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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. The reason why I am allowing that buffer time is two part. 1. It allows a complete and fully updated list of all participants. 2. It allows others time to view this list and make appropriate bids.
  2. [quote][2011-05-18 04:29:36 - Stage 10] Boss Heads Contest - Fierce Edition - Signup started Anyone can participate, but this will be a blood bath with only one winner. Rewards updated, check signup page. Contest starts on day 144.[/quote] The Contest Starts on Day 144. All bets must be payed before the end of Day 145.
  3. [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1305776631' post='84624'] Alright. Please word it clearer next time instead of leaving it so vague. [/quote] Will do! Sorry about that again.
  4. Okay, total misunderstanding, this was not for the TKs, but as a fun to celebrate my selection for the TKs... They have absolutely nothing to do with it. O.o
  5. Read the top post again Yes, they can.
  6. Updated once again. If anyone has any word on anyone else that participates, please pm me their names. Thanks! Edit: Two new competitors and updated once again.
  7. Updated Bets.
  8. I would like the list of betters and their bets to be made public, that way there isn't any fear of tampering of the numbers. As for the list of participants, I am relying on the betters to be informed of who is participating. Edit: If the participants would like to pm that they are participating, they will be included on this list.
  9. [u][center][b]Fierce Boss Head Contest Pool![/b][/center][/u] So, starting today, I would like to start taking bets(?) on who will win the First [b]Fierce Boss Head Contest[/b]! This is how it will work. In order to participate in this Pool, you must pay a minimum of 1sc and bet on who will win. The money collected will be put into a giant pool, the money that is gathered is then split amongst the people who chose the winner of the FBHC based on how much of the winning total of the Winning bet they won. So, if I was the only person who bet on Lightsage, and Lightsage won; I would get 100% of the pool. If I bet 1gc, and Chewett bet 1sc on Lightsage, I would get 15/16 of the pool, and chewett would get 1/16 of the pool. PS: I will not be taking any of the money for myself, I am just organizing it for fun! Edit: So, please post your bets in this thread and who you would like to bet on. The participants are allowed to bet as well. Current List of Participants: Eon (46sc) *Shadowseeker* (82sc) Shemhazaj (12sc) *Clock Master* (4sc) Manda (2sc) Lifeline (51sc) Ivorak (2sc) Hedge Munos (2sc) sasha lilias (1sc) *BFH Lightning* (1sc) Ravenstrider (2sc) *dst* (1sc) Current Pot: 206sc All gold bet must be paid within 24 hours of the contest starting. Bids still owed:
  10. This family friendly thing has always confused me. We can't watch imaginary violence, or hear naughty language on tv, yet I clearly recall watching people get brutally murdered on the news a few months ago. Where is the line between reality and fiction? MD is fiction. What ever happens in it does not exist. If I were to command my creatures to kill the other creatures, is that not a double standard? Violence trumps gambling, does it not? MD is not the place to put restrictions on what we think is "healthy" for children. If we get rid of gambling, get rid of the bars, sacrificial altars, the hanging dead children in Necrovion, the references to demons, the jail, etc. The way I see it is if the parents let their children on the Internet they should be responsible for what they see... Not us. We are not responsible for raising children, let alone deciding what they should be exposed to. The Internet is a scary place, but enlightening as well.
  11. This entire topic is wierd and disturbing. I understand it is all in the name of hunour, but do you really think it is necessary? O.o
  12. First off, a few questions: 1. Have you been able to store information in these before? If so, have you recently updated your browser? Or are you using a different browser? 2. I'm not aware of any limitations, but if there are some, they are incredibly high, because I have put some large ammounts of text in mine before, so the question is, are you putting anything besides text in there? Large images perhaps?
  13. Did you happen to put any pictures on items?
  14. How about you give me three and I give you none?
  15. Pashweetie, the Moderators are good at their job for the most part. They are certainly more than capable of figuring out what is, and isn't spam. Even if some have flaws, they are still capable. I agree that opinions matter, but no one wants to read 100 opinions to get to a meaningful post. It's a waste of time, and quite frankly, most people's opinions don't matter. (I'm not saying yours don't) Seigheart
  16. Hmmm, doesn't Peace's avy have nipples/is naked?
  17. Since it's your birthday, I have on piece of advice for you.... Don't piss into the wind! Happy Birthday! Seigheart
  18. A quick suggestion? Clear your cache, and cookies. I only had 3, but after I did that, I had four.
  19. Good bye over powered alts/newbs. Have some faith in the system. Things are about to change, deal with the changes. If you can't stand them, the logout button is always an option.
  20. I would also like to make note that I will be watching vigilantly for cheaters and those who want to abuse this contest. Those caught doing so, shall be reported and dealt with accordingly.
  21. The way I see it, the Sun is our Goal. Each one of us has a Final Goal, and the Sun is a magnificant representation of that. If we were all insects, it is the light to which we must fly, even if there are light bulbs, and fly traps along the way, we must do our best to stay clear and fly towards the Sun, our Final Goal. If anyone has any questions about this, I could write an entire essay about it.
  22. Seigheart
  23. I shall participate as well.
  24. I shall participate as well, I only have Shades. Good luck finding an opponent for me.
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