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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/MagicDuel-RPG/139981179346102#!/pages/MagicDuel-RPG/139981179346102?v=wall"]New Facebook Page[/url] Will be kept up to date by a group of active players. If you have any suggestions, please give me or the other admins a pm.
  2. I'm sorry, I must be out of the loop, but what happened to him? O.o
  3. What is good? A subjective evaluation What is your best physical attribute? Strength What is your best non-physical attribute? Determination What do you value most? Life What is 2 + 2? Two values being added together. What do you know? I know that I am alive, and sentient.
  4. Does anyone else think that banning this is rather... mundane? This rule can't be enforced, except on the forum where people can't advertise it... It's basically another for-show rule. It won't/can't be actively enforced or watched over, because no-one can prove that it's being done unless they were involved.
  5. I do NOT want Shop Creatures, except the Soulweavers and Reindrachs.
  6. [quote name='Mr Mystery' timestamp='1295036543' post='77440'] Ill start with 3 GC for each of the rusty. [/quote] This isn't an Auction. I will not accept that offer.
  7. I would say a gold for each of the Jokers, and the BP. The Angien 20 silver.
  8. Rusty Age 253 Claw 1 Rusty Age 168 GG Drach Age 412 Claw 1, Purpur Moon, Fire Drop, Black Diamonds, Sunshine, Dark Shield, Blood Drop II, Emerald Glare, Kelletha Fire Sword Shade Age 21 All are for sale. Items, Rare Creatures, Gold/Silver, and Credits will be accepted. EDIT: If you are going to offer creatures, please post age, tokens and how many times it has been traded as well. Thank you. EDIT 2: NO PMs, please.
  9. I'll join.
  10. Okay, Lets add Painting as one of the many skills Mur knows.... Is there anything you DON'T know how to do Mur? O.o EDIT: If I were to see that for sale in an art exhibit, I would pay anywhere from 500$ to $1K.
  11. Could we simply have a cap on the max ammount of stats for MP3, and 4? Once they reach that cap, they can no longer gain any stats. And not a cap on any single, but a collective of stat points. So if their stats equal 250, they can no longer gain exp.
  12. Technically, they must be hand drawn, but I am sure if you can't tell the difference, it will be accepted.
  13. 6gc
  14. I really appreciate the Sword Shade! How did you know?! *Grins*
  15. has started Cheweeting! :)

  16. Why would it need to be changed? Was something wrong with it?
  17. It seems to me that this is a regularly occurring thing for those in jail. I think this is the fifth case in the last 2 months that someone has been left in jail past their sentence. Those with the ability to unban are purposely ignoring those that have been jailed. The first case, yah they missed him, second? Bad luck? Third? Somethings wrong here. Fourth? Fifth? It's obviously someone not doing their job. Since when can those with this administrative spell neglect to use it? Yes, they were punished for real crimes. But their sentence is not up to them to decide, but the councils and Murs alone. Perhaps we need an automated unjailing feature put in place. A countdown timer perhaps?
  18. [quote name='Amoran Kalamanira Kol' timestamp='1292477390' post='75561'] The chest looks a bit, ah.. how to put this, too large [/quote] That's a bad thing?!
  19. There is a button that below the creation fields that says "Or Login to existing account." ...
  20. [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=2518"]My link[/url]
  21. [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=2517"]My link[/url]
  22. [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=2516' "]My link[/url]
  23. [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=2515' "]My link[/url]
  24. [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1292386722' post='75470'] Alright, then let me ask you this: Why the hell did you bother becoming a rebel in the first place? You obviously became one because of personal reason, as justified by you saying: Other than having a few "only minor issues with his role as King." Perhaps thinking before you act would make you better than a blind man, no? [/quote] You obviously do not know the difference between Personal and Professional. Here; let me explain. I have absolutely no complaints against Jester on a personal level. I like how he conducts himself as a person. He's original, and doesn't care what others think. Something I value highly. In his role as King, if find that he has become inactive, and that is my complaint. Does it truely matter? Nope. But I would like to clip this in the butt before it goes any further. A King, in my opinion, needs to be the mortar that holds the castle together. How can the Castle be a fortification if there isn't mortar most of the time? I am not talking about being a babysitter and doing everything for us, but more like that favourite Uncle to which we go to if we do not want to go to our parents. And on another note, Curiouse. Knock it off with the damn rudeness. I have done nothing to be rude to you. I would appreciate you show the same curtesy I have shown you. Just because a person is blind does not make them a lesser person to despise being. A disability is not something you should look down on someone for.
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