directly. So when others attempted to help me, Council had them killed as well. Mur stepped in and revived us all because of their inaction. It would not have been done for just myself. Now that a really popular player is dead, perhaps some REAL attempts to get them revived will be made. Or perhaps spur a reaction from Council on how death works.
  24. First off, I never denied anything to you Chewett. What you just said, was an outright lie. [quote] [b]Original message:[/b] Killing you? Why do you think it was I that killed you? O.o Original message RE~2: Comments? you killed me, aelis passed you the dagger, and you killed me Dont play the fool. [b]Your reply to this message:[/b] Well, either way, you are dead. Are you angry?[/quote] Anyways, this is not what the topic is about. Chewett is right, on most accounts. Death needs to be changed. Right now, as the Wookie has stated, community efforts are not a guarenteed way to save someone. Those with items with revival powers are not using them for fear of retribution, or simple greed. We need a more concrete way of guarenteed revival than player cooperation, or the Council. Both are incredibly unreliable.
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