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Everything posted by lashtal

  1. Tanti auguri Alyon!! :-)
  2. I'd like to sponsor this nice quest with a Nutcracker and a skull. (The skull looks human - although smaller than expected - and was recently found inside the Well of Tears.. ) They both should fit into the 15x15x15 cube.
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. "Apple" here. (and Mac user ) Thank you Nim for the quest. I'm pretty sure all this will open for interesting debates. lashtal
  5. [22/03/13 16:41] Seigheart:Stage 3's task was simply to revive the dead. [22/03/13 16:41] Seigheart:There were MANY ways to do so. [22/03/13 16:41] Seigheart:You could have gotten an Elixir from Mur. [22/03/13 16:41] Seigheart:Gotten Molquert to revive [22/03/13 16:42] Seigheart:Asked any number of individuals with the reviving numbers [22/03/13 16:42] Seigheart:Or simply RPed it, and hoped that someone from above saw and revived you. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1364156308' post='134391'] the way you get revived its not part of this event [/quote] I am a bit confused..
  6. Beautiful avatar! Sorry for spamming..
  7. I'm not sure what you mean here.. "Enough" as in types of resources or as in number?
  8. I mostly went for bones and skulls. I find digging as much as entertaining as fishing.. Moreover, you don't have to deal with water and bones are usually less sneaky.
  9. Happy birthday and thanks a lot for "discovering" this realm!
  10. Name: lashtal Age: 615 a.d. Sex: m Association: Tainted Warriors, Death Guards Affiliation: Necrovion Greatest Strength: Dedication Greatest Weakness: Obsession
  11. Maybe this one? http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13571-unique-trade-opportunity/
  12. Lately Eara pointed out there could be 1 Skull resource in "Trail of Agony" too (it's also well visible in the scene). I'd second that. On the contrary, I would NOT propose another skull in "Deathmarrow, Capitol of Necrovion".
  13. I agree with both Chewett's solutions. I think the short term one should be implemented as soon as possible in order to end this edition and to allow BHC and related events to display their potential.
  14. Congratulations!
  15. lashtal
  16. lashtal


    I love chess! I have no consoles, but when I'm particularly lazy I play some free games at Kongregate. I tried Legends of the Void 2, Necronomicon - the book of dead names, Monster's den - The book of dread... As a teenager I was into Dungeons and Dragons and Magic the gathering, but I spent quite some time on Quake and Star Craft too.
  17. [size=4][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]I gave priority to those I would call "suspended" situations: items to be returned to the original owners, unfinished creatures to be implemented and so on. Besides that, I tried to base my votes on these criteria: the wish had to be fitting with the character's [u]present[/u] role, the request had to be "reasonable" and possibly not a duplicate of already existing things.[/background][/size] My votes: 1st) Menhir - Swordshades to be completed/implemented. (10 points) 2nd) Darigan - Return of the Matter Inn Guest Book from BlackThorn's inventory. (9 points) 3rd) Peace - Return of the Scimitar of Destruction from Aysun's inventory. (8 points) 4th) Soothing Sands - Passant the Weak's independent Sand Melter. (7 points) 5th) Rumi - Independent Rainwater harvester tool. (6 points) 6th) Miq - The Sunny Bedroom's key Recaller. (5 points) 7th) Fire Starter - His chawan to be able to heat up cold tea. (4 points) 8th) everyone - No Man's Land citizenship. (3 points) 9th) Jaden Dew - Vial of Hope. (2 points) 10th) AmberRune - Acoustic remains spell. (1 point)
  18. [quote name='Change' timestamp='1358555323' post='130958'] Are we voting for the top ten wishes, or the top ten people? If it's top ten wishes, then if I wanted to grant both of Rumi's wishes, it would take two votes? [/quote] The Council said: Instead of grading ALL wishes, please grade only the top 10 that you want to see granted. Therefore, I suppose it takes 2 votes to grant both of Rumi's wishes.
  19. [size=4][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]I gave priority to those I would call "suspended" situations: items to be returned to the original owners, unfinished creatures to be implemented and so on. Besides that, I tried to base my votes on these criteria: the wish had to be fitting with the character's [u]present[/u] role, the request had to be "reasonable" and possibly not a duplicate of already existing things.[/background][/size] My votes: 1st) Menhir - Swordshades to be completed/implemented. (10 points) 2nd) Darigan - Return of the Matter Inn Guest Book from BlackThorn's inventory. (9 points) 3rd) Peace - Return of the Scimitar of Destruction from Aysun's inventory. (8 points) 4th) Soothing Sands - Passant the Weak's independent Sand Melter. (7 points) 5th) Rumi - Independent Rainwater harvester tool. (6 points) 6th) Miq - The Sunny Bedroom's key Recaller. (5 points) 7th) Fire Starter - His chawan to be able to heat up cold tea. (4 points) 8th) everyone - No Man's Land citizenship. (3 points) 9th) Jaden Dew - Vial of Hope. (2 points) 10th) AmberRune - Acoustic remains spell. (1 point)
  20. Happy birthday my friend!
  21. I find myself in this unusual situation: so far I collected more than 450 bones, but still no skulls at all (ok, few jawbones but no craniums). I doubt I can resist any longer the call I hear from inside the Crypt.. Hence I would ask either one of the following: - A Skull shovel, able to collect skull resource (obvious description: "this tool can be used to collect skulls or dig for them underground"). - Bone shovels to be modified in order for them to collect skulls too. The reason is common sense. If one is able to collect bones, he/she should be able to collect skulls as well. Both bones and skulls provide important informations regarding the corpse's death and I think this could be used to discover more regarding Berserkers and all those beings that ended in the cemetery. lashtal
  22. Here you are. [attachment=4370:Inventory.png]
  23. Not sure if 43 millions of negative Value Points is extreme enough for your tastes... [attachment=4368:VP.png]
  24. May your wishes come true!!
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