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Ary Endleg

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Posts posted by Ary Endleg

  1. I deem action number thing important because it would help us learn how long battles could last in which scenario and hence be able to predict at what point exactly battle would end in case it wasn't complete annihilation.


    Loss of info on grid thing ofc isn't okay, but if somebody comes with a genius twist for grid that would somehow show us everything, then it's worth considering, otherwise not.


    As for Creature ID, indeed it does help tie specific creature with whats going on, but what I proposed that instead of it you put slot number, creature level and creature type name you actually get even better information because then you don't need to switch back and forth between first and second page and also it would make all of the text on first page completely unnecessary and redundant hence suitable to removal.


    Something.... needs to be done about it. :))

  2. Since nobody else started it....


    Worthy stuff to take a look at:


    This looks interesting, but challenging to implement if all information is to be displayed, hence this idea would require modification if this is decided to be implemented. Currently it's just nice layout idea.  http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11815-matrix-like-fight-logs/


    This one actually is very old topic talking about how logs used to look like before they looked like they do today. This one is significant because in old logs there was displayed the number of actions performed in combat (actionnr:5). I deem it important that this information display be reimplemented. Oh and look there is that "something" variable too! Which needs to be explained.





    First page with flash stuff in combat could use improvements such as removal of "flying text" (it's pointless since on second page you can read it all). I guess this page was meant to be eye candy with all the graphics, so then it should be as such, maybe with just basic information (current ones could get a bit nicer formatting). Maybe even include the sum of percentages that armor boost stats.


    Second page needs formatting improvements to make things easier to read.

    Clearly made distinction of one combat action from another (you should easily be able to see at a glance where one ability starts and where it ends and another creature attack begins, currently it's all clumped together).

    Some abilities aren't worded properly so that should be fixed and how their additional information or variables for internal calculation is displayed.


    Lastly, all combat actions have creature id displayed next to them in brackets which is lets say useful.... but I vote for removal of all "admin" info. Common user doesn't need to see it and it's not really user friendly in first place. Creature Type ID should be replaced with Creature Type Name on first page, it's much more user friendly. Creature ID removed from display completely. Instead of Creature ID on second page in line of each action, there should be in brackets creature type name, creature level and slot number which is all you need to figure out what is happening.


    That would make textual info on first page completely unnecessary (since all that info can be seen from flash element and id would be removed anyhow since it won't be needed) and hence should be removed for nicer looks.

  3. It also applies before tokens.


    No you don't understand how stat gaining formula works. 300 heat is the baseline. Unless you gain 100 VP you can't gain any other stat. 300 heat = 100 vp. VP is stat by itself.


    That bonus amount of VP is gained because of honor bonus.


    Announcement citation. http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/130


    Today that would be impossible but when game started when people didn't had stats nor many creatures with regen stat. It was possible to set for example Water Being lvl2 on def permanently. If this 301 rule wasn't in place it would shield that person's creatures, more over attackers would be unable to gain any heat or stats. Each attacker would gain 16 heat each fight. Without this rule, game would be at standstill at it's birth.


    This current rule is good for mp3s because of above. Just imagine new player wanting to level up and all the people he could attack would have 16 heat worth of def. It also is important for some of higher level stuff, such as combo shields and it should be important for mp4 HC.


    Chew I pull everything from old dusty combat manuals, want to borrow a few?

  4. It applies before slider application. If you set a only bird, no matter the slider it will go random.


    How we want it to apply is a totally different question on the other hand. I think it's good as it is.


    It's in there so people couldn't set some dummy ritual that gives nothing to the attacker stat vise. With this rule system ensures that there is opportunity for at least minimal stat gain if defender's situation allows it (ie defender has living creatures)


    Btw I think this is out of Asthir's mp3 expertise :p

  5. Apparently a certain person got one of his dear personal items "missing".

    We here at Black Market Ltd. are offering you opportunity to acquire this mysterious item.

    Who is the previous owner or what this item is will only be revealed if you have the winning bid.


    The special thing about this item is that previous owner is interested into reacquiring said item. Hence you could potential grab a finder's reward, try to sell it back in order to get some profit or favor. Maybe you could blackmail that person and maybe it's not worth as much as you thought to that previous owner so you wouldn't be able to make a profit. Maybe it would only get you into trouble .... or get you killed. Who knows? Embrace the adventure! Remember that Black Market opens only on rare occasions.


    Basically this is a private type of blind auction, you send offers in PM and can't change it or see offers of other people nor ask what other have bid, best offer wins.

    You can bid anything that can be traded. Deadline to send your bids is 12th of September 23:59.

  6. Yeah not really a bug, it's just how it works. Although I would argue that at least user should be informed somehow if fight was won or lost rather than trying to figure it in haste before page auto refreshes. It simply should get improved a bit, it just isn't nice to see "errors/warnings" jumping up and things disappearing unexpectedly.

  7. Ratings are mostly given on grounds of how well participant did in relation to questmakers expectations. They rate the quality of effort/genius for specific "quest" but you can't compare WP one from one quest to WP won from another quest made by another questmaker.


    For example.

    One WP is won on a super hard quest that had 100 active participants and lasted 2 months.

    Other WP is won on a quest that had 5 participants with task to recite short poem about how fluffy and evil Ary is and put it on youtube and be judged as best.

    In my eyes they can't compare :p second one is obviously worth 10 WPs not just one. :rolleyes:


    Lastly ratings of WP don't mean anything in practice besides some average number on scoreboard that (almost) nobody cares about.

  8. Yes my soundtrack is awesome :p


    No I didn't use external page, I used internal stat page. When you asked me last time for example I gave you the one with royal set and briskness because I don't feel like swapping gear back and forth and redoing math for each post since it's always same and works the same way.


    But yes I did get proper numbers with your medusa 2 pieces.


    Quite simple really if you have 4% from one piece in set and 5% from another piece in set and no more gear is on you then that's total boost of 10% not 10,35%. It gets rounded down.

    If you however have one piece giving boost of 3% and other gives no boost to that stat then total boost is 3%. Yet even in this case set bonus was applied, issue is that 15% of 3% is 0,45% which is 3,45% but since only round numbers are used it's still 3% boost in end which makes it look like set bonus wasn't applied.

  9. Could it be possible / doable to add the ability to directly input the % of influence you want to use in combat, in addition to the slider bar? In other words, could we edit the number directly as well, rather than just by using the slider? (hope I'm explaining this correctly and clearly and that I'm making sense).


    I would rather like that erolin device right under slider is actually working and that heal button at end of fight works too.

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