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Everything posted by ChildOfTheSoul

  1. I'll start the bidding: Fresh Rein, Fresh rusty, 35 credits.
  2. I was wondering if there was anyone that would be interested in selling a tainted angien. In exchange, I can pay credits and/or creatures. At the moment, I've pretty much exhausted my coin supply. Some creatures that I would be willing to trade in combination for a Tainted are: A fresh nutcracker, santa, rusty, and rein. I also have an aged soulweaver and a sharpie.
  3. Just an idea: Maybe when there's a change of leadership, give the previous leadership a time-frame to clear out their private forum as they see fit before allowing the new leadership to take over that respective private forum?
  4. I've done a 2 shop resets OUT of season and it hasn't affected my ability to purchase seasonal creatures this year.
  5. Sounds reasonable.
  6. I have ten more christmas cards that I can send if anyone's interested.

  7. That clears up a lot of confusion I had. Is there nothing you can do about it?
  8. Aren't even completely depleted resources able to regenerate? If so, I don't really see the problem....
  9. When you develop a strange suspicion of asterisks. >.<
  10. I wasn't saying we shouldn't give him the chance, I mainly meant if he wanted to bid seven he could have it.
  11. 6 silver total for the two daimons.
  12. 6 silver is pretty high, I doubt Jolla will bid 7.
  13. 6 silver.
  14. hehe. 3 silver.
  15. Tombolas are pretty much on the blacklist now, aren't they? So that means the only way to get a morph is for other special events or quests?
  16. Good work. I hear a lot of new Mp3s saying, "I know what a silver is, Zleiphneir gave me one."
  17. 3 silver total for the three pimps.
  18. I'll put myself up for auction. I tend to buy another slave and have that slave do my duties because I'm too lazy. I'm not very great at much either, but I have clickie access if someone wanted to expand their quests in a specific area, and I'm a good training buddy.
  19. I'll send you one anyhow, Krioni.
  20. When you wake up and you check the forum instead of warming up your car, so it dies three times on the way to school. >>
  21. When you think about your future and you picture yourself with filled out papers and a second morph.
  22. I'm participating as well. Send me your information and I'll send you mine. Katt, I already have your address, so I'll forum pm you.
  23. Bid retracted.
  24. Oh, I now realize that I know hardly anything about how many wishpoints the average veteran has obtained. O.O
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