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  1. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from gonzalocsdf95 in Happy Birthday   
    Super happy birthday, Gonza! 
    Have lots of fun! 
  2. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday   
    Super happy birthday, Gonza! 
    Have lots of fun! 
  3. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Ary Endleg in Voting reminder   
    Turning Free Credits link at the top into red and make it say how many active links are still to be voted on, just like Announcement link when there are new announcements. This could remind people to vote more often and help turn non-voters into voters which would help MD get higher position on voting sites and bring more new people. After all nobody can resist to click red link.
  4. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Azthor in Happy Birthday   
    Happy birthday, Silvertongue! :D
  5. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Eagle Eye in Scrambled Scene Puzzle Hunt (Riddles Team Blue)   
    Scene Scramble Puzzle Hunt
    A simple quest for new players, players are given a scene from one of the Lands to unscramble through sliding tiles around the picture. Try competing for the fastest times!
    To begin the puzzle, go to the Paper Cabin and look for the rope hanging from the roof. Click the hanging rope, and type "Puzzle" into the box.
    Top Winner will get a reward from me
  6. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday   
    Happy birthday, Silvertongue! :D
  7. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Neno Veliki in Neno's item artworks and avatars   
    my newest avatar drawing attempt
  8. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Neno Veliki in Neno's item artworks and avatars   
    its bee a while i posted here..
    heres something thats about to be uploaded to MD avy shop but wanted to give a chance to anybody that would like to have it exclusively. reserving rights are gonna cost u one gold coin. offer ends soon because im eager to let it go! :)
  9. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday Chewett!   
    Happy birthday, you! :)
  10. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Eara Meraia in Libraries and books!   
    this little story about the House of Tainted times, Necrovion library was inspired by my real working place. Many things I describe in there are real experiences, altered and adapted to MD. So all thanks to my beloved library :) Apologies to all those who dislike long posts and to those who are into perfect english grammar. As for the rest - I hope you will have fun with it.
         You turn the key in an old heavy iron door. You hear a squeaking sound when you try to make a turn, so that you start doubting that you can even open it. You push the key a little more and it turns with a click. You make one step behind and push the huge door with your both hands. The door obeys, opens with a loud sound and you do your best to see something in that complete darkness of the room in front of you. Nothing. You feel  heavy dark and dry air coming out of the House of Tainted Times on your cheeks, you can smell a weird odour  of old paper, leather and something else, yet intangible in your nostrils and you decide to come in. Yes, this place is truly a part of Necrovion. You are getting more and more curious and decide to step in, ignoring  your fear.  You light a lantern, take a deep breath and step inside. Suddenly the heavy door swiftly closes behind you with a loud noise. Your lantern light vanishes. “Great”, you think, trying to get used to the darkness instead of being taken away by panic which grows somewhere inside of your soul.
         After a while your eyes get used to the darkness of the place and you make a few steps, bumping into a low table standing just in front of you. Instinctively you start searching for matches on the table and oh, happiness you find a little flashlight! You turn it on immediately and breathe out with relief. You look around and can’t help being impressed by the view. Hundreds and hundreds of book shelves, full of books big and small surround you. You smile; realizing how stupid was that to hope to find candles or matches here. Fire is its place biggest enemy, it’s obvious.
