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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. I think that is what he means, Shadow. No need to be a [removed]. There are several options if you wish to purchase one, Rumi. Pm me for more details.
  2. I think that if the item was made using the Item Crafters interface, they should NOT be returned to a central dispatch location. WP's are hard won(or so I am led to believe), and traded for these unique items. I would not want to come back to MD to find out that some noob is using the Elemental Amulet that I am associated with to breathe fire. It just doesn't seem right. If they are common items(Gems, Land Items(Like the Accursed Branch or MB Tablecloth), or Resources) do what you will with them. Those items are not special, nor are they something that someone should care about.
  3. The MD "Spirit" is to use what ever means you can imagine to gain the upper hand on others. Only those who are willing to risk getting in trouble by pushing rules or boundaries get rewarded.
  4. 2g for the Enter Oak Tower
  5. I think this may be a precursor to other age related bonuses.
  6. Yes, I don't see why we need a tool to collect herbs. It's not like Water, Memory Stones, Wood, or Heat right? Where ACTUAL tools are needed. Sure you can use a pair of shears and get more herbs faster, but at the same time, you can just pluck them from the plant. Identifying the herbs is what will require skill, and knowledge.
  7. Sorry, Pip. I forgot to answer that. If all information in MD were to be made publically available, it wouldn't be MD. I am not going to make this public for one simple fact, I made this for myself and myself only. If I choose to let others read it, or use it, it will be my choice. If you want it, and I don't mind giving it to you, then it will be yours. But as far as making it public, I won't do it simply because of the fact that everyone else hoards their information even worse than Items.
  8. After conducting some interesting research into the Land Logo, I have come to the following conclusions: The "MT" symbol is the resulting morphing of the old pharmacology sign meaning [i]blend/mix[/i]. (Suiting for this symbol to appear after Mur's introduction of the Cauldron.) The differentiation( 5 spheres at the end of each straight line, and the additional line resulting in the T) from the "MT" symbol could stand for the completion of the mixture. (I am probably stretching here...) Mur has been looking for the correct mixture of Lands, and with the addition of the Tribunal, that might mean the completion of the Blend. The two "dragons" along the sides of the sphere are simply the incorporation of Mur's self professed "favourite" symbol... the MagicDuel symbol. It can be seen here: [center][IMG]http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/3236/birdblank.jpg[/IMG][/center] The incorporation of the two "dragons" seems to coincide with the symbol of the Pilot. If MagicDuel were a Plane. Mur would be the Pilot. And everyone else would be the "passengers" or the "co-pilots" or a mixture of both. An interesting concept. [center][IMG]http://harmon1.org/gifs/wings.gif[/IMG][/center] The most interesting part of this symbol is probably the tiny little sphere at the top of the symbol, between the two "dragons". It is interesting because of what is in it, and where it is placed. It appears to be a figure 8. A figure 8 can mean anything from eternity. For those of you who want to read something rather entertaining, please read this. It is about the number 8. I thought it was insightful into the personality of Mur. [url="http://www.spiritual-numerology.com/numerology-number-meaning/numerology-meaning-of-number-8.html"]Number 8[/url] I have many more theories about the meaning of each section but each is just as far fetched as these... LOL I hope you enjoyed reading.
