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Everything posted by Rumi

  1. Rumi


    I'll give you 3 gold for your soulweaver.
  2. You will find [b]G[/b]azebo [b]o[/b]f [b]E[/b]quilibrium ([b]GoE[/b]) squarely (or roundly) in the center of the realm (and your map). EDIT: I hope this is not a spoiler.
  3. you're probably right... buying soulweaver for 3 gc.
  4. Bump
  5. [quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1308788364' post='86598'] Rumi 1. Dedicated to the Garden project that hopes to change the location Northwest of the Gazebo of Equilibrium into a fully functional hybrid garden. [/quote] [quote name='dst' timestamp='1308926191' post='86688'] Rumi:all I know about this character is just some spam topics on the forum...Sorry but so far all I could see is just...words. I don't like words. I like facts. So, no. Not this year. Maybe next year if he manages to actually DO something. [/quote] Thank you Awiiya for considering me among the ranks of these well-known and dedicated players. It is an honor and I hope to live up to it. dst is correct that there is little to back this nomination. I presented my project publicly only as recently as the anniversary party and there is a lot of research and design work still to be done before anything will be accomplished. I have only within the past week made my character backstory public and I have only within the past month acquired garden role tools and items. Allow me to develop myself and my project further and perhaps you will honor me again in this way when I have earned it. There is no further need to discuss my name in this topic.
  6. All of my earliest memories are of life on the mountain. I remember quite vividly the garden in the meadow, the wild goats, the sea, my mother. My mother came up to the mountain from the forest a long time ago. I never really asked her why she came, and she never talked about it. We lived simply. All of our needs were met with cultivation in the garden and foraging the wild around us. Our isolation was a great blessing and perhaps a great difficulty. I spent my time observing and examining the living world around me. The flows and patterns of nature defined my experience. I appreciated the living world with all my heart and longed for community with all my soul. Apart from my mother, my strongest relationships were forged with my allies, the mountain goats. I was not so different from the mountain goats. I was a solitary figure ambling across the mountainside. I didn't seek anything in particular and I was always happy to find some bit of fun or something tasty to eat. From time to time, I would simply follow a mountain goat, allowing myself to be led in any direction. This often resulted in my approaching the boundaries of our safe haven. We were pretty well hidden on the mountainside, in our little meadow among the rocks. I was free to wander as I pleased. I learned the boundaries of the safe haven from my mother before my earliest memories. I often wondered what lay beyond the safe haven and my curiosity was always quenched by some new discovery of nature within my small world. As the outside world expanded outward into the unfamiliar unknown, my world expanded inward equally into a familiar unknown. My mother often told me stories of the forest and I longed to know it. We often sat, the two of us, on large stones at the cliff's edge, overlooking the sea and listening to the waves crashing below. I knew that her forest was across the sea on the far land, visible in the distance. As we sat together observing the sea, I would sometimes notice soft tears streaming silently down her face. Something had drawn my mother to live on the mountain, and raise me in solitude. She was loving and very kind, a stable rock, unmoving in the wind. She disappeared one night when I was a boy and I experienced a most intense fear, crying myself to sleep. When I spoke with her in the morning, she deflected my questions and managed to set my mind at ease. When I had the same experience as a teenager, I was not so easily deterred. She would still not tell me anything specific. I learned that she had a lover. I felt intense conflicting emotions and slowly began to consider my isolation more and more. One summer, as I neared adulthood, in the year after the drought, my mother seemed to lose her baseline. The parts of the garden she tended became overgrown and I often found her out on the stone at the cliffside, crying. She talked frequently about the forest and I could tell she longed to leave the mountain. Something happened and she was just a shell of the woman I had always known. Her turmoil threw my own life into turmoil as well. I found myself following the mountain goats to the ridge at the boundary of the safe haven regularly and I often considered pursuing them over the top. One day, I did just that. Over the top of the ridge, it was not long before I ran into trouble. I don't really remember what happened on that day. I seem to have purged the memories from my mind. I remember crossing the ridge and walking a short distance through some thick trees before finding myself bursting out of the thicket, right in the middle of a road. I turned to find a tall man staring right into my eyes. I fell backward, startled, and hit my head on a rock at the edge of the road. I have no memory of any other events from that time. My earliest memory since that day is waking from a deep sleep on the floor of the Paper Cabin. I do not know the fate of my mother.
  7. I want to buy any of the creatures listed in the topic description (Aramor, Tree, Water Being, Loreroot Archer, Elemental, Bird, Knator) with a full set of tokens. Post here or send a PM if you have one and name your asking price. If there is anyone who provides a token service and can take an untokened creature all the way to fully tokened, please post or PM with your price and I will commission the tokening of a creature. I would prefer a water being, tree, LR archer, or aramor.
  8. Bump
  9. Rumi