        There are no windows in this place and you wonder how the air stays relatively fresh. You raise your head and see little holes in the  stone ceiling made…yes…deliberately made for ventilation, a creation of some very smart architect, or, maybe, magic? Oh yes, one can easily believe that this place is full of magic. This is strikingly silent, just as it is strikingly dark and yet… you hear voices, like whispers coming from each and every corner. You freak out realizing that fact, but calm down thinking “if they wanted to kill me, they would have done it long time ago”.  Maybe there is some mechanic device that produces all those whispers or maybe you’re just overwhelmed and they are solely produced by your brain. You decide to take a closer look at the books. In the end there’s not much else to see in here…
        First shelves seem to contain books which are relatively new. You wonder – how can it be? This place hasn’t been entered for years it seems! Years…you notice this word doesn’t mean much in the place like this, just as other time relations. Time stopped. You notice that some shelves have been left empty at the end of the row and you smile realizing that it is meant for books that are still to be written. You pick one of the books from the shelf which is closest to you, reading aloud “H.P.Lovecraft…Necronomicon”. The whispers suddenly getting louder and you realize they come out of the book. Instinctively you shut the book. Whispers disappear…you feel relieved. The name of the book’s author doesn’t say much to you, but the name seems fitting. You smile and continue going deeper and deeper, occasionally reading names on the books, not daring to touch them anymore.  Jung, Freud, Nitzsche, Mesmer, Kardec…names names and more names and you wonder who all those people are. You keep on walking deeper and you notice that books appearance changes – they are getting thicker and thicker. Their cover is no more paper but some kind of brownish-grey and sometimes colorless leather. Names of those books are written with ink, with nice handwriting and can barely be seen in the light of your flashlight. You slowly overcome your fear. You stop and pick one of those books. You open it a little bit and take a pick inside. Suddenly the book opens widely and whispers fill your head repeating “Voynich”. You don’t close the book this time but continue looking inside while the pages slowly turn on their own, letting you see beautiful pictures of various plants and symbols, made by some skilled hand. Though you fail to read the text, since the language looks unknown…The book closes and you put it back to the shelf. You are impressed. All those pictures are still wandering around your head and cannot get rid of them…and don’t want to. But you start moving again. You notice that after some time books change into scrolls of paper and leather, looking so ancient that you don’t dare to touch them, since you think they fall apart into dust immediately.  You wonder what is in the end of this long row of books…
        You keep walking and walking and you don’t really know how much time passed already – hours, weeks, years? Suddenly your flashlight starts to flicker. You curse. No, please, not now! But it’s too late. The little lamp gives away the tiny little ray of light and dies.  You stand in a complete darkness. What now? You decide to keep going the same direction following book shelves, hoping that there is some kind of door in the end. Wait book shelves?  You feel around for books hoping to use the shelf as a guide or maybe even take one of those books with you to study it later, but you find nothing. No books, no shelves, only a bare stone wall, darkness and silence. You scream, but the next moment, you realize that screaming is absolutely useless in the place like this. Your echo screams back at you and you continue walking. After some time you suddenly see the ray of light in the end of the tunnel, full of joy and happiness you run to it and with all your strength you push the door, which is surprisingly not closed. It opens widely and you fall out of the tunnel into a soft grass. Blinded by a striking sunlight, overwhelmed by the amount of oxygen streaming into your lungs you faint. The last thing you remember is the sound of a door shutting behind your back.
  11. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Ungod in Libraries and books!   
    This was kept a secret for a long time and I think it is time for it to be revealed. I am talking about the secret library in Winds Sanctuary.
    Many of you probably dont know that in Marind Bell there are a few such libraries or lore collections. Their locations are hidden so well that citizens go through the scene without suspecting anything. I will be talking about the library at the capitol, the one that most citizens of MB have seen and that I had the honor of seeing myself. 
    You know the shop? Well, a secret password told to the shopkeeper will grant you acces to a hidden door. Behind it is the famous library of Marind, which has many interesting items, although not the most powerful. As you walk in, all you see is a huge spiral staircase going up to infinity. The stairs and the hand rails are translucent and you have the feeling you are walking in aether. Climbing a few steps gets you into the first section: books are surrounding you from all sides and are placed so that you can take them with great ease. After finishing with one section, you go up to the next one. I have only gotten through a few and I want to tell you about it.
    The first section is the historical section. It is a huge one, spawning hundreds of books that I would need days *cough* decades to go through. You can read everything about the land since it was formed, the wars being fought, the famous citizens and many other things. Some very interesting things about alliances, seals and symbols can be found there. I was so excited when I found them that I started yawning. I stretched a little and went up one section.
    The next one was the section on fighting and war, that kind of thing. I was really impressed with it. Descriptions of weapons and their use, biographies of famous fighters from all lands, techniques of castle-building and means of defense, it was all there. I have never seen such an extensive collection in my life! But as I was going forward, I started to notice something very strange - all those books about war were slowly being changed by books on love, cheating your husband/wife, seducing married women, ways to convince a lover and so on. The ration began to rise alarmingly in favor of such books and I didnt know what was going on. Then everything made sense when I found a book called ”Love is a battlefield”. I cite from memory right now: ”You dont know what the art of fighting is until you master the art of love. Fitghing is easy, but unsheating your sword and jumping from the 3rd floor because her husband has come home sooner is hard. Fighting you wife when she hears about your escapades is hard. Training a few angiens is easy. But dont despair. Love and do what you want.” I had a revelation reading that - I realized my approach to fighting was wrong all along. In order to become a great figher - for the sake of my land - I had to find myself a hot married woman and seduce her. Then, I would know true power. Sun tzu has laid the principles of war marvellously in his book, but what a young man needs is raw experience to toughen him up. Yes, I had to change my view on what it means to be a strong warrior. Oh, how noble it is to sacrifice yourself for the greater good!