  9. The Treasure Keepers role in the realm is to relieve the stress of remembering, and spending time handing out rewards to everyone that Mur wishes to. As such, it is our responsibility to find out which events/quests Mur sponsors. At the same time, if a Quest or Event has been sponsored by Mur, but not made public, we STILL need to know. While it is possible that we can just ask everyone who runs a quest, or event if Mur is involved, it would be much easier to ask that you inform one of the Treasure Keepers via the treasury@magicduel.com email. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to rewarding each and every one of you. [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif[/img]
  10. My idea for the Portable Desk and writing documents. (I want this item to be a desk, that can write documents( marriage certificates, building contracts, trade agreements... the possibilities are endless) (I don't know how to make a Spoiler thing.... sorry.) [spoiler]<?php //adapted to md world $instr['title'] = "Portable Desk"; //the description will be the only thing to describe the needed steps to the ones that try to help you prepare the recipe //be sure you include all steps in it but tell it so that they wont be identical words with the steps defined below $instr['description'] = " First off, you must start the process with picking up a Quill. Dip the quill into a Pot of Ink. Make sure the quill has enough ink for at least one application. Apply the tip of the ink to the Parchment. Perform complex hand maneuvers until the words you wish to apply to the parchment appear in the correct order. Be careful not to smudge the ink while you let it air dry."; //what words you want to use to start the preparing the recipe $instr['startline'] = array( "Lets write a paper ".$instr['title'] => $instr['title'], "Write a document ".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'], "Lets design a blueprint ".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'], ); "Write a poem ".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'], ); //what words you want to use to stop the process $instr['endline'] = array( "Stop writing" => 'end_failed', "Let us stop this " => 'end_failed', "Thank you for helping me ".$instr['title']."" => 'end_success', "Nevermind, I don’t want this anymore." => 'end_frustration', "OMG STOP!" => 'end_crazy', ); //what are the texts for different steps or events $instr['step_replies'] = array( "start" => 'starts applying the quill to the paper’, "stop" => 'throws the quill in frustration‘, "current" => 'currently prepares to make '.$instr['title'], "device" => 'writing with the'.$item['name'], "end_success" => ‘admires his handiwork', "end_frustration" => 'moans and puts his equipment away', "end_failed" => 'stops writing the unfinished document', "end_crazy" => 'screams and snaps his quill in half!', "ingredients" => 'to make this document, you need: %s ', "ingredients_status" => 'We are currently preparing %s. We still need: %s. (Already provided: %s)', "steps_status" => 'We are currently done with these steps: %s. We still need perform these steps: %s. ', "1" => 'prepares the Portable Desk.', "2" => 'takes out his quill.', "3" => 'takes out his ink.', "4" => 'places the Knator Hide on the desk.', "5" => 'waits to scribe the information.', "6" => 'listens intently.', "7" => 'pauses and jots down the rest of the words.', "8" => 'allows the document to air dry.', "9" => 'folds and places a seal on the document.', "10" => 'hands the document to you.', "random" => ‘pauses, looks up, and asks .”Once more, please?”’, "random numbers" => 'picks a random number: '.rand(1,99), "description" => $item['name'].': '.$item['description'], "provide_Gold_Coin" => "%s places a Gold_Coin on the desk", "provide_KnatorHide”=> “%s provides the materials to write on”. "provide_MedusaHead”=> “%s provides the Ink to write with”. “provide_deadMajesticWinderwild”=> “%s hands over a bunch of Feather Quills”, "provide_undefined_item" => "%s tries to offer something but its not perfectly clear what (%s)", "provide_otherway_item" => "%s tries to offer something the wrong way (%s)", "provide_existing_item" => "%s tries to offer something (%s) that is already provided", ); //what phrases will it recognize and what step will it run (from above values) //the more variations the better, think what people could say //always use first person, not "RP" blue text third person line please $instr['step_lines'] = array( "What is the current recipe?" => 'current', "What's cooking there?" => 'current', "What are you playing with?" => 'device', "Describe the ".$item['name'] => 'description', //step 1 "Open the desk" => '1', "Unfold the desk" => '1', "Use your desk" => '1', "Set your desk up" => '1', //step 2 "Take out your quill" => '2', "Grab your Feather Quill" => '2', "Grab that feather" => '2', //step 3 "Reach into the desk and grab your Bottle of Ink" => '3', "Don’t forget to grab the Ink" => '3', "You have forgotten to grab the Ink" => '3', //step 4 "Use the Knator Hide to write on" => '4', "Unfold the Knator Hide" => '4', "You will be using Knator Hide to write on" => '4', //step 5 "This is what I want you to write" => '5', "Listen carefully to my instructions now" => '5', //step 6 "Now write this" => '6', "Scratch that, and write this" => '6', "Hmm, I don’t like this, try this" => '6', //step 7 "And this will be the last of it" => '7', "Now, this is the most important part" => '7', "This last part is incredibly important" => '7', //step 8 "Let it dry" => '8', "Excellent, now it should air dry=> '8', "Don’t fold it yet, it needs to dry" => '8', //step 9 "Can you put this seal on it for me?" => '9', "Use a wax seal please => '9', "Use my personal insignia for the Seal" => '9', "Don’t forget to tie and seal it" => '9', //step 10 "Can I look at it? Excellent" => '10', "Give it to me, please" => '10', "I would like to look at it" => '10', "You have done well" => '10', ); //NOT IN USE YET $instr['step_actions'] = array( "1" => 'start='.