I have decided to start Mapping out the Locations that give resources.
I am enlisting others help with this, for I wish to complete this as fast as possible.
There will be rewards for those of you who participate.
I am looking for someone to cover the following lands:
Still to be Done:
Lands of the East
The recorded information should follow the format in the picture provided. If you do not have Excel, use Google Docs. [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img]
Note that I am collecting Tags as well. So, Sancts, Dwellings, and the such are being collected at first.
As for the scenes without a name, try to put something that will be easily identifiable. Like Paper Cabin Balcony does not have a scene name...
Each of the people working on each section should have complete access if possible, if not, try to find someone who has access to the secret areas.
The more you do, the more you get paid.