    The next section was a bit...meh. It contained scrapbooks with people while in the land of Marind. It was...well, I found myself in there, picking my nose at MDP. I dont know what kind of people would do something like this (spying on others), but I understand everyone does. And some even have high-tech equipment to do that. Pervs. Anyway, what I realized is that privacy is an important thing. I mean, thats why papparazzis gets beaten, right? CUZ its important. Privacy, I mean. 
    Totally disgusted by the previous section, with a few exceptions (too small to count - women bathing at Willows walk and stuff), I climbed to the next section. In here, the books were just  a few, but each of them was a rara avis (in translation, ”rare as hell”). I found a nice book with jokes and funny episodes with necrovians, also containing caricatures. It was called ”Scary doodles or The Fluffy Evil” - a pretty good title, imo. Another book - fantastic book, really - was the mirror-book. It sound interesting, right? And it is - it has no pages, just the cover. As soon as you open it, you read yourself. I mean, you can see your thoughts in there; but not your thoughts thoughts, but your inner thoughs, your subconscious thoughts. I saw a villa with naked girls doing chores. Lots of brunettes, sensual blondes, redheads and I even spotted a japanese girl slicing pizza. They were all working for me - cleaning and dusting, cooking, doing laundry or ironing my shirts, while I was (I remember this vividly) standing in fron of the window thinking that life has no meaning, that we are just products of circumstances and that our choices are only illusions; that we have no control over anything and life is but a dream. I realized at that moment that I might be a misogynist buddhist of some sort. 
    Going up, I had the pleasure of seeing lots of books on cooking. Cooking fish, that is. I never knew so many fish existed - I always liked pork and chicken and as for fish, I loved whale. Those greenpeace guys always deliver the best whale. But here they were, all kinds of books on cooking fish and I was dumbfounded by this, because I have never seen fish in the realm. No fisherman, no fishing pole, no fish at all. My whole diet since I have been here was made up of candy, cake and beer. I am on the verge of becoming a sweets-addicted alcoholic. At that moment, I realised that MD needs more variety, it needs something different, like...muffins. Or pies. With cheese.Or something.
    My stomach started to growl and I decided I cannot spend more time in the library (although there were still many sections to see!). I rushed down the stairs - thank Princ they were only 213 and went straight to the canteen. I sighted at the sight of the sign which read ”We are out of apple strudel and vodka”. That sign has been there since I remember...
  12. Upvote
    Lania reacted to lashtal in Libraries and books!   
    Necrovion - House of the Tainted Times' Dark Hall
    To be a library, it's dark indeed. 
    In fact, it's so dark one may wonder how is it even possible to read while inside.
    I guess not every book there is meant to be read, some could be mere speculations on things yet to come.
    How to explain otherwise the detailed recipes to intoxicate unreleased creatures?
    But I digress, let's proceed with order.
    In the main hall, the greater part of the shells is occupied by the titanic "Encyclopedia of Necrovion".
    Countless books (thousands? hundreds?), finely decorated, about the future history of Necrovion. 
    Interesting to notice, these books diminish in number, night after night.
    As if, whatever happens that was already foreseen caused the destruction of the correspondent volume…
    Weird? Well, it certainly is. 
    It seems this is no place for memory, but a place for things to forget…
    Many books fall apart as soon as you touch them, others are created the very instant you walk away. 
    Some of them have titles, others do not even have a cover. 
    We have a tiny, but meaningful, child-section, 3 thick notebooks of infant-like drawings.
    One of them has a signature on the last page, maybe it's just me but I think it says MARIND (I can't read well in the dark).
    We also have a nice selection stolen from the seekers of enlightenment! 
    153 books, 153 pages each, all of them blinding-blank. 
    I tried to approach a candle to the paper, but no results. 
    (Now that I think of it, they didn't smell of lemon juice)
    One day I took one away, to expose it to direct sunlight.
