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Everything posted by lashtal

  1. Yes, already yesterday. When you fixed the 'jump to' clickies, this issue has been fixed as well.
  2. ... it is said that around Helloween, each time you vote for MD to gain free credits, one memory vanishes from your mind and materializes in Mur's hands... He thus collects our memories as they were fenths, feeding on them. With the passing of the time, our minds will look like those of Barren Souls, while he'll keep on increasing his power of master of puppets. I also heard that if these memories contain informations on our familiars or ancestors, their souls will be bound to him forever... And I had an odd feeling today, while recruiting a new creature, as if we already met before... somewhere...
  3. This message appeared today on the top of the scene, seems to everybody: [b]Warning: [/b]Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [b]/home/magicdue/public_html/ifrm/ifrm.navigation.php[/b] on line [b]15[/b] Berserker's Charge [[url="http://magicduel.com/bar/research.php"]Research and Connections[/url]]
  4. [color=#282828] Trick or treat, just be sweet,[/color] [color=#282828] or you'll smell my grasan's feet![/color] [color=#282828] [/color] [color=#282828] Pimp'd edition, pimped stink,[/color] [color=#282828] fill my stomach like a sink! [/color]
  5. [color=#5F4F32][left][left]Incantation to get rid of Eon's SD[/left][/color][/left] [color=#5F4F32][left][left] [/left][/color][/left] You have to be quick! Catch two lizards, blindfold one's eyes and stitch closed the mouth of the other, so that one lizard can see, the other can talk, and thus the information known to the first lizard can be communicated only to the initiate. Run to MDP, steal Maebius's top hat, fill it with toxic plants and place it on your head (branches and leaves should appear from the hat like hair). Then run to the Howling Gates, pick 4 cards from TTL's hand, roll them and put two of them up in your ears, the other two in your nostrils. Thus made up, go find Eon (he will probably find you, but nevermind), insert the two lizards in your mouth and try to speak the following words of might: "could you please avoid attacking me? you're driving me mad!"
  6. MD omelette with Grasan's flavor (appetizer) This energizing appetizer requires lots of different eggs to be prepared but will grant you the admiration of your guests. Required tools: - 2 heat-resistant flat containers; - 1 taller container (a Heat jar would work nicely); - 1 heat stone; - 1 branch; - mineral water; Ingredients (for 4 persons): - 2 Winderwild's egg; - 2 Elementals egg; - 1 GG Drachorn egg (you can either use Rusty's or Rein's eggs, but you need to correct their bitter taste using 2 fenths for each colored egg); - 1 Wind Dragon egg; - 1 Grasan (alive); - Aromatic plants (at will); - Water. Preparation: Shell all Winderwild's and Elemental's eggs into a flat container and scramble them. Add aromatic plants to that slimy moisture (recommended: chive, onions and nutmeg) and leave at rest for 1 regeneration counter. In the meanwhile fill the tall container with water and use the heat stone to bring it to boiling point. Warm the flat container, blending the mixture with a branch until you obtain an omelette-like exquisiteness, then reverse it using the second flat container. Shell the GG Drachorn's and the Windy's eggs and pour them carefully into the boiling water (don't throw away the shells, you'll need them later!). As soon as the Drachorn's and Windy's eggs coagulate and come to surface (see: poached egg's recipes for further details), use pieces of shell to collect the poached eggs and place them artistically on the omelette. As a final touch, ask the Grasan to fart on the resulting omelette. This will add that delicate truffle flavor your guests would surely love. Happy Samhain! lashtal
  7. lashtal too, please
  8. Good luck then! And be careful, don't work too much! ;-P I hope to see you soon.. 93
  9. lashtal

    Visited Scenes

    Nice idea, I would enjoy it.
  10. Have our researches to be submitted in the same location where the clue is supposed to be? If so, what if I think I can submit a research for "Burning Ability" but I can't enter Angien's Shrine? (I know the team isn't formed yet, but I'd like to know this in advance) thank you, lashtal
  11. 10 sc
  12. 5sc
  13. 3_2x-2_1 Fountain of Dark Vibrations
  14. I was the counterpart in Phantom Orchid's trade and I'm sorry to see how much dust this event raised. Since this event is now public, I'd like to give some clarifications, to avoid misunderstandings: About rip-off etc: I don't feel I've been cheated, ripped-off or whatever. Phantom Orchid offered me several goods in change of a creature and I chose what you now call "bug". [b]It's been my choice between several options[/b], so I would not speak of rip-off and I would take my responsibility for that. That "bug" doesn't offer any practical advantage, it's quite useless itself and it has been used only for RPing. I didn't know this could be a bug (I thought it could come from some old archive), and I strongly doubt Phantom Orchid knew it was. lashtal
  15. So nice!!!
  16. 5sc for each Tormented souls age 622
  17. 60 sc for the Rusty
  18. I'm looking for a GG drachorn... I would prefer one with NO tokens. Paying coins, MD credits, whatever. 93
  19. Something very bad happened in my RL. Auction is closed, creatures will be all sold to the highest bidders, but I can't tell when I'll be able to conclude the trades. I'll contact each of you as soon as I can. Please hold on. lashtal
  20. I'm auctioning 4 creatures of mine: [size=4]- Rustgold Drachorn[/size] [size=4]Heat: 135k[/size] [size=4]Age: 50[/size] [size=4]Tokens: goldtear, kellethafire, goldbelt[/size] [size=4]- Shade[/size] [size=4]Heat: 40k[/size] [size=4]Age: 107[/size] [size=4]Tokens: firedrop, jewelshards, onyxfangs, darkshield, claw3[/size] [size=4]- Sharptear[/size] [size=4]Heat: 74k[/size] [size=4]Age: 26[/size] [size=4]Tokens: osirisbelt, blacktear, onyxfangs[/size] [size=4]- Soulweaver[/size] [size=4]Heat: 104k[/size] [size=4]Age: 17[/size] [size=4]Tokens: firedrop[/size] [size=4]This auction will end on Monday Aug 29, 00.00 s.t.[/size] [size=4]If I don't consider the final offers satisfactory I won't proceed with trade(s).[/size] [size=4]Please send offers by posting in thread.[/size] [size=4]I won't be able to upgrade this post before the auction ends (I'm leaving for holiday!).[/size] [size=4]Package deals accepted (I'm currently looking for an un-tokened GG drachorn…).[/size] [size=4]lashtal[/size]
  21. On holiday! I'll be back on Monday!

  22. This morning I checked in my friend list for Indyra and I saw she was online. I used 'jump to Leader location' to meet her and I found myself inside the Drachorn's Lair. We both thought it was not possible to use jump feature to get there, so I'm reporting it as a bug. Also, since I was not able to come out of the Lair normally, I waited for Story Mode to proceed to get out. Greetings, lashtal
  23. 2 sc for the Angien!
  24. Thank you, for the answer and the compensation
  25. This morning I discovered that the avatar I'm currently using was not an original one. [b]ID: [/b]589 [b]Author: [/b]Lord Beta Wolfeyes (see attached image) Below, the url of the original one: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs41/f/2009/029/8/0/Devil_in_a_suit_by_staino.jpg I sent an e-mail to contact@magicduel.com and returned the avatar to the shop. lashtal
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