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Everything posted by ChildOfTheSoul

  1. I also believe that this is something that you two need to handle. I understand your request for the public to give their opinion, but I null my vote nonetheless...
  2. It happens. You'll get it back, MoM. ^^ The next time you get cursed, you can always log off, or if that's impossible... run away to a sanctuary. Edit: However, some of those stats are extremely difficult to raise, such as your regen and briskness. I feel really sorry for you.
  3. Until you accidentally dress for the wrong day of spirit week. Then you stick out like a sore thumb. I've done that many.. many times.
  4. Edit: I've been informed that it was another player involved in the activity, and I just shared a similar situation with Phantom Orchid. My activity was not what lead to her demotion or labeled under the term exploit.
  5. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't read the "surplus phone credit" comment a couple of posts back. Sorry, I guess you're out of luck if none of the current phone options work. Oh well, save up some money and then pay. and if it's your money, there's no moral or ethical obligation to tell your parents per se....
  6. MoM, Western Union seems difficult at first, but if you just try it you'll find that it's quite easy and pretty interesting. People will give you funny looks and think you're cool for sending a random sum of money to Romania. Are there any places that sell gift cards where you're from? I know there are several online video game cards that cover a wide spread and PBC works with. There's one called the ultimate gaming card that wal-mart and gas stations sell. Like I said, I don't know where you're from, but those are two options that are more or less global.
  7. I might play Diablo III when it comes out.
  8. I love this idea so much. Being able to color code various battle logs might get a little complicated if customization is enabled, but I believe even a preset would significantly aid in deciphering what exactly happened in a battle.
  9. Yeah, kamisha. I'm not exactly sure where you got that figure from, but a gold is typically 15 silver. I'm offering three silver each. if you want me to break the gold for that amount, I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem.
  10. How about the week that I got lost in the maze and no one ever teleported me out or gave me directions? That doesn't usually happen. Edit: The second one stinks Fyrd, but I still don't think I quite grasp creatureboost.
  11. All five: 1 gold.
  12. Dst is the cuddliest. I mean... just so... cuddly in every way.
  13. yup. happens to me all the time. oh well, at least I'm still getting wins on my creatures.
  14. Reins, Windys, GGs, and rusties I believe all require MP6 for final advancement. The gg and the reins are what I need to upgrade.
  15. Darn. I'm polluting the mood panel with my words.

    1. Maebius


      Pollution? or infusion of a simply different Mood? :)

  16. Yeah, I wouldn't want to use my drachs if they were going to be frozen. I forgot that I even made this topic and found it on my own. Thanks for your comments though, I'll just have to live with not having upgraded creatures. At least for now.
  17. I have several creatures that need me to advance in MP to upgrade. Unfortunately, that advancement in MP is to MP6 and there are already enough people trying to obtain protector status as it is. I was wondering if the Wandering Adepts Association or the Hiring adepts union, or whatever it's called is still active or alive. If so, will someone direct me to their topic? I can't seem to find it. If not, I suppose I'm out of luck.
  18. I was trying to be political, Pothos. and yes, there are some difference between Seig's and RL 21. The concept remains pretty much the same, however. I agree with you in that just because someone wins silver from the dealer doesn't mean that the games aren't angled in the dealer's favor.
  19. I'm not badmouthing seig. If it seems like I am, I will happily remove my comment. I was just teasing and I have terrible luck. 21 was really fun and I'm aware that he doesn't cheat people. Sorry if I said something to the contrary that came off as serious.
  20. I found everything I was looking for. Please close this topic.
  21. I have 266. I'd like to apply.
  22. I am SO tempted to negative rep you. You have to be brave to lose as much money as I did. I also don't know where I'm going to come up with that fifth silver for neno.... and by "Hit or Miss is most likely to return your silver" he means Hit or Miss is most likely to return one out of two of the silver that you spent to play the game. lol.
  23. You asked me to post here for my opinion, so here I am. I like the idea of a casino in Wind's Sanctuary. When playing for the hour and a half or so that we did, I mostly played blackjack. The other two games; Hit or Miss and Let's Get Lucky seemed to be games with low odds but high pay offs. I don't know how often a person would win them, but they seem pretty balanced in that they would generate easy revenue for the house and occasionally give someone a handful of silver. I never liked games like that so I played 21 because it had an element of strategy rather than random guessing. I enjoyed it when I was winning, and I still enjoyed it at the end, at which point I was in the negative. I'll probably play again and it seems like a fun (mini)game to play on occasion if you continue to make these games publicly available in the future. While I realize that these games are angled towards winning the house money, it doesn't bother me that they exist or that they may end up taking an MD resident's life savings in coin. In the future, I'll probably play the money free version, because Seigheart has magic hands.
  24. Hi. I'm looking to buy aged common creatures, mainly birds, elementals, and popes for coins. I also have two fresh marksmen for sale along with a BP. The buyout for the marksmen are 1 gold each, but feel free to bid lower and 10 silver for the fresh BP.
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