    As soon as I walked out, the volume turned to dust.
    Few days after, the same exact volume was back in its place. 
    I don't dare to make assumptions. 
    I'm afraid the whole library could vanish, in case I'm right.
    What can't vanish is the imaginary cookie I AM WINNING RIGHT NOW!!! 
  13. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday   
    Happy birthday, Kiley! :)
  14. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Prince Marvolo in Team Green's Puzzle - Decipher the Drawings   
    Team Green's Puzzle!  Decipher the Drawings  In theme of the Celebrations     On my travels, I found a little box with a couple of strange drawings. There are 10 of them to be exact. Now, I have no idea what they could mean, and I'm asking you all for help.     How this will work: I will give every person doing this quest 1 drawing out of the 10, the goal is to decipher all 10 drawings. Because you will only get 1, you will have to trade your drawings with other people. This can happen by any means you seem fit. (for free, for silver, exchange or whatever)   The first person to decipher all drawings will win (unexpected eh?) and will get the big prize. Second and third place will also get something.     If you want to join this quest, leave your name here in this thread. My quest will start the 20th of September, this will be the day I will hand out the drawings. the first person leaving a comment will get drawing 1, the second commenter drawing 2, etc After drawing 10 is given out, we'll start back at drawing one. (I'll make some copies) This also means everyone knows which drawing you have - so be ready to get bothered. (you can start commenting now already, but you won't get the drawing until the 20th)     With this solution, I can unlock a little box with spell stones! The winners can choose stones out of this box. 1st - 3 stones by choice + a WishPoint! 2nd - 2 stones by choice  3rd - 1 stones by choice   This box includes: [Spoiler] Mirrorritual (2) Weather Snow (2) Otherarmy (2) Weather Frosty (1) Weaken (2) Invisibility (4) Locate (1) Weather Storm (1) Freezecreatures (2) Weather Heavyclouds (2) Noarmor (1) Weather Mildrain (1) Weather Sunny (1) [/spoiler]     *I still have wishpoint from my RPC time, but I have no idea if they are still working, and it is not something I can test really. If anyone knows if they would still work (or not), please let me know. If they still work, 1st place will get a wishpoint, if they don't work anymore, I cannot give a wishpoint -sorry.   A friendly soul offered me a WP to give in case mine don't work, so first place will definately get a WP!     Drawing 1   - Mya Celestia     - Samon ​Drawing 2   - lashtal               - Mythrandir ​Drawing 3   - Intrigue             - Phantasm ​Drawing 4   - Change            - Menhir ​Drawing 5   - Princ Rhaegar  - Valoryn ​Drawing 6   - Rophs              - Eara Meraia ​Drawing 7   - Krioni               - Dark Demon ​Drawing 8   - Assira              - Lazarus ​Drawing 9   - AmberRune     - Haedrin ​Drawing 10 - Asthor              -
  15. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Kaya in Happy Birthday   
    Happy birthday, Samon! 
  16. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday   
    Happy birthday, Samon! 
  17. Upvote
    Lania reacted to lashtal in Cat person or dog person?   
    How come I didn't see this before?
    Cat party here!
    I've had 5 in my life, 4 of them are still alive and kicking! 
    I've had a dog too but... Cats are just magical.
  18. Upvote
    Lania reacted to dst in Cat person or dog person?   
    No no no! It's VERY cool. Cats have personality and moods. Dogs just...listen.
  19. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Eon in Cat person or dog person?   
  20. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Mya Celestia in A New Consul   
    Loreroot has gone through a bit of change recently.  Per our structure, we have lowered the loyalty of the land requirement to 200 by popular vote within the land.  This became necessary when a position opened within the government and only one met the requirement.  Should this person have won the election, the change would still be required to fill the alternate position.
    Loreroot has held an election through its people for a new Consul.  8 people voted with myself as a null vote. (sadly that is approximately how many are active for voting) 
    The results are as follows:
    Krioni 4
    Eagle Eye 2
    Aeoshattr 2
    Thus it shall be declared Krioni has officially won.
    Krioni is now a Loreroot Consul.
  21. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Myth in Quest: Lucidity   
    Good day to everyone!
    I'll start off by saying that this is more of an unpredictible contest than a quest, and here's why...
