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Everything posted by lashtal

  1. Happy birthday Mur! Welcome to Christ's year! :cool:
  2. Happy birthday!!
  3. Not sure it's the right place, but.. I reached 100 in excavation skill but I still get only one bone per shovel use. I was under the impression I could have harvested 2 bones at once, am I wrong? Thank you.
  4. I tried Firefox and Safari. But if it works for you then probably the issue is just mine.. Anybody else?
  5. I don't know if it's just me, but captchas do not load on the following websites: http://www.gamesites100.net http://www.topmmorpglist.net http://www.gamesites200.com http://www.mmorpgtoplist.com I tried reloading, clearing cache, but nothing seems to work. The first 2 sites do not allow you to vote for MD unless you enter the captcha, the last 2 still allow you to pass the gateway and cast your vote.
  6. To me, the best things happened in 2013 were: - the return of Adventure Log (it's good to know what is going on from a broader point of view. And it's good also to detach from the "good old days" myth - my 2% here, but stuff happens right now!), - the Heretic tournament (to me fighting is nice, grinding for stats is boring. Here you had to use your brain more than your muscles and it was great. I hope contexts like this will be held more in the future. Someone said "restriction is the mother of inventions" and I kinda agree, statless is the way to go! :P), - the group tactics experimented with TW (simple as it sounds, being active in an active land/network makes MD a greater experience).
  7. Thank you for the good job you've done, Eara.
  8. Adventuring Award Nimrodel Best Beautification BlackThorn Champion Fighter Clock Master Outstanding Service to MD Chewett Pre-eminent Role Player Kiley Eon Prime Quest darkraptor Rookie of the year Ary Endleg Top Techie darkraptor Edited: I forgot I cannot nominate Kiley
  9. All the rewards have been delivered. Thanks again to all the participants and congratulations to the winners. The fact they were 8 seemed indeed like a cosmic coincidence.. :D I am especially glad Asthir and Shadrala managed to complete it while MP3. I was afraid the high AP requirements would have discouraged all the younger players, but at the same time I really wanted such a quest to take place inside Necrovion. So, thank you for your perseverance! The quest will be active for an indefinite period of time (hopefully permanently), so if you enjoyed the story but you couldn't complete it, you can still proceed. A very special bahut acchā to Nimrodel, for figuring out what was coming out from the resources you collected. Perhaps others realized it as well, but she was the only one who explicitly stated it. [spoiler]What are you looking for? I won't spoil it here! :P[/spoiler] Feedbacks and comments are welcomed and appreciated, either here or privately. Until next adventure!
  10. I divided the rewards into 8 different packs, each of them identified by a number. One of them contains the Reindrach, but who knows which one? The 8 winners have now to pick a number (from 1 to 8, first come first serve) in order to get their prizes. This choice has to be public, hence I ask you to post it in this thread (PM and forum PM can't be considered). The winners: *Nimrodel* - picked n° 4 Valldore Nal - picked n° 8 *MasterB* - picked n° 1 *Sunfire* - picked n° 7 Eara Meraia - picked n° 2 AmberRune - picked n° 6 Asthir - picked n° 5 Shadrala - picked n° 3 The packs: - 1 reindrach - 1 aged grasan and 1 blood pact archer - 5 heat stones - 5 silver coins - 5 silver coins - 5 BMMO bronze gifts and 1 pimped grasan - 5 BMMO bronze gifts and 1 pimped grasan - 5 BMMO bronze gifts and 1 pimped grasan So, pick your number folks! And good luck!
  11. I'll check this with darkraptor tomorrow, thank you Nimrodel.
  12. Allright, november is over, 32 people confronted themselves with this nightmare and 8 managed to end it within one month. I wish to thank all those who participated and to remind you that, although the time is over, you can still try this quest for fun. Here's the list of those who completed it: *Nimrodel* Valldore Nal *MasterB* *Sunfire* Eara Meraia AmberRune Asthir Shadrala Prizes will be assigned and delivered as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience. edit: Shadrala added to the list.
  13. Come on now Maebius, stop hiding! We are not yet done with you. :ph34r:
  14. Happy birthday!!! Get wasted!! :D
  15. Here we are at the first checkpoint. I know there's someone out there who is struggling to end all this... And to be completely honest, I didn't expect anybody to complete this quest within one week. But one person managed it in time! We have one winner! So, ladies and gentlemen: the Rustgold Drachorn goes to Nimrodel, whose dedication truly impressed me. Congratulations! Now anyway, you already know this was just the appetizer... We still have the main course, to be served to those who completed the quest by november the 30th, 23.59 s.t. End your nightmare in time and you'll have chances to get: 1 Reindrach (age: 878, almost 46 mil heat) 10 SC 3 Pimped Grasans (Age 80) 5 Heat stones 15 BMMO Bronze Gifts You don't want Nimrodel to get all this, do you? :P
  16. Menhir kindly sponsored this quest with: 10 SC 3 Pimped Grasans (Age 80) 5 Heat stones 15 BMMO Bronze Gifts These prizes will be awarded (randomly assigned) together with the Reindrach to those who completed the quest by november the 30th, 23.59 s.t. Thank you Menhir!!!
  17. Ladies, Gentlemen... and all those in between. :D This year I thought nice to share with you a recurrent nightmare that used to haunt my sleep. Some may find it disturbing, others may enjoy the thrill, everybody can participate. This quest will bring you deep inside Necrovion and face to face with your subconscious. You will experience the same nightmare I had, its variations and its absurdity. You will be asked to collect strange ingredients... but I can't tell you why... To begin, find the hidden orb at Gazebo of Equilibrium and insert these keywords: halloween quest and then nightmare. Pass-papers, tools and/or resources will be shared with all those participating (with priority to younger players). Important: this quest is not a race. Take your time, sleep on it, make my nightmare yours. :P WINNERS AND REWARDS All those completing the quest will be displayed in a winners list. I will check this list 2 times and award 2 creatures from my collection: 1 week prize: a Rustgold Drachorn, to a random person who completed the quest by november the 6th, 23.59 s.t. 1 month prize: a Reindrach, to a random person who completed the quest by november the 30th, 23.59 s.t. Said prizes do not influence each others, you may even win both!!! And of course, any additional sponsorship is welcomed. Sweet nightmares to you all!! _____ I wish to express my profound gratitude to darkraptor, who patiently coded all the quest, to Dante Lionheart, for his creepy artworks, and to all those who helped me refining the storyline and the grammar (you know who you are).
  18. lashtal AD: 845 Volition: 10.11 No grinding, just sleepwalking. EDIT: 5 months later, Volition: 135. Still not grinding.
  19. Happy birthday!!!
  20. Happy birthday dst!
  21. Same as Fire Starter: creatures are visible, but with weird current/base vitality. Using Safari Version 5.1.10 on a Mac.
  22. <<So, we come to the list of items that raise questions: - requirements (Land Loyalty & Skills) ----> are they required for getting the item or for using it? >> I was under the impression Land loyalty is required to grab the item, not sure if it's related to its use too.
  23. I completely agree with dst here.
  24. Happy birthday Wookie!!
  25. Happy birthday Marvolo!!
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