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Everything posted by ChildOfTheSoul

  1. 51 memory stones, 3 gold. 168 fenths, 2 gold.
  2. That's something I never knew, Kyphis. And I think I have spent more time on the forums lately. lol.
  3. I figured now would be a good time to mention that I would LOVE to see an "unbind all" feature available for purchase.
  4. Yay, zombie thread. In my opinion, MD is an amalgam of role-play and game facilitated interactions. Anyone that thinks differently has probably ended up quitting.
  5. A BP, an Imp, and 5 pimps. All fresh. Pm me if interested.
  6. In your world, would the maze still be a viable access point to Golemus? If so, I don't see what function closing the gates would have besides pushing away those it already pushes away, the relatively young. I don't understand what anyone would have to gain from the gates of golemus being closed once again, either. Do you think that the MD community benefits, overall, from Necro being closed? On another note, does having multiple land loyalties represents a person with less potential as a citizen or alliance member? I suppose this is a common idea.
  7. Hi, I'm currently looking for a darkling. I have 12 gold right now, as well as an assortment of semi-rare creatures. I also get paid in two days, so please pm me or post in this topic if you are interested.
  8. This seems like a really interesting quest. I'm excited to hear about others' experiences and share my own.
  9. Maitreyi Devi, PM me in-game when you see me and we can work out getting you one of those pimps. I'll edit my post to show only five now.
  10. Not many newbies post to the forums to say hello, so hi! Welcome to MD.
  11. Oh, you want the answer? Smash them! Tell me if I just posted a spoiler.
  12. Haha. Precisely, Chewett. I guess mur was right when he said that they'd hold on to their value, because it seems like a lot of them are locked up already.
  13. I agree that we should integrate events with the calendar. It's something you see every time you login for the day, but it usually displays useless information that I don't even click on. Having the MD calendar as sort of a "current events" page would at least make the utility useful. It would also make searching the calendar relevant. The only thing I'd be afraid of is the fact that it might end up looking like MD has two announcements pages...
  14. Yeah, I remember when they melted. I was hoping to get some for cheaper while they remained unmorphed by some. Thanks for the response, Kyphis.
  15. I am, of course, referring to the announcements as well as recent releases of large populations of morphs. [spoiler] [color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2149 - [2011-12-27 18:05:33 - Stage 11][/color] [b]Morph rarity affected[/b] During the Christmas event random ctcs were given out, both very rare but also very common creatures of little value. Confused santa had no clue what it was comming out of his bag (not to mention he was confused). Both too rare and too common creatures were frozen to ice, then turned to fine snow and reconstructed into morphs. If you received something you never saw before or something too common, check your inventary again in the next hour for a snowball. The morphs can't be traded after they morph. MARKET INFO: Morph population will increase due to this with about 50 morphs total. [/spoiler] Can anyone speculate on what morphs will be going for, in light of recent events? Do you think this will cause inflation, or will they still be priced at around 20-30 gold a piece?
  16. I would like to thank Mur, Rendril, and whoever became Confused Santa for all the hard work they put into making this Christmas happen. Christmas with Magicduel had a huge influence in making my holiday enjoyable. Overall, despite the hiccups, I feel that this year was a job well done. Thank you.
  17. That and it doesn't show if your creature can be upgraded... I would like to be able to see that. :3
  18. Alright, so after the festivities and holiday buying, I'm left with a few spare creatures. I don't have to sell them right away, but I thought I'd post them up just in case anyone might be interested. [b]five pimps[/b] - Feel free to bid on them however you'd like. I'm willing to sell all of them for 2 silver each. [s][b]A fresh reindrach egg[/b] - Let's start bidding at ten gold's worth of credits or coins. (credits have a conversion rate of $5 = 1 gold IMO)[/s] sold [b]Fresh sharpie[/b] - I'll sell it at 1 gold immediately, but let's start the bidding at 5 silver. S[b]oulweaver with 150 age [/b]- I probably won't sell it since it is of use to me. If someone wants to bid 4 gold though, they can have it. Edit: Bidding will end on the turn of the new year, so sometime during January first or 24 hours after the last bid.
  19. Hey, I know who you are. heh...
  20. Completely off topic: Pastamancers for the win, Zleiphneir. Edit: Just to make it on-topic... I'm trying to man the stations on that website that amoran and falronn keep posting links on. Apparently you need to have at least one friend djing to be able to listen to your own music.
  21. Yeah, I still need to submit mine. It would be great if you told me how much exact time it is until contest submissions are closed.
  22. Alright, so I probably won't place, but it's worth posting my results for this contest. Before, during the bhc: [spoiler] [img]http://i1188.photobucket.com/albums/z406/lucid_flash/Before.gif[/img] [/spoiler] And after, screenshot taken today: [spoiler] [img]http://i1188.photobucket.com/albums/z406/lucid_flash/After.gif[/img] [/spoiler] Overall resource gain was: +11 mineral water +26 lumber +4 Wiiya +2 flowers Woah, I'm so good at this resource gathering stuff.
  23. I think we should get it back, it wouldn't be that hard. I thought it really contributed to the "feel" of MDP when I was a newer player.
  24. Before I bid... which offer do you prefer, LW? Grido's? edit: Bid any higher
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