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Everything posted by ChildOfTheSoul

  1. Yup.I'm currently 42 on the list and it shows zero coins. I have in my posession 11 silver, one gold, and a note.
  2. I recreated Fyrd's experiment just now. I sacrificed creatures until I was at zero and then waited until the timer passed a couple of intervals. It still requires you to refresh your new AP total before posting to the mood panel, so yes... it is still the case.
  3. Other Army stone: 4 silver.
  4. Edit: ah, I just saw that. Sorry.
  5. [spoiler] http://i1188.photobucket.com/albums/z406/lucid_flash/ScreenHunter_01Jan050018.gif [/spoiler] Tell me, do you see it? I might just be color blind. I cleared my cache, cookies, and complete browsing history, closed firefox, ended all firefox processes and tried again. It still came up like that.
  6. They're annoying on the creature page and PLs still. :/ I name all of my creatures with the prefix "Child's".
  7. I haven't used firefox that long, I use chrome for everything else... so correct me if I'm wrong. I think I used to see a balance line on my "progress for the day" page, but I don't see it anymore. Can anyone else confirm? Has this been mentioned before?
  8. *Scans over the pages of Grido posts* O.O

    1. Brulant


      Solution: Go to resolved bugs section then click "mark this forum as read." That should eliminate a large majority of it >>

    2. ChildOfTheSoul


      Yeah, that helped. Thanks Bru.

    3. Grido


      Don't worry, I'm onto 2011 bugs now, approx 120 topics.

  9. Ha. I remember doing a system restore without backing my MD stuff up. >.< It hurts. I suggest backing up your logs on google docs. At least then it will be in "the cloud".
  10. Miq, if a ton of coins in your inventory and the control of the sunny bedroom key is bothersome, you could always give the responsibility to someone else. Otherwise, I don't see the problem with waiting a little while longer to see what Mur/council/tks decide.
  11. No lr archers give me stats either. I have a level three lr archer with 156k heat and 51 wins and a sharpie with 681k heat and 151 wins which both only offer luminii at the press.
  12. People name their creatures based on people they admire or where they get their creatures from all the time. >> Anyhow, seeing as the defend mechanic is only meant to strengthen the defense of a creature, this seems like a genuine combat bug.
  13. Maybe if we get more shop resets. :/
  14. Yeah, just be a little more careful about what you post on the forums. Almost everything you have asked could have been answered through simple chat in-game.
  15. Well, as long as she's your alt I don't see the problem.
  16. Considering MD's game population, I don't think a "regional" meet-up would be possible, unless you mean just splitting the U.S. in half or something. In regards to the overall idea, I guess it would depend on the number of people willing to participate. If there aren't enough people motivated, it will probably just fall through again.
  17. lol, agreed. I think you'll get more responses from your alliance if you move the topic to a more private sub-forum.
  18. So... the ceremony already happened, right?
  19. 4 gold: fenths. 3 gold, 10 silver: memory stones (to reiterate).
  20. Honestly, I prefer The Wind and Rain pub to the alternative. The first name fits so nicely, and Fire and Ice seems like an odd name for a pub. Just my opinion....
  21. <3
  22. 51 memory stones, 3 gold 10 silver.
  23. I think it's around 6-9, but expect people to want 9 for them.
  24. Yeah, I just thought that an unbind all option would be great because I tend to go overboard when setting defenses and it takes me like 20 minutes to unbind them all.
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