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Everything posted by lashtal

  1. Shadowseeker picked the BP archer. Can the Treasure Keepers send him the CTC?
  2. ignnus picked the Prot. stones. Shadowseeker? Up to you.
  3. Plix Plox picked the Angien's Egg, Maebius skipped any rewards, time for ignnus to pick!
  4. Tom Pouce picked the Swordshade, Plix Plox is the next one!
  5. Dear sirs dear ladies, Time has come for some clarification and for results to be published. The whole quest was admittedly paradoxical. How to use a sundial in a realm where it's not clear what/where the Sun is? Some of you would remember from the story mode that the Sun is almost motionless, some of you noticed places within the realm which seem to suggest multiple light sources; then we have the Soldiers of the Inner Sun… So, what is this all about? Aleyster Crowley, Mur and other heretics out there seem to suggest to "behold within and not above", for within each of us there's "one star in sight". If we consider a star as the central source of light, life… (once transposed within, even ideas), if we consider it a purpose, a direction we're aimed to, I think we may try to scratch the surface of what's all about. If everybody holds a Sun within, if everybody "casts a Shade"... We could consider Time as something entirely subjective, an expression of our own consciousness. How to measure it, anyway, is a completely different matter, of which I have honestly no idea... Of course, that's why I created this quest! Unluckily I didn't receive that many submissions, but all of them were really interesting thus very difficult to judge. For this reason, they've been rated with the help of two persons, whose names I won't disclose. Thank you very much, you know who you are. So, here are the winners!! 1st place - Tom Pouce (motto: "in MD yur always at yur same lucky time") 2nd place - Plix Plox (motto: "A shade’s shadow and an elemental’s glow are the primary basis for time to be told") 3rd place - Maebius (motto: "There is time enough for all of it, and all of you.") 4th place - ignnus (motto: "An aramor with a sundial is better than a morp with a broomstick.") 5th place - Shadowseeker (motto: "The sundial only works as well as the one who reads it.") And the rewards!! [s]A Swordshade[/s] (picked by Tom Pouce) [s]An Angien's egg[/s] (picked by Plix Plox) [s]A heavily aged Blood Pact Archer (sponsored by TKs)[/s] (picked by Shadowseeker) 2 BMMO enchanted stones (Toadspeak and Attacklock) [s]2 Protector's enchanted stones (Movelock and Freeze)[/s] (picked by ignnus) Based on the place in the graduatory, winners can choose the reward they prefer. Tom Pouce picks first, then Plix Plox, then Maebius and so on. Just state here what you wish or send me a message, I'll keep this topic up to date. Thanks a lot to all who participated!!! Edit: My bad, I forgot to mention a wonderful hand made drawing by Maebius... You're AWESOME!
  6. The time is over, thank you very much to those who participated!! Results will be published SOON!!
  7. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1345253856' post='120367'] Phatom Orchid, Lashtal, Ivorak, and others have all offered to "buy" my leash from Fang. [/quote] Your spies must be drunk! I never tried to buy or purchase your leash, Seigheart. I don't think I've ever mentioned your leash at all.
  8. I hope you'll get better soon.. Good vibrations sent to you!
  9. [left][b][size=4]INTJ[/size][/b][/left] [center]Introvert(89%) [/center] [center][color=#E87913][font=Arial, Helvetica]i[/font][/color][color=#C61F1E][font=Arial, Helvetica]N[/font][/color]tuitive(12%) [/center] [center][color=#E87913][font=Arial, Helvetica]i[/font][/color][color=#C61F1E][font=Arial, Helvetica]N[/font][/color]tuitive [color=#C61F1E][font=Arial, Helvetica]T[/font][/color]hinking(38%) [/center] [center][color=#C61F1E][font=Arial, Helvetica]J[/font][/color]udging(56%)[/center] [left]You have [i]strong[/i] preference of Introversion over Extraversion (89%)[/left] [left]You have [i]slight[/i] preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%)[/left] [left]You have [i]moderate[/i] preference of Thinking over Feeling (38%)[/left] [left]You have [i]moderate[/i] preference of Judging over Perceiving (56%)[/left] [left][color=#835020]... Halfway between Michelle Obama and Arnold Schwarzenegger? Gandalf the Grey! [/color][/left] (edit for bad formatting)
  10. 20 days left and only three submissions received! Come on you beach folks, aren't you tanned enough yet?
  11. I find Dante's work truly AMAZING!! Congratulations!!!
  12. This saddens me... I really hope you will reconsider your choice and show your leaves at least from time to time. Our schedules rarely match, but I appreciated both your words and your... ears.
  13. Back with new pictures! ^.^

    1. Maebius


      ...or it didn't happen! :P

  14. Thank you for your interest!! The deadline is postponed by one month, August the 31st.
  15. I'll be away until July 31st, but the quest goes on! So far I received one interesting submission and a couple of "if I find time will do it". If enough interest is shown I will consider extending the deadline, just let me know. Please keep sending your thoughts either via PM or forum PM. See you folks!
  16. I'll be away until July 31st, but the quest goes on. Please keep sending your thoughts either via PM or forum PM. See you folks!
  17. Away 'till July 31st. See you soon!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BFH


      be well :)

    3. Maebius


      Save journeys and happy returns.

