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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. Yes, the reason I chose not to spread it out evenly was just that. Most of the percentages were in the ranges of 32% and 64%. Some would be getting less than their "technical" winnings, and others would be getting more. This way, I rounded down all the totals, and the remaining will be used at my discretion, as previously stated earlier in this thread. (None of the coins will be used to my benefit.) If everyone wants to split the silver evenly, that's fine. I have no issue with that, but if one person does not wish to do so, then I won't do it. [quote] Any left over silver (if any) will be used for future events/quests. I will not use it for my own personal gain. Edit: Or I will use it to reward people for being helpful to others. In any case, it will go to something worthwhile. This post has been edited by Vicarious: 19 May 2011 - 10:36 PM [/quote]
  2. 2gc
  3. Good luck Cury! I hope everything goes over smoothly and quickly!
  4. Alrighty! So, after an incredibly overwhelming win by Eon, the first ever FIERCE BHC is over! With an incredible total of 206 Silver in the BHC Pool, the following people have a considerable return to collect: Name(% of Pool Bid) (Sil.) (To be Collected) Raven(50%) 103 6gc13sc Grido(2%) 4 4sc Tarq(32%) 65 4gc5sc Ivorak(2%) 4 4sc Fyrd(2%) 4 4sc TTL(10%) 20 1gc5sc With over 400% return, these lucky(or smart) players have successfully proven that such a venture is ALWAYS worthwhile. The remaining 6silver, that has been left over after the completion of the bid %s, will be used at my discretion(whether to be randomly given out, or to used on the LHO auction) ~Seigheart
  5. I will sign up, just imagine all the horrible things I will have to do if you bid for me. *grins*
  6. Mur posted a list in this thread, and I posted that list on the first post...
  7. Starting today, on the 148th day of the Year 6, I would like to announce the start of the Young Adults Drinking Club! With all the Bars, Pubs, and Beer Kegs in all the lands, I would like to start a "Club" to teach the minors of the Realm how to drink responsibly. Lets start off with examining the common turn of phrase: Beer before Liquor, never sicker. This phrase is not true. It doesn't matter what types of alcohol you consume, as the absorbtion rate is the same no matter what! So! What have we learned today?! You can drink how much of what ever you want, and not get sick because of mixing drinks! That's all for today's meeting. See you all next week!
  8. Knator War Master. Pure Pwnage.
  9. By "Freelance" I mean that we can take those jobs on ourselves. We do NOT GET PAID for ANYTHING WE DO. Just making that clear. I figured it was, but what ever. I used the term loosely, it doesn't have be the word used, but you get the general idea. Well, you don't. But hopefully Cury gets it. Again, I would like this forum section invisible, so it doesn't really matter what the section names are.
  10. Manda, bidding was closed when the contest started. I am sorry, but your bid cannot be counted. Only Junior, and an anonymous bidder has to pay.
  11. It was my understanding that we can't reward alts of a person. I was under the impression that dst and No one have shared the same accounts at one point or another (No one had played dst originally, bla bla bla). Do you see my point? Edit: Anyways, I understand now that they are no longer considered alts, or were never, not sure what their past was concerning it, that is why I made the decision to give dst the coins directly.
  12. LOL is all I have to say. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/709/dstc.jpg You can see my confusion. I do not keep track of who is an alt of who, but I've seen No one's creatures being sold through dst, and vice versa. I figured they were alts of one another. I wanted to do the right thing. I am sorry dst for the confusion, it won't happen again.
  13. I am willing to pay for the use of your wishpoint to help create a customized item. If you are interested in this, please pm me.
  14. Bids still owed: Junior(45gc) Ivorak(3sc) TTL(10sc) *Anonymous*(75sc) Please make your payments ASAP
  15. I agree Grido, but if we have them sent via PMs, it allows us to work closely together, rather than relying completely upon a distant and vague forum.
  16. I currently have 10gc, and also 150 silver in my possession.
  17. I would like this section to be invisible. There really isn't much of a reason beyond the fact that the way we work is not something that needs to be public. I would like to see a different section for: [u]Freelance Jobs[/u]: Unfinished jobs that are still in need of completion I would like to see this section have the list of jobs for us to come in and be "hired" for. Then you send us the list of CTCs, WTC, or what ever needs to be rewarded. We then reply to the specific topic the completion of each job posting with the Logs of when they were completed and to who. [u]Archives[/u]: A history of finished contract jobs All completed jobs are move to this section for easy access. That is all I can think of for now.
  18. I didn't realize that he wasn't already in the pool. But what I said still goes for the other participants. I think this is still fair, your participant was disqualified. There was always a risk of something like this of happening. If they drop out, loose, or get disqualified, bets still count, right?
  19. I did not expect this to happen. In real life, once a bet is placed, it can't be withdrawn after the start of the contest. I will take this stand for this contest. You have made a bet, Shadowseeker has been disqualified, therefore he can't win. You should still pay your bets. I will be in the Sparring Grounds all day, so please pay your bets, disqualification or not.
  20. Sparring Grounds.
  21. Mur's most atrocious crime has yet to come to light... and that crime is... He has stolen the MOON and stopped the rotation of the realm preventing any sort of night! How could someone be so inhumane, and deprive us of darkness and sleep! He purposely has done this so that we become delirious preventing us from seeing his many other crimes!
  22. Updated the list with all the current contestants and bids. Keep them coming! Over 6gc for the Pool!
  23. It's simple. 3 Shades for sale. 2 are Story Mode, 1 is a Sword Shade. I have a C/O of 15g for the SS.
  24. Any left over silver (if any) will be used for future events/quests. I will not use it for my own personal gain. Edit: Or I will use it to reward people for being helpful to others. In any case, it will go to something worthwhile.
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