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Everything posted by lashtal

  1. 2 are correct, 2 points for dst. 3 of them are correct, that makes 3 points, but Azkhael got them faster.
  2. 3 of these are correct, and you managed to best Hiria in precision. If nobody does better, Azkhael wins the quest!
  3. 2 of these are correct. 2 of these are correct, 1 is almost correct. That makes almost 3 points :P This is correct, it's the reason I revealed.
  4. 2 are correct and well worded. 2 points for you.
  5. The quest ends the night between 25 and 26 september, at midnight. And ofc, in case you win, Assira can get the windy.
  6. 2 of them are correct, that makes 2 points.
  7. 3 are correct, hence 3 points for Hiria. Azkhael and Intrigue were the first two to score 3 points, but Hiria was more precise here. If nobody else does better, Hiria wins this quest. 4 days left!
  8. Sorry but no, to review/keep track is part of the quest. It's like mastermind boardgame, just deicide-version :P
  9. 1 to 3 refers to the same reason I revealed. 1 point. There's another correct one, so 2 points overall.
  10. 6 more days to go and we have a tie so far... Can you best 3 correct reasons?
  11. Happy birthday!!!
  12. Necrovion - House of the Tainted Times' Dark Hall To be a library, it's dark indeed. In fact, it's so dark one may wonder how is it even possible to read while inside. I guess not every book there is meant to be read, some could be mere speculations on things yet to come. How to explain otherwise the detailed recipes to intoxicate unreleased creatures? But I digress, let's proceed with order. In the main hall, the greater part of the shells is occupied by the titanic "Encyclopedia of Necrovion". Countless books (thousands? hundreds?), finely decorated, about the future history of Necrovion. Interesting to notice, these books diminish in number, night after night. As if, whatever happens that was already foreseen caused the destruction of the correspondent volume… Weird? Well, it certainly is. It seems this is no place for memory, but a place for things to forget… Many books fall apart as soon as you touch them, others are created the very instant you walk away. Some of them have titles, others do not even have a cover. We have a tiny, but meaningful, child-section, 3 thick notebooks of infant-like drawings. One of them has a signature on the last page, maybe it's just me but I think it says MARIND (I can't read well in the dark). We also have a nice selection stolen from the seekers of enlightenment! 153 books, 153 pages each, all of them blinding-blank. I tried to approach a candle to the paper, but no results. (Now that I think of it, they didn't smell of lemon juice) One day I took one away, to expose it to direct sunlight. As soon as I walked out, the volume turned to dust. Few days after, the same exact volume was back in its place. I don't dare to make assumptions. I'm afraid the whole library could vanish, in case I'm right. What can't vanish is the imaginary cookie I AM WINNING RIGHT NOW!!!
  13. Happy birthday!
  14. Sounds awesome! Any deadline?
  15. Ehm, only 2 are correct... :ph34r:
  16. Sounds fun, I'd like to participate.
  17. Two of them are almost correct, but they refer to a single reason only. So, 1 point only. Ok, time for a hint/clarification. One of the five reasons was the following: 1 - To fulfill the meaning/prophecy associated to my name (from my signature: "[...] we get a value for LAShTAL of 371, which graphically represents the penetration of 7 (desire) into 31 (the negation of God) [...]"). I considered correct/valid all those answers like "it was my destiny", "it was my nature" and so on. One more hint, the other 4 reasons are unrelated to my destiny, my nature, my forum signature and so on... 2 weeks left!
  18. Now, stop getting older!!! :P Happy birthday my friend!
  19. 2 of them are correct, that makes 2 points. I'm tempted to reveal the exact wording of the first reason... Shall I?
  20. BZZZZZZZ!!! You surpassed the limit of 10 reasons / post. This entry is not valid.
  21. I consider n° 1 and 2 a unique reason, not two. Also, there's another one almost correct. 2 points for you.
  22. I would do absolutely nothing about Neg rep. ;)
  23. They can still be bested by an exact phrasing of the reasons! 2 of these are 90% correct, that makes 2 points for you.
  24. 4 of them are very close, but refers to 3 reasons only (one is more like a paraphrases). 3 points for Intrigue!
  25. Same as Hiria, 2 are corrects. @ Eagle Eye: what do you mean by "Lashtal killed Mur because he wanted to be a Sevens at death"?
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