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Everything posted by lashtal

  1. rif: Ann. 2784 - [2013-09-14 06:28:50 - Stage 12] Posted By Muratus del Mur Online players list <<A new page is available in the right sidebar to show online characters. A related shop feature to show land of online characters was unlocked....>> I just got this new shop feature and noticed the lands are incorrect. lashtal and Eara are said to be in No Man's Land right now, but they are both in Necrovion's cemetery. Same for you, Chewett. Thank you, lashtal
  2. Happy birthday!!
  3. Thank you. The topic can be closed.
  4. It seems I encountered an issue while at Loreroot's Defensive Quarters. Once I grabbed the common herbs basket, the arrow leading to Oak Tower was correctly displayed. The one leading to Hollow Den is still locked though... I am supposed to get bottles from the cellar instead (?). Suggestions? Thank you, lashtal
  5. I seem to have the same problem as Sir Blut.
  6. Thank you very much, to all of you. :)
  7. Because it's the new game we're asked to play. And you know what? It's even fun! Anyway, I would reconsider things for their real proportions... Maebius has a part in this plot and he hired Eon to kill Tainted Warriors. As much as his character will pay for this - and I assure you, he will - the man behind it is still our friend. Easy folks, take it easy! :))
  8. I like to think you'll be celebrating it with tons of nightshade.. :P I wish you all the best.
  9. Best of luck with everything, I hope things will change for good in all their aspects. Anyway, we'll be waiting for you... You know you can't escape.. ;)
  10. lashtal

    stepping down

    Although I'm sure Change will do a great job, you still have one big responsibility before stepping down... THE pose, Kiley!! It escaped the borders of the realm!!! :))
  11. lashtal, Necrovion
  12. lashtal id: 221376 ad: 760
  13. After 2 years in MD, I am still unsure which one to pick first.. Imagination or Darkness? Imagination because of my need to "create" imaginary bubble worlds. Either as extensions of reality, or as ways to escape from it. Darkness, because those bubbles need protection. Sometimes their existence depends on their secrecy, and once discovered they just go.. 'poof'. Immoral as it may sound, lies multiply the possibilities.. :ph34r:
  14. Happy birthday to you two!!
  15. Just to remind that bone shovels need artwork too. :-)
  16. Happy birthday Shemhazaj!!
  17. I noticed the same behavior as Dark Demon. Everything is considerably faster, except loading the rituals to attack someone. It looks promising by the way.. :) (Italy)
  18. Happy birthday!! Long live the King!!
  19. Saturday is good.. But usually it's very very difficult for me to be available in between 20-24 s.t. (I voted for 15 s.t. as well)
  20. Best wishes for your birthday, Amoran
  21. 1) Name: lashtal 2) Duration: depending on how the Master / Mistress behaves.. I may serve loyally for a lifetime, or strangle my owner in the sleep at the first opportunity. 3) Reason for you being the best slave: I'm not the best slave on the market. Also, don't buy me if you are not sure you can handle me.. :P 4) Percentage you want to donate to TK: 10%. Edited 4) since I realized one can't bid resources, items or other goods.
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