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Everything posted by ChildOfTheSoul

  1. I agree that a sanctuary spell would be preferable to having so many sanctuary locations, however I feel that if the spell is too publicly available that it would be abused. I believe that it should be a spell for important people such as mur or those with dedicated public roles, similar to spells such as acoustic remains, or even items like the mouth sewing kit. Putting it in the wish shop or making it an achievable "reward" would, like most things, be open to misuse and might cause more harm than good. Conversely, creating a spell that makes attacking in a sanctuary location allowed temporarily would simply become a headache. All things considered, Mur just needs to keep himself in check with the number of locations he makes no attack zones, and we should be fine. The game changes around so much that it's not like it's set in stone anyway. If things get bad enough, and enough people complain, annoying or cumbersome game elements get revised or repealed.
  2. I sold it and forgot to close the topic, sorry. Will a mod please close this?
  3. I sure do love to system restore my computers -_-

  4. I have only been a citizen of Marind Bell for a short time, but during that time and even before I have appreciated your presence and your leadership. At least you won't be leaving out of anger and unhappiness.
  5. I would like to find an artist to draw two avatars in exchange for a reasonable payment. I would like a custom avatar for my main; ChildOfTheSoul, and my alt; ChildOfTheHeart. In exchange for this service, I have a variety of rare creatures, the ability to pay in credits, and some coins. If anyone is willing to draw for me, please pm me via the forum to set up payment arrangements and specifics on this service.
  6. Anyone interested? I have some remains I never trained with around 25 age each. I have 20 that I want to get rid of at 1 silver per three. I'm willing to negotiate if that's too steep.
  7. I must have missed this: why is eon going to be online at that time and what's keeping him/her from logging out? Some agreement with Mur or the public or something?
  8. [img]http://i1188.photobucket.com/albums/z406/lucid_flash/scenethemechallengefinalsubmission.jpg[/img] The shades are having a party at the House of Liquid Dust. A couple of the images are stock drawn photos available for free at a website, one's mine, and the rest are from no man's land.
  9. Comment here if MD crashes when you open messages in chrome! :D It made me switch to firefox. -_-

    1. Ledah


      Yup. When I'm not banned that is. It's the plugin.

    2. death ray

      death ray

      Google chrome works fine if not better for me.

    3. ZenTao


      Error: TypeError
      Err description: undefined
      Err number: undefined
      Err message: Object #<HTMLEmbedElement> has no method 'SetVariable'

      Ajax response:

      erolin.SetVariable("heat","0"); //debug sound
      //var sounds = document.getElementById('sounds');

      parent.textArray = new Array;


  10. If my grasan was Von Ungern Sternberg's I would keep it at that level forever.
  11. *Bid Retracted
  12. I have a dream mutation joker that I'll never use. I will accept 2 gold minimum. Due to time constraints, this auction will take place between now and Friday. If no one has placed a bid by that time, the auction may be extended.
  13. I have 2 with around twenty tokens each. I doubt your offer would be high enough though. I don't really have an asking price, so shoot.
  14. Teleport to papercabin stone, 40 branches, attack lock stone, locate stone, movelock stone, heat stone: 2 gold.
  15. ChildOfTheSoul, requesting forum access in the right topic this time.
  16. you just can't use special characters, including spaces or words with 3 letters or less. You'd have to search for a character you know posted in a specific thread regarding your topic, like Pipstickz said. Or you could search for the keywords white or lake.
  17. On skilldamage: I wish everyone would just come out of hiding and train like they used to. If people learn how to cooperate, Eon's skilldamage is not as incrediblypowerful as everyone says it is. Generally, Eon isn't this monster that decides he's going to crush the dreams of children. Since Eon has receivedskilldamage, I have probably lost 4 points on all of my skills, except for luck. In that time, I have more than gained that back from simply not hiding and training with the partners available. Currently, I believe that there will not be anything done about Eon's skilldamage and we'll all have to learn to live with it and adapt. Let's just all learn to collaborate and find a new way to train, rather than through selfish means or trying to make entire changes to MD's combat system. On skill increases for defending: As nadrolski said, a static or even variable increase to skills for defending in fights would cause even more problems. I believe people would have more players to train on, but in exchange the entire fighting system would become skewed and cause further imbalance. More people would want to idle than stay and farm(which training would essentially be reduced to), and there would be fields of players asleep just so that they could gain skills from idling. If we want a true solution to the problem of finding training partners, I believe that we should utilize viscosity. Lone Wolf came up with the idea of an exploring/training group and it never caught on, which disappoints me. Edit: Spacing
  18. thanks. I'll let it take care of itself then.
  19. Thanks, I'll go through paypal. Just to be clear: I SHOULD get the medal removed, correct?
  20. Hello. I've just received notification through paypal that my automatic payments have been suspended. That is probably because I forgot to put enough money in my account to cover the payment. The fact that the automatic charges have stopped is fine, and I would actually like to keep it that way. There is one thing that I have to take care of though. I still have my server supporter medal. Should I e-mail contact@magicduel.com to get it taken care of and to ensure that the payments remain permanently suspended?
  21. It went something like 4 days without a post... and I already bid 3 silver per. Anyways, update on my bid, grasan 1, 3, 4, 5: 1 gold(15 silver).
  22. I'm sorry, I partially posted in the wrong topic. Yeah, that makes a lot more sense, thanks. Maybe I'll take a whack at it.
  23. Maybe he wants us to warp MD scenes with a photo editor? Have evil looking winderwilds flying out of the drachorn cave like bats? I honestly have no idea.... I'm glad other people are confused as well.
  24. @Falsh: Do you mean summarized by Burns, or did Grido actually say that? O.O
  25. Alright, and then we're back to not feeling sorry for you. If you deserved it, learn from your mistakes and play like most everyone else. It's not THAT huge of a stat loss.
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