You asked me to post here for my opinion, so here I am. I like the idea of a casino in Wind's Sanctuary. When playing for the hour and a half or so that we did, I mostly played blackjack. The other two games; Hit or Miss and Let's Get Lucky seemed to be games with low odds but high pay offs.
I don't know how often a person would win them, but they seem pretty balanced in that they would generate easy revenue for the house and occasionally give someone a handful of silver. I never liked games like that so I played 21 because it had an element of strategy rather than random guessing.
I enjoyed it when I was winning, and I still enjoyed it at the end, at which point I was in the negative. I'll probably play again and it seems like a fun (mini)game to play on occasion if you continue to make these games publicly available in the future.
While I realize that these games are angled towards winning the house money, it doesn't bother me that they exist or that they may end up taking an MD resident's life savings in coin. In the future, I'll probably play the money free version, because Seigheart has magic hands.