$instr['title'], "2" => '', "3" => '', "4" => '', "5" => '', "6" => '', "7" => '', "8" => 'wait=900', "9" => '', "10" => '', "11" => '', ); //what lines should be used by participants to offer their resources for the preparation //each line also has the target resources it will work on //for example you could pour water, but install mechanisms $instr['provide_ingredients'] = array( "/I will provide the (.*)/is" => ‘Dead Knator, Dead Majestic Winderwild, Gold Coin, Medusa Head', "/I will bring the (.*)/is" => ' Dead Knator, Dead Majestic Winderwild, Gold Coin, Medusa Head', "/i will donate the (.*)/is" => ' Dead Knator, Dead Majestic Winderwild, Gold Coin, Medusa Head', "/Here are some (.*)/is" => ' Dead Knator, Dead Majestic Winderwild, Gold Coin, Medusa Head', "/Here is some (.*)/is" => ‘Dead Knator, Dead Majestic Winderwild, Gold Coin, Medusa Head', "/Here is a (.*)/is" => ‘Dead Knator, Dead Majestic Winderwild, Gold Coin, Medusa Head', ); //what ingredients does this recipe require //feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new //as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device $instr['ingredients'] = " Knator Hide=1; Majestic Winderwild Feathers=3; Gold Coin=1; Medusa Head=2; Dead Knator=1; "; ?> [/spoiler] [b]MUR: Try it but consider also what it will produce, i don't understand what yet[/b]
  11. Yes. We are done, but I am away for a few days so it will take son time to dish out rewards. As for the hidden locations, I am certainly interested but I won't pay much if that's what you want.
  12. Golemus?
  13. Oh well, there ya go.
  14. The only thing I see that would be exploitable here would be the fact that someone could create an Army (Liberty *coughs*) of MP3s to alter the Viscosity, but if the MP3s couldn't be affected by the viscosity, it stands to reason that they shouldnt be able to alter it either.
  15. I have been talking with one of the younger players about the viscosity of certain newbie areas. Places like the Underground have a high newbie traffic. But VERY low traffic in general. Reason being a certain game quest. This player showed a concern that it would take hours to get through the underground because of the incredibly high locaton AP. So, I was thinking, why not make the AP viscosity MP4+ only? MP3s don't need to suffer something as silly as AP Restrictions that others have to. It is the learning stage, and waiting an hour to go one scene is a bit much, right? ~Seigheart
  16. Current Stones: Still buying Stones/Spells I do not have Acousticremains stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attacklock stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attacklock stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Freezecreatures stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Givevital stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Givevital stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guardianarmy stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hearthepoor stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helpthepoor stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Locate stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirrorritual stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Movelock stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nomulti stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Otherarmy stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Papercabin ston -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weaken stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weather Frosty stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weather Heavyclouds ston -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weather Heavyrain stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weather Mildrain stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weather Mildrain stone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weather Storm stone
  17. We will discuss this when it is finished.
  18. The rewards will be ample enough. As for handing me information I already have? I don't get it. I have listed the information of who is doing what. If someone comes along and gathers all the information already, and hands it to me without asking me if they can do it first, well, that sucks. As for this being made public or not, that depends. If you want a copy of the information, you are more than welcome to ask. I have no intentions on selling this. This information is purely educational for me, and an opportunity for players to make some coin, or WPs. Edit: Thank you MoM for taking over the Tribunals. I appreciate it.
  19. You have forgotten the TreasureKeepers: Curiose Apophys Seigheart
  20. The more help, the better.
  21. Only three other places need to be mapped... The Underground, Lands of the East, and GG.
  22. And now we will have to wait for this instead of it being thrown at us! LOL
  23. Hedge, come to Paper Cabin Balcony. Anyone else that is interested, come there too.
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