Ehm, I believe the ones who tried to make immense profit were exactly from GG.. But memory may fail me.
Not much. It's not just a matter of being active and / or begging the powers above to make resources equally important.
Bones are bones, they can't be turned to stardust, no matter how much effort one puts into it.
Necrovion has been working on ways to make resources such as bones useful/usable, be it via quests or recipe-like experiments. (and you, Nim, you already noticed a homunculus taking form ;) )
Of course all that takes time, and it might even stay as a discussion, meaning not-implemented.
Does that mean Necros are lazy compared to Golemians? No.
On the other hand, memory stones are meant for everybody, they had a purpose since they were implemented.
However, the tools to gather them have been placed deep inside Golemus (decision which I even find fitting, to be completely honest).
What I dislike is seeing prices to rent such tools, especially when we have people running around with 700 memory stones in their inventory.
But then again, I blame my communist roots.
More than you probably think. The fact other people may talk less doesn't mean they are not doing anything.
For example, I managed to trade for the resources I wanted myself, and without using a single coin.
(people who dealt with lashtal know he doesn't handle coins - leashes auction being the only exception).