    Sharpie 6sc
  10. Rusty 4gc
  11. Sale complete. Please close thread. Thank you.
  12. Buying a soulweaver. Make offers.
  13. I have decided not to sell the anniversary aramor. The situation with the angiens has caused me to re-evaluate my relationship with my creatures. I worked hard to earn the aramor, and I've decided it is more valuable to me personally than the heap of gold offered. For those who are interested in market rates, the top offers were as follows: Rusty + Sharpshooter (no tokens) - valued at 5.5 gc Dream Mutation + Santa + Bloodpact + Bloodpact (most lightly tokened) - valued at 6.5 gc I intend to keep the aramor for the long term. I will consider direct trade offers for items. The sharpshooter will also not be available for sale at the moment. The Bloodpact archer remains available for sale.
  14. I support the position taken by Seekers of Enlightenment and queen of Marind Bell. Seekers of Enlightenment originally established the connection with the Angiens and their choice to withdraw that connection would logically result in the Angiens consciously or unconsciously reevaluating their relationship with the entire realm. Should the Necrovions or any other group choose to reconsider the relationships they have forged with their lands, they have that prerogative. The Seekers of Enlightenment have chosen to act and they have the reason, the right, and the power to choose to alter the relationship they developed. This is not about the rich and the poor, the new and the old, or the markets or dueling. Those things will correct themselves (with a little help from above as necessary) and find their balance, just as they always have. It's about Angiens and the relationship we have come to develop with them across the realm. Perhaps we would do well to examine all of our relationships and see if there are ways we might be viewed as abusive.
  15. Bump
  16. [quote name='Mighty Pirate' timestamp='1307711466' post='86029'] [s]11 gc from GG[/s] Sorry, I withdraw my bid. I just want it to stay within GG - there is no need for a GG internal bid contest. [/quote] [quote name='Juni0r' timestamp='1307708891' post='86027'] [s]Fine 11gcs[/s] On second thought I sold this item to you, so it would just be counter productive so rejoice GG you can have it. [/quote] Just an example... No surprise there is confusion as to who is currently the top bidder for the GG glaive. I've been somewhat involved in the central market for the past few weeks (with little success buying or selling anything, I might add ) and I notice pretty frequently people are withdrawing their offers on threads where the creatures or items are sold in an auction format. Anyone who has ever been to a real auction knows that you cannot withdraw your bid after making it. When you make a bid, you commit on the spot to making a purchase. The only way you're off the hook is if someone else bids higher. From time to time, people bid prices up and then withdraw their offers when they're the top slot. To me, this says that bidder was never interested in making the purchase in the first place. I'd like to see WTS threads elaborated as one of two types of sales, an auction sale or an offer sale. In an auction sale, when you make a bid, you are committed to the purchase and the seller is committed to the sale, so long as there is not an unmet reserve. There should be very few if any edited posts in an auction besides the initial sale post. If a person makes a bid on multiple creatures, expecting to win one of them, they need to have the gold to back up their bids. Auctions would go for a certain length of time, and could have the possibility of an early sale at the sellers discretion (similar to ebay's 'buy it now' or 'make offer'). Highest bids would be added to the initial post. In an offer sale, the seller lists what is for sale and can list a desired sale price if they so choose. People can make offers and withdraw them as they so choose. There is no commitment to purchase until the final deal is struck and the trade has begun. A seller can choose to list the best offers on the initial post, and sell to the highest offer, or can choose not to sell at all. Advantages to seller: Auction - ensures a sale, requires little time and energy other than listing bid updates, buyers can't back out Offer - gives more opportunity for negotiation, option not to sell Advantages to buyer: Auction - opportunity for bargain purchase Offer - option to back out, easier to negotiate non-cash payments I know this would make a simple working system more complicated, but it would also give the seller an option to remove all the back and forth bidding and withdrawing. Basically, the offer sale would be the status quo and the auction sale would be a new market form that seller could use at their discretion. Open to comments. Note of admission: I have myself withdrawn a winning offer from a sale. I'm not pointing any fingers, just suggesting a way to improve the system.
  17. Rusty 2 - 4gc
  18. You are always welcome to pick what inspires you most. If you've seen the design map, you know the different guilds can be found in various design elements. Some of the important ones that need some thought are the pond ecology and the forest garden orchard. There are several other areas which also need some guild design, if you want to pick one and go with it. I will be updating the plant list section with the different elements, so we can focus on the individual elements and their required plants, rather than considering the entire garden at once. I haven't been particularly active with design since the maps were finished. At the moment, I have been spending a lot of time evaluating my creatures and dueling. I will be getting back to the garden soon.
  19. I have a confirmed private bid for a rusty+sharpshooter. Any offer I consider will have to come higher than that.
  20. Not gonna sell for that price.
  21. Only crits on your list I have any interest in are sharp and imps. How many GC would you offer in addition to those 3?
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