    - all the booze you can get my hands on, which I will ditribute at the appropriate moment;
    - the chat log, after the event is over.
    - no alts;
    - sponsors can't compete. (thanks DD!)
    - above the Paper Cabin Study Room.
    - september 6th, 21:00 server time (Saturday) - september 8th, 24:00 server time (Monday)
    - players will sign up by replying to this thread; the order in which they will participate is the order in which they sign up;
    - contestants will gather at the designated time and place;
    - when the time comes, each participant receives a drink, a sentence/phrase and 3 chances to utter it as clearly as possible, while drunk, through letter permutations.
    Note: Please include in your reply the ID you will be participating with, along with a time frame in which you are available.
    Player gets a bottle of rum and the sentence: "I can write well, while drunk." Player drinks the rum and begins.
    Try 1: "Ia cn rwite, elwl whed linurk." --- 14 points
    Try 2: "I nac ,twie relwl dhlier uwk.n" --- 11 points
    Try 3: "I can wtirell e,w dnile wruh.k" --- 16 points
    The points are given according to how many of the characters landed in their right spot. Player final score will be the highest of the 3 tries. It's possible that multiple players will get the same score, so I'll ask people with experience in these things to send me some suggestions via PM (in-game or forum, doesn't matter which) concerning prize distribution in such cases.
    I'm aware that booze is meant to randomize letters in chat, even add the occasional "hic" every now and then, and that this might make this quest seem difficult, but it is meant for a bit of fun, nothing serious.
    After everything is over, I'll ask someone for the chat log, enter every try in a excell spread sheet and calculate the score manually.
    Participants will be added under this line via post edit. Signups have ended!
    01. rikstar
    02. Sir Blut
    03. Rophs
    04. John Constantine
    05. Kamisha
    06. lashtal
    07. AmberRune
    08. Intrigue
    09. TheRichMerchant
    10. Gljivoje
    11. WittyLeWat
    12. Samon
    1st place:
    - Angien Egg, age 1900+ from me (Mythrandir);
    - 10 silver from *Dark Demon*;
    2nd place:
    - Pimped Grasan, age 1800+ from me (Mythrandir);
    - 5 silver from *Dark Demon*;
    3rd place:
    - Blood PactHeretic Archer, age 1800+ from me (Mythrandir);
    - 3 silver from *Dark Demon*;
    4th place:
    - 1 pickle + 1 Heat Stone from *Syrian*;
    5th place:
    - 1 pickle + 1 Heat Stone from *Syrian*;
    6th place:
    - 1 pickle + 1 Heat Stone from *Syrian*;
    7th place:
    - 1 pickle from *Syrian*;
    8th place:
    - 1 pickle from *Syrian*;
    Extra (if any):
    - 1 silver coin to every participant from me (Mythrandir);
    Have fun! :)
  22. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Chewett in MD Titles budget   
    It doesnt matter Mur, you just dont get it. This is why Iv argued with you sometimes in the past, you just dont consider other peoples viewpoints when they are so different from yours. You dont think they are "real" or valid.
  23. Upvote
    Lania reacted to dst in Quest: the reasons behind Mur's murder   
    Killer wanted to defy Mur.

    And cause killer wanted Az* to post a loooong painful post with tons of philosophy that I will never ever read nor will ever understand hence I will feel stupid erog killer wanted me to feel stupid.
  24. Upvote
    Lania reacted to gonzalocsdf95 in are saying?   
    for me  ^_^
  25. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Eara Meraia in Transposition in rhythm and sound   
    thank you for those volunteering to participate. BUT this is very important announcement for me personally:
    please do sign up for the quest ONLY if you really want to participate, NOT to reach the number of participants.
    WHY? If you register and be a part of a draw, but NOT submit your entry, this will mess up all results and somebody will get no song!!! So, if you are NOT going to submit anything or if you are going to find ANY song, without giving it a proper thought, please, ABSTAIN from registering. I want this quest to be FUN for everyone in the first row and not a reward hunting.
    I will be happy if we get over 20, but those people should really be interested in the quest, otherwise it makes no sense at all. Thank you for your understanding.
    NOTE: not knowing the person is a part of a challenge. It is clear that you might get somebody who you don't know well. The art of winning this challenge includes gathering of information or even (as an example) secretly approaching a person to get to know more. MD is about communication and information and most of you are very skilled in it.
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