    4. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      Special places - we will revisit when you return.

  18. Ladies and Gentlemen, [color=#282828] [color=#000000]first of all: [/color]there were 2 informations purposefully omitted in the cursed parchments.[/color] [color=#282828] One is good and it's that, after all, Time was on your side.[/color][color=#282828] Since the beginning of the quest, each hour passed grants 1 point to the team. [/color] [color=#282828] But, for the sake of Balance, in the end we calculated how many points you scored for each part (gather resources, be attacked, let the time pass) and compared them. [/color][color=#282828] Given a +/-5 point margin for each part, we took the best value (the Balance) and for each part exceeding its margins, we lowered the difference from the total score.[/color] [color=#282828] After all this mess (indeed the true summer joy for the numerologists here around)...[/color][color=#282828] [b]you should have reached a minimum score of 15 points to be successful in the quest. :-)[/b][/color] [color=#282828] So, the results!!![/color] [b]Team 1 represented by AmberRune:[/b] Score: - Gathered 11 different resources on AmberRune's inventory [b](+11 points)[/b] - AmberRune got attacked 13 times in a single fightlog [b](+13 points)[/b] - Took 8h to end the quest [b](+8 points)[/b] Penalty: - No timeless dust found. [b](0 points)[/b] - Balanced efforts: amidst 11, 13 and 8, Balance is 11. Balance's margins are from 6 to 16: both 8 and 13 are inside. [b](0 points)[/b] [b]TOTAL SCORE: 32 points!!! SUCCESS!!![/b] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Team 2, represented by Maebius:[/b] Score: - Gathered 2 different resources on Maebius' inventory [b](+2 points)[/b] - Maebius got attacked 12 times in a single fightlog [b](+12 points)[/b] - Took 24h to end the quest [b](+24 points)[/b] Penalty: - 1 unit of timeless dust was found in Maebius' inventory [b](-1 point)[/b] - Unbalance in the efforts: amidst 2, 12 and 24, Balance is 12. Balance's margins are from 7 to 17: both 2 and 24 are outside. Hence: penalty of 10 points (12-2) for the resources gathered and another penalty of 12 points (24-12) for the time spent. [b](-22 points)[/b] [b]TOTAL SCORE: 15 points!!! SUCCESS!!![/b] We hope you enjoyed being cursed, we had a lot of fun!
  19. The following parchment has been handed on day 198 to a representative of Team 1 (AmberRune) and Team 2 (Maebius): [i]<<While you read this message, you are already cursed…… You start to feel dizzy, everything around you looks as if crystallizing and you're under the impression that Time ceased to exist…… You will be trapped in this timeless state for all eternity, and even more!!! This thought sickens you to your very depth. The fun part??? There is nothing YOU can do about it…… Don't even consider drinking tea or getting high on "altered perceptions of time", you have team mates for a reason! There are ways to counter the curse, ways others could help you with. Gathering (all kind of) resources, things Time has left its stamp on… This will help you restoring your perception of Time. Others can also try to break your timeless state by brute force. Not every attack will do the trick though. They'll have to fight explicitly to break your timeless state. (the first fight against you must have as fight cause: "everything flows") Other things may help as well, things we don't have time enough to explain… But don't forget, in order to restore one principle you should not alter the others too much….. Balance has strange ways to interact with curses as well... You need to gather 15 "points" in order to restore your perception of time. Each different resource you'll receive after reading this message will grant you 1 point. Multiple amounts from the same resource won't score more; e.g. 1 lumber score 1 point just like 100 lumbers. (oh, and sorry, we just took note of what you have in your inventory ) Each person who attacks you will make you score 1 point as well. Collect a screenshot (a single one, so pick your best one!) of your fightlog as a proof. Only IN battles will score and only after the trigger panel displayed "everything flows" fight cause at least once. As above, multiple attacks from the same opponent won't score more, you need to be attacked by the largest number of people possible. The quest starts now and will last for 24 hours, or whenever you send me a message saying you are done or that you forfeit. There is a catch. Timeless dust not only doesn't help your cause, but worsens its effect. Each timeless dust unit you have in your inventory when reading this message counts as -1 point. Getting rid of it now won't help you though, what's done it's done..... Good luck, and... Take your Time! *evil laughs*>>[/i] Quest provided by team 3. Results will be published [i]soon[/i]...
  20. [b]010110101101110111010101 0000101101[/b]
  21. Here's my attempt to find Tempest Fort's identity transposition. The original name of the place is St. Michael's Sacra, near Turin, it's the eldest among the european sanctuaries dedicated to Archangel Michael. According to the book of Apocalypse, Archangel Michael is the one who leads the angels loyal to God against the great dragon (Satan) and the rebel angels. The picture was taken from afar, the viscosity there is too high!
  22. Bump! [b]7[/b] participants already completed it!
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