Use your skill to identify all the MD scenes in the mixed portraits and win this contest!
Your task is to point and identify in the picture, by name or coordinate, all parts of the MD scenes you can discover.
Submit your participation to me using forum PM, please note: Only your first submission will be accepted.
The Winner participation will be the one that finds more scenes on the image, fastest submission time will used in case of draw.
As rewards we will have: ( not much.. i know but the council will also support the 3 first places.. :-D )
1. A Aged and Heated Angien
2. Imperial Aramor + Joker
3. Imperial Aramor
( i may need a bit to recruit the imps because of the honor.. )
Submission limit for the quest will be April 24 23:59 Server Time.
As usual, no alts, no cheating, no laziness.. etc.. Have fun!
[EDIT]: Submission limit extended