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Everything posted by ChildOfTheSoul

  1. You're welcome. I'll resend it, Change. It isn't showing up in my forum converstions list, sorry. >.<
  2. Well, that BP is yours then. Change, I sent you a forum message containing a ctc. Edit: and I sent you a message as well, Fang Archbane. Also, I'm cleaned out.
  3. What's your Active Days count, Fang?
  4. I doubt you will, but if you postpone your auction a couple of days, I will be able to get some money to bid on this.
  5. You should all(except for Lord Tipu, of course), check your in-game and forum inboxes for ctcs and ITCs. I stll have more to give away, so post here if you want something.
  6. You're welcome. Use it well.
  7. I don't think you're the "new player" I had in mind when I started this topic, Tipu.
  8. Could you potentially add public logs to other players, and papers to your "temporary" self? Would you be able to hold new items? Would it be like having a "fresh" account, or drastically different?
  9. I've been very fortunate in this game with acquiring shiny things ever since I started playing it. Since I started a big sale thread, I thought I would turn my smaller sale thread into a sort of give away, since shop creatures tend to be a nice incentive for new players to keep playing. Just post in this topic or PM me your active days percentage and I'll try to give you one of the following creatures: [s][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Imp[/font][/color][/s] - Given to durex. [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828][s]Shop Joker[/s] (I gave one of these to Justice Fang, the other to Change.)[/color][/font] [s][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Bp[/font][/color][/s] (Given to Fang Archbane) [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][s]Sharpie[/s] (I gave one of these to Lame Knight, the other is reserved for an upcoming quest.)[/font][/color] [s]Angien[/s] (Given to magistra) Assorted spell stones (I gave one to Josh Dragon, the rest are reserved for an upcoming quest.) Look, I'm cleaned out already. Enjoy your creatures, newbies.
  10. Please close. I have a better use for these creatures.
  11. Auction canceled. My reasoning is that due to the amount of time I have and the offers here, there's really no chance of me earning enough money from this auction to bid on what I want before it's too late. Sorry if I've inconvenienced anyone.
  12. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11495-gc-gathering-season-argument-thread/ There you go.
  13. I noticed a lot of discussion/argument about the two shop reset auction going on, so I thought I'd start this topic in the offtopic section of the forums to hopefully remove some clutter in the sale threads. If there ends up being another controversial auction, people can post their thoughts on it in this thread, rather than the new one. Any other thoughts on the "two shop resets" auction can also be posted here, if people feel like it.
  14. I need to sell some creatures to keep up with my stone buying, so I started this thread. Bidding will end a week from today, or 24 hours after the last bid after the deadline. I reserve the right to keep a creature if I feel the final offer is to low. Good luck, and happy bidding. Imp (Buyout - 2 silver) Age: 26 Day Dreamer (Buyout - 10 silver) Age: 67 Stored Heat: 483k Tokens: antifreeze, claw 3, stardust, black diamonds, dark shield Bp (Buyout - 8 silver) Age: 34 Stored Heat: 385k Sharpie (Buyout - 1 gold) Age: 27 I will accept silver/gold and enchanted stones that I do not have as bids. I will also sell each creature immediately for their buyout price.
  15. one gold.
  16. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1327078583' post='101427'] md was supposed to be pokemon game, but mur didnt had money to buy licence, so he made up creats, similarity? players can fight only with creats(pokemons) against each other, and there are 6 creats max per ritual(just like poke fight), so have fun playin what was supposed to be poke duel edit: not to mention that after lifeline did research on md and somehow found connection to pokemons, it didnt took long till he got crown.... conspiracy is very deep in here edit2: one of empty aramors is called abra... ouuu cmon, gettin new proof every minute edit3: just look at similarity between drach and charizard.... [/quote] We must silence him before it's too late. >>
  17. Welcome to MD. I like your name.
  18. I can understand the appeal, seeing as Eon can boost his attack 2 percent forty more times with those resets. I take it the only bids you accept are in gold, seeing as it's "GC gathering season"?
  19. Yes, maam. MD says "Emergency Stop" for me.
  20. Emergency stop?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Magistra


      I even made a bug report.

    3. ChildOfTheSoul


      Quite odd, I must say.

    4. Shemhazaj


      I was Mur... gonna remember it to the end of my life... which I hope didn't end just now... >>

  21. Yeah, I suppose it was mostly to get people to vote in the poll. I also kind of just left it there because I didn't seen anything else I needed/wanted to link in my moodpanel posts. Like I said, I'll just leave it here.
  22. I'm looking to buy any and all enchanted memory stones or enchanting services. I currently have more than 50 memory stones, so I think I'll be buying for a while. PM me in-game or on the forum to negotiate prices. I'm also looking for heat stones and heat solidifying services, if anyone might be interested. Update: I'm now looking mainly for any Chase/Teleport spells as well as protector spells. I have enough silver to buy just a few more, but I also am willing to trade a few semi-rare shop creatures in exchange. Currently I have two sharpies, a BP, an aged angien, and a five tokened joker along those lines. I also possess a few duplicate spell stones that I'm willing to trade for other spell stones. Currently, I can get rid of 2 attack lock stones, 1 mirror ritual stone, 3 papercabin stones, and an other army stone. Once again, PM me if you're interested.
  23. Darth, that seems highly abusable. A person opts into gaining a "death guard" tag, for example, and they're able to give other people tags and grab an extremely powerful item?
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